April 26, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 6457 New Albany, Indiana, after my friend, mentor, to staying away from drugs in the classrooms PERSONAL EXPLANATION colleague and the former Congressman of of 5th and 6th graders around the world. Dep- southern Indiana’s 9th district, Lee Hamilton. I uty George is one of three full-time deputies HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF would like to thank State Representatives Bill assigned to the Monterey County DARE pro- OF CALIFORNIA Cochran and Jim Bottorff of the Indiana Gen- gram, and it is for his recent fund-raising ef- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eral Assembly for urging Congress to des- forts that I wish to honor him here. Thursday, April 26, 2001 ignate this building in honor of Lee. Mr. Speaker, the Monterey County DARE Lee Hamilton served the people of southern program, currently under Deputy George, Dep- Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- Indiana with distinction for 34 years in the uty Vince Hernandez, and Deputy Karen Gen- ably detained in my district on Tuesday, April United States House of Representatives. In tile, was founded in 1993 by Deputy Fabian 24, 2001, and I would like the record to indi- the course of his long career, he established Barrera. In the past 8 years, they have coordi- cate how I would have voted had I been himself as a leader in international affairs, nated with the local police departments present. serving as the chairman of the House Foreign through the county, as well as the schools to For rollcall vote No. 85, the motion to in- Relations Committee, the House Intelligence bring their courses that aim at helping young struct on budget conferees, I would have Committee and the Iran-Contra Investigation people face drug abuse in their lives. Some of voted ‘‘aye.’’ Committee. Lee was an honorable, forthright the key topics they try to bring to their stu- For rollcall vote No. 86, to pass a suspen- and trustworthy member of Congress whom dents include: building selfesteem; the con- sion bill, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’. we could always count on for a calm voice of sequences of drug use; decision making skills; f reason as our nation dealt with foreign policy recognizing and resisting peer pressure; tech- HONORING CYRIL LAMBERT ON issues throughout the Cold War. niques to say no; and ways to deal with HIS RETIRMENT Lee Hamilton served as my Congressman stress. from the time I was 12 years old until he re- tired in 1998. Lee’s common sense leadership Deputy George recently organized a black- HON. WILLIAM O. LIPINSKI in Congress helped make southern Indiana a tie fund raiser in Monterey, and his hard work was made clear with the success of this event. OF ILLINOIS better place for Hoosier families to live and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work for over thirty years. No matter how im- Everyone present that evening, myself in- Thursday, April 26, 2001 portant he became out in Washington, we al- cluded, felt that these deputies help bring a ways knew he was working hard for us. crucial message to our communities. Their Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to When Lee retired from Congress in 1998, dedication to this cause is commendable, and pay tribute to an exceptional leader in the Washington Post columnist David Broder I would like to especially honor Deputy George Third Congressional District of Illinois. I would wrote, ‘‘Hamilton is a throwback to the old for his commitment to excellence. The service like to honor Cyril ‘‘Barry’’ Lambert on his re- days of the House and not just because he of local officials such as these are an asset to tirement from the Village of Summit’s Board of still has the crew cut he wore when he came our nation, and I thank the Speaker for this Trustees and salute his many years as a dedi- to Washington as a small-town Hoosier lawyer chance to honor them. cated Village Trustee. He is retiring from serv- in the Democratic landslide of 1964. He is an ice to the Village on May 7, 2001, which also exemplar of the common-sense, instinctively f happens to be his 74th birthday. Barry started his career as Village Trustee moderate model of legislator that used to be TRIBUTE TO BILLY DE FRANK LES- over 33 years ago, and is the longest serving common in Congress but is increasingly rare BIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY CEN- elected official in the Village of Summit’s his- today.’’ TER Lee currently serves as the Director of the tory. During his political career he has taken Woodrow Wilson International Center for an active role in the community and has Scholars in Washington, DC and the Director HON. ZOE LOFGREN chaired many committees, including the Police of The Center on Congress at Indiana Univer- and Fire Committee, the Community Develop- sity. He has received numerous public service OF CALIFORNIA ment Committee and the Street and Sanitation awards including the Paul H. Nitze Award for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee. Distinguished Authority on National Security Mr. Lambert is a veteran of World War 11, Affairs, the Phillip C. Habib Award for Distin- Thursday, April 26, 2001 and served in the United States Navy. He is guished Public Service, the American Political Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to a member of the V.F.W. Post 6863, and the Science Association Hubert Humphrey Award, commend the Billy DeFrank Lesbian and Gay American Legion Post 735. He is active at St. the Indiana Humanities Council Lifetime Community Center of San Jose. On April 28th, Joseph’s Church in Summit, and participates Achievement Award, and the U.S. Association the DeFrank Center will celebrate 20 years of in the Holy Name Society there. He is also a of Former Members of Congress’ Statesman- service to the Santa Clara Valley. member of the Summit Senior Citizens. ship Award. Barry is well regarded in the community for The DeFrank Center opened on Keyes I believe it is only fitting that we designate his personable character, honesty and integ- Street in downtown San Jose in 1981. Serv- the Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in rity. He and his wife, Mary, are the parents of ices in what was then a 2 room storefront in- New Albany as the Lee H. Hamilton Building Evelyn, Donna, Barry, Mary Beth and Nancy, cluded a hotline, counseling, and a switch- to pay tribute to his limitless dedication and grandparents to Christopher, Nicole, Rose and board. Today, the Billy DeFrank Lesbian and service to the people of southern Indiana. Sarah, and great-grandparents to Christopher. Gay Center serves a large and diverse com- f Mr. Speaker, as Barry leaves behind a long munity. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and and rich history at the Village of Summit’s A TRIBUTE TO RAY GEORGE, transgender people of all ages and back- Board of Trustees, I would ask that my col- DARE DEPUTY FOR MONTEREY grounds find resources here that are not avail- leagues join me in honoring this great man. COUNTY, CA able elsewhere. Each month over a thousand people visit the DeFrank Center’s head- f HON. SAM FARR quarters, and many more call the switchboard. A TRIBUTE IN MEMORY OF Over 140 meetings, workshops, health pro- REVEREND LEON H. SULLIVAN OF CALIFORNIA grams and special events take place at the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DeFrank Center each month. Thursday, April 26, 2001 HON. ROBERT A. BRADY I am proud of the caring staff and corps of OF PENNSYLVANIA Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise volunteers whose dedication has built the Billy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to honor Deputy Ray George of the DeFrank Lesbian and Gay Community Center. Monterey County Sheriff’s Department and It is because of their hard work that the Thursday, April 26, 2001 their Drug Abuse Resistence Education DeFrank Center is ‘‘a place to call home,’’ and Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I (DARE) program. As you may know the DARE I thank them for their 20 years of service to rise to honor the memory of Rev. Leon H. Sul- program helps bring a multi-faceted approach our community. livan. Rev. Sullivan was a giant of a man who VerDate jul 14 2003 10:33 Feb 21, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E26AP1.000 E26AP1.
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