1214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 16, Now, as to the Senator's suggestion that I stop here until to­ J. Wesley Van Tassell to .be postmaster at Hopewell Junction, morrow morning, I think it is a good suggestion, and I believe in the county of Dutchess and State o~ New York. I shall act upon it. I see it is late. SOUTH CAROLINA. 1\Ir. SPOONER. That will give the Senator an opportunity to Guss E. Smith to be postmaster at Mullins, in the county of speak more connectedly. Marion and State of South Carolina. Mr. ALDRICH. Notice has been given by the Senator from Tennessee [Mr. CARMACK] that to-morrow, as I remember .it, WASHINGTON. the eulogies upon the late Senator Bate will be delivered.. I T. N. Henry to be postmaster at Prosser, in the county of imagine that the morning hour could be used for the purposes Benton and State of Washington. of the Senator from Ohio. Mr. FORAKER. Yes. - 1\Ir. ALDRICH. Probably we could get through with this HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. discussion in time to have a vote taken before we adjourn to­ WEDNESDAY, Jan~tary 16, 1907. morrow. Mr. FORAKER. I do not know how long it will require to The Ho11se met at 12 o'clock m. say what I want to say. I think I can get through perhaps in The following prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Rev. an hour's time. At any rate, I will be· glad to resume in tbe HENRY N. COUDEN, D. D.: morning ind get through as quickly as I can. Eternal and everliving God, whose ways are past finding out, Mr. LODGE. Immediately after the routine morning busi­ we thank Thee that amid the perplexing and inexplicable prob­ ness? lems of life we may look up to Thee and call Thee Father, be­ 1\Ir. FORAKER. Immediately after the morning business I lieving that nothing comes to us through hate or revenge, but will resume the floor. through love and mercy; that when a calamity comes upon any 1\fr. KEAN. Will the Senator from Ohio yield to me? ·people it makes the whole world akin, teaching fatherhood and 1\Ir. FORAKER. Certainly. brotherhood. Our. sympathies therefore go out to the people of Jamaica, EXECUTIVE SESSION. and we most fervently pray that in that great calamity they 1\Ir. KEAN. I move that the Senate proceed to the consid- may be comforted by the blessings of Heaven and by the help­ eration of executive business. · . ing hand of all the world; that we bear one another's burdens, The motion was agreed to; and the Senate proceeded to the and so fulfill the law of Christ. Amen. consideration of executive business. After ten minutes spent in The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap­ executive session the doors were reopened, and (at 4 o'clock proved. and 45 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, RESIGNATION OF COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENT. Thursday, January 17, 1907, at 12 o:clock meridian. Mr. SHERLEY. 1\fr. Speaker, on yesterday, just prior to ad­ journment, the Chair announced my appointment as a member CONFIRl\IATIONS. of the Committee on the Judiciary. I respectfully request that PJ::r:ecutit:e nom.inations con{i1·med by the Senate January 16, 1907. the House relieve me from further service on the committee. The SPEAKER. The gentleman asks unanimous consent ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. that he be relieved from further service on the Committee on the - Arthur F. Statter, of the State of Washington, to be Assistant Judiciary. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The Chair Secretary of the Treasury. hears none. · ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY. DAM ACROSS SAVANNAH RIVER AT GREGG SHOALS, SOUTH CAROLINA. Horace G. Knowles, of Delaware; late consul at Bordeaux, Mr. AIKEN. l\fr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the to be envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the present consideration of the bill H. R. 21402. United States to Roumania and Servia. The Clerk read the title of the bill, as follows : ASSISTANT TREASURER AT BOSTON, MASS. Permitting the building of a dam across the Savannah River at Edwin Upton Curtis, of Massachusetts, to be assistant treas­ Gregg Shoals. urer of the United States at Boston, Mass. The Clerk proceeded to read th"e bill . Mr. WILLIAMS. l\fr. Speaker; I desire to ask the gentle­ COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. man from South Carolina if this bill has a unanimous report? George A. Alba, of Florida, to be collector of customs for the l\fr. AIKEN. Yes; it has been unanimously reported. ' district of St. Augustine, in the State of Florida. l\Ir. MANN. l\Ir. Speaker, this bill and a number of other Charles H. Marchant, of Massachusetts, to be collector of cus­ bills of similar character have been amended in the commit­ toms for the district of Edgartown, in the State of Massachu­ tee, so as to make them conform in form to the common bills setts. relating to bridges; and I ask unanimous consent tha.t the Clerk UNITED STATES ATTOR ~EY. in reporting the bill may report it as amended, so that the William B. Sheppard, of Florida, to be United States attorney House may know what it contains instead of reading the long for the northern district of Florida. bill. ·. MARSHALS. The SPEAKER. Without objection, the Clerk will report the bill as requested. Frank W. Wait, of Michigan, to be United States marshal for The Clerk read as follows : the western district of Michigan. A bill (H·. R. 21402) permitting the building of a dam across the Savan­ Thomas F. McGourin, of Florida, to be United States marshal nah River at Gregg Shoals. for the northern district of Florida. Be it enacted, etc., That the Savannah River Power Company, a cor­ PROMOTIO~ IN THE REVENUE-CUTTER SERVICE. por'ation organized under the laws of .South Car·olina, its successors and assigns is hereby authorized to construct and maintain a dam across Third Lieut. William Clayton Ward to be second lieutenant in the Savannah River, extending from a point in Elbert County, Ga., to a point in South Carolina near the dividing line between .Anderson the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States, to rank as such County S. C., and Abbeville County, S. C., upon or· in tbe vicinity of from December 25, 1906. Gregg Shoals, and all works incident thereto in the utilization of the POSTMASTERS. power thereby developed in accordance with tbe provisions of an act entitled "An act to regulate the constl'uction of dams across navigable ILLINOIS. waters," approved June 21, 1906. James A. Lauder to be po.stmaster at Carterville, in the SEc. 2. '.rhat the right to amend or repeal this act is hereby expressly county. of Williamson and State of Illinois. reserved. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The l\IINNESOTA. Chair hears none. Oscar Krook to be postmaster at Marshall, in the county of The amendments recommended by the committee were agreed Lyon and State of Minnesota. to. NEW YORK. The bill as amended was ordered to be engrossed for a third Sidney B. Cloyes to be postmaster at Earlville, in the county reading; and being engrossed, it was accordingly read the third of Madison and State of New York. time, a~d passed. Freeman H. Merritt to be postmaster at White Plains, in the On motion of 1\Ir. AIKEN, a motion to reconsider the vote by ... county of Westchester and State of New York. which the bill was passed was laid on the table. James A. Snell to be postmaster at Fonda, in the county of ~fontgomery and State of New York. DAVE~PORT WATER POWER COMPANY. Winfield S. Vandewater to be postmaster at Cedarhurst, in the 1\Ir. DAWSON. l\fr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for county of Na sau and State of Ne~v York. · · the present consideration of the following bill. 1907. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-HOU~E . 1215 The Clerk read a.s follows : FORTIFICATIONS APPROPRIATION BILL. A bill (H. R. 21677) to amend a~ act grantin~ to the Davenport Water Mr. S.MTTH of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House re­ Power Company rights to construct and mamtain a canal, power sta­ solve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state tion, and appurtenant works in the Mississippi River in Scott County, Iowa. of -the Union for the further consideration of the fortifications Be it enacted, etc., That the act gran tin&" to. the Davenport Water appropriation bill. · Power Company rights to co~struct aJ?d .m~nn!atD; a c_anal, power sta­ The motion was agreed to. tion, and appurtena.nt works lD the M.ts~Issippt River ID Scott County! The House accordingly resolved itself into the Committee of Iowa approved Aprrl 5 1904, be, and It 1s hereby, amended as follows. In section 3 of said act strike out the word "three " and insert the the Whole House on the state of the Union for the further con- ' word " six " in lieu thereof ; also strike out the word " six " and insert sideration of the bill H. R. 23821-the fortifications appropria­ the word " nine " in lieu thereof. tion bill-with Mr. l.VIANN in the chair. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? . The CHAIRMAN. The Chair understands that a point of Mr. WILLIA.MS. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object­ order was reserved by the gentleman from Iowa [Mr. SMITH] my attention was called away for just· a mome~t---::-I do not quite on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Ohio [Mr.
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