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J\ , for 1793, read 179a •Awe J, for c.xcmp read exempt ; MEMOIR OF A AP OF IRELAND; ILLUSTRATING The TOPOGRAPHY of that KINGDOM, AND CONTAINING A SHORT ACCOUNT of its PRESENT STATE, Ctiul anti Ccclcstasttcal WITH A COMPLETE INDEX TO THE MAP. By DANIEL AUGUSTUS BEAUFORT, L.L.D. RECTOR OF NAVAN, IN THE COUNTY OF MEATH, AND VICAR OF COLLON, IN THE COUNTY OF LOUTH. M. R. I. A. Situ ac falubritate coeli atque tempcrie, acceflu cun£tarum gentium facili, littorihus portuofis, aquarum copia, montium articulis, ferorum animalium innocentia, foli fertilitate, pabuli ubertate: quicquid eft: quo carere vita non debeat, nufquam eft prseftantius; fruges, vellera, Una, juvenci. Plin. Hist. Nat. Lib. 37. LONDON: SOLD BY W. FADEN, GEOGRAPHER TO THE KING, CH ARING-CROSS; J. DEBRETT, PICCADILLY, AND JAMES EDWARDS, PALL-MALL. 1792. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/memoirofmapofireOObeau T O THE KING. Sir, 1 HE fplendid acquisitions that have been made to remote Geography, under Your Majesty's immediate auipices and protection, and the liberal and enlightened patronage You have extended to every attempt towards the improvement of this ufeful fcience, embolden me to lay at your Majesty's feet, this humble endeavour to elucidate and amend the Topography of fo refpe&able and important a part of the Britim Empire, as the Kingdom of Ireland. Your DEDICATION. Your Majesty's paternal attention to the interefts of the National Church Hill farther encourages me to hope, that You will deign to receive favorably this first attempt to trace the ecclefiaftical diviiions, and to delineate the diocefan diltricts, of an entire Kingdom. May your Majesty long continue to promote the caufe of religion and virtue, by the due exercife of your authority, and the influence of your Royal Example. I am, Sir, With the highefl refpect, Your Majesty's Moil: dutiful fubjcct and fervant, Daniel Augujlus Beaufort, PATRONISERS and SUBSCRIBERS TO THE MAP. THE KING. His Royal Highnefs the PRINCE OF WALES. His Royal Highnefs the DUKE OF GLOUCESTER. His Excellency the EARL OF WESTMORELAND, LORD LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND. Rt. Hon. Earl of Briflol, Lord Bijhop of Deny, F. R. S. His Grace Richard LordRokeby, Archbifhop Rt. Hon. Lord Vifcount Eelmore of Armagh, Lord Primate of Ireland Rt. Hon. John Beresford, Firji Comniijfiontf Rt. Hon. Earl of Aylefbury, K. T. Lord of the Revenue Chamberlain to the Queen Rt. Hon. Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne Rt. Hon. Lord Vifcount Allen Hon. Rev. Charles Broderick, Treaf. ofCkynt Rt. Hon. Lord Auckland, Ambaffador Extra- Hon. Mr. Juftice Boyd ordinary to the States of Holland, F.R.S, Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. Pre/. R. S. and Henry Alexander, Efq. M. P. M. R.I. A. Rev. Richard Allot, D. D. Precentor 0/ Ar- William Bagot, Efq. magh, and Trea/urer <f Chrijl Church, Rev. John Bailey M. R.I. A. Rev. John Ball William Anderfon, Efq. Frederick Barnard, Efq. F. R. S. Rev. H. Annefley Rev. John Barry, D.D. Dean of Elphin Henry Arabin, Efq. Gaynor Barry, Efq. Rev. Nicholas A(he William Bellingham, Efq. Comtnifjioner of Rev. St. George Alhe the Navy Rev. Gilbert Auflin, M. R. I. A, Rev. Conway Bcnning, LL.D. Rev. Hill Benfon B Richard Benyon, Efq. His Grace the Duke of Bucclcugh, K. T. Robert Bermingham, Efq. Rt. Hon. Marquis of Buckingham, K.. G. Henry Bingham, Efq. A Rev. PATRONISERS AND SUBSCRIBERS Rev. Stewart Blacker, Dean of Leigblin Rt. Hon. Ear! of Courtown, K. St. P. Trea<- and Archdeacon cf Dromore furcr of the King's Hoitfehold Rev. Henry Blacker Rt. Hon. Earl of Charlemount, K. St. Pr Mrs. Blenerhaifet, Bath Pre/. R.I. A. and F. R. S. Mrs. Letitia Blenerhaflet Rt. Rev. Dr. John Hotham, Lord Bifhop Arthur Blenerhaflet, Efq. Bath of Clogher Arthur Blenerhaflet, Efq. Arhela Rt. Rev. Dr. Richard Woodward, Lord Arthur Blenerhaflet, Efq. Tralee Bilhop of Cloyne William Blenerhaflet, Efq. Rt. Rev. Dr. William Bennet, Lord Bilhop Samuel Blount, Efq. of Cork George Bogg, Efq. Rt. Hon. Lord Cloncurry Cornelius Bolton, Efq. HI. R. I. A. Rt. Hon. James Cuffe, M.P. Rev. Richard Bourne, Chancellor of St. Hon. Rev. Hamilton Cuffe Patrick's, Dublin Hon. Rev. Maurice Croibie, D.D. Dean of James Bradifh, Efq. Limerick Mifs Catherine Beaver Browne Jofeph Calcut, Efq. Rev. Jemmet Brown Andrew Caldwell, Efq. M. R. I. A. Dodwell Browne, Efq; Turner Camac, Efq. Rev. Thomas Brownrigg Rev. Drelincourt Campbell Rev. Theobald Brownrigg Rev. Thomas Campbell, LL.D. Chancellor John Brownrigg, Efq. of Clogher Mr. John Brownrigg Oliver Carleton, Efq. Rev. John Broughan Rev. Perer Carleton, Dean of Killaht Rev. John Buck, M. R. I. A. Rev. John Carpendale, D.D. Edward Bulkely, Efq. Rev. Jofeph Caflan Richard Burden, Efq. ' Rev.C. Byrne Caulfield, Archdeacon ofClogher- Thomas Burgh, Efq. M. P. James Caulfield, Efq. Beresford Burfton, Efq. Thomas Caulfield, Efq. Charles William Bury, Efq. M.P. and Mr. John Chambers M. R.I. A. Rev. Arthur Champagne, Dean qfClonmac- Pierce Archer Butler, Efq. tioife Mr. Mathew Charley Rev. Jofeph Clarke Maxwell Clofe, Efq. His Grace Dr. John Moore, Lord Archbifhop Rev. John Connor, D. D. of Canterbury John Cooke, Efq. M. R. I. A. His Grace Dr. Charles Agar, Lord Arch- Auftin Cooper, Efq. bilhop of Camel, and M. R.I. A. John Cooper, Efq. Rt. Hon. Earl of Cardigan Samuel Cooper, Efq. Rt. Hon. Earl of Carlille, K. T. Robert Cornwall, Efq. JU. Hon. Earl of Chatham, K. G. Firft Rev. James Cottingham, D.D. Vicar Gc~ herd of the Admiralty rural of Kilmore Thomas TO THE MAP. Thomas Cowan, Efq; Rev. Dive Downes, D. D. Rev. Marmaduke Cramer, D. D. Chancellor Rev. Clotworthy Downing of Chriji Church William