HEADQUARTERS COl\IMANDER ALL FORCES Navy Number 154 (One Five Four) m a/ Al2/Al 6-3 c ~ o Fleet Post Office 04/Br Serial: 00100 ~e w York, N. ,{. ~ . " f "f 11 December 1944 __., _____SECRET From: The Commander A.ll Forces. To : 'lhe ColliD18Dder-in-Ch1er, United States Fleet. Via : The Commander Caribbean Saa Front;er. Subject: War Diary - Forv.arding of. Reference: (a) ComTen restricted ltr. Staff/St ND10/Al.2/Al6-3, Serial: 10660 of 15 December 1942. Enclosure: (A) War Diary of CoJil!lB.1lder All Forces, Al".iba-Curacao Sector of Commander Caribbesn sea Frontier, i November to 30 November 1944. 1. En~losure (A} is forwarded in accordance ith reference (a). ) • I o• Ii::-. ' f,•'. ,. r· r·, t • " ' . / ;, 1J J .H.L. H!rutO?~, ( Flag secretary. - (Ji, L .. f :.,, V' - --- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __,... .. .; . ,: ~ . .,, .....__ ,. __''-"" l \• .. .,,. ....... ' ; "' • A . __ . ' .. .. ,I ..J , . I ..... , - l.- • E! . • . ..-. ~ : . .. ' • • ~ ] J .) )<.:: ! .. • t .,, .. • .. • ' • .. } . ,.,.. RECEIVED COJ\.1TEN ~· ; ..I.i'z· vJ•• : ' ' . ..... ,,) ..,.,._ . .. - # - - · .. .. 1 • I . - ..; \..r·.J. _, _ :- S C. FITJES • J\.... ·- . ... , , ,n !.. ....... ::: _ t.. •_ 3 ... ..., ~ .. ..., • • ~-• - . -- ... J - . l ·• • .... 'Y .. , . -· - ·-' .J ..;. .J .. • i ' - • •• • .ti.. , . l.:·-~·-- · OE:: 1-l i944 1 ',q• • '• ·'- ... -· •. ..,,,_.. ... ._ _... ., . .. .............. ·- , . ) I •!_ ..iv ••.L , 98024 Tr:nc·rni •f<'n bv Tlr:-i ilr r J C -rr ! ~!:dl r.r Tl S Jl : t - ' .... 'l . '--. / • • ' • • I ;.:,• 1 • •· J :.. • • • .. • ' t • • • • "t ;~ 1 : • '1 /\ ' '• - 1~ 1 • I •'"' f 'V f 1·1• f r. t I., ~ •: t i 1t \..• • ._ ' ! T ' • .. ..,. ' • I • J- - I HEADQUARTERS SECRET COMMANDER ALL FORCES, ARUBA-CURACAO QR Time Fort Amsterdam i-R Time Willemstad, Curacao, N. W. I. --- W-A-R 0-I-A-R-Y Y!e.9.n.!s9.az,_l_N2v~er. !9lt}+,;. ___________ -· _____________ _P!,e,!:_0£e_ The mission of thie advanced base, which is part of the Caribbean Sea Frontier, is to protect the refineries on the islands of Aruba and Curacao and to conduct anti­ submarine operations. The following naval vessels are attached to Commander All Forces, Aruba-Curacao: U. S. SHIPS NE'l'HERLANDS SHIPS CG 83308 TI!S 4 YR 32 SC 1299 ENERN CG 83309 Ylif3 56 A'I'R 5 SC 1305 TOERN CG 83:325 YM3 160 ATR 22 SC1310 Fru:ERN CG 83326 TifS 312 YNT 3 ( OffiXA) PC 1213 URB-50 CG 83356 n.rs 399 YTB 194 (SQUAMTO) UTB-22 CG 83380 Dfi 400 YTL 299 !:UB-8 CG 50006F CG 50007F The following air forces are attached to Conmander All Forces, ArUba-Curacao: VPB-92 USN - 10 Planes, PBY-5A 1 s. JRF-5; JRB-3. The following ground forces are attached to Commander All Forces, Aruba-Curacao: Force Curacao, USA Netherlands Troops, Curacao Force Aruba, US .