lJ NIVERSITY OF WASH I NGTON OPERA THEATRE PRESENTS UNDINE BY DOROTHY CADZOW HOKANSON Librelto by Esther Shepbt1ra fwd Joh1J. Ashby ConWIJY MAY 2,3,6, 7,1958 8:30 P.M. UNIVERSITY PLAYHOUSE East 45th and University Way 2\ 1;; Scene Il ~ Kuhleborn reflects OD the sad tale of Undine. She has returned to the I sea world. but she is unhappy. Also, accordjng to the inevitable plan, '." Huldebrand's death has come about whh his marriage to Bertalda­ \.......J for a man who has married an undine can never marry another woman UNDINE cf' and live. The King of the Mediterranean and Kuhlehora try to per- I>(' suade Undine to join tbe others and be happy, and gradually Undine is MUSIC BY DOROTHY CADZOW HOKANSON IX ldrawn back to her original life. As Kuhleborn has observed, "Undines, Libretto by Eslhe,' Shephard tlmi Johll Ashby COI~/Uay ...... like men, can forget." CAST, i1~ order of appeara11ce THREE SIRENS Mary Alexander, JOP,.,J/A" Dena Lampropolus, soprd/w .Frances George, mezzo-sopralJo THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC OPERA STAFF MOTHER-Of-PEARL, older-wilIer-spirit . "Emilie Berendsen, cOlltrdl/" PEARL, hI!(' daughler . Donna Mathews, SOP/'tlIlO Conductor and Director , Stanley Chapple SANDY} , . JOlln Falskow, soprano U"di,le's poor .,-e/atiom Stage Director .,. Ralplt Rosiobum SEA URCHIN .. ......... .. Vera Neufeld,mezzo-sopra/lO Cltoreographer.., Martha Nisrurani UNDINE, d Il"dla-spirit ""S'-G". """.- $}5 Sh aron Laug hlin, sopraNO Stage Manager.. ..Thomas Tavener 5"- :; - ~ Emilie Runck, soprano ANEMONE, Utwitle'.< r;OIlIill Suzann\< Baker, dal/ce,. CORAL, Um/illc's r:OIiSi'L , ,Sharon Fce iliam , datlcer KING OF THE MEDITERRANEAN. C./Iulhu:'s /alber John Iverson, baritone KUHLEBOR..'I, U,ldbse's lWei" . ,. Loui.s Smart, bass THE SCHOOL OF DRAMA PRODUCTION ITAPF FISHERMAN, UnditJe'£ loster-Iather.. , Thomas Tavener, le"or Courtesy of Glenn Hughes, Exemt;ve Director HULDEBRAND, a Imis},: . ... Howard Nelson, b,u$ FISHERMAN'S WIFE, Undine's 'mte,.-mo/ber .. Carolyn Clarke, mezzo-sopr" Director and Technical Supervisor John Ashby Conway FATllER HEILMANN, a priest.. ..Alan Lund, bass Assistant Art Direeror , .. " "Ajanson Davis LADY BERTALDA, 11 lad), :1/ the kj"g's cuurl.. Doris Dyson, soprano Technical Direaor Warren C. Lounsbury l.ADlES-IN-WAITING, IIUet/da/ltl to Ludy Undine.. Joan Fabkow, sopr.,,,,, Co~nuniere Marley Miner Hedg~ Vera Neufeld, mezzo-SOprd/lO Don nll l\rathcws, !Op,.1I1m Propeni.es Don Adams KJ.NG Alan Lund, bliSS Electrician . Rex Kleiu DUKE Jo~cph La Ho(;quc, bas .• DUCHESS }Fostcr Parellts oj Bertalcla . Jean $undstcn, w/ltra/tQ SpoltSored by fbe U1Iir'ersiJy of Washing/o'l School of Music alld Ib,> Office of Lectllres IIml Cot/urIs, Dil'is;otl of Adult Edllca/iou. The Story . On their journey, Huldebrand asks Undine to whom she has been ~""'"'I mlkiog. He remembers the face at the window, has beard the sirens in t ACT \.!) J a dream, and now, as the cwo stand in front of a waterfall, he frnds his ~ Scene I, The Bottom of a Lake ? wife in conversation with someone. Undine feels sbe muse explain who she is. Huldebrand acceptS the explanation as "science," and the ~ At the bottom of a lake, perched on a rock, iliree sirens sing boldly. I...Y tWO promise to .love each other faithfully. They are separated from the watersprites, who try to ignore them. ~ ~ Fjnally an older watersprite. Mother of Pead, shoocs the sirens away. \...J Undine and Huldebrand are resting when the Lady Bertalda, followed N She then discusses with Undine a plan made by Undioe's father for by Father Heilmann, comes into sight. The priest has met Berralda and <:'(. her to go up to earth lO marry a mao. Undme's father, the King of the ~ is crying co dissuade her from continuing her journey through the Mediterranean, and her Uncle Kubleborn arrive, and tell ber bow the \.9 magic wood. She, however, is determined to continue her search for - plan will be accomplished. Kubleborn has already made all the arrange· r:-/ the young knight whom she had sent on a quest. The priest has seen mentS. The king gives Undine rings for the ...,edding, and all join in ........ a knight, but knows it cannot be the same ooe, for he himself officiated eo bid her farewell. last night at his marriage. At that moment they run headlong into Undine and Huldebraod. Scene II, A Fisherman's Cottage INTERMISSION HuJdebrand, a young knight, relates his tale to a fisherman and his --....... wife, Strange events have driven the knight to seek shelter in the p;; fisherman's hut, located on a promontory. Huldebrand is startled by ACT III splashes againse the window, and soon Undine appears. As the foster r.cene [, The King's Castle \..S) daughter of the nsherfolk, she arrives each evening at their home, and frequently teases them with her antics. Sbe sees tbe knight, sits down Outside the king's cascie, three ladtes-io-waiting are gossiping about ~ beside him, and in a very short time has woven a magic spell. Hulde­ Undine. They v,onder who she it, where she came from, and why she "----' brand quickly announces that he is in love with Undine, and wishes has taken Bertalda to live at their castle. Today Undine is giving a binhday feast for Bertalda. The girls playa game, finding words to to marry ber. Apparently he has forgotten all about Lady Bertalda. V, to whom he was betrothed. At this point a priest arrives. He tells describe mysterious Undine, and then cun off as they hear her coming. '-.9 how his boat capsized in a terrible storm, and he too seeks shelter. He No sooner has Undine arrived than Kuhleborn appears out of a foun­ r:;:-( consentS to marry the young couple. The King of the Mediterranean's ~ tain. Undine begs him to go away. but be has followed her life on plan has been carried out-but Undine is disturbed by the sudden earth, and is distressed to 1ind her unhappy. This. Undine says, is - appearance of Kuhleborn at tbe window. I'/' something he canoot understand-that on earth "happiness and sorrow 0, are the same." He learns of the birthday feast:. and offers to bring a special gift for Undine to give Berta Ida. Huldebraod comes in, an ACT II again finds Undine talking to her uncle. He is disturbed by this, but Undine begs him not co be angry with her, particularly wben they are The jottmey throllgh the u'oods. OlltJide the fisherman's cottage: 111 Ilear a fountain. front of a waterfall: nem' /'ock, ~ c-.(> The king and other guests arrive on the scene, and the birthday feast The fisherman, Huldebrand, am.l Undine are seateJ at a wedding ~ begins. Kuhleborn's special gift nuns out to be Bertalda's real parentS breakfast the next morning. The storm is over, and it is a beautiful ~ for she too has been adopted. Bertalda is jnfuriated to 1ind tbat her day. The fisherman wishes to propose a toast to the couple, but finds real parents are Done other tban the fisherman and his wife. It seems his wine jug empty. as if the feast has been ruined, but U nwne tries desperately to make the Undine suggests he and Huldebrand look 011 the shore of the lake. occasion a happy one. Instead, another "magic" gift spells her doom. She bas seen a cask of wine there. The men find the cask and praise Huldebrand becomes angry, amI Undine is forced to return to the sea Undine. Later Huldebrand and UmJine depart for his castle. world again. .
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