r THE PLYMOUTH MAIL VOL. 46, No. 44 PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1932 $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE POSTO FICE C Training School Wins First HI CHELL Prize At State Fair DISTRICT I AND 2 REPUBLICAN STATE AND COUNTY CONGRESS ONAL n SSIBILITT Exhibit Creates Much At­ GIVEN REPUBLICAN CHOICE GOVERNOR Plymouth Again Listed tention—Cattle Bring , ,’recinct As One Of Places For - j- Home Awards No. 2 SUP 'ORT ER Bailey. (Hla ................ ................... 3 RS IN IP" ISTRICI A Building i Brucker. Wilbur M............................. :«Ki Six laiys ami girls worki'ug TO | McKeiglutn. Win. H......................... Local Candidate Loses busily all afternoon in the Coliseum Learned Loses Race Washington newspaper dispatches <Juiiilaii, James C., ...................... To Contestants From hail larger crowds watching tbem Donner From ! Welsh. Geo. W..................................... during the past few days have than any other exhibit in the! big again listed Plymouth as one of the Dearborn LIEUTENANT GOVERN'D^ Big Voting Sections building out at the Michigan State Dickel <on. Luren 1)..................,........ 235 cities to receive a new postoffice Fair this week." Thus wrote the1 building during the .pexr year or Plymouth Republicans stood firm­ ’itch. Virgil A. ................................ 3* When the exeiiemeiit and heat of Detroit Times about the exhibit -ink. Charles A.............. ................. -’(Ki the 17th congressional district so. The building of. >i number of from the Wayne County TvainfhK ly liehind all iucumhents for state jMistoffice structures throughout ami county office and liel|>ed swell CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE election fray had sublim'd. Gi'orge School at the State Fair. / To Fill Vacancy A. Dondero of Royal Dak found the country iu communities which This unusual type of exhibition, the totals that were given them are growing rapidly anti which are from other sections of the county. Kilpa Arthur W........................ 339' himself the Republicans choice for which showed action as well as REPRESENTATIVE IN CON I thar office and Harry Mitchell, badly in heed of additional post- products. took the first prize in all Brucker proved a local Republican office housing, is set forth as a favorite ns did William Comstock, 17th Dist present Mayor of Pontiac headed exhibits set up in the Coliseum Burgess. Roy II. the list of the Democrats. part''of the Hoover program to representing eight State and Coun­ Democrat in the race for governor. provide work for the thoiumnils County officials found much sui>- Carson. Roy K........... Keen intercut was shown in ty institutions in addition to the Carrwright. Geo. T. Plymouth in this race because “of of unemployed. Detroit Public Schools. The first IKirt in, Plymouth. Behremlt receiv­ ••But," warns one dispatch in ing more local votes than the rest Dondero. Geo. A........... the local candidate Perry W. Rieli- quoting a Washington official, “no prize brings to the Training School Griggs. AP.HTt G. wine. Seasoned |K>liticiaus stated a lieautiful eup. of his competitors. Wilcox headed community where an effort is made the opposition ticket with 54) more Gover. Bowen R....... that against the tremendous odds to profiteer at the expense of the A eoutiiHlous crowd of interested Knock. Franklin dr. Richwine made a formidable siMHtators. most of'the time six ami votes than John Murphy. Stoll. government—will he taken into con­ Gutman. Parrel anil Toy were all McNair. Wm. S........ ihowiug in his first ixdltieal en­ sideration. New fpderal buildings eight, deep, gathered closely around Pearson. Justice R. deavor. these girls and boys eugaged busily given strong supjtort. Prosecutor will be erected where needed an.l Harry Toy received the largest Reilly. C. V. i Terry i Mr. Dondero. a resideni of Royal only in such places as where the at their different tasks. The girls Richwine. Perry W. Dak practically all of his life is made towels ami pillow slips, darn­ uuiiilior of votes cast for any one government, can secure proper sites WILBUR M. BRUCKER Individual in Plymouth precints. Rosevear. John J. Jr. U known io many in Plymouth, at most reasonable prices. In fact ed socks and made button holes Schulte. John J. Jr. lie is an attorney and has served the offer of sites for new federal in shirts literally h.v the hundreds, Local voters rallied to the sup- Yerkes. Robert G- • as village clerk, township assessor, buildings ar figures regarded as of all while you waited. Three hoys port of John W. Reid candidate for STATE SENATOR village attorney and assistant an attractive nature will be given were engaged in a continuous pro­ State Senator from this district to ISth District county proKceutor for Royal Dak. first consideration.” duction of window screens, starting fill the vacancy created h.v Claude Later lie was chairman of ihe Royal OFFER OOF N with a piece of rough lumber, squar­ Stevens of Highland Park when Blaine. Albert Dak charter connuission ami then It is to be gained from this that ing it up on the jointdr. then put­ lie announced that he would not la* Charnoske. Joseph the government is not going to pur llauniek.