\ Netherlands Troops, Aruba Netherlands Troops, Bonaire SURFACE OP~ATIONS: USS CGC 83308 and USS CGC 83356 ~ere detached from this .command today and stood out Curacao for Trinidad via La Guaira and Puerto La Cru~. USS YMS 392 stood in Curacao from San Juan and reported to CAF AC for duty as relief of USS YMS 4. one merchant ship from Curacao joined TAG 167 convoy enroute Trinidad to Guantanamo. No ships joined movement from Aruba nor were any ships detached from convoy for Curacao or Aruba. !JS~ PC L?O? ~ one nf the escorts from TAG-167 entered \1illemstad for repairs to soWld gear and rejoined movement. USS Army tanker (Y- 36) stood in Curacao from Canal Zone. HEADQUARTERS COMMANDER ALL FORCES, ARUBA-CURACAO C'R Time Fort Amsterdam QR Time WiHemstad, Curacao, N. W. I. ---- -- n-A-P n-I-A-R-Y !h_!!r!dy.z. 3 !O!efilb~r_l2~·- _________________________ E_a~e.:.. ~ _ SURFACE OPERATIOMS: USS Army tanker (Y-36) stood out Curacao for Canal zone. USS LA..li.AMIE (A0-16) stood out Aruba for Guantanamo. USS GUALALA (ACXZ-28) was detached from G~T-169 convoy enroute Guantanamo to Trinidad and stood in Aruba. One merchant ve"Ssel was detached fro1n s ame convoy for Puerto Cabello. No ships joined this movement from Aruba or Curacao. tcrscEtLANOOUS : Yr. Henry Clements, a civilian of the \'·1 . s. ;.. , arrived for duty as expf.Jditer of Allied Vessels, relieving Mr. Jr A. ~/oodham, who will return to Cristobal. Paul E. Peters, a civilian of the u. s. Viar Department, and Beverly T. Nelson, a civilian and J;filitary Attache of Panama, landed at Hato Field enroute from San Juan to Panama. SURF~CE OPERATIONS : USAT SAMSON stood in Aruba from Antigua. §_a~u£d!Y.;. !.!; !{o!e!b~r_12.4k• __________________________ f_a~e_:. l'W£ _ SURFACE OPERATIONS: USS GUALALA (AOG-28) stood out Aruba for canal Zone. t:ISC FJ .I.AMEO IT$: Venezuelan t~aval Vessels G»UmAL SOUBLETTE and GENERAL T.RDANETA stood in Curacao for an official visit. Queen E)nma Bridge over Santa Ana Bay was placed back in full commission today. &~.!!d9..z. .§ !!o!emb~r_l2~·- _________ _____ ____ __ ______ ::_a3_el. !W£_ _ SURFACE OPER ATIOrS : u. b11.'1ARD Livl?GSTON a..'1d s. merchant shio• stood off r,-:illerostad Harbor a sick merchant marine, Ralph F;rickson, A . ~ ., was removeu cu1u t&..l\.eu to st. ~1izabeth Hospital, Curacao $ ......._.. ____,..,..,.. .. - . ........... - -·-.......- .. , ... " ... ~ .-., ... - . - . .,. • HEADQUARTERS Sl!.CP.E.T COMMANDER ALL FORCES, ARUBA·CURACAO "'~ Time Fort Amsterdam ~R Time Willemstad, Curacao, N. W. I. --- ,,.. - tt' - R... D-I-A-R-Y • Venezuelan Naval Ve s sels ,.,rW1? E~ ·\L l" R,f)A~"~T~ and 11.i?'.H'P.AL SOIJSLETTE st ood out Curacao for Cartagena, Co lW'!l.bia. lTSAT SAf1SON stood out Curacao f or San Juan. USAT ST:\TE OF VIRGINL\ stood in Cur acao from Canal Zon.e. USS CHICOPEE (A0-34) stood in Aruba from Bermuda . USS OG~HEE (AQi-35) was d€tached and st ood in Aruba from G ~.T-170 convoy enroute f}uantanarno to Trinidad. 1''.o ships were detached for Curacao. No ships from Aruba or Curacao j oined this movement. No ships vtere detached from or joined TAG-168 convoy enroute Trinidad to GuAntanamo . 