: : : : PUBLISHED DJIILY- under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION Activities GEORGE CREEL, Chairman "k "k if COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOVERNMENT 548 VoL. 3 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1919. No. METHOD OF HANDLING MAIL FOR FEDERALTRADECOMMfSSION Airplanes and Engines ABROAD SOLDIERS IN THE ARMY Shipped to Storehouses OFFERS SERVICE TO STOP EXPLAINED BY GEN. PERSHING Since Date of Armistice BROKERAGE IN U. S. BONDS; CARE TAKEN TO FIND ADDRESSES The following statement was ACTION prepared by the Statistics PROPOSES jnCK Cards Re- Location and Condition Branch, General Staff, War cently Placed in Hands of Men Department READY TO TAKE VP The foUov'hig tdblo sJwios Are Now Being Sent Home and BANKING QUESTIONS the number of planes and en- Should Help Situation. gines shApped by the Bureau Letter From Secretary Glass of Aircraft Production to The War Department authorizes pub- is in Statement of depots and storehouses from Quoted lication of the following information the date of the armistice to Plans to Protect Holders The War department i.s in receipt of a Febniary communication from tlie commander in of Government Securities. Liberty 12-service engines 4, 80C chief, American Expeditionary Force, in OX-5 elementary training Warning Against Promo- response to inquiries made in regard to engines 1, 261 ters of Worthless Stocks. the method of handling mail addressed Le Rhone advanced training engines : 994 soldiers in the Army abroad. The fol- to De Havilland 4 observation The Federal Trade Commission an- lowing excei-pts from this communication planes 524 nounced to-day that it will take imme- are self-explanatory riispauo 180 advanced train- diate steps to cooperate with the Treas- ing engines 343 “ When addres.see is not found in the ury Department, the Capital Issues Com- Hispano 150 advanced train- mittee, and banking and ^commercial in- first instance, letters are redirected by ing engines 254 stitutions throughout the country to curb office orderly receiving the post or mail JN6-H advanced training tlie present widespread misrepre.sentation the same, provided they have on record planes 174 in the sale of stocks and securities, roF‘or- a new address. If they have no forward- JN4-D elementary training uized as being at this time ing address on record, letters are sent to planes . 131 menace to holders of Liberty bonds and central post office for comparison with war-savings stamps. record of the central records office. It The commission will accord immediate is estimated that about one-third of total consideration to complaints presented to redirection is done at central post office, it involving alleged fraudulent practices the other two-thirds being performed at WILL PERMIT SALES TO FRENCH in the sale of securities in interstate com- replacement depots, hospitals, and organi- merce. The commission has designated zations post offices. MERCHANTS OF MACHINE TOOLS Commissioner Hu.ston Thompson to super- the entire subject. Sorted Alphabetically. AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS vise “ Mail received at the central post of- Response to Appeals. fice is sorted alphabetically, ami indexed The commission’s action follows ap- to correspond with files of central records The War Industries Board authorizes peals made to it by representatives of the office locator cards. It is then compared publication of the following cable from Treasury, Capital Issues Committee, Fed- cards, redirectetl, dis- with these and Bernard M. Baruch, chairman of the eral Reserve Board, Associated Advertis- patched to latest address shown by these board ing Clubs of the World, and numbers of cards. The capacity of the central post “ banking and commercial interests, that is now 150,- The French Government is willing to office for redirection of mail the powers given the commission under 000 pieces of mail per day, and this ca- allow sales to French merchants of $40,- its organic act to prevent unfair methods pacity is being increased. 000,000 worth of machine tools and all of commerce in interstate commerce be “ No piece of mail is considered deail, agricultural implements if commercial at once employed to protect holders of until least one separate search through at Government war securities from bogus central recoi'ds locator cards have credits for one year can be arranged, the “ get-rich-quick ” schemes under which failed to furnish an address. All post similar Inquiry going forward for large promoters offer to accept Liberty bonds offices and mail orderlies have been care- amounts of raw cotton to-day.’’ in exchange for stocks of doubtful value. fully instructed to proper indoi*se or y It was urged that the commission act back stamp redirected mail before for- on the ground that misrepr'’'«f"utatious in it destination, and, warding to a