SPORTS INFORMATION BOOK Welcome to the WFTDA Sports Information Book built for the International WFTDA Division 2 Playoffs & Championships in Pittsburgh, PA. TDA D2 PLAYOFFS & CHAMPIONSHIPS The data located in this booklet includes sanctioned game statistics and information WF PITTSBURGH submitted through WFTDA Games and Stats committees, as well as information collected during the season, as well as throughout the Playoffs intake process. You will also find team charters, skater transfer updates, skater name pronunciations and pronouns, multi-month rankings, individual player statistics, team trends, and more. TABLE OF CONTENTS These booklets are designed to give fans an in-depth view of WFTDA member leagues through recorded statistics as a companion to our International WFTDA TEAM PAGES Playoffs and Championships. The information in this book was compiled by our Auld Reekie Roller Girls 3-4 WFTDA Sports Information Committee. Questions about the data compiled can be set to: [email protected]. Tucson Roller Derby 5-6 Paris Rollergirls 7-8 SKATER DATA SHEET LEGEND Jet City Rollergirls 9-10 BG = Blocker Games Jjm = Average jams as jammer Oklahoma Victory Dolls 11-12 Bj = Blocker Jams Jt = Jammer season total points Middlesbrough Roller Derby 13-14 Bjm = Average Jams played JGSm = average points per game Boston Roller Derby 15-16 as blocker per game JjSm = Jammer jam Score mean BM = Blocker Penalties Ohio Roller Derby 17-18 JM = Jammer Penalties Bj/M = Average Jams/Penalty No Coast Derby Girls 19-20 JjMr = Jammer Jams per Penalty Rate Pj = Pivot Jams Lr = Lead Rate Pirate City Rollers 21-22 PH = Pivot Star Passes JH = Jammer Star Passes Columbia QuadSquad Rollergirls 23-24 PjH% = % Jams received pass JHm = Average star passes per game Naptown Roller Derby 25-26 JG = Jammer Games jH% = % Jams with star passes Jj = Jammer Jams Treasure Valley Roller Derby 27-28 Stats Compliation Credit: Amy Jo Moore, ObstiNate Bear City Roller Derby 29-30 E-Ville Roller Derby 31-32 Dublin Roller Derby 33-34 © Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Page 2 of 34 TEAM STATS HIGHLIGHTS TDA D2 PLAYOFFS & CHAMPIONSHIPS TEAM BLOCKERS WF PITTSBURGH 4 Games 27.75 Blocker Penalties/Game 169 Jams 111 Blocker Penalties (6.09 BJm) JAMMERS SEED #1 AULD REEKIE ROLLER GIRLS 7.00 Jammer Penalties/Game 28 Jammer Penalties (6.04 Jjm) LOCATION: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK PIVOTS DARK: Black w/Kelly Green 15 Star Passes (8.88% of jams) LIGHT: Kelly Green w/Black 3.75 Star Passes/Game Joined WFTDA: 2011 SANCTIONED RECORDS SEASON (2-2) PLAYOFF HISTORY Farewell to Forearms 4/29/2017 Kallio L, 131-270 2016 D2 Ranked #55 but declined invitation EuroClash 3/26/2017 Leeds W, 301-93 3/25/2017 Bear City L, 176-177 3/25/2017 Middlesbrough W, 194-99 13-MONTH WFTDA RANKINGS AGAINST D2 PITTSBURGH OPPONENTS Bear City 1-4 Naptown NP Boston NP No Coast NP Columbia NP Ohio NP Dublin 1-0 Oklahoma NP E-Ville NP Paris 1-0 Jet City NP Pirate City NP Middlesbrough 2-0 Treasure Valley NP Tucson 1-0 © Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Page 