SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología ISSN: 0300-5267 [email protected] Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología España Razowski, J. Descriptions of new Tortricini from the Oriental and Australian regions (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología, vol. 40, núm. 159, septiembre, 2012, pp. 315-335 Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología Madrid, España Disponible en: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=45526096007 Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Sistema de Información Científica Más información del artículo Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal Página de la revista en redalyc.org Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto 315-335 Descriptions of new Tor 11/9/12 10:46 Página 315 SHILAP Revta. lepid., 40 (159), septiembre 2012: 315-335 CODEN: SRLPEF ISSN:0300-5267 Descriptions of new Tortricini from the Oriental and Australian regions (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) J. Razowski Abstract Ten genera and eighteen species are treated, of which six genera (Shafferograptis Tuck & Razowski, gen. n., Merguinia Razowski, gen. n., Cordatijuxta Razowski, gen. n., Sabahtortrix Razowski, gen. n., Spinacleris Razowski, gen. n., Curioseboda Razowski, gen. n.) and eighteen species (Shafferograptis michaeli Tuck & Razowski, sp. n., Merguinia merguinea Razowski, sp. n., Spatalistis alleni Razowski, sp. n., Spatalistis katmandana Razowski, sp. n., Spatalistis phulchokia Razowski, sp. n., Spatalistis viridphantasma Razowski, sp. n., Reptilisocia tarica Razowski, sp. n., Reptilisocia solomensis Razowski, sp. n., Reptilisocia impetigo Razowski, sp. n., Asterolepis dipterocarpi Razowski, sp. n., Asterolepis cypta Razowski, sp. n., Asterolepis engis Razowski, sp. n., Cordatijuxta thailandiae Razowski, sp. n., Sabahtortrix montana Razowski, sp. n., Acleris kerincia Razowski, sp. n., Acleris schiasma Razowski, sp. n., Spinacleris inthanoni Razowski, sp. n., Curioseboda probola Razowski, sp. n.) are described as new. KEY WORDS: Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, new genus, new species, Oriental region, Australian region. Descripción de nuevos Tortricini de las regiones Oriental y Australiana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Resumen Se tratan diez géneros y dieciocho especies; se describen como nuevos seis géneros (Shafferograptis Tuck & Razowski, gen. n., Merguinia Razowski, gen. n., Cordatijuxta Razowski, gen. n., Sabahtortrix Razowski, gen. n., Spi- nacleris Razowski, gen. n., Curioseboda Razowski, gen. n.) y dieciocho especies (Shafferograptis michaeli Tuck & Razowski, sp. n., Merguinia merguinea Razowski, sp. n., Spatalistis alleni Razowski, sp. n., Spatalistis katmandana Razowski, sp. n., Spatalistis phulchokia Razowski, sp. n., Spatalistis viridphantasma Razowski, sp. n., Reptilisocia tarica Razowski, sp. n., Reptilisocia solomensis Razowski, sp. n., Reptilisocia impetigo Razowski, sp. n., Asterolepis dipterocarpi Razowski, sp. n., Asterolepis cypta Razowski, sp. n., Asterolepis engis Razowski, sp. n., Cordatijuxta thailandiae Razowski, sp. n., Sabahtortrix montana Razowski, sp. n., Acleris kerincia Razowski, sp. n., Acleris schiasma Razowski, sp. n., Spinacleris inthanoni Razowski, sp. n., Curioseboda probola Razowski, sp. n.). PALABRAS CLAVE: Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, nuevos géneros, nuevas especies, región Oriental, región Australia- na. Introduction The taxa treated in this paper are mostly from poorly known parts of the Oriental region, e. g., Brunei, Sabah, Tenasserim, and Thailand, with fewer from Nepal and India, and fewer still from the Australian region; one is from the Salomon Islands. The last, plus R. tarica Razowski, sp. n. and R. impetigo Razowski, sp. n. from New Guinea, confirm a wide distribution of Reptilisocia Diakonoff which was known previously from India and Indonesia (reference). Asterolepis Razowski formerly was 315 315-335 Descriptions of new Tor 11/9/12 10:46 Página 316 J. RAZOWSKI known exclusively from the Australian region (reference), but two species described herein from Brunei and Sabah extend its area of distribution to the Oriental region. Most of the new species are in the two widespread genera Acleris Hübner and Spatalistis Meyrick, both now recorded from the Oriental region. The most interesting new taxon is Shafferograptis Tuck & Razowski, gen. n., which belongs to the primitive Tortricini represented mostly in the Afrotropical region; it has facies most similar to those of the African Panegyra Diakonoff. Material The material examined is housed in the Natural History Museum, London. Systematic part Shafferograptis Tuck & Razowski, sp. n. Type-species: Shafferograptis michaeli Tuck & Razowski, sp. n. Description: Facies similar to Panegyra Diakonoff, 1960. Forewing with cream