1 ~ISC FLLANEOUS : llr. J . A,. T1roodharn, ~ 11 . s . A. , having been relieved by ~ir . Henry Clements, departed via KU1 Airlines for Cristobal. Stf'?..FACF. OP~.._;TI Or!S: USS CHICOPEE (A0-34) stood out Aruba for Canal zone. Dur i ng the period of 1 through 7 November, the naval craft at Aruba- Cur acao performed t heir usual escort, patro J.. , acreening and minesweeping duties, and the lake tankers made their independent day and night shuttle between Curacao, Aruba and !'iaracaibo, Venezuela . Also, the aircraft at Curacao engsged in their usual training and anti- submarine warfare operations and made their routine daylight sweeps along the routes of' the lake tankers. ' I I c. '1 . LURD, Gommander, USrffi, c. C. GUELL ,,/ Convoy, Routing and Surface Operations Officer. Lieutenant, USNR. ( • HEADQUARTERS S~RET COMMANDER ALL FORCES, ARUBA-CURACAO QR Time Fort Amsterdam QR Time Willemstad, Curacao, N. W. l. ------ W-A-R D-I-A-R-Y SURFACE OPERATIONS: USS OGEECHEE (AOG-35) departed Aruba for Canal Zone. UISCEIJ.ANEOUS: Rear Admiral Frank E. Beatty made an official visit to Maracay, Venezuela and returned the same day. ' !h~!d.!Y.L .2. ~0!.~_124!±·- __________________________ Ea!el. Qn!_. SURFACE OPERATI01'IS; ... ' USS LARAMIE (A0-16) stood iri Aruba from Guantanamo. USS BIDDLE (DD-151) stood in Aruba from Tr:i nidad. USS LARAMIE {A0-16) stood out Aruba for BernBlda. SURF ACE OPERATIOOS: MISC. A-52 convoy consisting of USAT STATE OF VIRGINIA with 450 troops aboard eecorted by USS BIDDLE (DD-151) stood out Aruba for San Juan. USS YT-799 stood in Curacao from San Juan. USS YMS-400 and USS n&S-312 were detached from this co.amand and stood out Curacao for Trinidad. SS JAJJ'FS COOK, U. s. merchant tanker enroute Cristobal to Aruba was rammed on the etarboard side am1 dships by the ALBERT E. WATTS, U. S. merchant tanker enroute Curacao to canal zone. Approxi.Jnate position of collision 1240N 7140R. Part oI the ere" t.ro.m the JAMES COOK abandoned ship and were taken aboard the ALBERT E. WA'!'l'S. u. s. Routing and Operations at Aruba despatched the tug ONF'KA and USS n!S-392 with medical assistance aboard to the scene of the collision. u. s. Routing and Operations at Curacao sent the USS ATR-5 escorted by the USS SC-1299 and the USS ATR-22 escorted b7 USS YMS-160 to assist. The tug ONPJCA and the USS n.!3-392 with 21 injured merchant men' including tour hospital cases from the JAMES COOK arrived in Aruba at 0530 QR on the eleventh. The AIBERT E. WATTS proceeded enroute to Canal Zone after discharging injured personnel aboerd USS DB-392.. The J~~'PS CO(!( in to~ cf ~TR-22 ~YT!ved Aruba 0630 o~~ C!l the twelfth .. SR;RE'l' HEADQUAR*I'ERS I COMMANDER ALL FORCES, ARUBA-CURACAO QR Time Fort Amsterdam QR Time WiJlemstad, Curacao, N. W. I. ----- - W-A-R D-I-A-R-Y !r!d!1.a.10Jl£.V~£ !9~.!. __ ._ ______________ - ________ f.8iel.1"'£•_ AIR OPERATIONS: Planes under this colUf.nand gave special coverage and as ~isted in rendezvous of tugs and escorts with the JAMES C()Q{. MISCELLANFX>US: SS JOSEFINA s (Argentine merchant freighter) enroute Tampico to Buenos Aires arrived at Curacao for bunkers today. Netherlands authorities boarded vessel and found that she was carrying many contraband items. Ship was detained and CNO notified by despatch. Ship was given clearance by CNO on 11 November 191.4 in secret despatch ll2042 • .§.a!u£<ig.L !J._N!?_V!_DlE_e!: !9114~ __ _ ______________________ _P!_g~:-~,:.
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