© Entomologica Fennica. 12 December 1994 Amauronematus compactus Bogacheva and A. harpicola Bogacheva (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) from the Polar Urals Aleksej G. Zinovjev & Stefan Schmidt Zinovjev, A. G. & Schmidt, S. 1994: Amauronematus compactus Bogacheva and A. harpicola Bogacheva (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) from the Polar Urals.- Entomol. Fennica 5:135-138. In a list of sawflies from the Polar Urals, I. A. Bogacheva briefly described and named the larvae of two Amauronematus species attributed to Zhelokhovtsev. Reared specimens with Zhelokhovtsev' s identification labels can be considered syntypes. Lectotypes of Amauronematus compactus Bogacheva, 1977 and A. harpicola Bogacheva, 1977 are designated and described. Aleksej G. Zinovjev, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St. Petersburg, 199034 Russia Stefan Schmidt, Zoological Institute and Zoological Museum, University of Hamburg, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany Received 16 November 1993, accepted 30 July 1994 From 1970 to 1974 several sawfly species were lectotypes of Amauronematus harpicola Bogacheva collected and reared by I. A. Bogacheva at a and A. compactus Bogacheva, and describe them in biological field station in the northern Ob river this paper. We do not discuss the taxonomical posi­ region, Polar Urals. The material was sent to tions of these species, because it would need a Prof. A. N. Zhelokhovtsev for identification. He revision of some Amauronematus species groups, found two new species, labelled them Amauro­ and some types of species described by E. Lindqvist nematus harpicola Zhel., sp. n., and Amauro­ are not yet examined. nematus compactus Zhel., sp. n., but did not The number of syntypes listed below does publish any descriptions. No manuscript refer­ not correspond to the number of specimens ring to these species could be found by A. mentioned by Bogacheva. Evidently she listed Zinovjev after Zhelokhovtsev's death. only specimens kept in Yekaterinburg, and that In 1977 I. A. Bogacheva published a list of collection is partly destroyed by dermestid beetles. sawfly species collected from Polar Urals. She We regard the reared specimens from both mu­ mentioned A. harpicola and A. compactus with very seums (Yekaterinburg and Moscow) as syntypes. brief descriptions of their larvae. According to the The following abbreviations are used: ZMMU International Code of Zoological Nomenclature =Zoological Museum of the Moscow State Uni­ these names are available with Bogacheva as author. versity, Moscow; ZISP = Zoological Institute, Some reared specimens identified by Zhelo­ Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg; khovtsev were found in the collections of the Zoo­ IPAE =Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, logical Museum of Moscow State University and Yekaterinburg (previously Sverdlovsk). in the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology in Measurements were made as described in Y ekaterinburg (previously Sverdlovsk). These speci­ Vikberg (1965) with one exception: the length of mens are certainly syntypes. We now designate the hind femur includes the trochantellus. 136 Zinovjev & Schmidt: Amauronematusfrom Polar Urals • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 5 b c Fig. 1. Amauronematus com­ a pactus. a: Sawsheath in dorsal view, b: lamnium, c: eighth tergite of male, d: penis valve. Amauronematus compactus Bogacheva, 1977 except base, mandibles except dark spot at base Figs. la-d and middle parts, mostly rest of mouthparts. Clypeus clearly excised in the middle. Frons with Amauronematus compactus Bogacheva, 1977:87-88: rugous surface sculpture. Frontal area defined "Amauronematus compactus sp. n. Kharp [name of with depression below front ocellus. Frontal wall the station], 4 QQ. This species was reared from larvae of frontal area notched in the middle. Postocellar collected on willows in late July of 1971. In early July area clearly defined and margined behind. Head of 1972 some adults were collected. Ground colour almost parallel-sided behind eyes. Mouthparts pale green with pale stripes above and laterally. Head nut-brown with a pale Y-like pattern. Last instar lar­ elongated. Thorax predominantly black. Edge of vae with head and body concolorous, dirty green. pronotum reddish-brown. Tegulae black, partly During the first half of August the larvae prepare hard pale in front. Mesonotum with fine surface brown cocoons in litter between leaves." (translation). sculpture. Hind and outer margin of front lobes, Types: Lectotype: Q, here designated, Russia, Polar Urals, more or less inner margins of sides lobes, and the Kharp biological station: "l13 caJJKa r [=from the rearing box margin near the depressed part of the mesonotum G]. 1971. Xapn", ''Nematus (Amauronematus) compactus n. infuscate. Medial furrow clearly defined. Mese­ sp. Q A. Zhelochovtsev det. 1973 Paratyp.", "pr. AZ. 353" pistemum reddish-brown, dull with coriaceous (deposited in ZMMU).-Paralectotypes (2 females, 1 male): Polar Urals: d, "Xapn 6.XII.71", "6.XII.l971 r .