Ministary Of Public Health Papulation Epidemiological Bulletin Primary Heath Care Sector Weekly DG for Diseases Control & Surveillance Eiectronic Integrated Disease Early Warning and Response System Volume 07,lssue50,Epi week 50,(09-16 December,2019) Highlights eDEWS Reporting Rates vs Consultations in Govemorates,Epi Weeks 1-50,2019 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % 95 97 97 % 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 % 96 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 100% % 450000 93 92 96 93 90% 93 400000 •During week no.50,2019, %95(1991/1896) health facilites from 23 80% 350000 70% 300000 Governorates provided valid surveillance data. 60% 250000 50% 200000 Percentage 40% 150000 Consulttaions 30% 20% 100000 10% 50000 •The total number of consultation reported during the week in 23 0% 0 Wk 2 Wk 7 Wk 9 Wk Wk Wk 1 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 Wk 8 Wk 14 Wk 16 Wk 23 Wk 25 Wk 30 Wk 32 Wk 37 Wk 39 Wk 46 Wk 48 Wk 11 Wk 12 Wk 13 Wk 15 Wk 17 Wk 18 Wk 19 Wk 20 Wk 21 Wk 22 Wk 24 Wk 26 Wk 27 Wk 28 Wk 29 Wk 31 Wk 33 Wk 34 Wk 35 Wk 36 Wk 38 Wk 40 Wk 41 Wk 42 Wk 43 Wk 44 Wk 45 Wk 47 Wk 49 Wk 50 Governorates was 415196 compared to 399050 the previous reporting week Wk 10 50. Acute respiratory tract infections lower Respiratory Infections (LRTI), Upper Reporting Rate Consultations Respiratory Infections (URTI), Other acute diarrhea (OAD) and Malaria (Mal) Distribution of Reporting Rates by Governoraes (Epi-Week 50,2019) % % % % % % % % were the leading cause of morbidity this week. % 100% % % % % % % % 98 % 100 86 % % 97 100 100 100 100 90% 97 99 99 100 97 100 100 88 99 % 85 91 % % 80% % 94 87 86 70% 83 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% ● A total of 2063 alerts were generated by eDEWS system in week50, 2019, Of No.HF Reports 10% these 2059 alerts were verified as true for further investigations with 0% appropriate response Reporting Rate Target Leading causes of morbidity mortality in Epi-Week 50,2019 Proportional morbidity of leading priority diseases, Epi week 50,2019 Guinea Worm ● (URTI) 16.5%, suspected Malaria (7.7%),(DD) (10.1%) and (LRTI) (6.4%)Remain the Scabies Chicken Pox leading causes of morbidity representing a total of (40.7%) Brucellosis HIV/ AIDS Tuberculosis RB CL ● Acute viral hepatitis, acute watery diarrhea and Schistosomiasis represented less than Sch VHF 1% of total morbidity in reporting period Bloody diarrhea represented 0.3% Of this DF Meng morbidity Mal Mumps AFP NNT AVH_B&C ● All diarrheal disease comprised 10.1% and LRTI 6.4% of total morbidity in pilot Governorates AVH_A&E Meas this week . Typhoid F OAD BD Pert SARI ILI ● All diarrheal disease comprised 10.1% and OAD 7% of total morbidity in all age group . LRTI URTI 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 14.0% 16.0% 18.0% التهاب تنفسي حاد وخيم:SARI التهاب الكبد :AVH الحصبة :Meas داء الكلب :RB التهاب السحايا :Men حمى الضنك :DF مﻻريا :Mal بلهارسيا :Sch اسهال مائي حاد :AWD التهاب الجهاز التنفسي السفلي:LRTI اسهال حاد اخرى :OAD اسهال مدمم :BD عدوى الجهاز التنفسي العلوي :URTI اﻻيذز :HIV الجذري:CHICKEN دودة غينية:GUINEA حمى مالطيه:BRUCELLOSIS السل:TUPERCULOSIS