Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 3-4-1994 The iH lltop 3-4-1994 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 3-4-1994" (1994). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 108. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/108 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ... I Serving the Howard University community since 1924 March 4, 1994. West's Charter Day address not dampened by inclement weather ,..,...---,--.-.,...,..,.....,.,.,.,,...,____ ~ obsc r "e Chane r signed ... prcdicating black subor­ THIS WEEK Day, West OUI• dination.'" lined the causes But despite the innate sub­ CB ONE TEACH ONE and the cu res for ordination of'"Africans in Amer­ the feelings ica:· West remains a self­ IANAGING EDITOR OF YSB PLAYS '"paranoia and described prisoner of hope, dblrus1·· harbored pointing out the proven ability of ROLE AS PROFESSOR: Constance Green by many African blacks 10 rise above the ordinary. Managing Editor of Young Sisters & Brothe;s Americans. ··we live in a ··There's a sense of the sub­ agazine leaches Reporting & Writing in the moment where lime in the lives of everyday peo­ hool of Communications. CAMPUS, A2 we've got 10 con­ ple,"' West said. ··we arc all cern ourscl ves unique individuals, we just nccd with the detection to reach the conclusion that our of the best in the lives arc epically significant." traditions 1ha1 According lo West, those DR. HORACE have been who have reached this conclu­ DA\VSON SPEAKS: The bequeathed to sion and have real ized their former ambassador us." West said. potential, have been able to lead. ··The black free­ not from an elitist status. but speaks to Howard on the dom struggle is from among the masses. importance of finding not about playing "In :111 radicall) democrat­ solutions to problems in games. It's about ic societies, leadership is open to the Sub-Sahara. not allowing mis­ the crowd," West said. "'Leader­ ery 10 gel the INTERNATIONAL, A9 ship 1ha1 is on the ground is about upper hand of us working, connecting and relat­ as African Amer­ ing 10 people on their level. This icans.'' is how we can grow and be in West travels frequently on the control of our communil}."" lecture circuit and ··1f we seize that one win• KHALID MUHAMMAD'S HOWARD VISIT is the author or dow or opportunity, we will be several books able 10 keep the best of the strug­ :,TILL IN THE NEWS: Turn to PERSPEC­ chronic! ing the gles of our people alive," West TNES, A5 for student opinior.s and for experience and said. "'There arc, of course, no responses to the Washington Post commen­ history of African guarantees. but we·vc got to go tary '"A Nasty Night at Howard" see PER­ Americans. He down fighting."' SPECTIVES EXTRA, B7 has argued 1ha1 In addition 10 Wcs1·s hon­ the misery of orary degree. four Howard Uni­ African Ameri­ versity alumni received honors: cans lies in their Jacqueline Butler l!Hirston for everyday strug• Ans and bntenainmenl; Conrad gles against Kenneth lfarper for L,w and -=:!!L--- poverty, racism Government; Walter Lester er of Howard Univcr,il} ·, I 27th and economic disparity under the Bl Hcnr) for Medicine and Health Campus A2 Tempo By Derrlcke M. Dennis anniversary of its lounding. pretense of democraC). Education; Damon Jerome Keith ··tt ·, important th;ll we don·t Campus Plus .\3 People B2 Hilltop Staff Writer "We arc not a perfect people. for Law and Social Justice; Reed lose ,ighl of the work that has Editorial A-i Pulse B3 But black rage. anger and fury is Vaughn Tuckson for Public Ser­ gone into mak­ A5 Sports B5 no accident either;· West said. vice and Health Education; and Perspectives Rejoicing ing ins1i1u1ion, '"The very beginning of the Andre Reynold Tweed for Medi• Local A6 Perspectives E:\·tra B7 instead of suc­ like Howard American democratic experiment cine and Religious Culture. ~tional A8 Hill topics B8 cumbing to what they arc:· was like a serpent rapped around International .\9 misery. growing West said who the table upon which the decla­ sironger not received an ration of independence was weak. and honorary Doc­ tor of llumane QUOTE OF THE WEEK ~~~~~~in~~~:~ Leners degree Suspect wounded in the masses arc al the Charter "At some point in time, everyone that what Corne I Day exercises. homicide attempt West calls the Charter Day had a part in our destruction must be best in the is recogni.i:cd By Allya Davis The three officers involved Hilltop Staff Writer refused to comment about the called upon to have a part in our black freedom as the official struggle. birth of incident. redemption. Reparations is what we Focusing on Howard. The It bad the potential of being Many students who live in l ed art the contribu- University's another nightmare on Elm Carver Hall were aware of the want, and everyone that p ay a p tions Of .