[=year] sculpture. Mesosternum black. Mesepimeron and BLWellCll llHilrt%UJI1K 113 caJJKa 0" [=sawfly reared from the scutellum black with fine surface sculpture. rearing box 0], "Nematus (Amauronematus) compactus sp. n. Postscutellum rugously sculptured. Metascu­ d A. Zhelochovtsev det. 1973 Allotyp." (deposited in tellum with fine transverse sculpture. Wings yel­ ZMMU); Q, "Xapn 13.XII.71", "CaJJoK f. m,wencll 13.XII." lowish-hyaline. Stigma and costa yellow, rest of [=rearing box G, reared 13.x ii .] (saw examined), "Nematus venation more or less brown. Coxae at apex and (Amauronematus) compactus sp. n. Q A. Zhelochovtsev det. 1973 Holotyp." (deposited in IPAE); Q "Xapn" 13.Xll.71 ", laterally pale. Femora infuscate, black-marked "CaJJOK r' BblDellC~ 13.XII." [=rearing box G, reared 13.xii.] on lower side. Abdomen black above. Eighth (saw examined, without determination label ofZhelokhovtsev, tergite behind and ninth tergite entirely infuscate. but the label with the collecting data is very similar to that of Underside black except following infuscate parts: the previous specimen, therefore we consider it as a syntype, apical margins of sternites, hypopygium and part deposited in ZISP). of sawsheath. Sawsheath in dorsal view slightly tapering behind, where it is bluntly rounded with Description a small medial projection at apex (Fig. la). Setae Female (lectotype): Head black except fol­ slightly curved. Cerci infuscate. Saw Fig. lb. lowing infuscate parts: temples, outer, lower and Length 7.6 mm. Ratio third/fourth antenna! seg­ part of inner orbits, lower part of clypeus, labrum ment 1.04, head height/width 0.79, minimal/maxi- ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 5 • Zinovjev & Schmidt: Amauronematusfrom Polar Urals 137 Fig. 2. Amauronematus harpi­ a cola. a: Sawsheath in dorsal view, b: lamnium, c: eighth tergite of male, d: penis valve. mal eye diameter 0.65, sawsheath +basal plate I paratype, but it was captured in 1972, and was hind femur 0.72, inner hind tibial spur I hind not reared from larvae. Hence we do not regard basi tarsus 0.68. Saw: Lamnium length 1.20 mm, this specimen as a syntype. Moreover it may turn ratio lamnium width I length 0.29, radix/lamnium out to be a different species because of the darker 0.37. colouration of its hind femora. The other speci­ Male: Head black except brown temporal spot mens (3 QQ , 1 d') are syntypes and we designated and brown outer orbits, slightly shining with fine the specimen in best condition as lectotype (it surface sculpture. Thorax black except outermost was originally labelled by Zhelokhovtsev as edge of pronotum and postspiracular sclerite, paratype). It will be deposited in the collection of which are brown. Mesonotum with fine surface the Zoological Museum of Moscow State Uni­ sculpture, almost dull. Legs yellow. Coxae and versity in Moscow. trochanters mainly, femora partly, black. Abdo­ men black, with part of eighth tergite, hypo­ pygium, part of sternites, and lateral part of apical Amauronematus harpicola Bogacheva, 1977 margins of tergites brown. Projection of eighth Fig. 2a-d tergite Fig. 1c. Penis valve Fig. ld. Variation (in females): Head behind eyes Amauronematus harpico/a Bogacheva, 1977:87: "Amauro­ nematus hwpicola sp. n. "Kharp" [name of the station], parallel or contracted. The depression in front of 3 d 7 9· Very common species in the sunoundings of the front ocellus can be very shallow. Pronotum the station. It was reared from larvae collected on wil­ largely brown with black flecks or almost com­ lows. After the second moulting the colouration of the pletely black with only the hind edges brown. larva is typical for this species: ground colour pale green Tegulae black or brown. Length 7.6-8.8 mm. with longitudinal pale dorsal and lateral stripes. There is Ratio third/fourth antenna! segment 1.00- 1.03, another type of larvae with pink ground colour and head height/width 0.75-0.79, minimaVmaximal similar stripes. It is about 50 times less common than the eye diameter 0.65- 0.66, scutellum (without post­ main type (II of 530 specimens). The larvae prefer Salix /anata, less often they were found on S. pulchra and S. tergite) length/width 0.73-0.76, sawsheath + ba­ glauca and very seldomly on S. phylicifolia. The species sal plate I hind femur 0.72-0.79, inner hind tibial was named by A. N. Zhelokhovtsev after the name of spur /hind basitarsus 0.41-0.68. Lamnium length the station." (translation). 1.20-1.27 mm, ratio lamnium width/length 0.25- Types: Lectotype: Q, here designated, Russia, Polar Urals, 0.29, radix/lamnium 0.34-0.37. Kharp biological station: "vb I 00 J l~lJ~HoK Ha 3apa)KeHHOCTI,'' We located altogether 4 QQ and 1 d' in the [=from 100 larvae to study parasitation], Xapn", "Nematus collections in Moscow and Yekaterinburg. One (Amauronematus) hwpicola sp. n. A. Zhelochovtsev det. female was labelled by Zhelokhovtsev as a 1973 Paratyp.", "pr. AZ 354" (deposited in ZMMU). 138 Zinovjev & Schmidt: Amauronematusfrom Polar Urals • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 5 Paralectotypes (I female, 2 males): d', "J,h I 00 JlH4HHOK Ha of sawsheath in dorsal view.
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