Curl Uses Libcurl

Curl Uses Libcurl

curlcurl -- aa hobbyhobby projectproject thatthat conqueredconquered thethe worldworld @bagder Dear Daniel, I had emailed you a couple months ago @bagder @bagder Since you weren't aware that your name was attached to Instagram related hacking code, I thought you might want to know, in case you weren't already aware, that your name is also included in Spotify terms and conditions. @bagder @bagder these are big companies that you likely don't want to have a trail of evidence that you are a part of @bagder an Instagram and Spotify hacking ring Daniel Stenberg @bagder Daniel Stenberg @bagder @bagder An open source project that makes a command line tool and a library for transferring data using Internet protocols @bagder Once upon the time... @bagder nothing @bagder @bagder …… whilewhile II waswas writingwriting thisthis IRCIRC @bagder Let’s put it online! @bagder … became curl 1998 HTTPHTTP GopherGopher "TP"TP @bagder December #$$% @bagder … and time passed... 180000 160000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 2000 2019 Number of lines of code @bagder … and time passed... 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2005 2019 Number of contributors @bagder … and time passed... 250 200 150 100 50 2004 2019 0 Number of command line options @bagder 2019 DI!"# $ L%# $"&# $"&'# Gopher# )""&# )""&'# *+&# *+&'# LD+&# LD+&'# &O&,# &O&,'# -"*&# -"*&'# -"'&# '!&# '$"&# '*.# '*.'# '*"&# '*"&'# "elnet and "$"& "LS certificates# )""& &O'"# )""& &0"# $"& uploading# )""& form based upload# )""&1)""&'1'O!2' pro34# coo5ies# authentication (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate# 2erberos7# )""&18# )""&1,# alt-s:c:# happ4 e4eballs# /le transfer resume# pro34 tunneling# DN'-o:er9)""&'# )""& compression and much more @bagder Number of available web sites 1996: 8=>#??? 8?19: 1,940,0??#??? (multiplied >#=?? times7 @bagder @bagder Just curl it! @bagder curl is a bridge @bagder (idely used 16 Software, 1C Company, ACCESS, Actuate, Adara Networks, AddLive, Adobe, Aditiva, Adknowledge, ala ES , Altera, @bagderAltova, Ama!on, Ananse "roductions, A#L, Apple, Arc$ivas, A %, A & , Autodesk, Avaya, ''C, 'ietfuc$s, 'iicode, 'itcartel, 'lackberry, 'li!!ard, 'loglines(com, 'lue Digits, 'lue Security, '*+, 'ooking(com, 'osc$, 'ao,un, 'roadcom, bwin, Cadillac, Candela ec$nologies, Canonical, Carestream -ealt$, Cascade )ata Systems, Catc$./0E Systems, CE0N, C$eck"oint, C$evrolet, C$ronos, Cisco, Citri1, CLAAS ractor SAS, Comcast, Contactor, Counter"at$, Cybernetica, )atasp$ere, )atorda1, Denon, DesignQuotes, Device Scape, Digium, Edel+eb, E.S ec$nology, Eiffel Software, Electronic Arts, Emsoft, Enigma Software, Euroling, Ergon /nformatik, ES0/, etikett(de, www(expandtalk(se, Eye3.i, E4E ec$nologies Ltd, .3Secure, .acebook, .alcon5iew, .eitian ec$nologies, .ord, .riend.eed, .