Polling Stations by Electoral Area Printed: 17 April 2018 Level: 1W - Ward Area: Acocks Green PD Stn No Premises Electorate ACG1 1 / ACG1 Cottesbrooke Infant School, Yardley Road, B27 6LG 1,838 (Lions Classroom, entrance Cottesbrook Rd) ACG1 2 / ACG1 Cottesbrooke Infant School, Yardley Road, B27 6LG 1,768 (Lions Classroom, entrance Cottesbrook Rd) ACG2 3 / ACG2 Acocks Green Primary School, Warwick Road, B27 7UQ 1,788 ACG2 4 / ACG2 Acocks Green Primary School, Warwick Road, B27 7UQ 1,773 ACG3 5 / ACG3 Ninestiles School, Hartfield Crescent, B27 7QG 1,158 ACG4 6 / ACG4 The Oaklands Primary School, Dolphin Lane, B27 7BT 1,543 ACG4 7 / ACG4 The Oaklands Primary School, Dolphin Lane, B27 7BT 1,381 ACG5 8 / ACG5 Lakey Lane Junior and Infant School, Lakey Lane, B28 8RY 1,816 ACG6 9 / ACG6 Severne Junior & Infant (NC) School, Severne Road, B27 7HR 1,420 ACG6 10 / ACG6 Severne Junior & Infant (NC) School, Severne Road, B27 7HR 1,409 Number of Stations / Electorate for Area Acocks Green: 10 15,894 Area: Allens Cross PD Stn No Premises Electorate ALC1 11 / ALC1 Bellfield Infant School, Vineyard Road, B31 1PT 1,177 (Infant Hall) ALC1 12 / ALC1 Bellfield Infant School, Vineyard Road, B31 1PT 1,053 (Infant Hall) ALC2 13 / ALC2 Allens Cross Community Centre, Tinkers Farm Road, B31 1RH 1,541 ALC2 14 / ALC2 Allens Cross Community Centre, Tinkers Farm Road, B31 1RH 1,649 ALC3 15 / ALC3 Merritts Brook EACT Academy, Trescott Road, B31 5QD 2,025 (entrance Norrington Road or) Number of Stations / Electorate for Area Allens Cross: 5 7,445 Area: Alum Rock PD Stn No Premises Electorate ALR1 16 / ALR1 Army Cadet Centre, Washwood Heath Road, B8 1RQ 1,139 ALR2 17 / ALR2 Hutton Hall, Herrick Road, B8 1PW 1,815 ALR3 18 / ALR3 Naseby Youth & Community Centre, 102 Naseby Road, B8 3HG 1,725 ALR3 19 / ALR3 Naseby Youth & Community Centre, 102 Naseby Road, B8 3HG 1,750 ALR4 20 / ALR4 St John's House (Annexe Building), St Johns House, 652 Alum Rock 1,943 Road, B8 3NS ALR5 21 / ALR5 Women's Enterprise Centre, Rear of Norton Hall, Ralph Road, B8 1NA 1,402 ALR5 22 / ALR5 Women's Enterprise Centre, Rear of Norton Hall, Ralph Road, B8 1NA 1,464 ALR6 23 / ALR6 Parkfield Primary School, Parkfield Road, B8 3AX 2,032 ALR7 24 / ALR7 Shaw Hill Primary (Nursery Building), Anthony Road, B8 3AN 2,008 Number of Stations / Electorate for Area Alum Rock: 9 15,278 PSTNAREA - Polling Stations by Electoral Area Page: 1 Report Version Date:28/08/2012-1 Polling Stations by Electoral Area Printed: 17 April 2018 Level: 1W - Ward Area: Aston PD Stn No Premises Electorate AST1 25 / AST1 Canterbury Cross Primary School, Canterbury Road, B20 3AA 1,904 AST2 26 / AST2 Church of God (Universal), Wenlock Road, B20 3HR 1,455 AST2 27 / AST2 Church of God (Universal), Wenlock Road, B20 3HR 1,597 AST3PB 28 / AST3PB Yew Tree Community School, Yew Tree Road, B6 6RX 900 AST4PB 29 / AST4PB Deykin Avenue Junior and Infant School, Deykin Avenue, B6 7BU 1,088 AST5 30 / AST5 Birchfield Community School, Trinity Road, B6 6AJ 1,836 AST6 31 / AST6 Prince Albert J & I (NC) School, Dolman Road, B6 5NH 1,815 AST6 32 / AST6 Prince Albert J & I (NC) School, Dolman Road, B6 5NH 1,867 AST7 33 / AST7 Aston Tower Community Primary School, Nursery