3 of 34 AULD REEKIE SKATER DATA Skater BG Bj Bjm BM BjM Pj PH PjH% JG Jj Jjm Jt JGSm JjSm JM JjMr Lr JH JHm 11 Crazylegs 4 90 23 21 4.3 0 0 12 Simply the Beast 14 Klara 15 Danisaurus Wrecks 4 21 5 35 9 1.67 1 21.0 43% 4 1.0 19% 16 Velosidy 1649 Temple of Doom 4 70 18 9 7.8 11 0 0% 19 Miss Collie-Check 4 85 21 18 4.7 79 4 5% 23 Cirque du Slay 264 Pope John Brawl 4 89 22 8 11.1 0 0 39 Yin & Bang 4 81 20 18 4.5 0 0 50 Rosie Peacock 4 48 12 283 71 5.90 8 6.0 50% 2 0.5 4% 612 Crash Kale-ision Course 626 Lilo and Stitches 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 47 12 208 52 4.43 11 4.3 55% 5 1.3 11% 7 Jess Little 4 87 22 15 5.8 74 10 14% 1 1 1 9 9 9.00 0 100% 0 0.0 0% 709 Lady Scrapnell 4 16 4 3 5.3 0 0 77 Sharlotte Patterson 4 50 13 261 65 5.22 8 6.3 58% 4 1.0 8% 85 Skinn’er Alive 4 86 22 10 8.6 5 1 20% 9 Mallory Powers 4 60 15 6 10.0 0 0 NOTES: PRONOUN PREFERENCES: Simply the Beast pronunciation: BEE-Stee NOT ATTENDING Rosie Peacock would prefer THEY/THEM Temple of Doom short: Doom 77 Sharlotte Patterson Miss Collie-Check short: Collie 16 Velosidy Yin & Bang short: Bangers Crash Kale-ision Course short: Crash Kale-ision# Skinn’er Alive short: Skinner Mallory Powers short: Powers © Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Page 4 of 34 TEAM STATS HIGHLIGHTS TDA D2 PLAYOFFS & CHAMPIONSHIPS TEAM BLOCKERS WF PITTSBURGH 7 Games 26.86 Blocker Penalties/Game 310 Jams 188 Blocker Penalties (6.60 BJm) JAMMERS SEED #2 TUCSON ROLLER DERBY 5.57 Jammer Penalties/Game 39 Jammer Penalties (7.95 Jjm) TEAM NAME: Saddle Tramps PIVOTS LOCATION: Tucson, Arizona, U.S. 40 Star Passes (12.9% of jams) DARK: Black w/Yellow 5.71 Star Passes/Game LIGHT: White w/Yellow Original WFTDA member SANCTIONED RECORDS PLAYOFF HISTORY SEASON (7-5) 6/17/2017 Columbia W, 137-122 2016 7th Place, D2 Wichita 2010 8th Place, West 6/17/2017 Brandywine W, 208-103 2015 -- 2009 9th Place, West 2014 10th Place, D2 Duluth 2008 10th Place, West Besterns 2013 -- 2007 lost in first round, Champs 6/4/2017 Treasure Valley L, 119-225 2012 -- 2006 2nd Place, Champs 6/3/2017 Wasatch L, 137-169 2011 10th Place, West 6/2/2017 Jet City L, 119-209 4/2/2017 Sacred W, 117-268 13-MONTH 4/1/2017 Calgary W, 132-215 WFTDA 4/1/2017 Wasatch W, 225-149 RANKINGS AGAINST D2 PITTSBURGH OPPONENTS Auld Reekie NP Middlesbrough NP Bear City NP Naptown NP Boston NP No Coast 0-1 Columbia 0-1 Ohio NP Dublin NP Oklahoma NP E-Ville NP Paris NP Jet City 0-4 Pirate City NP Treasure Valley 0-2 © Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Page 5 of 34 TUCSON ROLLER DERBY SKATER DATA Skater BG Bj Bjm BM Bj/M Pj PH PjH% JG Jj Jjm Jt JGSm JjSm JM JjMr Lr JH JHm jH% 010 Shana Bananna Hammock* 1 Mica Jackson* 13 Blaxican Bomber* 7 152 22 15 10.1 132 21 16% 5 8 2 21 4 2.63 2 4.0 25% 0 0.0 0% 1980 Metal Maiden* 7 157 22 16 9.8 0 0 24 Midnight Crasher* 7 124 18 9 13.8 0 0 25 Olive Jukes 4 45 11 11 4.1 0 0 3 Pinky McLovin* 7 118 17 31 3.8 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2.00 0 100% 0 0.0 0% 33 Pixie Axe* 2 2 1 1 2.0 2 