postmedian interfascia, lacking red markings. Venation no examined. Male genitalia: Tegumen long with slender pedunculi; uncus absent; socius broad basally with slender terminal part; tuba analis simple with weak subscaphium; vinculum small, slender; valva slender postbasally, expanding beyond middle, tapering in distal fourth; costa uniform, without specialized setae; large dorso-basal lobe and small basal cavity developed; sacculus simple; transtilla membranous; juxta moderate, extending dorsally; aedeagus fairly long, slender; coecum penis broad, short; one short, capitate cornutus in vesica. Female not known. Biology: Moth collected in July at an altitude of 9-70 m in lowland dipterocarp forest. Distribution: W Malaysia and Brunei. Diagnosis: A monotypical genus externally resembling the Afrotropical Panegyra Diakonoff, 1960 from which Shafferograptis differs in having pale postmedian rather than subterminal interfascia, a membranous transtilla, a simple costa of the valva lacking specialized setae, a large proximal lobe at the base of the valva, and the presence of a basal cavity. Etymology: The name is a patronym in memory of our late colleague Mr. Michael Shaffer, a former curator at the Natural History Museum, London, who sadly passed away on 23 March 2009. Shafferograptis michaeli Tuck & Razowski, sp. n. (Fig. 35) Holotype male: “Brunei: 300 ft, Rampayoh R.[iver] Lowland dipterocarp forest, 11-19-III-1989”; GS 26168. Paratype male: W. Malaysia: 70 m, Selangor, Bangi, lowland dipt.[erocarp] for.[est], 25-26- VII-1991; GS 32690. Description: Wingspan 11 mm. Head and collar yellow cream. Forewing slightly expanding terminad; costa almost straight; termen oblique, hardly sinuate. Costa and postmedian interfascia yellow cream, whiter along grey basal and postmedian blotch; costa, costal third of termen, and median interfascia dotted brown-black. Cilia concolorous with ground colour. Hindwing brownish grey; cilia similar. Male genitalia (Figs. 1-2) as described for the genus. Biology as described for the genus. Diagnosis: S. michaeli Tuck & Razowski, sp. n., is similar to the African Panegyra flavicostana (Walsingham, 1891) described from Gambia, but michaeli differs from it in the characters cited in the diagnosis of this genus. Etymology: The specific epithet is devoted to Michael Shaffer. 316 SHILAP Revta. lepid., 40 (159), septiembre 2012 315-335 Descriptions of new Tor 11/9/12 10:46 Página 317 DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW TORTRICINI FROM THE ORIENTAL AND AUSTRALIAN REGIONS Merguinia Razowski, gen. n. Type-species: Merguinia merguina Razowski, sp. n. Description: Venation not examined. Male genitalia: Tegumen short, broad, weakly sclerotized; gnathos absent; socius broad, terminal, sparsely hairy; vinculum distinctly sclerotized, broad ventrally; valva broad basally, strongly tapering posteriorly, with costa developed; fold of disc reduced to small hairy postbasal lobe; sacculus well sclerotized, slightly convex postbasally, strongly tapering terminad with long free termination with apical process; elongate weakly sclerotized lobe extending from posterior part of costa; transtilla membranous; juxta emarginate dorsally; aedeagus large with long coecum penis and short caulis; cornutus a spine with elongate base. Female not known. Biology and distribution. Moth collected in Tenasserim, without dates of collection. Diagnosis: In facies the type species resembles Brachiolia Razowski, 1964 and Cnesteboda Razowski, 1990. The male genitalia are simplified, dissimilar from any known species of the subfamily, with the aeadeagus and socius somewhat resembling those of some Cochyliini, but with other genital characters typical of some Tortricini (e.g., Brachiolia). Etymology: The name refers to the type locality of the type species. Merguinia merguinea Razowski, sp. n. (Fig. 36) Holotype male: “Mergui, Tenasserim, Doherty 1888, 40372”; GS 21374. Description: Wing span 9.5 mm. Head and thorax cream brown; labial palpus slender, much creamer. Forewing not expanding terminad; costa somewhat convex; apex rounded; median part of termen straight, not oblique. Ground colour yellowish brown sprinkled brown and grey, in dorsoterminal area distinctly suffused grey with black suffusions; refractive markings weak. Markings in costal and terminal area brown, subterminal fascia and dorsal half of median fascia blackish. Cilia paler than ground colour, more yellow, with tornal part brown. Hindwing dark brown, cilia paler. Male genitalia (Figs. 3-4) as described for the genus. Diagnosis: M. merguinea is somewhat similar to B. egenella (Walker, 1864) described from Ceylon and B. amblopis (Meyrick, 1911) from Aldabra, but in merguinea the uncus and brachiola are reduced. Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the type locality. Spatalistis alleni Razowski,
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