CATHOLIC APRIL 8, 2018 SECOND WEEK OF EASTER VOLUME 67:27 DIOCESE OF COLUMBUS A journal of Catholic life in Ohio DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 2 Catholic Times April 8, 2018 Diocesan Missions Office Editor’s reflections by Doug Bean accepts donation for Divine Mercy Propagation of the Faith Our Lord’s love and mercy knows homes today. The diocesan Missions Office -re no bounds. No matter how difficult Millions pray cently received a $75,000 gift for the life becomes, we trust in God to take the Chaplet of Society for the Propagation of the care of every person’s needs. Divine Mercy Faith from the Gillig and Music En- Is it easy to surrender our own wills daily, using dowment Fund. It was presented by and give everything to Christ? Not the beads of Loren Brown, president and CEO of at all. Most of us have trust issues. the rosary. A The Catholic Foundation, and will be Human beings want to be in control. special nine-day novena that started forwarded to the national office for When we are faced with despair over on Good Friday is also popular. And the Propagation of the Faith in New a family problem, a health issue, a yet it seems there’s more work to do York and then to Rome. in spreading the word about Divine support for the Propagation of the struggle with sin, whatever it might The Society for the Propagation be, it is important to remember to call Mercy. Faith and for Columbus Our Lady of the Faith supports the missionary upon the limitless power of the Savior. God’s unbelievable love and mer- of Victory Church, the Ursuline Sis- work of priests, sisters, and brothers cy is seen every day, even when it ters of Toledo, Tiffin Calvert High As Catholic parishes in the Diocese who provide shelter, food, and train- of Columbus and throughout the seems like the world is imploding School, and The Catholic Founda- ing to persons in need throughout the world celebrate Divine Mercy Sun- around us. tion. Each year, a percentage of the world and bring the Good News of day on April 8, let’s give thanks for How awesome to read about Peter money will be available for the orga- Jesus to those who do not know Him. the graces that flow from the sacred Lombardi, a 12-year-old student at nizations through the Foundation. Columbus St. Andrew School with “If to spread the Gospel is import- and merciful heart of Jesus. Gillig, a Tiffin native, served in Down syndrome, having his dream ant to you during your lifetime, you Pope St. Pope John Paul II insti- World War II as a sergeant with the fulfilled during Holy Week to receive can continue it even after you die, tuted Divine Mercy Sunday in 2000 Aviation Engineers in the Pacific a kiss from the pope. He even got to by leaving a portion of your estate to after Sister Faustina Kowalska, a Theater and was awarded a battle star cloistered nun who received visions ride around St. Peter’s Square in the the Society for the Propagation of the for the Okinawa campaign. He was a from Jesus that she recorded in a di- popemobile. Read about the amazing Faith, which supports 1,500 mission member of Knights of Columbus Our ary in the 1930s, was canonized. The experience on Page 3. dioceses in the world,” said diocesan Lady of Victory Council 12900 and devotion was near and dear to John In the March 25 issue of the Times, missions director Leandro M. Tapay. a fourth-degree member of Bishop Paul II’s heart, in part because Our readers were touched to learn about “The donation would be used to help Edward Hermann Assembly 2727. Blessed Lord worked through a fel- a project initiated by Delaware St. meet the basic needs of missionaries He also belonged to the Serra Club low Pole, Sister Faustina. Mary School eighth-grader Olivia and for the education of new priests of Columbus, the St. Vincent DePaul Since then, that devotion has spread Oyster. She and her classmates are in the missions. writing to birth mothers of adopted Society, the American Legion, and the dramatically. In our own diocese, Di- “The cross is a daily reality for Chris- vine Mercy observances on the Sun- children through the BraveLove or- Veterans of Foreign Wars. tians in the poverty of Congo, Haiti, day after Easter have grown from ganization to express gratitude and A planned gift through a will or Bangladesh, Brazil, the Philippines, one church in 1993 to more than 20 support for the decision to choose life. estate plan is the easiest and usually India, Vietnam, Rwanda, and Sudan, parishes this year. Read more