jjTo. v , . ^*'..<7 ,T**. * v'* *•■** ■MM' Il«| Tlinhy, M (to TooZ&r::: S • ••MB.... I Km r vm Ii CO It BIT tf, K8 TK8 , Vkrv* noMto *ls OiXitb* ... Visa tuoatbs ,..( Pwalrt luuaUbO iSS TERMS. The Clinton Independent. Legal Adi ImImHm |l tt ta odroo-re. tor rn«'n Mi iMi of tha CUMI), m4 |1 W M U Mtr lu I •» M*.Ma*s Mkd Death MWlf. BiiiIini Ci |*r AH irttMii tor r*l I mart ba to MM Loral Hu alt iMry an#raln* tu 9«Wk4iiuit (k .bd ft coats fur JOU l»HINTINCi • ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, SEPT. 25,1870. WHOLE NO. 075. W<(U ■if kladi wfl l*k l ■■toilv to»<4 prmmpUf* •« VOL. XIII.—NO. 51. ak*rl al li»« ■•Ik Mwf V tUbdal lo Aaihony towartkoal, lot It, t I AB»IAto*« hAl.t . s , koeabj —The cclel*rat«il Katey Organ sold HIT UHMAItl Ml. oThtot 014 faw trtlUrn aKrrrnneH HOME MATTERS. Cemttog Ip. kioi k r. o* id. •»;*. tf fltsn that /) ii.'inr *u<i a |-.r»usi|>ur»U»Mr < of U- cheap for ca*h by II. V, Brown, Tt* |uUrn-rud Is jr*h ‘»w ; <*h»cr C laUir lo Isdtr Wars, korth tt aero* of (wsme sad suihortlv erwated to me, Iks uwuodvr*i«D- A Hrlff UruilM *f *•■• of III* Ol* We hardly know whether there I* Tk« com \m laraiof brswn ; V ‘,4»f S #V$. SecrL4lllTS.9l.k'* sd, ‘l*r tka“ Judms tiTtiof frotsu ' of* lliutoom oooulf, _\**w goods Just r*«lrr«!, and lo tie — Mr. W. C. ntotUn4, editor of the Ix-«tcr W ore to» Oliver <« 'aidershirr • s k «f I * W, wv Mb klfau. os tka lath dajr of SvjiUiubvr, 1* 7 S, u> Miilrm a*4 lM*r**rw«ali, I* much talk among the farmer* about Tl*» lr«M In «Ktor*i ,4,1.1 at very low prices HM.V . Brow o ’to J Grand l.e«Uti ht'lrf i wl<-nt, made us a an* AboMi karrk*. to'llk frail in beadiag down f. sic f arras . sad • v 4 «f nt 4. at II, ul is •all r«*J —4bla hekmffluc *« l*ani«l Hak«*r aud Jarw- the approaching fair or not, aud so for ruiok Baker. Miaura, I will aril af mKIm aurtloa lo —4*or»i sauted on subscription at pleasant call on MoiiJav lft»t. •in.JjC — •Iinni<,n*e stock of Flannels, lleav- One day lust week toe had occasion to tear there may not he aud that we may TW (ftiUs'i »>»••• friagsb Msry K 1st lo c • a u*iry, Ud 17, sod feel Um kuhad UMilrr *a ikw |2lh da* at Va*« lhi* office. «df »r*4 aids li, UacfcMia k 9* . also • VoMaker, |*7to« at <>ua o'«b*<k V M . at Ikv er*, R«q*cllant* ami Sacking* at A. L. visit Eureka and tla •urnuindinif coun ­ he blamed for not calling attention to Arc rurUna la Ihc wt, —he■ ine Mii'liiiiri to rent by ll»e lb tuhfc* |«od> the ailkvml I HtMaell ’s sohdivisioa to out-iol J told, II,'®8 Probata <4R. r In the village of Hi. J.-hu*. is Mild try, and after an Interval of *ome half U w« will here remind our reader* that Mfduley A Nedewa to Mward Hruwa, a w U of renalf, Ike undivided tew-aUvaatka of tba aoutk- week by M. V. Brown. Butler’*. IU hM4cn tilk Uo> »pub. __The Rev. Win. Britton, of Ionia, duMii year* bettoeen our visit*. great It I* expected by the ottlcer* uf the Ag ­ ' ser IS, sad w af • Vg of k* 4. *aa»e *or, all la aasl quarter of tka oorlhaaai quarter of aartioa —Otooaau ha* purchased worth to a* our aurprUe to note the tunny Im­ Tt»r Mtlabs Saudi IkOi ksm* . HoiipJ. |ouuw Iwoaly-oua ' 21J, la iown»hl|> otm [7 j north, of DUNN & LEE. will occupy the pulpit ol St. John’* ricultural Society that the fair Ibis fall of hoae for their steamer. lb »»»f) ««bdow book. Id ward Bros a U» hjduley A I'edraa. wbdivided 4 rang* u*« It'woat, la l1iai*>a eoual/, Mkklgafi. Episcopal 4'hurcb, neat Sabbath morn- portant and substantial improvement* will totally eclipse every previous ef­ ' uf * e 4, w II, aUo laadv deasribed by aod Mil^eri to lha Ufo astale >4 Mary Hall* r, widow of —The I'tkk'Ago tx|N*llloii, now In And sotrro bf Ik* brunk-oidc that the hand of time had wrought in fort In It* every department. Have Vibkr aster* la Iks brook. I bourns <«a sec II, Irallas, 9Ai*to 1‘airr D Baker, da>*wsMi, in lk« auuthaael uuartar prugreae, to U1 close Oct. Nth. 1 log anti evening. K L T llaaae u J«bu M II*-*- lot t, hk« k C, of iha abuva dearribed laud - I>atad IbMvmlvr 2&, —Through the courtesy of Mr, 1141- ami about that burg, which wa* *o fa ­ you *ccii those beautiful fnl!