1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1121 uralization to investigate the various prob­ 2398. Also, petition of the general secre­ The VICE PRESIDENT announced lems relating to the alien situation in the -tary of the Mid-Continental Oil and Gas As­ that on February 6, 1942, he signed the United States; to the Committee on Rules. sociation, Tulsa, Okla., petitioning considera­ By Mr. PETERSON of Florida: . tion of their resolution with referencr to following enrolled bills and a joint reso­ H. Res. 434. Resolution creating a select pledging and dedicating themselves and their lution, which had been signed previously committee to investigate the s~gar situ~tion; ·resources to the winning of a complete and by the Speaker of the House of Repre- to the Committee on Rules. lasting victory for the Government and the sentatives: · By Mr .. JARMAN: people; to the Committee on Interstate and S. 381. An act for the relief of Marcel M. H . Res. 435. Resolution authorizing the Foreign Commerce. Roman, Clara M. Roman, and Rodica E. printing of a revised edition of House Docu­ 2399. Also, petition of the secretary of the Roman; ment No 210, curr.ent Congress, entitled "Our Rodeo Association of America, Salinas, Calif., s. 806. An act for the relief of Carmella National Government: What Is It? How Does petitioning consideration of their resolution Ridgewell; It Function?" as a public document; to the with reference to continuation and encour­ s. 1523. An act for the relief of the Port­ Committee on Printing. agement of rodeo exhibitions during the na­ land Sportwear Manufacturing Co.; tional emergency; to the Committee on Mili­ S. 1654. An act for the relief of the Mer­ tary Affairs. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS chants Distilling Corporation; 2400. By Mr. WHITTINGTON: Petition of s. 1771 . An act for the relief of R. V. Thur­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private the Mississippi Legislatur ~ . requesting the ston and Joseph Hardy, a partnership; bills and resolutions were introduced and United States to guard bridges across the S. 1778. An act for the relief of Leslie severally referred as follows: Mississippi River at Natchez, Greenvme, and Truax; Vicksburg; to the Committee on Military S. 1848. An act for the relief of Dr. Hugh By Mr. ANTIERSON of California: Affairs. G. Nicholson; H. R. 6557. A bill for the relief of James Gilmore and Marion Gilmore; to the Commit­ S. 1935. An act to amend section 602 (m) tee on Claims. of the National Service Life Insurance Ac1 By Mr. BARRY: . SENATE of 1940 (Public, No. 801, 76th Cong.), as H . R. 6558. A bill for the relief of Anne amended, to enable a person in active service Berbig and Alfred E. Berbig, Jr.; to the Com­ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1942 in the Ar~y. Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast mittee on Claims. Guard to secure such insurance effective as The Chaplain, the Very Reverend of date of application by advance of active Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the service pay, and for other purposes; PETITIONS, ETC. following prayer: S. 1945--An act to authorize the Commis­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions sioners of the District of Columbia to ac­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Almighty God and Heavenly Father, quire, operate, and regulate public off-street and referred as follows: whose love doth ever bear with us, whose parking facilities, and for other purposes; purity abides our faithlessness, whose s. 1974. An act for the relief of Francis 2391. By Mr GRAHAM: Petition of the truth forbears our falsity and compro­ Howard Robinson; executive committee of the Lawrence County s. 2011. An act for the relief of Willard R. (Pa.) Pomona Grange, No. 65, endorsing the mise, whose patience ever standeth ready Centerwall, formerly superintendent and spe­ recommendations of the Special Economy to forgive our oft-repeated sins: Direct cial disbursing agent at the Tongue River Committee of Congress, as reported by its us now that we may forsake our lethargy, Indian Agency; chairman, Senator BYRD, and favoring the our careless unconcern for the higher, 11. R. 6460. An act making appropriations abolition of all grants-i:n-aid and all subsidies nobler things of life, induced by self­ for the Navy Department and the naval serv­ of . whatever nature, and all parity pay­ indulgence, that we may obey once more ice for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1943, mel.ts for agriculture, together with the the stern commands of conscience, and and additional appropriations therefor for the agencies which dispense them; to the Com­ fiscal year ending June 30, 1942, and for other mittee on Appropriations. rededicate ourselves to our common tasks in the spirit of true sacrifice, finding in purposes; and 2392. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of the · H. J. Res. 276. Joint resolution to authorize Schaeffer Street Civic Association, Brooklyn, the face of the Man of Sorrows, the glory the President of the United States to render N. Y., opposing the proposed pay-roll tax of God. financial aid to China, and for other purposes. and favoring a national lottery or drawing be. Keep us in these days of visitation un­ formed by individuals who might buy chances der the solemn shadow of the cross, PROPOSED REPEAL OF LAW PROVIDING in certain tax-"xempt special Victory bonds where we, in adoring wonder, may be­ RETIREMENT FOR MEMBERS OF CON­ to be awarded the winners, the bonds to be GRESS noninterest bearing and to be payable at some hold the Saviour's triumph and find po~;~t-war period; to the Committee on Ways 'refuge and strength in every time of Mr. LEE. Mr. President, although .I and Means. need. We ask it in His name and for believe that the principle of the law 2393. By Mr. McCORMACK: Memorial of His sake. · Amen. which placed Members of Congress under the city council of the city of Boston, at­ THE JOURNAL the Civil Service Retirement Act is right, tested by Wilfred J . Doyle, city clerk, memori­ yet because it and the vote of Congress alizing Congress in protest against any On request of Mr. HILL, and by unan­ have been so misunderstood by the people amendment to the Federal income-tax laws imous consent, the reading of the Jour~ subjecting the interest upon its bonds to throughout the country at this particular nal of the proceedings of the calendar time when self-sacrifice is so necessary, I such taxation; to the Committee on Ways day, Thursday, February 5, 1942, was dis­ and Means. believe the effect of this act is very dam­ 2394. Also, memorial of the house of rep­ pensed with, and the Journal was aging to the morale of the country and resentatives, Massachusetts Legislature, at­ approved. that it therefore should be repealed im­ tested by Han. Frederick W . Cook, secretary MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE DURING mediately. of the Commonwealth, memorializing Con­ ADJOURNMENT gress in favor of Federal legislation to pro­ No matter how just and fair such legis­ tect the national war efforts and operations Under authority of the order of the lation may be, if it tends to create dis­ of this country from excessive and unjust 5th instant, trust and lack of confidence at the pres­ burden of State sales taxes; to the Committee A message from the House of Repre­ ent time. it is dangerous to our national on Ways and Means. sentatives was received during adjourn­ welfare and should be avoided. 2395 By. Mr. ROLPH: Resolution of the ment of the Senate advising that the The law itself in principle is right, but San Francisco Junior Chamber of Commerce, it is an inappropriate time for such ac­ relative to the San Francisco Bay project House had passed, without amendment, formulated by John Reber; to the Committee the bill (S. 1935) to amend section 602 tion. Therefore, I recommend that it be on Rivers and Harbors. (m) of the National Service Life Insur­ repealed. 2396. By Mr. WELCH: Resolution No. 2383 ance Act of 1940 <Public, No. 801, 76th MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT-AP­ of the Board of Supervisors of the city and Cong.) , as amended, to enable a person PROVAL OF BILLS county of San Francisco, memorializing Con­ in active service in the Army, Navy, gress to immediately insure complete pro­ Marine Corps, or Coast Guard to secure Messages in writing from the President tection for the Pacific coast; to the Commit­ of the United States were communicated tee on Military Affairs. such insurance effective as of date of application by advance of active service to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his 2397. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the secretaries, who also announced that the American Taxicab Association, Chicago, Ill., pay, and for other purposes. petitioning consideration of their resolution President had approved and signed the ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION following acts: with reference to the continued existence of SIGNED DURING ADJOURNMENT the taxicab industry so that the industry may On February 6, 1942: help carry on in this"emergency; to the Com­ Under authority of the order of the S. 828. An act to increase the period for mittee on Banking and Currency. 5th instant, which leases may be made of public lands LXXXVIII--71 1122 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 9 granted to the State of Idaho for educational document room, 24,500 copies for the use of President of the United States, which purposes by the act of July 3, 1890; the House, and 3,000 copies for the use of was read and referred to the Committee S. 1589.
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