CoMe eXPORT With uS in the uSa PAVilion! SiAL PariS 2014 The Global Food Marketplace OCtObER 19 - 23, 2014 | PariS-NORD ViLLEpiNtE | PariS, FRANCE Reserve Your Space Today! SiAL paris 2014: the world’s Largest > DeaDline January 31, 2014 Food Exhibition AN iNVitAtiON FROm thE Embassy > CliCk to VieW the letter meet with buyers from every continent – Over 150,000 buyers from 200 countries All food sectors are represented – retail, foodservice, manufacturing RECENt ExhibitORS At SiAL PariS USA pavilion exhibitors at SiAL paris 2012 reported $139.5 million in on-site, 12 month projected sales > CliCk TO VieW liS t as a result of contacts made at the show SiAL paris 2012 edition SiAL PariS 2012 ShOw REpORt gEt ADDitiONAL AssiStANCE > 5,890 exhibitors from 100 countries > CliCk here > State regional traDe groupS (84% international) > 150,258 trade-only visitors from 200 countries AppLiCAtiON DEADLiNE (63% international) January 31, 2014! thE 26th EDitiON CELEbRAtiNg USDA ENDORSED USA PaviLiON ORgANizED by Officially endorsed by the United States Department Imex Management, Inc. of Agriculture – Washington, DC and the Office of Charlotte, NC Agricultural Affairs – Paris, France www.ImexManagement.com SiAL PariS 2014 | OCtObER 19 - 23, 2014 | PariS-NORD ViLLEpiNtE | PariS, FRANCE COmE ExpORt with US! SIAL Paris 2014: Come to Paris, Meet the World SiAL’s top 5 product USDA’s top 5 product SiAL’s top 15 Visitor Countries Sectors prospects France, italy, belgium, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Spain, germany, USA, Russia, China, poland, brazil, greece, Sweden and Japan 1. grocery 1. Fish & Crustaceans 2. Dairy 2. beverages 3. Confectionery 3. Fresh & Dried Fruits, Nuts 4. meat & poultry 4. Fresh & Dried Vegetables 5. Frozen Foods 5. meat & poultry 150,258 trade-only visitors, 63% international Visitors by activity 6% OthER EUROpEAN COUNtRiES 4% 31% 18% EUROpEAN UNiON 4% 37% (ExCL. FRANCE) NORth FRANCE AmERiCA 6% miDDLE 54% 7% east asiA-paciFiC 4% 5% SOUth AFRiCA 24% AmERiCA highlights of SiAL paris 2012 • 150,258 trade-only visitors from 200 countries Reserve Your Space Today! • 5,890 exhibitors from 100 countries > DeaDline January 31, 2014 • 143 exhibitors participated in the USA pavilion, including 8 new-to-market and 4 new-to-export • USA pavilion exhibitors reported over $139.5 million in sales on-site or projected over the next 12 months UpcomiNg FOOD ShOwS VISIT WWW.iMeXMANAGEMent.CoM • Over 2,000 serious business contacts were made by US exhibitors SiAL PariS 2014 | OCtObER 19 - 23, 2014 | PariS-NORD ViLLEpiNtE | PariS, FRANCE COmE ExpORt with US! participation in the official USDA-endorsed USA pavilion piCtURE yOUR compANy at SiAL paris 2014 offers you the prestige and visibility hERE! of exhibiting with other U.S. companies! USA pavilion Services & Amenities > Professional guidance and total logistical > One individual entry in official show catalog, website timeline for coordination from Imex Management staff and USA Pavilion directory Exhibitors in the U.S. and on-site in Paris > Strong USA identification - focal point for January 31, 2014 AUgUSt 15, 2014 > Marketing support services from the international importers and brokers USA Pavilion Booth Early SIAL Paris USA Pavilion USDA / Office of Agricultural Affairs > Prime location on show floor Booth design subject to change. Registration/50% deposit Directory / order forms due in Paris including local promotion to > Participation in new products showcase deadline SEptEmbER 26, 2014 importers, on-site market briefing > Private meeting rooms and business and on-going market assistance during service center (telephone, fax, copier, mAy 30, 2014 Shipping deadline the show word processing) Payment balance due OCtObER 18, 2014 > Link to exhibitors’ website > Pre-show promotion JUNE 13, 2014 Booth setup > Welcome desk and Pavilion Hospitality > Internet Café Exhibitor Manual emailed to OCtObER 19-23, 2014 Lounge with complimentary refreshments exhibitors SIAL Paris 2014 > Assistance with hotel accommodations, shuttle service and shipping Full booth (12 sqm) 9 sqm booth 6 sqm booth Raw Space (54 sqm minimum) All Pavilion services & amenities plus: All Pavilion services & amenities plus: All Pavilion services & amenities plus: Exhibitors interested in customizing a large space can select > Wall-to-wall carpeting EARLy > Wall-to-wall carpeting EARLy > Wall-to-wall carpeting EARLy the Raw Space option which includes all Pavilion services > Back and side hard walls REgiStRAtiON > Back and side hard walls REgiStRAtiON > Back and side hard walls REgiStRAtiON & amenities plus: > Fascia with company through January 31, 2014 > Fascia with company through January 31, 2014 > Fascia with company through January 31, 2014 > Exhibit space EARLy name €8,795 / 12 SQm name €7,250 / 9 SQm name €5,195 / 6 SQm > Carpeting REgiStRAtiON > 4 spotlights > 3 spotlights > 2 spotlights > 1 exhibitor badge through January 31, 2014 > 1 220-volt outlet Standard > 1 220-volt outlet StANDARD > 1 220-volt outlet StANDARD per 4 sqm contracted €395 pER square > 1 round table REgiStRAtiON > 1 round table & 2 chairs REgiStRAtiON > 1 bar stool