1. Average DaUy Net Press Run The Weather For The Week Ended MmoIi a, u n Cool tonight. Lows in the 20a. l ^ d y . T om orrow high 40 to 4S, 16,080 mostly sunny. Mancheater— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXX, NO. 133 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1971 (Olnsetfled Advertlatng on Page U ) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS 0 Ex-GI Tells Police-Community Ties Viet War Objectors O t Shootmg Subject of State Hearings Ruled Not Exempt By MABC CHABNEY relationship was built up.” But O f Farmer Aaoocinted Frees Writer now, he said, the pressures of NEW HAVWV WUh an «*P®»dlng pOpUla- FT. BENNING, Go. (AP) NEW With an limited budgets mean From Being Drafted Some weeks before Lt. William evening hearing here Monday, all poUcemen are in Galley’s troops swept through Human Rights and Oppor- gars. “Nowadays they don’t WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court today My Laf, a former soldier testl- Committee at the state ^g^t a poUceman untU he pulls barred draft exeinptions for men who claim they object fled today, a Vietnamese rice legislature begins asking a ^ver and gives them a farmer was throwh into a well thorny and emotional question: traffic ticket,” he said. in conscience to the Vietnam war but not to all wars. Sind shoi—either by Galley or 'How do Connecticut’s policemen others said they agreed, and The vote was 8 to 1. one of his men. ^fte ^ e ci^unm^^y Justice Thurgood Marstmll, men on the basis of their con- ’*We were going through a vU- P*^ce—how do they trea^ them h^ip. dellverlng the court’s opinion in sciences. lage and came across two farm- they received? gjjjgj however, from one two draft cases, said: “Yet conscience and belief ers working in a fleld,” said the ^ Bertea at fiv e ^ favored by “We hold that' Congress In- are the main ingredients of witness, BiU Carney, 24, ^ a k - hearings tlurougluMt the “t ^ ^ the report-Chi^ Biaglo DlUeto tended to exempt persons who First Amendment rights,” kig in- a liOsstssippl drawl. reaction to a repwt from Haven—said that cars oppose participating in all war Douglas said. “They are the be- "Lt. Galley said he wanted to State Human Rights and Op- beats aren’t the prob- . and that persons who object dmck of free speech as well as talk to one. He brought him up portunltles Oommlssion. Tho re- ^ prohiem of solely to participation In a per- religion.” tlcular war are not within the to the wril. I heard him say if police-community re­ leadership, he said, a problem lations is "one of the state’s purview of the exempting sec- WASHXNG’TON (AP) The he didn’t talk end tell him what that can only be solved by the tion." Supreme Court ruled today that he wanted to know, he’d throw most vcdatile Issues,” and the chief himself. series Itself was announced as \ Marshall said this was true Job tests which screen out him in the well,” Carney said. The reactions to the report even If the objection to a pcutlc- blacks without reaUsticaUy ’Ihe witness, from Meridian, an inquiry into “what appears were gathered in an Associated to be deteriorating ^conditions ular war has “roots In a claim- measuring their qualiflcations lOas., was in Galley’s platoon. Press survey of the nine police ant’s conscience and personality for the Job are unconstitutional, but <Ud not go on the March 10, police wd the commu- cjjjefg whoee cities were studied that Is ‘religious' in character.” The 8 to 0 decision ruled out 1968 anault on My Lai because . g. g.. for the commission report. Hie Justice wqUiam O. Douglas such things as general InteUi- he had a broken hAwri what can the committee reactions were expressed over dlssented. gence tests and educational re­ Oalley U charged with the ^ hear from policemen. period of several weeks after in other actions today, the qulrements which' cannot be dl- premeditated murder of 102 cl- ^ the report was madef pubUc in court: rectly related to the Job in ques- vlUans on that My Lai mission. to that com- December. —Upheld Maryland’s ban on tion. Carney said the weU incident ® . , "There exlsU a harrier <rf showing of the Swedish movie, The ruling came in the appeal happened some weeks before hotrtUlty,” said the yi.