![Haemophilus] Haemoglobinophilus As Canicola Haemoglobinophilus Gen](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Scotland's Rural College Reclassification of [Haemophilus] haemoglobinophilus as Canicola haemoglobinophilus gen. nov., comb. nov. including Bisgaard taxon 35 Christensen, Henrik; Kuhnert, Peter; Foster, Geoffrey; Bisgaard, Magne Published in: International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology DOI: 10.1099/ijsem.0.004881 First published: 15/07/2021 Document Version Peer reviewed version Link to publication Citation for pulished version (APA): Christensen, H., Kuhnert, P., Foster, G., & Bisgaard, M. (2021). Reclassification of [Haemophilus] haemoglobinophilus as Canicola haemoglobinophilus gen. nov., comb. nov. including Bisgaard taxon 35. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 71(7), [004881]. https://doi.org/10.1099/ijsem.0.004881 General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal ? Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Download date: 27. Sep. 2021 1 Supplemetary material for the paper: 2 Reclassification of [Haemophilus] haemoglobinophilus as Canicola haemoglobinophilus 3 gen. nov., comb. nov. including Bisgaard taxon 35 4 By Henrik Christensen, Peter Kuhnert, Geoff Foster and Magne Bisgaard 5 1 Table S1. Strains investigated GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession numbers of Partial sequences Strain Received as Classification based on Country and Origin Ribotype† Whole rpoB 16S rRNA recN current study year genomic sequence CCUG 3714T [Haemophilus] Canicola Germany Dog, prepuce ND MUXZ01 UGHF01 UGHF01 UGHF01 ( = ATCC 19416T haemoglobinophil haemoglobinophilus UGHF01 (AY362955) (AY362907) = NCTC 1659T us (M75064) = HK375T) (NR_042877) CCUG 16472 EF-32 (Taxon 35) C. haemoglobinophilus Sweden, Dog, saliva ND JAEOAI01 JAEOAI01 JAEOAI01 1984 CCUG 16473 C. haemoglobinophilus Sweden, Canine ND MW400941 1984 nasopharynx 66753-89-5964* U24 (Taxon 35) C. haemoglobinophilus USA Dog 9 id§ ccug16472 MW396728 MW400937 66753-88- U24 (Taxon 35) C. haemoglobinophilus USA Dog 8 MW400947 2135A* 66753-88-2716* U24 (Taxon 35) C. haemoglobinophilus USA Dog NT MW400951 66753-90-3490* U24 (Taxon 35) C. haemoglobinophilus USA Dog 6 MW400950 66753-89- U24 (Taxon 35) C. haemoglobinophilus USA Dog ND MW400952 5768A* M316/98/3 Taxon 35 C. haemoglobinophilus UK Dog, vagina ND id 66753-89- 5768A 66753-89- U24 (Taxon 35) C. haemoglobinophilus USA Dog ND MW400946 1871A* E985/07 Taxon 35 C. haemoglobinophilus Dog, nose ND id 66753/89/1871 A A576 Taxon 35 C. haemoglobinophilus Dog, vagina ND MW400953 A478/88 Taxon 35 C. haemoglobinophilus Dog, vagina 11 MW400954 MW396727 MW400936 375/96 Taxon 35 C. haemoglobinophilus Zimbabwe Dog 8 MW400948 MW396729 MW400938 64Hommez Taxon 35 C. haemoglobinophilus Belgium Dog, prostate 7 MW400949 inflammation Murphy1 Taxon 35 C. haemoglobinophilus USA Dog ND MW400945 1 Murphy2 Taxon 35 C. haemoglobinophilus USA Dog ND MW400944 CCUG 47869 “Haemophilus C. haemoglobinophilus Sweden, Dog, ND MW400943 MW396726 canis” 