REgiStRAtiON > 20 complimentary mEtER and 3 chairs > 1 lockable > 1 lockable visitor invitations after January 31, 2014 after January 31, 2014 if after January 31, 2014 if > 1 lockable demonstration counter demonstration counter per registered exhibitor €9,675 / 12 SQm space available space available StANDARD demonstration counter or showcase counter > 2 wall shelves > Standfitting not included €7,975 / 9 SQm €5,715 / 6 SQm REgiStRAtiON > 1 lockable showcase > 3 wall shelves (1 meter long each) (proposal will be made CORNER pREmiUm after January 31, 2014 if counter (1 meter long each) > Wastebasket based on exhibitor €995 / corner space available > 4 wall shelves > Wastebasket > One-way shipping requirements). €435 pER square (1 meter long each) > One-way shipping of 50 pounds mEtER > Wastebasket CO-ExhibitOR FEE of 75 pounds of product samples* > One-way shipping €995 of product samples* > 2 exhibitor badges of 100 pounds of > 2 exhibitor badges > 10 complimentary pavilion pass product samples* > 20 complimentary visitor invitations For companies interested in only attending the show. > 3 exhibitor badges visitor invitations per registered exhibitor > Access to USA Pavilion > 20 complimentary per registered exhibitor Hospitality Lounge, Internet €995 pER pERSON visitor invitations Café, Business Center per registered exhibitor and Meeting Rooms *One-way shipping from a consolidation point in the U.S. *One-way shipping from a consolidation point in the U.S. *One-way shipping from a consolidation point in the U.S. > One exhibitor badge to reserve space or for more information, contact us: imex management, inc. Kelly wheatley Eric halsten Reserve Your Space Today! 4525 Park Road, Suite B-103 [email protected] [email protected] > DeaDline January 31, 2014 Charlotte, NC 28209 704.365.0041 | 704.365.8426 fax SpONSORShip OppORtUNitiES www.ImexManagement.com > CliCk TO FinD out More SiAL PariS 2014 | OCtObER 19 - 23, 2014 | PariS-NORD ViLLEpiNtE | PariS, FRANCE COmE ExpORt with US! Invitation from the Embassy of the United States of America Paris, France Dear Food industry Executive CONtact U.S. Department of Agriculture The Office of Agricultural Affairs of the American Embassy in Paris and Imex Management would like to invite your company to participate Foreign Agricultural Service in the Official USA Pavilion at SIAL 2014 in Paris, France, scheduled for October 19-23, 2014. trade Services Staff washington, DC Every even year, SIAL is the world’s #1 food products exhibition. It attracts importers and distributors not only from the European Union but also from the rest of Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. SIAL 2012 welcomed 5,900 exhibitors, over 150,000 trade visitors, and Sharon Cook 1,500 journalists from 142 countries. Agricultural Marketing Specialist 202.720.3425 Importers and buyers make a point of visiting the widely-attended USA Pavilion, a large number of them place orders on the spot. Holding 202.690.4374 fax a booth there will ideally position you to meet with current and potential customers in the food distribution and food service industries. [email protected] Imex Management, the U.S. Representative of SIAL, is again working with us to organize the Official USA Pavilion at SIAL Paris 2014 and offering exhibitors a full-service package designed to optimize their participation. Please contact Imex Management directly to reserve your booth. It is the right time to take the steps to show the world your products in the USA Pavilion at SIAL 2014. My staff and I look forward to seeing you in Paris. Sincerely, David Salmon OFFiCiALLy ENDORSED by thE U.S. DEpARtmENt OF AgRiCULtURE’S FOREigN AgRiCULtURAL ServiCE Agricultural Counselor WashiNgtON, DC Office of Agricultural Affairs thE OFFiCE OF AgRiCULtURAL AffaiRS / U.S. Embassy PariS, FRANCE ORgANizED by imEx mANAgEmENt, iNC. CharlottE, NC to reserve space or for more information, contact us: imex management, inc. Kelly wheatley Eric halsten Reserve Your Space Today! 4525 Park Road, Suite B-103 [email protected] [email protected] > DeaDline January 31, 2014 Charlotte, NC 28209 704.365.0041 | 704.365.8426 fax www.ImexManagement.com SiAL PariS 2014 | OCtObER 19 - 23, 2014 | PariS-NORD ViLLEpiNtE | PariS, FRANCE COmE ExpORt with US! Booth Application & Contract Form for USA Pavilion SIAL Paris 2014 | October 19 - 23, 2014 4 Steps to Apply The company, as described below, hereinafter referred to as “Exhibitor”, applies for participation in the USDA-endorsed USA Pavilion at SIAL Paris 2014, in Paris, France organized by Imex Management, Inc. hereinafter referred to as “Management”. 1 Complete and sign the booth Application & Contract Form 2 Read terms & Conditions on the reverse side and initial COmpANy NAmE 3 make deposit check payable to imex Street Address City State Zip Code management, inc. Telephone Fax Website 4 Submit booth Application & Contract Form with payment 50% DEposit DUE with AppLiCAtiON 50% bALANCE DUE mAy 30, 2014 pERSON RESpONSibLE FOR Exhibit pLANNiNg Email Send to: pRODUCtS tO bE ExhibitED Including brand names Imex Management, Inc.
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