النكاف :Mumps التيفوئيد أخرى :Typh أمراض أخرى :Others أنفلونزا على شكل وباء :ILI This weekly epidemiological leaflet is issued by the National Early Warning and Response Program of the Ministry of Public Health and Population. For Correspondence: Dr. Rema Al-Yousfi, Mobile (713228999, e-mail: [email protected]), Yahya Amer-Mobile (777553779, e-mail [email protected]) 1 Weekly Bulletin: Electornic Integrated Disease Early Warinig & Response System, Yemen - Epidemiological Week Number 50 (09-16 December,2019) Epidemiological Situation of Cholera GOV Maps Officer / Fawaz Al-Khalidi - Mobile (771422601) This weekly epidemiological leaflet is issued by the National Early Warning and Response Program of the Ministry of Public Health and Population. For Correspondence: Dr. Rema Al-Yousfi, Mobile (713228999, e-mail: [email protected]), Yahya Amer-Mobile (777553779, e-mail [email protected]) 2 Weekly Bulletin: Electornic Integrated Disease Early Warinig & Response System, Yemen - Epidemiological Week Number 50 (09-16 December,2019) Epidemiological Situation of Dengue Fever and SARI Highest Governorates/ Districts with Suspected DF during last 3 Weeks ( wk49,50,51) Maps Officer / Fawaz Al-Khalidi - Mobile (771422601) Email ([email protected]) Deaths Distribution of Death SARI by age group ( Oct, Nov, Dec) 2018/2019 This weekly epidemiological leaflet is issued by the National Early Warning and Response Program of the Ministry of Public Health and Population. For Correspondence: Dr. Rema Al-Yousfi, Mobile (713228999, e-mail: [email protected]), Yahya Amer-Mobile (777553779, e-mail [email protected]) 3 Weekly Bulletin: Electornic Integrated Disease Early Warinig & Response System, Yemen - Epidemiological Week Number 50 (09-16 December,2019) weekly trends of Upper Respiratory infections ,Lower Respiratory and mararia tested cases & confirmed (Epi weeks 1-50 ,2019) URTI LRTI mararia tested cases & confirmed Epi weeks 1-50,2019 20.0% 8.0% 4000 18.0% 7.0% 3500 16.0% 6.0% 3000 14.0% 5.0% 2500 12.0% 2000 10.0% 4.0% 8.0% 1500 3.0% 6.0% 1000 2.0% 4.0% 500 1.0% 2.0% 0 0.0% wk2 wk5 wk8 wk3 wk4 wk6 wk7 wk9 0.0% wk1 wk11 wk14 wk17 wk20 wk23 wk26 wk45 wk48 wk10 wk12 wk13 wk15 wk16 wk18 wk19 wk21 wk22 wk24 wk25 wk27 wk28 wk29 wk30 wk31 wk32 wk33 wk34 wk35 wk36 wk37 wk38 wk39 wk40 wk41 wk42 wk43 wk44 wk46 wk47 wk49 wk50 WK1 WK2 WK3 WK4 WK5 WK6 WK7 WK8 WK9 WK10 WK11 WK12 WK13 WK14 WK15 WK16 WK17 WK18 WK19 WK20 WK21 WK22 WK23 WK24 WK25 WK26 WK27 WK28 WK29 WK30 WK31 WK32 WK33 WK34 WK35 WK36 WK37 WK38 WK39 WK40 WK41 WK42 WK43 WK44 WK45 WK46 WK47 WK48 WK49 WK50 WK1 WK2 WK3 WK4 WK5 WK6 WK7 WK8 WK9 WK10 WK11 WK12 WK13 WK14 WK15 WK16 WK17 WK18 WK19 WK20 WK21 WK22 WK23 WK50 WK25 WK26 WK27 WK28 WK29 WK30 WK31 WK32 WK33 WK34 WK35 WK36 WK37 WK38 WK39 WK40 WK41 WK42 WK43 WK44 WK45 WK46 WK47 WK48 WK49 WK24 Rapid Test(Postive) Microscope(Postive) Age and Sex distribution of total consultations of leading diseases (Epi week 50,2019) Number of Alerts Received and Responded (Epi Weeks 47-50,2019) 100000 URTI LRTI Pert BD OAD Typhoid F 90000 86880 AFP Meas AVH_A&E AVH_B&C DF Meng 80000 Sch CL Chicken Pox Mal 70000 250 60000 57714 200 50000 42153 40683 40000 38785 