The Promethean honesty Integrity Objectivity Accuracy Volume 3, No. 13 December 11,1990 Siena College Loudonville, New York, Plans Forum Confronts War Issues for ARC By SHEILA MAHON countries." Diamond Assistant News Editor suggested this would Expansion make the expansion Over 125 students gath­ of a war with Iraq Move Ahead ered to discuss issues surrounding into a war with the By DAN CASEY the Middle East crisis at a Civic Middle East both News Editor Forum last Tuesday. possible and plau­ Dr. Karl Barbir ofthe His­ sible. "The tremen­ The planned renovations of tory department described the dous military action the Alumni Recreation Center are Middle East as a "battleground for needed for this type "moving along as scheduled and great power rivalries" due to the of action could easily without complications" said Vice many nationalities, 24 political lead to a global war." President of Finance and Adminis­ parties and different Islamic sects Regardless of the tration Anthony Pondillo. contained in the area. He described extent of the war. According to Pondillo, the the Middle Eastern people as a Diamond predicts college is now in the process of group who "has gone through more that the oil fields will designing a package to send out to change in the last 50 years than in be threatened, and contractors. The contractors will the last 500," not as people who there will be in­ then submit bids for the job of "wear turbans and live in tents." creased economic renovating the ARC. The Board of "The future of the Middle hardships in our Trustees will then pick the con­ country. East is cloudy at best," said Barbir. Photo By James E. Fernandez tractor that they feel is most suit­ "Avoidance of a war could lead to Lt. Col. Dickerson, able for the job. the continuation of positive dra­ "Because we'd be fighting on their of Siena's ROTC program, changed Once Siena has signed with matic changes in the area. A war home ground, they aren't going to the focus ofthe discussion from oil a contractor, the next step is to could set these people back consid­ give in easily. There will be many to "the dignity of humans, which is receive building permits from the erably." casualties." He went on to describe the most important moral issue in Town of Colonie. After rejecting the Joshua Diamond, a phys­ the possibility of a war with Iraq the crisis." He supported the original plans for the expansion, ics professor at Siena, discussed escalating considerably, as "Arab American troops deployment to the Town of Colonie Zoning Board the possibility of war and said countries will not fight other Arab (See Forum, Page 4) approved a revised plan, and Siena is free to move ahead toward con­ struction. The architectural plans for Two Students Called to Active the expanded ARC include a multi­ purpose fieldhouse. an indoor swimming pool, fitness/aerobics Duty In Saudi Arabia room, racqetball and squash courts, and administrative offices. It will ByTARAPAULINY tell me much. I just don't think they who is in a medical unit, Sean more than double the size of the Assistant News Editor should be there, not for oil." She Leister, '92, and Robert Burke, the building site as it stands now. advised people who are called to president of the class of '91 are Pondillo said that con­ Two Siena students had duty to "Be strong and do the best among those waiting to be called struction will most likely begin in their college careers interrupted you can." into active duty. the spring. The administrative and when they were called to active One of Rifenburgh's room­ When asked about his feel­ financial aspects, and all the ar­ duty in the Middle East shortly mates, John Grotevant, said that ings concerning the Middle East chitectural planning and docu­ after Thanksgiving. They are both "Scott had an idea that he was crisis Burke said. "All of the good mentation is complete. Although members ofthe U.S. Reserves. going to be called and he was con­ things about our country—our the exact cost of the project won't Both Scott Rifenburgh, a fident in himself. He was more wor­ traditions, freedoms, opportuni­ (See ARC page 5) j unior who lived in Plassmann, and ried about his mom than anything ties— we have because people in Patrick Hogan, a commuter student else." the past have been willing to die for from Troy, are members of the re­ Hogan, a 28 year old politi­ our country. We owe so much to What's Inside serves and are now either in Saudi cal science major, left soon after our veterans. Arabia or preparing to go there. Thanksgiving break. His father, "At the