* Justin M. Mayor. He served on the Royal Dak up a building in any communitj ting it thru the mortising machine a candidate for re-election. Reid school board for is years ami the and then cutting our the tenons lead his closest rival by better Jackson. Ilarry G. last 13 years was its president. that does not cooperate in the full­ than 3.IXM1 votes in the district. Kirby. Wm. E......... - est extent in getting a site at a CIY GAS RATE on the band saw proceeding to He has given freely of his time Laiiv. John P............. most reasonable price. complete the screen on the bench Frank J. Schroeder was the Dem­ VOTERS CAST to public work and is an excellent i City Officials Hope To and then passing it over to the ocratic nominee. McBride. Walter C. .. candidate for the Republican party. A year or so ago the matter of next bov who shellacked the knot: Philbrook. Ralph A. a new post office building was Returns in the race 'for state He is an outstanding student on Gain Additional ami painted it the usual 'n 1 legislature gave Edward Fislie Reid. John W. the life of Lincoln and advances brought to the attention of Con­ Rippe.v. Owen.......... gressman EyrI Michener. At that Slash Soon green. I unopposed, republican 3.060 votes. many of tile Lincoln ideals in pres­ Shelton. Earl W. 5i2 BALLOTS ent day needs. He liases his plat­ time Congressman Michener advised The real center of attraction, how­ Frank K. Learned Plymouth Dem­ REPRESENTATIVE IN LEGISLATURE Plymouth residents that while con­ ever. was the hoy on the lathe. He ocratic candidate failed to gain FIFTH DISTRICT form on the thought that govern­ City officials have engaged Prof. turned out one article after another enough supiMirt in Dearlxirn to off­ mental exjmnse should be reduced. gress had set aside $85,000 and he John S. Worley of tile University Fisher. Edward F. Nearly Half Of Local had lieen able to secure the placing of varying sizes and varying shapes, set the lead that his two competitors OF PROBATE Robert Ycfkes of Northville ran of Michigan to make a study of the all from patterns set up liefore him. gained in their home towns. Don­ Qualified Voters Go secoml in the Rcpuhliean race and ■ •f Plymouth on the preferential proposed gas rate cut that has been Gulleii. Earl I\. 150 list, he did not see an immediate This attracted the attention of the ner lead the Democratic ticket aoo To Polls Clyde Fenner sm-ond on the Demo­ offered to Plymouth. youngster and the older man alike. with 1.4)34 votes. Hicks second with Palmer. Ervin R. cratic ticket. The 27 office seekers prospect of the building being The offer, one that provides. It is Read. Geo. M. 2tm crpeted. The amount stated not Much as the average visitor marvel­ 882 and Learned third with 070. | The first State and County in tile race made it one of doubt said, an average reduction of nine led at the skill he marvelled still j Primary Election conducted by from the start. Mitchell's lead was only must cover the cost of the cents per thousand feet. conies as Belir. Herbert C. site, bur the building and 'all other more at the alisolute Indifference 36(1 election officials under the City accredited to his strong following the result of the request for a with which these young tradesmen Behold! The Champ Behrendl. Henry ... in Pontiac ami the 22nd ward where expenses that go into the com­ Dingennsn. Arthur E. 14KI rform of government brought out vision of the rates made some time proceeded at their tasks, quite un- ' only an average Vole of slightly the majority of votes are cast. pleted structure. ago by Plymouth officials. O'Grady. Patrick. J. 137 distrulied by the admiration of the Lawn Bowler! His COUN'tV, 4'LER under one-lialf of the registered I'nfortnnately for Plymouth it crowd. will not have Congressman Michen­ Previous to the death of Mayor Farrell. Thomas i I voters. Central School Has er to press its fight for the new Robert Mimniack. Mr. Mimniack This exhibit was assembled undei■ Light Now Shineth COUNTY' TREASURER Afier the registrations closed and building as lie is no longer the rep­ and Commissioner Frank Learned, the immediate direction of Brady. Myles. ,T. the new registrations were entered First P. T. A. Meet resentative of this district. How­ sought a conference with comimny ('. Jfulliyan who is Dr. Haskell's.1 Resting on i shelf up in the pas- Callahan.
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