Convention Headquarters BUENA VISTA HOTEL AT BILOXI The beautiful air conditioned Main Dining room famous along the coast for excellent cuisine. Buena Vista Pool and Beach Motel. Card Playing on Buena Vista Lawn. VOLUME 52 NUMBER 1 Spring 1958 Sifjma J(appa :lianfj/e Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby CoJJege, November, 1874 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Editor-in-Chief, FRANCES WARREN BAKER (Mro. James Stannard Baker, 433 Woodlawn ave., Glencoe, Ill.) College Editor-Martha Jewett Abbey (Mrs. Wallace W. Abbey), 2212 Ash lane, N orthbrook, Ill. Alumnre Editor-Beatrice Strait Lines (Mrs. Harold B. Lines), 234 Salt Springs rd., Syracuse 3, N.Y. Business Manager-Margaret Hazlett Taggart (Mrs. E. D . Taggart), 3433 Washington Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FRONT COVER : A picturesque year round scene at Biloxi, Miss., on the Gulf of Mexico. Here fishing boats ride at anchor. Moss-draped evergreen oaks and magnolias grow to the water's edge.-Photogfaph by Anthony V. Ragusin 3 Come to Our Biloxi Convention 5 Places To See Around Biloxi 7 There IS a Difference Between Civil Rights and Social Privileges. 8 Alpha Phi Jolley Twins Become Miller Twins 9. Helen Lucas Felder Presides Over Washington Federation 10 "Howdy Stranger" 13 It's a New Home for Beta Theta 14 Share Miami Panhellenic Building 16 "Trip Real for Mateel' ' 19 There Are More Provinces Now to Gain Supervision 20 The Friends of Beta Upsilon 21 June Sitts Heads Tacoma Panhellenic 23 Helen Williams Dances Hawaiian Programs 24 Two Times Two Equals the Hendricks 25 Their "Home Base" is Kept Lively 26 Our Travelling Secretaries Are Well Equipped for Their Work 27 Ministry to Senior Citizens of the Mission's Parish 29 Back from Romantic Algiers 32 Proudly We Present Our Province Officers 42 College Chapter Highlights 67 Initiates, Pledges 49 Speaking of Sigmas 70 Milestones, Deaths 54 Alumnre Chapter Activities 76 Directory SIGMA KAPPA TRIANGLE is published in Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. by the George Banta Company, Inc., official publishers for Sigma Kappa Sorority at 450 Ahnaip st., ·Menasha, Wis. Subscription price $2 a year; single copies 504; life subscription $15. Send change of address, subscriptions, and correspondence of a business nature ta Mrs. E. D . Taggart, 450 Ahnaip st., Menasha, Wis., or 34'33 Washington blvd., Indianapolis 5, Ind. Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to Mrs. ]. S. Baker, 433 Woodlawn ave., Glencoe, Ill. Chapters, college and alumnre must send manuscript in time to reac h their respective editors before the fiftenth of October, January, April, and August. Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated. All matters pertaining to national advertising should be directed to Fra· ternity Magazines Associated, 1618 Orrington ave., Evanston, Ill. Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Menasha, Wis., under the act of March 3, 1879; accepted for mailing at special rate of postage under the provisions of Sec. 34-40 Par. (D) provided for in the act of October 3. 1917. Printed in U.S.A. Come fo Our IJifoxi Convenfion ':sitgma-3. htp. '' ALICE HERSEY WICK, Permanent Convention Chairman • . As convention chairman Sigma chapter hostesses, and will feature the presentation at SMU is my favorite, because in mid­ of the other convention awards- the Team­ March they sent the names of their con­ work Trophy, the Most Cooperative Chapter vention delegates, even though April 1 was Award, TRIANGLE Award, and some extra designated as the due date for this exciting surprises. information. I always wonder if each dele­ Janey Slaughter, Province President, will gate's name will fit her face, when I meet be in charge of all music for convention and her come June, and how the choice of room­ will, in addition, cooperate with past Na­ mates that I have such fun choosing (always tional President Katharine Lowry in the com­ try to mix the accents) will work out for bining of the Memorial and Devotional Serv­ lasting friendships. ices Sunday morning. Believe me, my convention attendanc;e over You will note that there are two formal these many years has resulted in some of the dinners scheduled; this does not mean, how­ dearest friends of my life ; it's worth all the ever, that you must bring two different work I put out every two years on conven­ formals if you are trying to travel light. It tion details to make sure that I see these pals will probably be quite warm in Biloxi, but again. We may get old and fat, but to our­ the Buena Vista is amply air conditioned, selves we're still "The Girls" of whenever so the usual summer cottons, sport style, with we first met at Sigma Kappa Convention. 