same time, though, Editorial 2 Over Thanksgiving vaca­ expressed support for his son and I don't think that we should be the Opinion 3 tion, Rifenburgh went to Fort spoke about honor and duty. He aggressors in this situation. Politi­ LeJune in South Carolina for mili­ said that "If you live in this country cally, a war against Iraq is just a News 4 tary training. His mother, whose you have to do your part just like bad idea. What we are doing now is Features 6 other son is also in Saudi Arabia, the people in the past have. If you right. I like the name "Desert Shield" Career Focus 7 said "I have no choice in their going don't do your part you should leave." because I don't think it's wrong to over there, but I wish they were There are also three other protect Saudi Arabia or our inter­ A&E 11 home here right now. I have no idea Siena students here who are in the ests there. Sports 14 when they will be home, they can't reserves. Baher (Bob) Eligidely '93, (See Students Page 5) EDITORIAL PAGE DECEMBER 11, 1990 THE PROMETHEAN Khz $romet&eatt Staff Editor-in-Chief Editorial Barbara A. Riedell Managing Editor Hey...You...In the Red Suit... Matthew J. DiPaulo The Holidays are once again upon us, and in The first list we came up with has hidden the midst of rushing to buy Secret Santa meanings. To interpret, the following list News Editor gifts, reading three previously unopened has been added. Our ideas are meant to be Dan Casey- textbooks, and packing for the trip home, taken with a good dose of humor. Enjoy the the true meaning of this season can easily be holidays! lost. We have written a Wish List of a different Executive Sports Editor sort. Mark Smith 1. For the United Nations to resolve the 1. For Saddam Hussein to grow up and Persian Gulf crisis peacefully, and for the realize he is biting off more than he can News United States to bring home ALL of our chew. Joan Kenney • Tara Pauliny • military personnel. Jen Beauregard • Sheila Mahon 2. For the continued positive social and 2. For the Soviet Union to get a shopping economic change in Eastern Europe and the mall and for East and West Berlin to hang Features Soviet Union. out and "have a few." Patty Melamed • Lalla Ghabrial Stacy Walsh • Kevin Wheatley 3. For the United States government to 3. For Bush to have lunch and "rap" with declare war on homelessness, and attack the people living in the streets in order to see Arts & Entertainment problem with equal fervor to the war on how a drug deal is made. JeffCastler drugs. Amy Webber • Kelley Torrey Dan Cordes • Sarah Heffern • 4. For the safety of children in our large 4. For psychos with guns to be sent to pay Carolyn Furlano cities. Let us not forget Lisa Steinberg, or Saddam Hussein a visit and left there. any of the nineteen children gunned down this past summer. Sports Andrew Pelosi 5. For the safety of all people in this area, 5. For sex offenders to find their equals-in Susan Harmon that we may be free of the threat of violent HELL. crime that has plagued us this past semes­ Photography ter. James E. Fernandez Kostas Mallios 6. For our campus to once again be a safe, 6. For the Siena campus to get phones. Leigh Seiling • John Sylvestre • secure place for students to live, work and Sarah Heffern • Lori Hooper become educated. 7. For the Siena Community to live out the 7. For Siena students to know what "Fran­ Advertising Franciscan ideals of charity, acceptance, ciscan Tradition" means. Colleen Woitkoski love of neighbor. Kimberly Taylor 8. For our community to embrace pluralism 8. For diversity to mean the interaction Business in all forms, and to celebrate the differences of all students, rather than segregation by Dave Baccile that unify us. race, religion, age, or dorm. Production 9. For graduating seniors to conduct a suc­ 9. For a return to the Reagan years, (Just Kristi Lombardi cessful job search, despite the state of the kidding!!!!!!!!!!!) economy. Writers 10. For acceptance of a variety of opinions 10. To be able to say "Indian" and associate Ed Henry • Eric Rodriguez • on campus, and for faith in our first amend­ it with Siena without getting in trouble. H. J. Lester • Jen Lalor • ment right to freedom of expression. Marie Saunders »Pat Gillespie • Andy Kramarchyk • Dave Leno • Jenna Rovegno -Letters To The Editor— Consultant To the Editor: the party "footing the bill" to attempt communica Bill Rainbolt tion. We wonder how the weekend went off so well if We are writing in response to last week's we supposedly had a communication problem.
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