Unit, Upper Sutton 1,496 Street, B6 5BE Number of Stations / Electorate for Area Aston: 9 13,958 Area: Balsall Heath West PD Stn No Premises Electorate BAH1ED 34 / BAH1ED, Lillian De Lissa Nursery School, Bellevue, B5 7LX 684 BAH2 BAH2 34 / BAH1ED, Lillian De Lissa Nursery School, Bellevue, B5 7LX 1,053 BAH2 BAH3 35 / BAH3 Jakeman Nursery School, Jakeman Road, B12 9NX 1,691 BAH3 36 / BAH3 Jakeman Nursery School, Jakeman Road, B12 9NX 1,719 BAH4 37 / BAH4 Heath Mount Primary School, Knutsford Street (off Mary Street), B12 9ST 1,802 Number of Stations / Electorate for Area Balsall Heath West: 4 6,949 Area: Bartley Green PD Stn No Premises Electorate BAR1 38 / BAR1 Woodgate Valley Country Park Visitors Centre, Clapgate Lane, B32 3DS 1,452 BAR2 39 / BAR2 St Francis Church and Community Centre, Glen Side, B32 3RU 1,153 BAR2 40 / BAR2 St Francis Church and Community Centre, Glen Side, B32 3RU 1,210 BAR3 41 / BAR3 Common Room, Rush Green Housing Scheme, Rush Green, B32 3BJ 1,429 BAR4 42 / BAR4 Bartley Green Technology College, Adams Hill, B32 3QJ 1,476 (Pomeroy Road or) BAR4 43 / BAR4 Bartley Green Technology College, Adams Hill, B32 3QJ 1,391 (Pomeroy Road or) BAR5 44 / BAR5 Woodgate Primary School, Trimpley Road, B32 3PN 1,706 BAR6 45 / BAR6 Kitwell Primary School, Wychbury Road, B32 4DL 1,023 (Main School entrance) BAR6 46 / BAR6 Kitwell Primary School, Wychbury Road, B32 4DL 1,066 (Main School entrance) BAR7 47 / BAR7 Long Nuke Tenants Hall, Long Nuke Road, B31 1DP 1,881 BAR7 48 / BAR7 Long Nuke Tenants Hall, Long Nuke Road, B31 1DP 1,682 Number of Stations / Electorate for Area Bartley Green: 11 15,469 PSTNAREA - Polling Stations by Electoral Area Page: 2 Report Version Date:28/08/2012-1 Polling Stations by Electoral Area Printed: 17 April 2018 Level: 1W - Ward Area: Billesley PD Stn No Premises Electorate BIL1HG 58 / BIL1HG, Baptist Church, 299 Brook Lane, B13 0TL 777 BIL2 BIL2 58 / BIL1HG, Baptist Church, 299 Brook Lane, B13 0TL 919 BIL2 BIL3HG 59 / BIL3HG, Common Room, Coleside Avenue Sheltered Housing, 31 Coleside 466 BIL4 Avenue, B13 0BX BIL4 59 / BIL3HG, Common Room, Coleside Avenue Sheltered Housing, 31 Coleside 1,498 BIL4 Avenue, B13 0BX BIL5 60 / BIL5 Kings Heath Boys Maths and Computing College, Chamberlain Road, B13 1,933 0QP (Classroom X1 Annexe,) BIL5 61 / BIL5 Kings Heath Boys Maths and Computing College, Chamberlain Road, B13 1,959 0QP (Classroom X1 Annexe,) BIL6 62 / BIL6 Billesley Primary School, Trittiford Road, B13 0ES 1,654 BIL7 63 / BIL7 Holy Cross Church Hall, Beauchamp Road, B13 0NS 1,516 BIL8 64 / BIL8 Yardley Wood Community Primary School (New Sports Hall), School 1,998 Road, B14 4ER (entrance Ravenshill Road or) BIL9 65 / BIL9 Harvest Church, 146 Priory Road, B28 0TB 1,294 Number of Stations / Electorate for Area Billesley: 8 14,014 Area: Birchfield PD Stn No Premises Electorate BIR1 66 / BIR1 United Reformed Church Hall Annexe, Wilton Road, B20 3RX 2,031 BIR2 67 / BIR2 Westminster Primary School, Westminster Road, B20 3PN 1,334 (Entrance via Westminster Road only) BIR2 68 / BIR2 Westminster Primary School, Westminster Road, B20 3PN 1,354 (Entrance via Westminster Road only) BIR3 69 / BIR3 Bethel United Church, Beaudesert Road, B20 3TG 2,074 