*+ebsc$ool, Garmin, GeekDrop, 60/N, Groopex, Grooves$ark, focuseek, 6ames +orks$op, Garmin, Gipsy*edia, 6*C, 6oogle, -a11, -"C, -eynow Software, -itac$i, -olden, -oneywell, -", -uawei, - C, inS#0S, /'*, ideelabor(ee, /druna Software /nc, /d Software, /nfomedia 'usiness Systems )ivision, /nformatica, /nformation -andling Services, /nsignia, /nstagram, /ntel, /nternet Security Systems, /ntra4net AG, isee systems, Ja,,a Communications, Jawbone, JE , JLyn1 Software, 8a,ala Group Ltd(, 8aleidescape, 8arelia, 8aseya, kencast inc, 8erio ec$nologies, 8ongsberg Spacetec, LassoSoft, lastpass, L6, LifeSi!e Software, Linden Lab, *ac$ina Networks, *acromates, *acromedia, *agic 5, *atrix Science, *andiant, *andrakeSoft, *arant!, *a!da, *cAfee, *ediaAnalys, *ellano1, *ercedes-Ben!, *etaio, *icromuse /nc(, *iniclip, *odio, *oka.ive, /nc, *omento, *oodstocks, *otorola, *o!illa, *usic .% Live, Nagarsoft, Neptune Labs, Nest, Net9i1, Netgear, Neti:, Network *ail, Neuros, Nintendo, Nissan, NoDesign, Nortel, #f;ce4of;ce "lc, #8 E Labs Ltd, #ne Laptop "er C$ild, #nkyo, #n ec$nology, #pel, #penLogic, opsmate, #ptimsys, #ppo, #racle, #utrider, "alm, "anasonic, "andigital, "arrot, "assiv Systems, "elco, "$ilips, "ioneer, "logue, "ocket Gems, "olaroid Corporation, "olycom, "ure Storage, 2uest, 25), QN%, 0'S, 0enault, 0esearc$ in *otion, 0etarus Network Services 6mb-, 0iverbed, 0#'L#%, 0ockstar Games, 0olltec$ /nc, 0SA Security /nc, 0SSS, Samsung, SanDisk, SA", SAS /nstitute, Seat, SE', S$arp, Siemens, Silicon Landmark, S,p$one, Skoda, Slingbo1, Smit$*icro, Sony, Sop$os, Source 0emoting, Splunk, Spotify, Steambird, Subaru, Suzuki, Sun, SurfEasy /nc, Swisscom, Symantec, System Garden, ango, tasvideos, eam5iewer, ellabs, elstra, elvue, esla, $ermomi1, $umbtack, ilgin, omtom, oolAware, os$iba, oyota, rend *icro, ribalmedia, rion +orlds, iempo de Espera, <nisys, <ni"lot, <nity=d, ustream, 5alve, 5au1$all, 5erisure, 5E port, 5ivisimo, 5mware, 5oddler, 5olition /nc, 5uo, 5+, +ump 0esearc$, %iaomi, %ilin1, %onaSoftware, >a$oo, >ama$a, >ubico, Zimbra, Zi1corp, ?onar Systems, Zy1el, ?4, @bagder #)*)))*)))*)))#)*)))*)))*))) installationsinstallations @bagder curl uses libcurl libcurl TCP UDP file- system IP HTTP FTP IMAP SMTP P P! " PHE# supported protocols +, TEL$ET DICT #TSP #TMP SM% TCP LDAP libcurl SSH SFTP SCP FTPS IMAPS SMTPS TLS P P!S #TMPS SM%S LDAPS UDP HTTPS QUIC @bagder TFTP @bagder filesystem FILE @bagder -) libcurl bindings &''licatio) !AA ObCect- perl<9net- &ure.asic D $alcon go9curl Da:a Lua9c0-L Nim -eBuests &ascal curl 'cript.asic Chcurl Delphi $erite (uile Julia *ono O’Caml &)&1!0-L -e33 ..)""& Common curlpp %iffel (ambas )arbour .N%" &ascal &ostgre'FL -ing 6!ocoa7 Lisp Curlhandle EEE::Curl curlcpp %uphoria glib1("2A )as5ell luacurl node.Cs p4c0-L -&( 6Cocoa7 (perl7 Gisual Gisual '&9 "clcurl F :HEidgets H.Lite HoCo '9Lang 'malltal5 .asic $o3pro $orth Net::Curl curl9 Curb 2apito 'cheme 'cilab '&L CloCure +da9= - (perl7 rust 6-ub47 6%rlang7 libcurl )""&' )""&1, coo5ies Open''L libressl libpsl boringssl ngtcp8 famil4ngtcp8 N'' Buiche compression (nu"L' .0 third party third .0 dependencies libz 'ecure "ransport 'channel brotli Iolf''L )""&18 mbed"L' authentication gs5it nghttp8 *esalin5 +mi''L )""& Name resol:er Name )""&/1 Iinsspi 0-L parser 0-L libcurl 1Ola4er c *+& )eimdal '*"& * "95erberos &OP, '') '$"& libssh Iinidn libssh8 '!& Iolf'') LD+& OpenLD+& libidn8 c9ares EinLD+& -"*& @bagder @bagder librtmp @bagder "eatures can be disabled at build-time libcurl pthreads :erbose output sspi cr4pto auth ntlm9Ib TLS '-& unix9sockets coo5ies )"TP auth DN'9over9)""&' * *% date parser netrc progress meter DNS shufKe alt9svc @bagder /# operating systems libcurl .lac5berry "ablet O' 'ailfish OS 0ni3Eare llumos + H *ac O' 9 EindoIs !