\ “I Am Curious (YeUow).” The of 13 Negro emirioyes of the the My Lai assault, but he ® like the pi^leni of poB^ report, “between the urban po- picture had been banned as ob- Duke Power Co.’s Dan River V.couldn’t be sure of the date. ***® scene. steam station at Drai>er, N.C., CW. Reid Kennedy, the trial youths .. —(Declined to hear a protest who said such requirementa Judge, allowed Carney's testl- 1" ***® ^ve i^e BatUe lines are down.” juoge,________ aucweu ____ i;ainey s xesu.to say about its writers. They ^ particularly agEiinst astronauts praying from kept them from advancing to like to talk about the poUce- space. jobs held by whites. sfaow the mental state of Oalley unkind to police in four commu- —^Ruled that Job tests which The opinion by Chief Justice community rriaUons programs _ BrU^port, Hartford, prior* to and during the My Lai screen out blacks without real- Warren E. Burger said tbe com- they’re ruiuiing, and they tell Norwalk and Wllllmantic—and opM aU on. you how great the need for ^ g^gg ^ istically measuring their quallfi- pany had practiced preference ’Hie defense had claimed the them Is. cations for the Job are unconsti- for whites in Job assignments lieutenant’s capacity was so im- Uce chiefs were either least talk­ tutional. p rior to th e 1964 C ivil R ights , . ^ But the police chiefs whose ative or most defensive rriien p a l^ he could not premeditate departments got black eyes —Upheld iSouth Carolina’s Act. asked «d>out tire report. right to exclude men from a col- After that, Burger noted, the ™*1™**'‘ ' ^ . from the com m ission a re either In Hartford, Police Chief said after ov^ iea i^ more reUcent or belligerent lege operated foi; women. company required hlgh-school Thomas J. Vaughan said he CaUeys conversation with the ^g „pgrt. Let stand the contempt con- diplomas for assignment to any couldn’t “make any comment vlction of an Oklahoma City depcurtment except its labor de­ couple who defied a court-or- partment, the only branch of the *«.• .».:s5TJ.3 Sw A s t e ; sjm'SS; X 's. dered desegregation plan by re- plant In ^ c h blacks were em- or I came back and saw a dead y «, that the commission was fusing to send their 14-year-old ployed. Satisfactory scores on man in the weU and he was talking only<»ly to a few majcon-nialcon- p g^ of tho report.questioned” son to his assigned school. aptitude and Intelligence tests tents when they gathered their The report said of Hartford: The draft decision dismissed also were required, Gamey said the weU was very ,ggjg Qne chief, in fact, says “Not one persMi interviewed claims brought by Guy P. GU- Negro employes, who said the rirallow . ttie« ‘fi’t any P^lem _^all. g^^ Q^g as good,” and lette, of Yonkers, N.Y., a self- tests and diploma requirements That incident originally had The feeling ^ t no pi em .-jg^gj^ gjjd conflict” have been described humanist, and Louis limited them to the labor, de- been one of the government’s A. Negre, of Bakersfield, Calif., pailment, argued that tho new I aa •fhniit p rod u ced b eca u se v o ca l non- specifications against Galley, a Roman Catholic. requlremens had the same ef- *** nrarn m Whites have taken the place of tat later was struck'from the (AF photo) Both men contended their con- foot as the alleged racial dis- ch a rg e. Two South Vietnamese tanks ‘ wait behind thick undergfro'wth more than 10 sciences did not permit them to crimination practiced before the -Q. Was anyone else present? miles inside Laos as unseen U.S. plane hits suspiected enery positions. fight in Vietnam. ctyji Rights Act. A, T-. ,n» .Kon. Gillette, 26, was sentenced to „ „ two vears In orison for not re- “ “ employment practice aid) GrsesUo. cent.years from the avera^ clt- said his city is now nnrHnir fot- InihixHnn TJaoM Whlch Operates tO eXClude O ne at tbe prosecution’s most Isen, especially In problem ,,, im porting for Induction. Negre, 29, jw ™™ to be U an Army veteran who was ta riwwn to ta damiigh* ^ t^ s to O ^ s arcane slums and coUege centers out irf^hich Commander in Laos Says: refused a discharge. 1 ■ ■ • ‘^“S r ^ c e chief, Norwalk’s Ih his <n.talon^*arshall em- P^“®® » “»«>• recalled as a rebuttal witness Fraiwls E. Vlrgulak, remem- community relations. PoUce phasised what he called “the in- , t o r ^ maintaining a fair sys- . ' and asked hla opinion of Gal- bered the days of the foot beat, chiefs in ^ver^ “***“ Ho Chi Minh Trail Junctions j ^JgJ. Qjg hlgh-school completion ley’s tnmtni state in My Lai. “when the policeman was woric- said toey have had similar cen- , . requirement nor the general in- “He seemed jm tty calm to Ing school crossings—this great ters H^e a ^ rejected ^ argument teiugence teat Is shown to bear In Bridgeport — the city that me,” said the witness. “In one that individual religious view- g demonstrable relationship to received the worst marks from incident he didn’t seem upset at Seized by South Viet Forces p ^ ts are discriminated against auccesaful performance of the the commission — Pcrflce Supt.
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