2002 haemorrhagic pneumonia CCUG 20967 [H.] C. haemoglobinophilus Sweden, Dog, genital ND MW400942 ( = SSI13961) haemoglobinophil 1987 us A749/88 Taxon 35 C. haemoglobinophilus Germany Dog, vagina 6 id CCUG20967 MW396730 MW400939 M604695/01/1 Taxon 35 C. haemoglobinophilus UK Dog, urine ND id CCUG20967 A913/88 Taxon 35 C. haemoglobinophilus Germany Dog, prepuce 9 id CCUG20967 * Biberstein et al. [1]. † procedure reported in Christensen et al. [2]. § id, sequence identical to strain indicated. 2 1 1 Table S2. Phenotypic separation of Canicola from other genera of Pasteurellaceae. 1, Canicola (current study); 2, Spirabiliibacterium [3]; 3, Actinobacillus 2 sensu stricto [4, 5]; 4, Aggregatibacter [6]; 5, Avibacterium [7]; 6, Basfia [8]; 7, Bibersteinia [9]; 8, Bisgaardia [10, 11]; 9, Caviibacterium [12, 13]; 10, 3 Chelonobacter [14]; 11, Conservatibacter [12, 13]; 12, Cricetibacter [15]; 13, Frederiksenia [16, 17]; 14, Gallibacterium [18]; 15, Haemophilus sensu stricto 4 [19, 20, 21, 22]; 16, Histophilus [23]; 17, Glaesserella [24]; 18, Lonepinella [25]; 19, Mannheimia [26]; 20, Mesocricetibacter [15]; 21, Muribacter [27, 28]; 5 22, Necropsobacter [29]; 23, Nicoletella [30]; 24, Otariodibacter [31]; 25, Pasteurella sensu stricto [32, 33, 34]; 26, Phocoenobacter [35]; 27, Rodentibacter 6 [36]; 28, Seminibacterium [37]; 29, Testudinibacter [38]; 30, Ursidibacter [39]; 31, Vespertiliibacter [40]; 32, Volucribacter [41]. Character 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Catalase + D D* D D - D + D + D - + D + - + V-factor requirement † - D D* D D - - - - - - - - - +* - + β-haemolysis - - D - - - D - - + - - - D D D - Methyl red - - - ND - + - ND - ND - W - + ND ND ND Voges Proskauer - - - ND - + - - - ND - - - - ND - ND Urease - - + - - - - - - - - - - D D - - Indole D - - - - - - - - - D + + -* D + - Acid from (+)-L-arabinose - - D ND D ND - ND + + + + -* D ND - - Dulcitol - - - ND - -* - ND - + (+) + - D* -* ND - (-)-D-sorbitol - - D D - - + + - - - + - D - ND - (-)-D-fructose +/(+) + + + + + + ND + + + + + + + - + (+)-D-glucose +/(+) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Sucrose +/(+) D + D + + + + + + + + + + - ND + 2 Cellobiose - - D - - - D ND - + - - - - - ND - Gas from (+)-D-glucose - - - ND - - - ND + - - D - - - - - β-glucosi (NPG) - D D ND D - D - - + - - ND - - ND - dase α-glucosi (PNPG) - D D* ND D - D - - - + - W D - ND - dase α-fucosidase (ONPF) + ND D ND ND ND - + - - - ND - - ND ND - Ubiquinones ND ND MK7, DMK7 Q7, ND Q8, Q8, ND ND ND MK7, Q8, Q8, DMK7 ND ND DMK7 Q8, MK7, DMK UNK6 MK8, DMK7, DMK7 8 ** DMK8, DMK8 MK8, MK8 DMK8 Major Putrescine (PUT), ND PUT, DAP DAP DAP, ND DAP ND ND ND DAP DAP ND DAP, DAP DAP* DAP Polyamines diaminopropane SPM, SPD SPD, ‡ (DAP), cadaverine SPD PUT, PUT* (CAD), spermidine (SPD), spermine (SPM) GC mol % 37.0- 43-51 35.5-43.7 42-44 44.2- 42.5 42.6 39.5 40.0 – 47.2 39.5 41.9 – 42.6 39.9- 39 37.5 39.9 37.8 47 43.4 42.0 42.3 7 8 3 9 Character 1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Catalase + - +* - + + + + + - + + + + + D V-factor