Number of Stations / Electorate for Area Birchfield: 4 6,793 Area: Bordesley & Highgate PD Stn No Premises Electorate BOH1 89 / BOH1 Chandos Primary School, Vaughton Street South, B12 0YN 1,506 (Main Hall entrance from car park) BOH2 90 / BOH2 Harper Bell SDA Primary School, 29 Ravenhurst Street, B12 0EJ 1,867 BOH3 91 / BOH3 Bordesley Village Primary School and Children's Centre, Emmeline Street, 1,790 B9 4NG (St. Andrews Street or) BOH4 92 / BOH4, Al Hijrah School, Burbridge Road, B9 4US 1,007 BOH5HH BOH5HH 92 / BOH4, Al Hijrah School, Burbridge Road, B9 4US 590 BOH5HH Number of Stations / Electorate for Area Bordesley & Highgate: 4 6,760 PSTNAREA - Polling Stations by Electoral Area Page: 3 Report Version Date:28/08/2012-1 Polling Stations by Electoral Area Printed: 17 April 2018 Level: 1W - Ward Area: Bordesley Green PD Stn No Premises Electorate BOR1 93 / BOR1 Regents Park Community Primary School (Nursery), Arthur Street, B10 1,494 0NJ (Via Camelot Way) BOR1 94 / BOR1, Regents Park Community Primary School (Nursery), Arthur Street, B10 1,463 BOR2YA 0NJ (Via Camelot Way) BOR2YA 94 / BOR1, Regents Park Community Primary School (Nursery), Arthur Street, B10 203 BOR2YA 0NJ (Via Camelot Way) BOR3 95 / BOR3 Wyndcliffe Primary School, Little Green Lane, B9 5BG 2,006 (Training Room) BOR4HH 96 / BOR4HH Methodist Church Hall, Blake Lane, B9 5QT 1,786 Number of Stations / Electorate for Area Bordesley Green: 4 6,952 Area: Bournbrook & Selly Park PD Stn No Premises Electorate BSP1 97 / BSP1 Tiverton Academy School, Tiverton Road, B29 6BW 1,613 (entrance Dawlish Road or) BSP1 98 / BSP1 Tiverton Academy School, Tiverton Road, B29 6BW 1,846 (entrance Dawlish Road or) BSP1 99 / BSP1 Tiverton Academy School, Tiverton Road, B29 6BW 1,525 (entrance Dawlish Road or) BSP2 100 / BSP2 BAYC Conference Centre, Hilda Simister House, 581 Pershore Road, B29 1,902 7EL BSP3 101 / BSP3 St Edward's Catholic Primary School, Greenland Road, B29 7PN 1,067 BSP3 102 / BSP3 St Edward's Catholic Primary School, Greenland Road, B29 7PN 1,054 BSP4 103 / BSP4 Raddlebarn Primary School, Gristhorpe Road, B29 7TD 1,534 Number of Stations / Electorate for Area Bournbrook & Selly Park: 7 10,541 Area: Bournville & Cotteridge PD Stn No Premises Electorate BOC1 80 / BOC1 Christian Life Centre, 900 Bristol Road, B29 6HW 996 (entrance Langleys Road) BOC2 81 / BOC2 Dame Elizabeth Hall (Dennis Carson Room), Firbank Close, Oak Tree 1,609 Lane, B30 1UA BOC2 82 / BOC2 Dame Elizabeth Hall (Dennis Carson Room), Firbank Close, Oak Tree 1,637 Lane, B30 1UA BOC3 83 / BOC3, Methodist Church Hall, Cob Lane, corner Hay Green Lane, B30 1QD 1,567 BOC4NO BOC4NO 83 / BOC3, Methodist Church Hall, Cob Lane, corner Hay Green Lane, B30 1QD 451 BOC4NO BOC5 84 / BOC5 Village Hall, Woodlands Park Road, B30 1HB 1,137 BOC5 85 / BOC5 Village Hall, Woodlands Park Road, B30 1HB 1,109 BOC6 86 / BOC6 Friends Meeting House, 23A Watford Road, B30 1JB 1,386 BOC6 87 / BOC6 Friends Meeting House, 23A Watford Road, B30 1JB 1,399 BOC7 88 / BOC7 Masefield Wellbeing Hub, Masefield Square, B31 2HL 1,896 Number of Stations / Electorate for Area Bournville & Cotteridge: 9 13,187 PSTNAREA - Polling
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