about Those are just a few examples of how the most impactful gift a person can to name a few. To these nations, a do- Divine Mercy events in this week’s Our Heavenly Father uses the faith- leave at his or her death. If you would nation to the Society for the Propaga- Catholic Times on Pages 10 and 11. ful for acts of mercy. May an “ocean like to have a conversation on how tion of the Faith means life itself. It The Divine Mercy image with the of graces,” as Jesus promised to St. you can benefit the Catholic causes becomes a living tribute to the donor, inscription “Jesus, I Trust In You” Faustina, flow through greater devo- that you care about through planned a lasting praise to God, and a sign of is displayed prominently in many tion to the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. giving, call Scott Hartman at (614) home for the Lord’s poor.” 443-8893 or email him at shartman@ The endowment fund was estab- catholic-foundation.org. lished in 1991 by George Gillig of Photo: Leandro M. Tapay, director of the April 8 correction - The pictures on Page 19 of the April 1 Catholic Times, showing students and Columbus in the name of his wife of diocesan Missions Office, is presented a men who mean the most in their lives, incorrectly identified the school. The students are from 52 years, Edna Music. Mr. Gillig died check for the Society for the Propagation Columbus St. Andrew School. in November 2017 at age 101. of the Faith by Loren Brown, president The fund provides annual financial and CEO of The Catholic Foundation. Front Page photo: Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, DD, PhD ~ President & Publisher The Divine Mercy CATHOLIC Doug Bean ~ Editor ([email protected]) image is diplsayed Tim Puet ~ Reporter ([email protected]) at a vigil in St. Pe- TIMES Alexandra Keves ~ Graphic Design Manager ter’s Square at the Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved. ([email protected]) Vatican before Di- Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is vine Mercy Sunday published weekly 45 times per year with exception of every other Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 (the Sunday after week in June, July and August and the week following Christmas. Subscriptions (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 Subscription rate: $25 per year, or call and make arrangements Easter) in 2017. with your parish. Postage Paid at Columbus, OH 43218. ([email protected]) Alexey Gotovskiy/ Catholic News Agency Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus, OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. April 8, 2018 Catholic Times 3 Columbus student takes a ride with the pope BY TIM PUET “Peter suffered for a while, but there Reporter, Catholic Times was always grace that came with it, and we always knew God was there. You Twelve-year-old Peter Lombardi, just have to trust him. From the time a Columbus St. Andrew School stu- we learned Peter had Down syndrome, dent, took the ride of a lifetime during we’ve always considered it one of the Holy Week as he and Pope Francis greatest compliments from God that circled St. Peter’s Square together in we’ve been allowed to raise him. the popemobile. “Peter has brought us many blessings, Peter, who has Down syndrome; but it’s God’s story, not ours. We’re just his parents, Brenda and Matt; and his his instruments. God protected Peter three younger brothers were on a pil- through his leukemia, and we hope his grimage to Europe in thanksgiving for story will give others hope in God’s Peter’s recovery from leukemia and power and mercy and the grace he were in the square on Tuesday, March provides to bring joy out of sorrow by 28 for the pope’s weekly general audi- Photo courtesy Brenda Lombardi trusting him,” Lombardi said. ence. It has been a longtime dream of Peter’s to kiss the pope, and with the Peter has a 20-year-old brother at- help of Mountain Butorac, an Amer- Peter was diagnosed with leukemia in SPiCE program’s success. tending the University of Cincinnati ican tour guide based in Rome, the 2015 at about the time the school year Lombardi believes the prayers of her and brothers aged 18 and 16 who are Lombardis were able to obtain front- ended, and was declared to be in remis- family and friends and Peter’s class- students at Columbus St. Charles Pre- row seats for the event. sion from the disease this past June. mates asking the Blessed Virgin and paratory School.
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