new ' *•' “ It is not believed that supplementary in- the sale of securities an un- since the armistice, it has been possible formation sent from the United fair metboU . deral to conduct school of instruction for mail States reach courts, it was poinieu out, have held that orderlies, which has resulted in marked would here in time to be of ser- securities are “ articles of commerce.” Improvement in their work. vice. “ Your suggestion relative to command- Secretary of the Treasury Glass, stat- Officers Mail Cased. ing officers ascertaining the names of sol- ing that jn’omoters of worthless stocks “When not in process of redirection, diers failing to receive mail will be adopt- have “already displaced a very large officers’ mail is cased so as to he imme- ed. liOcation and condition cards are amount of Gover.ument bonds by taking diately available for dispatch upon re- now being sent home, and upon their re- them in exciiange- for stock.” declarbd in quest, and equipment will short. y be ceipt should help general conditions by a letter to the commission that “ a menace available to give this service all mail. I^roviding more correctly addressed mail.” exists which may seriously interfero with : : : : ; 1 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN : TIIURSDAfY, FEBRUARY 27, 1919. the placing of the new Governnoent is- sue, if the stock promoters are left with- out any restraint or restriction.” His Annual Rate for Disease in Army letter in part follows Secretary Glass’s letter. As Analyzed by Statistics Bureau Febru.a.ry 21, 1919. the following “ The Treasury Department is pe- The Statistics Branch, General Staff, War Department, issues culiarly interested in the effort to re- statement, dated February 22, 1919: this strict improper stock flotations at HEALTH CONDITIONS IN THE A. E. F. time for the following reasons “ The offering of investments to the The annual rate per thousand for new cases of disease among troops over- public competes with the offering of Gov- seas increased for the week ended February 6 to 845 from 743.6 for the ernment securities, and, as you are preceding week. Special diseases contributing to the increased rate are: aware, the Treasury proposes to Invite the public to subscribe to a very large is- Annual rate Disease. New cases. sue of securities shortly. Stocks and se- per thousand. curities of a legitimate investment char- acter compete with the Government, but Venereal disease 1,304 38.9 not nearlj' so much as higlily speculative Pneumonia. _ 1, 044 31.2 stocks offered with all the allurements Typhoid _ 132 3. 94 customarily held out by irresponsible pei‘- Paratyphoid 20 .59 sons whose principal design is to obtain money from investors without regard to opera- tlie value of the stock sold. The The rate for typhoid is a new high rate for the war, representing 132 new tions of the Government in the past in en- cases during the week. In addition, there were 20 new cases of paratyphoid. deavoring to induce persons of all classes "While the rate for new cases has increased, the absolute number of sick to purchase Government bonds have, to a has steadily declined. The total sick reported on February 6 were: large degree, brought into being a very large and new class of investors who are From disease 59, 325 without experience or knowledge to From injury 19, 744 guide them wisely in making investments. But the very efforts of Uie Government Total 79,069 agents in persuading such persons to be- 59,456 SICK AND INJURED RETURNED SINCE NOVEMBER 15. come investors liave prepared the way for promoters to place many worthless During the week ended February 14, 6,396 sick and injured returned to stocks. this country. Total returns to that date were: From the beginning of the “ The result has been that these pi’o- war, 69,574; since the signing of the armistice, 59,456. very moters have already displaced a HEALTH CONDITIONS IN THE UNITED STATES. large amount of Government bonds by taking them in exchange for stock, and Health conditions in the United States are satisfactory. Venereal diseases to such an extent as to undo the work show a decided increase in new cases. Pneumonia has steadily decreased. which is so essential for the success of The admission rate for this disease for the week ended February 14 was 17, the Government’s financial operations, as compared with 41.6 for January 17, and is nearly one-half the rate for because the Government can not expect the same period last year. successful flotation of its own securities, The situation for new cases and deaths from disease for the past two or the preservation of a proper price weeks reported is as follows: therefor in the financial market, unless the great number of small buyers con- Week ended Feb. 14. Week ended Feb. 7. tinue to hold their bonds. Warning of the Past.
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