requirement † - - - - - - - - - - D - - - +# - β-haemolysis - - D - - - - - - - - + + - + - Methyl red - ND -* W - + ND ND - ND - ND - - + + Voges Proskauer - + - - - - ND + - + - + + D - - Urease - - - + D - + D D - + - - - - - Indole + + - + - - - + + - D - + D - - Acid from (+)-L- - + D - - + - (+) - ND D - + + + D arabinose Dulcitol - ND -* - - + - - D* -* - - + + - - (-)-D-sorbitol - ND + + - - - - D - - - +* ND - - (-)-D-fructose +/(+) ND +* + + + - ND + ND + + +* +* + + (+)-D-glucose +/(+) + + + + + - + + + + + +* +* + + Sucrose +/(+) ND + + + + - - + - + + + - + + Cellobiose - ND D - + - ND ND - ND - - ND ND - - Gas from (+)-D-glucose - ND - + - + - ND - ND - - ND - ND - β-glucosi (NPG) - ND D - + - ND ND - ND - - ND ND - ND dase 4 α-glucosi (PNPG) - ND ND - + + ND ND D* ND D - - + + - dase α-fucosidase (ONPF) + ND D - + - ND ND - ND - - ND ND ND - Ubiquinones ND ND Q7, MK7, ND ND ND Q8, Q8, Q7, ND Q8 ND Q7, ND ND MK7, UNK6 MK8, DMK7 DMK8 MK8, Q8, Q8 DMK8 MK8, DMK8 Polyamines‡ Putrescine ND PUT DAP, DAP ND DAP ND ND DAP, ND DAP, PUT DAP ND ND ND ND (PUT), SPD PUT, diaminoprop CAD, ane (DAP), SPD, cadaverine NSPD (CAD), spermidine (SPD), spermine (SPM), sym- norspermidin e (NSPD) GC mol % 37.1 37.5 39.2 47.5 – 43.7 48.9 39.4 36.2 36.8-40.4 41.5 40.0 – 35.8 42.8 39.3 37.2 38.2 48.7 41.0 10 Characters are scored as: +, 90 % or more of the strains positive within 1-2 days; (+) 90 % or more of the strains positive within 3 - 14 days (late 11 positive), -, less than 10 % of the strains are positive within 14 days; D, 11-89 % of the strains are positive; W, weak positive. All tests performed 12 at 37ºC. ND, no data available. Ubiquinone, Q; menaquinone, MK; demethylmenaquinone, DMK. 13 † X-factor, referring to the dependence on haemin for growth in vitro or related substances for growth in vitro and V-factor related to dependence 14 on NAD (or related substances) for growth in vitro. 15 * not part of formal genus description 5 16 ‡ Data from Busse et al. [42]. Only major or polyamines of diagnostic value are shown. 17 ** UNK6, unknown ubiquinone with chain length less than 6. 18 # additional requirement for a growth supplement such as Vitox or IsoVitalX. NAD is not enough. Table S3. Whole cellular fatty acids. 1. CCUG 3714 T, Canicola haemoglobinophilus ; 2. CCUG 16472, Canicola haemoglobinophilus ; 3. CCUG 20967, Canicola haemoglobinophilus ; 4. 28028 T, Necropsobacter rosorum , 5. CCUG 23945 T, Haemophilus influenzae ; 6. CCUG 26456 T, Gallibacterium anatis ; 7. CCUG 36157 T, Histophilus somni ; 8. CCUG 47536 T, Volucribacter psittacicida ; 9. CCUG 43639 T, Nicoletella semolina ; 10. CCUG 55632 T Chelonobacter oris ; 11. CCUG 27190 T, Bibersteinia trehalosi ; 12. CCUG 13227 T, T Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans; 13. CCUG 59994 , Otaridiobacter oris , cultivated on chocolate agar in CO 2 at 37°C. Data are from CCUG (Culture Collection, University of Göteborg, Sweden) (www.ccug.se). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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