1 a sweater or light jacket for emergencies, can wish nothing better for the 1958 col­ should be fine. Swim suit and shorts for some lege delegates than the chance of making play hours. (WHAT ARE THEY? at con­ just such friends from this convention. ventions! but no shorts or slacks for meet­ Please read back in the last TRIANGLE for ings), plus the white outfit for all day Ritual the general plans tor convention, and then Day will be all you'll need. It's much more add these later details: Our opening formal important to bring a thorough knowledge of dinner will have as hostesses the members Sigma Kappa and Panhellenic, a keen desire of Beta Xi and Memphis Alumna:!, and will to be a GOOD convention delegate, and a honor the Confirmed Conventionites (those whole-hearted determination to give as much who have attended three or more conven­ as you can to the success of this convention, tions )-very appropriately as we consider than to worry about a large wardrobe. "Sigma Kappa Through the Years." Bring your southern accents for this evening! • The hotel rate will be $13.50 per day, The Delaware Alumna:! chapter is making American plan, per person. The registra­ the lovely decorations for the Sigma Kappa tion fee is $20.00, payable when you send in Relatives luncheon Thursday-you'll get the registration blank (which will appear in some ideas for rush parties when you see the next TRIANGLE, or make a copy) . This what they are working on. fee will include all tips at the hotel unless The Scholarship luncheon on Friday will you have special services, programs, banquet have Province President Ruth Warner Bax­ fee, the sight seeing trip, etc. It will be pro­ ter as chairman, and Province President Glo rated at $4.00 per day for anyone staying Preston McDaniel as toastmistress, with the part time. chairman of the national Scholarship Com­ There will be several optional sight seeing mittee, La Verna Kiefer, presenting the schol­ trips for the "afternoon off," which will be arship cups. described to you when you register at the The formal banquet Friday night will hotel. The cost is included in the registration have the members of Knoxville Alumna:! as fee. SPRING 1958 J une 25, Wednesday 12: 30 Scholarship Luncheon, Province Presi­ dents in charge Awarding of scholar­ Registration all day ship cups 4:00- 5:00 Province Presidents meet with their 2:30- 5:30 Round tables chapters 6:30 Formal banquet, with awards 5:30- 6:30 Reception- National Council 8:30-10: 30 College and alumnre round tables 6:30 Southern Party (formal) "Sigma Kappa Throughout the Years" honoring the confirmed Conventionites June 28 , Saturday 9:00 Panhellenic delegates meet with NPC 8:30-12:00 Formal business meeting Delegate National Reco mmendation 12 :30 Endowment luncheon, speaker Committee members meet with their 2:00- 5:00 Free afternoon for college delegates chairman Alumnre round tables 6:00 Informal buffet dinner, Ships Room June 26, T hursday Rush skits 8:30 Formal Business session 8:30-10 :30 Round tables 12:30 Luncheon honoring Sigma Kappa Relatives June 29, Sunday 2:00- 5:00 Formal business meeting 6:30 Informal dinner and program on A.M. Memorial and Devotional Services Gerontology Round tables 8:30-10:30 Round tables, coll ege and alumnre 1:00- 3:00 Panhellenic luncheon 3:30 Formal business meeting, installation of officers June 27, Friday 6:00 County Fair dinner-informal Ritual D ay (all Sigmas to wear white all day; formal banquet gown may be any color) June 30, Monday 8:30-12:00 Pledge and initiation services and 8:00 Breakfast, after which convention Model Meeting disbands SIGMA KAPPA CONVENTION REGISTRATION BLANK Buena Vista H otel, Biloxi, Mississippi June 25-30, 1958 Mail to Mrs. Richard M. Wick, Route 60, 1910 Cypress ave., Allentown, Pa. Name: . ... ... ...... ... ... ..... .. .. .... ... .. ..... ... ........ ............ (Maiden) (Married) Home address: .... ... ..... ... .... ........ ........... ... ...... .. ........ .... College Address (for college members) Chapter: College Alumnre Graduation date 0 National officer 0 Advisory Board 0 or Corporati on Board member 0 College D elegate 0 College V isi tor 0 Alumnre Delegate 0 Alumnre Visitor 0 Non-Sigma Kappa Visitor Membership in honorary societies (Phi Beta Kappa, Mortar Board, etc.) ...... .................. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • 0 •••• • 0 •• ••••• ••• ••• •• •• • •••• 0 ••••••• 0 ••••• • 0 ••••• ••••••••• • Other Sigma Kap pa Conventions attended: . .. ....... ...... .... ..... ....... ... ........... Sigma Kappa Relatives ........ ... .... ...................... ................. .... .. Arriva l date: ...... .. ..... .. .. Time ..... ... ..... Pl ane ..... Train .. .... Car .... .. Choice of roommate: ••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••• • ••••• •••• 0 • •••••• •••••• • ••••• • ••• (Officers and paid delegates will be assigned room and roommates) (Roommates must mail reservation in same envelope.) Enclose $20.00 registration fee with this form, payable to Sigma Kappa Sorority; after May 20, fee will be $21.00; no refunds after June 10. Natchez-A settlement since 1716, is famous for teresting antique shops. Sightseeing tours are its annual pilgrimage held in March. Many of the available day and night. well known ante bellum homes are open to tour­ Mobile-Alabama's only seaport offers Bel­ ists all year.
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