List of Public Benefit Organisations (PBO) approved in terms of section 18A of the Income Tax Act as at 31 December 2003: Name of PBO: Exemption Application No: 46664 Concerts 930004984 Aandmymering ACVV Tehuis Bejaardes 18/11/13/2738 Abraham Kriel Maria Kloppers Children's Home 18/11/13/1444 Abri Foundation Charitable Trust 18/11/13/2950 Ad Lucem Trust 18/11/13/350 Adopt a Kid or School Programme Public Benefit Trust 930000199 Adopt a School Foundation 18/11/13/3501 African Vision of Development 18/11/13/311 Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool 18/11/7/734 Afrikaanse Hoërskool Kroonstad 18/11/7/557 Alexandra Health Centre and University Clinic 18/11/13/4226 Allingham Primary School 930000259 Alma School for Specialised Education 930000004 Altiora Trust 18/11/13/3122 Amasango Career School 18/11/7/629 Amatola HIV/AIDS and STD's Intervention Project 18/11/13/1920 Andalusia Trust 18/11/13/4118 Arcadia School 18/11/7/410 Argonaut International College 930003953 Assets Youth Initiative 930000675 Association for Voluntary Sterilization of South Africa 18/11/13/1666 Association of Christian Academies for the Highway 18/11/13/3165 Athlone School for the Blind 18/11/7/761 Autism South Africa 18/11/13/2213 Baby Therapy Centre 18/11/13/345 Barlow Rand Educational Trust 18/11/13/2080 Bay Primary School 18/11/7/631 Bedelia Pre-Primary School 18/11/7/587 Bellville Pre-Primary School 930003044 Berg-en-Dal Pregnancy Crisis Centre 18/11/13/3510 Bergville Christian Academy 18/11/13/3981 Beth Jacob School 18/11/13/4639 Bethal Primary School Trust 18/11/13/411 Bethesda Outreach Ministries 18/11/13/4806 Blessed Geraro's Care Centre 18/11/13/2777 Bokamoso High School 18/11/7/442 Border Technikon 18/11/7/263 Boshof Hoërskool 18/11/7/634 Botshabelo 18/11/13/1891 Botshabelo Creations Community 18/11/13/2306 Boys Town South Africa 18/11/13/379 Bread of Life Charity Fund 18/11/13/705 Brits Hospice 18/11/13/308 Broken Wings Association for the Disabled 18/11/13/3428 Buffelsdale Secondary School 18/11/7/600 Business Section 18A(c)(i) Education Trust 18/11/13/919 Business Section 18A(c)(ii) Education Trust 18/11/13/921 Business Section 18A(d) Education Trust 18/11/13/920 Calvin Schools 18/11/13/4664 Camphill Farm Community Hermanus 18/11/13/4249 Camps Bay Preparatory School 18/11/7/425 Cancer Association of South Africa 18/11/13/1397 Cannons Creek School Trust 18/11/13/2754 Cape Child Health Association 18/11/13/1108 Cape Higher Education Consortium 930002124 Cape Recife High School 18/11/7/712 Cape Town City Mission 18/11/13/1756 Capricorn Preparatory School 18/11/13/4623 Caring Network 18/11/13/2659 Carter High School 18/11/7/463 Centurion Christian School 18/11/13/376 Centurion Hospice Association 18/11/13/4669 Cerebral Palsy Association (Eastern Cape) 18/11/13/1148 Chatsworth Regional Hospice Association 18/11/13/2890 Chelsea Preparatory School 18/11/7/679 Cheshire Home Sparks Estate 18/11/13/3160 Cheshire Homes - Durban 18/11/13/1865 Chesterville Nursery School Association 18/11/13/3280 Chief JM Dlaminin Cheshire Home 930003363 Child and Family Welfare Society 18/11/13/681 Child and Family Welfare Society 18/11/13/2194 Child Protection and Treatment Centre 930000609 Childline Family Care 