-#heet —•Kina illi|ilay of Ctobtorrea, Alp*»*- Koaa dc» » Ism* at I Moae'a ad to Iks village of 1H id. few* 1*79. JOHN YAKhKH. 1 ton, of the BapuhJfc**, me are enabled miliarly know n lu the early day* a* IHHtcr* that litre been gotten up to John it )laser la A Aateik Abdrlrh, lot t, klurk I luardiaa of said Mlaur* NOW READY: FI LL UNIX OP ax, Silk*, \ thru and SaliiM at A. L. Tkr gr-mutm aweot «lum rkir; ! to publish the annual tax Mira for thi* “ Sto lx* le to to n,M — earning t h la title Inform the people of the contemplated At imhjb tk* ruada sli Sutlsr IC, hip as'* ad to the t tUag* of Ot id, |Vu. Butler’*. from the great amount of liquor there With frllwo butlrriilM. Joho to (tarretl la John W Leils, uaditalad 4 *f imv (Iinnisuim Ii v >o- NOVELTILH IN county. work of the fair? The *ecretary'* eye —St. lx>ul* ha* urfauliril a joint sold and the great number of the liu-____________ _________ _____ ; ss 1 # of • s I4. an- \ iKiptain, |kU0 Tlf'E.— Ai*|*ii* aiioo |iur»uaut to law bat lug —Win. Kuuisey ofOvitl to 111 endeavor gleamed out “huaine** ” when he left JuUah l )A'Hi to Tket*l<>ra I* A*k)ey, alt of Ike # Dlava made to the uitdaralgcad. drain iotamla*i*>b< r *U* k company lor the [•uip«v ol Ivor- |ij all tksas lotsljr ioksos to walk 30 uiile* III ten hour* In Opera man family that would f’<*< !y Ini- j |,j, order here for them, ami w e know pirblsr dsr* ore kcr*\ |4*fki4*f aor 7, soatk of Male rusd, Victor, of tba l4iwa*hi|> of Iwila* and county of fllotoa. to ‘"i’lVr T\\ . II ,t , .lorn, foriu. l l) of lull >.tur.l»y *7lli for »i0,romniM.-l.ix MW, ami ciMisequeutly IwrwHne *"*wla- would never lake aotnucli Will wawrr'ilsa of Vfsibrr, |/U0. i aatabllah and ofaa a water roars* or ta locate and DRESS GOODS, - , , ...fy w mild never take *o turn n trouble Anthany Ha art hoot Ur Mary kamiail, lot 7, r.l'*<l. ’ But things, to imc th** word* of and go to *0 much expenae If they w ere AimI sulubia * boat of 4 be*r^ V , oualru) t a dtb k or drain in said Vowuship, as lot- at 0 o'clock a. in. Aduilaalon, 23 cent*. blip k 27 Orbl Ssiro j Iowa; 14Muuteu4 lag brtwrea tkirtjr-Ava aud forty Ovid, h o l** eu dangerously ill < d lull HOSIERY, — Mr. Horace Keys, clerk lu the First | Ward, ar« now “far iKlisrwli*. ! mH confident that the end would Juatl- lt.it oooc of all Ikts Itsaulf N II «ielierUr Frederick My.«, U. 7, S.9, IS, II j rods aoutk of tka M tloa Iiua, btdwean **rtioiaa on* at hi* present home in Laming. and 12, bio. k 23. Fowler, |Mu aud twelva, ami about one hundred aod sixty rods National Bank, ha* returned from a We believe there i* but one plaee in Thcre 1* no queation but W hi« k flotal* Iks sarik stad air, —To think klmlly It good, to tpc.ik that burg where malt or spirillum* Is usto ms Iks wrrrl Martin Naftjgar la 4 haa Muaros, ■ s 14 of a e frl I *o4 froaa tk* east lino of -aid orrUoa twefvs la 1 four week* ’ aboeuee, visiting relatives at every department may be full and to hick u.skrs VjHfblsr (sir. * 4, arc. % Walortown, iWKi ! taxi h*wnakl|» o( l*aila«. running tkMM la anoftk- CLOAKS, kindly 1* Utter, but to act kindly I* lb|Uor* are retailed out by Die drink, and friend* In Holly, X. Y. rich if the fanners care to make them to m V.rmk to l.>vu K to'hitiuan. hd t. Mo k 2t, I westerly direction aud IDlertMl a ditch or drain beat. and then it I* done in accordance w ith TU s Ihiac which I rsmciulisr , 4 n id, I'oi I now on the uurtboat quarter uf tka northwest — A. L. Butler A. t’o. have now re- * 0. Fruit of all kind* Is most plenteous, SHAWLS, — New invoice of l.adie* ( lu&k* ami the strict term* of the law no«v govern ­ Tt» usiuc il thrill* n»4 jrt , 4#eo i to lutmai. I<> 4 Ura B AbbMI, k( i, Dork , quarter of Mid section iweiv*.
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