150 35954 34063 30555 30000 100 24247 24162 No.of Alerts 20000 50 10000 0 0 <1yr 1-4yr 5-14yr 15-44yr >45yr Male 24247 35954 40683 57714 30555 Female 24162 38785 42153 86880 34063 Distribution of consultations of leading diseases by Governorates,Epi week 50-2019 Hadramout Sanaa Suspected Disease Abyan Aden Al-Baidha Al-Dhale AlHodaidah Al-Jawf Al-Mahra Al-Mahweet Amana Amran Dhamar Hadramout Hajjah Ibb Lahj Mareb Rayma Sa'adah Shabwah Socotra Taiz Total wady Governorate URTI 3335 4864 1366 1003 7028 1489 721 1878 7226 2908 4083 2063 2559 4209 2613 4411 1225 636 4383 4823 1735 76 3790 68424 LRTI 326 588 816 134 5094 432 88 1037 2795 1515 2328 493 401 1683 1624 1308 618 167 738 1977 292 28 2003 26485 ILI 218 0 110 0 90 129 0 20 74 67 120 0 2 126 58 0 167 0 243 255 352 4 669 2704 SARI 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 128 27 155 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 9 0 0 8 343 Pert 3 13 1 2 1 11 0 0 3 4 10 1 7 0 1 6 0 0 16 2 32 0 7 120 BD 45 1 65 11 136 97 37 62 72 81 91 5 16 5 39 29 58 14 97 88 48 0 158 1255 OAD 1264 1795 797 587 1725 893 292 696 3646 1473 2488 874 558 1844 1432 1451 668 328 1613 2264 810 30 1407 28935 Typhoid F 42 49 245 10 403 150 11 141 677 240 1476 48 7 9 455 50 110 55 140 289 63 31 470 5171 Meas 2 18 4 4 1 1 0 0 11 11 2 1 1 13 7 5 0 0 11 2 0 0 5 99 AVH_A&E 6 15 1 1 3 2 7 7 103 7 38 37 6 0 18 16 3 0 8 22 14 0 37 351 AVH_B&C 3 1 6 0 1 0 0 0 91 6 7 14 0 3 18 3 8 0 0 1 3 0 14 179 NNT 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 AFP 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 13 388 27 0 4 23 29 2 6 25 34 42 13 4 اﻷمراض المشتب23هة Mumps 6 26 2 7 3 16 10 27 46 13 Mal 65 405 0 3 20315 91 98 521 190 572 858 1 1 5424 396 114 32 216 780 279 5 0 1457 31823 Meng 0 2 0 0 3 4 0 0 15 1 3 4 0 2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 23 61 DF 23 224 33 11 3950 0 0 42 13 4 2 39 2 512 5 177 284 3 4 2 98 0 833 6261 VHF 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Sch 1 0 1 7 4 32 0 41 66 124 26 14 1 123 9 1 3 11 56 52 4 0 31 607 CL 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 15 5 19 2 0 9 1 8 2 2 13 12 1 0 2 98 RB 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 23 70 11 92 0 2 5 50 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 302 Tuberculosis 2 7 2 1 22 5 4 0 14 1 15 0 0 5 2 1 0 0 0 7 1 0 6 95 HIV/ AIDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 Brucellosis 2 0 47 0 0 61 0 1 153 59 427 0 6 161 90 0 4 2 14 15 10 0 8 1060 Chicken Pox 5 10 3 0 8 14 3 4 54 16 17 15 3 14 27 12 15 21 43 26 5 0 25 340 Scabies 13 0 0 0 36 0 0 6 8 2 12 0 0 36 8 1 0 4 21 10 0 0 1 158 Guinea Worm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 othr_disease 4838 14335 4470 7205 18294 4288 2351 4294 48665 9620 21101 8820 4657 12089 10210 10563 6274 880 6054 10024 4691 258 10499 224480 total_cons_disease 10385 22693 8911 9002 59075 7943 3623 9158 65899 17430 34602 14249 8826 27110 18425 18300 9498 2536 14777 21864 8210 427 22253 415196 This weekly epidemiological leaflet is issued by the National Early Warning and Response Program of the Ministry of Public Health and Population.
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