% :3Eor5s ipadOS '!O 0ni3 Linu3 EindoIs macOS $ree.'D *' DOS J1OS EebOS &lay'tation &ortable - '! OS Net.'D Open.'D G*' "ru<@ )ai5u 0N !OS "iJen *bed $reeR"OS +ndroid iOS .lac5berr4 1? ntegrit4 * N H O'81 !ygIin -eactO' !hromeOS !ell OS )&90H ucLinu3 - H OS18 *&%1iH N!- *&9-+' 'unOS )urd OS1@?? 'olaris 'ymbian +migaOS NetIare ' N H9L '4llable OS Lineage OS &lan 9 0ltri3 "&$ .eO' eCOS FNH Non'top OS t:OS Nintendo DragonFl4 .'D )ardened .'D (armin OS (enode 'Iitch $uchsia 'erenit4 -edo3 $reeDOS @bagder +) 0 1 architectures libcurl x8< &oIerP! +-* * &' - '!9G tanium +lpha '&+-! m<85 &OE%- Open- '! !ell *icro.laJe s39? Nios ')@ )&9&+ +-! G+H Xtensa @bagder Hi Daniel# ’m the mar5eting director for and I wanted to reach out to you to than5 4ou for spotting our billboard error on the 101. Ee are deepl4 embarrassed b4 this mista5e to sa4 the least. n a classic coding scenario# our F+ failed us. 0nfortunatel4 for us# Ie bought this spot long9term and Ie are tr4ing to /gure out hoI quic5l4 we can replace the content. @bagder Master of many things Subject: Multimedya isc-v:85 I have toyota corola with multimedya system that you have its copyright. I need a advice to know how to use the gps. @bagder Cisco Small Business 4outers* March 2)#$ @bagder Malwares use it too 5#6+7 October 2?1=; a single curl pac5age was doInloaded more than 300,000 times from the web site# accounting for o:er 70% of the used bandIidth. @bagder Malwares use it too 5+6+7 @bagder Why? @bagder (hy use curl8 Internet +(esn't -(ll(.*s'ecs Stable 'en source;*MIT*license+ All*the 'r(t(c(ls Simple,*stable,*'(.erful API F&st Multi-platf(rm F((tprint shavin3 D(cume)t&tio) M&)y TLS b&c4e)+s @bagder 51y 'e)*S(urce6 "here was never an4 alternative to me Wanted to contribute bac5 Would never even come close unless No, I would not be rich otherIise @bagder How8 @bagder #.. 4elevant 4"Cs 5+-)*))0 lines7 libcurl 881 888 8=0 8=4 959 97@ 1035 1081 1123 128= 1,=0 142= 142> 1436 1@<0 1510 16,= 16,9 16=1 16=3 178= 1730 1>,4 17,8 17>> 1808 18<> 18<9 18>0 1884 1928 1939 19@= 195? 1951 1958 1959 19<4 8?@= 8?@< 8?@> 8048 8?49 8?<? 8?<1 8?<8 8095 8104 8109 8133 8145 818, 8184 8198 8195 8888 8888 8889 8831 88@< 88== 8,8< 8,>, 8384 8388 8389 8396 8@88 8449 8@=9 8@>8 848> 8=18 8==3 8==4 8=>> 8=95 8<16 8<17 8<40 8>18 8>,8 881> 8818 8881 88,1 88=4 893< 8964 896= ,8?> ,880 ,@93 ,=?1 ,=13 ,<1> ,<=9 3961 ,98< 412? 4121 4178 @81> @848 @,@< @,<< @@88 @=11 @=16 @==9 @<16 4954 4959 =034 =?92 =,81 =,88 =849 <>49 >830 >831 >8,8 >833 >8,@ >8,= >838 >=40 >=41 ><88 >8,8 8314 8@@< 848@ @bagder (ho makes curl curl 2,000 contributors 730 &uthors 1=? authors per year 18 regulars Daniel 6The bo3es are not drawn to scale7 @bagder 0ontributors 2,0002,000 inin totaltotal 40-5040-50 perper releaserelease IncreasingIncreasing SmallSmall corecore teamteam VolunteersVolunteers @bagder Everything is public @bagder mailingmailing listslists @bagder onon githubgithub aa fewfew havehave pushpush rightsrights @bagder 51(*'&ys

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