18/11/13/1184 Children of the Dawn 930001736 Christel House South Africa 18/11/13/1018 Clapham High School 18/11/7/605 Clarendon Primary School 18/11/7/705 Claude Harris Leon Foundation 18/11/13/1241 Clifton College Development Trust 18/11/13/48 Clifton Preparatory School Nottingham Road 18/11/13/635 Clive Beck Education Trust 18/11/13/839 Colesberg Old Age Home 930000099 Colesberg Opvoedingstrust 18/11/13/4631 Community Chest of the Western Cape 18/11/13/2437 Community Chest S18A Fund 18/11/13/854 Compassion Ministries 18/11/13/2250 Comtech Trust 930001973 Cordwalles Endowment Trust 18/11/13/2571 Cordwalles Preparatory School 18/11/13/988 Cornerstone College 18/11/13/509 Cotlands Baby Sanctuary 18/11/13/2029 Cradock Kinder en Gesinsorgvereniging 18/11/13/4504 Creare School International 18/11/13/1304 Cresset House 18/11/13/4637 Creston College 18/11/13/544 Crossroads Trust 18/11/13/409 Cyril and Roshelle Ginsburg Trust 18/11/13/933 Dalpark Independent Educational Centre 18/11/13/405 DC Marivate Junior Secondary School 930001975 Deafblind South Africa 18/11/13/3281 Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation 18/11/13/51 Deutsche Schuleverein Kapstadt 18/11/13/1185 Deutsche Schuleverein Pretoria 18/11/13/2402 Di-Kholo Africa Training 930001878 Diocesan School for Girls Grahamstown 18/11/13/419 Dira Sengwe Conferences 930002242 Doctors for Life / Project Care 930003469 Dominican-Grimley School 18/11/7/580 Door of Hope Children's Mission 18/11/13/1409 Drakenstien Centre for Persons with Disabilities 18/11/13/109 Duduza College 18/11/13/855 Durban Children's Home 18/11/13/4516 Durban Children's Society 18/11/13/1145 Durban Children's Society Charitable Trust 18/11/13/2676 Durban Girls College 18/11/13/2542 Durban Girls College Development Fund 18/11/13/2543 Durban Girls College Trust 18/11/13/2544 Durban Girls High School 18/11/7/441 Durban Girls High School Educational Trust 18/11/13/2094 Durban High School 18/11/7/606 Durban Institute of Technology 18/11/7/744 Durbanville Schools Trust 18/11/13/2176 Dwaalboom Trust 18/11/13/3600 Eastern Province Children's Home 18/11/13/1498 Edenhaven Fund Management Trust 18/11/13/1228 Educate Africa Trust 930001049 Edumap Education Development Trust 18/11/13/512 Ekuseni National Education Trust 930002802 Elijah Christian School Trust 18/11/13/1420 Elijah Christian School Trust 18/11/13/1421 Emmaüs 18/11/13/1404 Entokozweni Training Centre 18/11/13/1901 Epworth Children's Home 18/11/13/138 Eric Miles Cheshire Home 18/11/13/3151 ES le Grange Skool vir Verstandelik Erg-Gestremde Kinders 18/11/13/1040 Evander Hoërskool 18/11/7/607 Fairbairn High School Trust 18/11/13/474 Fanie Theron Pre-Primêre Skool 18/11/13/2043 Fish Hoek Baptist Church Community Trust 18/11/13/1121 Fish Hoek Primary School 18/11/7/630 Focus of the Family Southern Africa 18/11/13/1369 Focus on the Family South Africa 930003051 Fontainebleau Laerskool 18/11/7/431 Forest Farm Centre 18/11/13/2125 Fort Beaufort Preparatory School Trust 18/11/13/169 Fort Hare Foundation 18/11/13/987 Free State Department of Education: Group Registration: Public Schools 930001842 Friends Day Centre 18/11/13/2579 Future Hope Trust 930002746 Gallagher Foundation Trust 18/11/13/1577 Gauteng Department of