Doyle, LL.D. M. R. I. A. Marmaduke Cramer, Efq- Major John Doyle, Secretary to His Royal Rev. Cecil Crampton Highnefs the Prince of Wales Morgan Crofton , Efq. Rev. James Drought, D. D. Hugh Crofton, Efq, Patrick Duigenan, LL.D. Vicar General of Rev. Henry Crofton Dublin, Sec. Rev. John Cromie Francis Durour, Efq. Edward Crofbie, Efq. Rev. Philip Duval, D. D. Canon of JVindfory Mr. John Crofthwaite, M. R. I. A. F. R. S. Rev. Dawfon Crowe, D. D. Rev. William Crowe E Right Rev. Dr. Charles Dodgfon, Lord Biihop ofElphin, F.R.S. Richard Eaton, Efq. His Grace Dr. Robert Fowler, Lord Arch- Mrs. Echlin bifhop of Dublin Rich. L.Edgeworth, Efq. F.R.S. M.R.I.A- His Grace the Duke of Devonfhire, K. G. Robert Ellis, Efq. Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Percy, Lord Biihop of Rev. Thomas Ellifon Dromore, M. R. I. A. Rev. John Ellifon, D. D. Rt. Rev. Dr. ffiUhun Dickfin, Lord Rev. Thomas Elrington, Fclloiv Bifliop of Down of Trinity College, Dublin, M.R.I. A. Rt. Hon. Maiquis of Downfhire, F.R.S. Sir Charles Defvceux, Bart. M. P. Marriot Dalway, Eiq. F Daly, Efq. John Rt. Hon. Earl Fitzwilliam Darcy, John Efq. Rt. Hon. Earl of Fauconberg Arthur Dawfon, Efq. Rt. Hon. Earl of Farnham Rev. Robert Dealtry, LL.D. Precentor of Rt. Rev. Dr. Eufcby Cleaver, Lord Biihop St.. Patrick's, Dublin of Ferns John De Courcey, Efq. Rt. Hon. John Fofter, Speaker of the Houfe Rev. Francis Defpard of Commons of Ireland, M. R. I. A. Rev. William Digby, Dean of Clonfert Rt. Hon. Colonel Richard Fitzpatrick. Rev. Simon Digby Rt. Hon. Charles James Fox Gordon Dillingham, Efq. Letton, Norfolk Sir John Freke, Bart. M. P. Rev. Richard Dobbs, Dean of Connor, Maximilian Favicre, Efq. M.R.I. A. Anthony Fergufon, Efq. Conway Richard Dobbs, Efq. Mrs. Catherine Finn Edward Price Dobbs, Efq. Rev. Gerald Fitzgerald, D. D. Senior Felloio Francis Dobbs, Efq. of Trinity College, Dublin Rev. Oliver Dudd Richard Frankland, Efq. M. R. I. A. James Donaldfon, Efq. Robert French, Efq. Rt. PATRONISERS AND SUBSCRIBERS James Heffeltine, Efq. Lancelot Hill, Efq. Rt. Hon. Earl of Glandore, M. R. I. A. Rev. John Hill Nicholas Gay, Efq. Rev. Thomas Hore Rev. Daniel Gealy Rev. John Humfrey, ReBor Dunham\ Rev. John Gibbons of Norfolk Rev. Wood Gibfon, D. D. John Godley, Efq. Thomas Goold, Efq. George Goftling, Efq. Alexander Jaffray, Efq. M. R. I. Ai, Richard Gough, Efq. F. R. Si Rev. Samuel Johnfon Standifh Grady, Efq. Rev. John Jones Rev. Thomas Grady Rev. William H. Irvine He&or Graham, Efq. Rev. Thos. Graves, D. D. Dean ef Ardfert William Gray, M. D. Rt. Hon. Earl of Kingfton John Greer, Efq. Rt. Hon. Lord Vifcount Kingfland Richard Griffith, Efq. M. R. I. A. Rt. Rev. Dr. G. L. Jones, Lord Bifhop of H Kildare and Dean of Chrilt Church, M.R.I. A. Rt. Hon. Earl of Hillfoorough, F. R. S. Rt. Rev. Dr. Thomas Barnard, Lord Birtiop Rt.
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