2 100% 7 101 14 353 50 3.50 14 7.2 49% 19 2.7 19% 3381 Hella Naughty 3 26 9 14 1.9 0 0 37 Death Proof* 5 51 10 221 44 4.33 6 8.5 57% 8 1.6 16% 403 Trouble Shooter* 7 137 20 21 6.5 18 0 0% 3 7 2 5 2 0.71 3 2.3 29% 3 1.0 43% 5 Momo* 7 114 16 26 4.4 1 0 0% 504 Cherry Pop-Her* 717 Mystery Meat* 2 2 1 0 1 0 0% 3 36 12 124 41 3.44 5 7.2 53% 1 0.3 3% 77 Judo Gnomi* 4 98 25 16 6.1 92 6 7% 9 Ema Sculatort* 7 83 12 10 8.3 0 0 NOTES: No longer with Tucson: Ema Sculator pronunciation: em-ASK-cue-lay-tor 14 returning skaters (*) Jams Bond Pyro Blaze K’Mean Streak Sierra O’Sullivan Guerra Sucia © Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Page 6 of 34 TEAM STATS HIGHLIGHTS TDA D2 PLAYOFFS & CHAMPIONSHIPS TEAM BLOCKERS WF PITTSBURGH 5 Games 29.20 Blocker Penalties/Game 201 Jams 146 Blocker Penalties (5.51 BJm) JAMMERS SEED #3 PARIS ROLLERGIRLS 6.40 Jammer Penalties/Game 32 Jammer Penalties (6.28 Jjm) LOCATION: Paris, France PIVOTS DARK: Blue w/White 12 Star Passes (5.97% of jams) LIGHT: White w/Blue 2.40 Star Passes/Game Joined WFTDA: 2013 SANCTIONED RECORDS SEASON (6-1) PLAYOFF HISTORY 5/20/2017 Crime City L,219-77 First time qualifying for Playoffs Farewell to Forearms 4/29/2017 Auld Reekie W, 140-193 4/1/2017 Bear City W, 143-221 EuroClash 3/26/2017 Tiger Bay W, 117-203 3/26/2017 Dublin W, 192-85 13-MONTH 3/25/2017 Newcastle W, 76-238 11/19/2016 Central City W, 138-222 WFTDA RANKINGS AGAINST D2 PITTSBURGH OPPONENTS Auld Reekie 1-0 Middlesbrough NP Bear City 1-0 Naptown NP Boston NP No Coast NP Columbia NP Ohio NP Dublin 3-2 Oklahoma NP E-Ville NP Pirate City NP Jet City NP Treasure Valley NP Tucson NP © Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Page 7 of 34 PARIS ROLLERGIRLS SKATER DATA Skater BG Bj Bjm BM Bj/M Pj PH PjH% JG Jj Jjm Jt JGSm JjSm JM JjMr Lr JH JHm jH% 0334 Kill Belle 3 44 15 6 7.3 7 3 43% 10 Punky Ball 101 Charlie 5 79 16 11 7.2 0 0 13 Bara la Garce 15 Sam’u 5 68 14 18 3.8 29 2 7% 2 4 2 0 0 0.00 0 0% 1 0.5 25% 17 Lux 18 Miss Gadin 4 39 10 11 3.5 27 0 0% 5 32 6 257 51 8.03 3 10.7 78% 0 0.0 0% 22 Rose Hyene 5 73 15 19 3.8 34 1 3% 3 11 4 79 26 7.18 0 91% 0 0.0 0% 3 Butch Shan 4 57 14 12 4.8 0 0 333 Sue Percute 5 64 13 11 5.8 24 2 8% 3 11 4 41 14 3.73 1 11.0 82% 0 0.0 0% 404 Ta Mere 44 Kurdy Malloy 3 36 12 178 59 4.94 10 3.6 50% 0 0.0 0% 45 Oli Barbak 5 66 13 12 5.5 7 0 0% 5 Bouffonne 5 76 15 12 6.3 0 0 502 Major Kusanakill 54 Bully Bunker 4 53 13 7 7.6 39 3 8% 7 Nasty 5 80 16 15 5.3 15 0 0% 72 Sally Broyeur 5 77 15 9 8.6 1 0 0% 93 Hooligan 2 28 14 3 9.3 18 1 6% 1 1 1 3 3 3.00 0 100% 0 0.0 0% 931 General Moulinator 5 70 14 311 62 4.44 13 5.4 53% 6 1.2 9% NOTES: © Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Page 8 of 34 TEAM STATS HIGHLIGHTS TDA D2 PLAYOFFS & CHAMPIONSHIPS WF PITTSBURGH TEAM BLOCKERS 6 Games 29.17 Blocker Penalties/Game 262 Jams 175 Blocker Penalties (5.99 BJm) SEED #4 JET CITY ROLLERGIRLS JAMMERS 6.50 Jammer Penalties/Game 392 Jammer Penalties (6.72 Jjm) TEAM NAME: Bombers LOCATION: Everett, Washington, U.S.
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