Education: Group Registration: Public Schools 930004607 George Voorbereidingskool 18/11/7/455 Gerecho Foundation 18/11/13/1605 German School Association of Port Natal 18/11/13/2315 Get Ahead Project Trust 18/11/13/2093 Glendale School for Specialised Education 18/11/13/1403 Gold Fields Education Trust 18/11/13/917 Gold Fields Primary and Secondary Education Trust 18/11/13/918 Goldfields Hospice Association 18/11/13/2586 Goodbye Street Outreach Project 18/11/13/1659 Grantleigh Trust 18/11/13/4698 Grayston Preparatory School 18/11/13/1260 Greater St Francis Bay Child and Welfare Society 930004109 Greenfield Girls Primary School 18/11/7/406 Greighton Primary School 18/11/7/453 Grey Junior School 18/11/7/400 Grey Kollege Pre-Primêre Skool 18/11/7/562 Grey Kollege Primêre Skool 18/11/7/563 Grey Kollege Sekondêre Skool 18/11/7/564 Grey-College Bloemfontein Trust 18/11/13/327 Groote Schuur Hospital Teaching Trust 18/11/13/511 Guild Cottage 18/11/13/2063 Hamlet Foundation 18/11/13/2229 Hamlet Parktown Property Trust 18/11/13/2228 Hard Rain Children's Trust 18/11/13/3702 Harriston School 18/11/13/1361 Headstart College 18/11/13/1039 Health Systems Planning and Development Trust 18/11/13/3137 Helderberg Development Centre 18/11/13/3285 Helderberg Hospice 930003638 Helen Bishop Orthopedic After Care Home 18/11/13/1604 Helpmekaar Kollege 18/11/13/682 Hentie Cilliers Sekondêre Skool 18/11/7/561 Heritage Academy 18/11/13/3261 Hermanus High School 18/11/7/539 Highveld East Aids Support Project 18/11/13/1545 Highveld Education Trust 18/11/13/2756 Highveld Muslim School 18/11/13/1408 Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust 18/11/13/1231 Hillview High School 18/11/7/713 Hirsch Lyons School 18/11/13/1238 HIV-Aids Educational and Development Organisation 18/11/13/321 Hoër Tegniese Skool Klerksdorp 18/11/7/476 Hoër Tegniese Skool Louis Botha 18/11/7/750 Hoër Tegniese Skool Welkom 18/11/7/559 Höer Volkskool Opvoedkundige Trust 18/11/13/1087 Hoërskool Barrydale 18/11/7/393 Hoërskool Bekker 18/11/7/525 Hoërskool Bergvesting 18/11/7/609 Hoërskool Brits 18/11/7/610 Hoërskool Burgersdorp 18/11/7/462 Hoërskool Colesberg 18/11/7/611 Hoërskool de Villiers Graaff 18/11/7/612 Hoërskool DF Malherbe 18/11/7/710 Hoërskool Dirkie Uys Trustfonds 930003713 Hoërskool Elandspoort 930005173 Hoërskool Eldoraigne 18/11/7/700 Hoërskool Framesby 18/11/7/396 Höerskool Framesby Opvoedkundige 18/11/13/1088 Hoërskool Franschhoek 18/11/7/447 Hoërskool Hartbeespoort 18/11/7/614 Hoërskool Jim Fouché 18/11/7/446 Hoërskool Lindley 18/11/7/388 Hoërskool Montana 930005174 Hoërskool Nico Malan 18/11/7/573 Hoërskool Noord-Kaap 930001353 Hoërskool Overberg 18/11/7/615 Hoërskool Pretoria Wes 930005092 Hoërskool Riebeeckrand 18/11/7/529 Hoërskool Riebeeckstad 18/11/7/555 Hoërskool Roodepoort Trust 930004886 Hoërskool Sannieshof 18/11/7/554 Hoërskool Steynsrus 18/11/7/390 Hoërskool Swartland Trust 18/11/13/4793 Hoërskool Tuine 18/11/7/429 Hoërskool Victoria Wes 18/11/7/443 Hoërskool Vryburg 18/11/7/538 Hokisa Homes for Kids in South Africa 18/11/13/2833 Hope Convalescent Home for Children 930000498 Hope School 18/11/7/715 Hope Worldwide South Africa 18/11/13/1707 Hospice Association
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