\fril•an charter was Street. On Feb. :?4, 3 Howard crime but said 1ha1 ii did not in our destruction must play a part in Americans like SOJOUrner Truth. granted by congress and signed llniversily se~urit) officer and really affect them. · ti " Harriet Tubman and Martin by President Andrew Johnson an armed su,pcct engaged in a "'They caught the guy. I don't paying repara ODS. Luther King Jr., West continued March 2. 1867. shootout in front of George feel any more unsafe than I -Minister Loius Farrakhan his campaign against cultural In front of a mesmerized audi­ Washington Carver Hall Dor­ already did. TI1is is a preuy bad ence 1ha1 braved harsh weather mitory, 211 Elm St., which left neighborhood:' Carver Hall res­ decay and social pessimism lfrom Feb. 25 broadcastofTheArsenioHall Show) conditions 10 hear him and the gunman wounded. ident Jaymes Powell said. ~- -------------..;;;;;;;;;;;;..;==--~J Wednesday as the keynote speak- According 10 Major Harvey Powell said that during the Armstrong of Howard Univer­ day he feels safe, but al night he sity Security, the gunman's gets nervous. He said that he Marijuana influenced Drew Hall resident jumps ancmpl was probably random. believes security officers should ··we have ne\'cr had a crime have a permanent post al the like this occur with our offi­ dorm in the evenings, shullle from dormitory roof and walks away unharmed cers;· Armstrong said. bus service should be expanded to Carver Hall and the frequen­ said. found 10 be uninjured. done for good, I don·t c,en want 10 The suspect approached the smell the stuff. I am lucky that I am security officer, who was return­ cy of its travels 10 the dorms According to another student According to Drew Hull Dorm still alive. 1 still don·t really even ing Crom the dormitory on a should be increased. who a.,ked for anonymity, the stu­ Director Ron Harris, there is no "Since the shulllc bus only An eighteen-year-old freshman concrete explanation of what hap­ remember what happened. or how routine check. Without dent who jumped off of the build• exchanging words, the suspect come~ about every 30 minutes llCd a hard lesson about drug pened 1ha1 evening. 1 even got 10 the roof.'" ing, along with another Drew Hall put a handgun to the officcr·s many people walk home from Saturduy. Feb 26. After ,mok­ A meeting was held Sunday, ,1udcn1, and three other men who "We really don't know exactly chest. When he saw the gun, the campus. Many of the guys get lll,lrijuana. he jumped off of the do not attend the University, were what happened. but he is okay and Feb. 27 in the Drew Hall Lounge officer ~ell back and was not robbed al night." Powell added. I ol Charle, Drew llall Dormi­ sociali~ing and smoking marijua­ he ~hould be out or the hospital by and this student\ situation was not shot. The suspect then shot at Because the incident hap­ ju\t after midnigln, only lo na at the all-male freshmen dorm no later than 111e\day [ March q:· discussed. but the penalties for the officer and the securitv vehi­ pened so close 10 Carver llall hi, life threatening tall broken Saturday evening. The hospital- One major question arising from smoking marijuana were. Students cle, which held t\\0 other offi• and Lucy Diggs Slowe Hall, bu,he, and branches bclO\\ 11cd student later complained of the incident is: how did the Drew caught smoking marijuana face ccrs. Howard Security is still investi­ ·1 do not usually ,moke mari­ focling extremely sick and left the Hall resident gain access 10 the expulsion not only from Drew According 10 police report!., gating the incident in order to •· I only do every once in a room to go 10 sleep. roof. Hall, but also Howard University. when the gunman approached insure the safety of the students in the area. ,le. I w,1s approached by some- After his condition worsened, .. Normally, the door to the roof Some students were concerned the driver's side of the vehicle, 1\ho a.,ked i{ I had any blunts. he was shot two inches above '"Our number one priority is he reportedly went to the front is locked.
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