NET PRESS RUN THE WEATHER. AVERAGE DAILY CIRC5ULATI0N OP THE EVENING HERALD for the month of April, 1926. Showers tonight; cooler. Son* 4 , 8 3 7 attrhpBtfr curnittg day generally fair and cooler. (TWELVE PACES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLIV., NO. 199. Olasslfled Advertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1926. CoD^ «S>- -<5> <3^ RELAY GRIEF TIDINGS FOR DISARMAMENT OF TO SMACK AT SEA MEX 2-BUN DEPUTIES. JUDGE TERMS DOLLAR-A-YEAR LOVE-PAT FOR STANFIELD IS W as It Cruelty or Mistaken Love Boston, May 22.— To ships at Mexico City, May 22.— Rafael! sea today a radio message told Alvarez, member of the Chamber i That Kept Tot Tied 12 Hours Daily? cf the death under the wheels WILLIAMS MAY of Deputies, has announced his ^ BARRED FROM INDIANA’S DRY of an auto truck of 11-year-old SLEUTH ORDER candidacy for re-election on a Chicago, May 22.— Juvenile authorities were puzzled today Ruth Parsons. platform demanding "dlsarma-, over the strafige case of little Eddie Rook, 4 years old, While Ruth's father. Captain Ernest ment of the lower federal cham-1 L A tnN V A L ID Parsons, Is aboard the fishing R A IS ^ S T O R M FINISHBUTLER ber.” i SENM E RACE Eddie romped and played In the sun for the first time In many schooner Lark on the Grand Alvarez claims that ninety per | months, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rook-Smlth, were booked on Banks, and it Is hoped that some cent of his fellow deputies at charges of extreme cruelty. steamer will carry to him the the last session of the chamber Declares Search Provision Is sad message. Coolidge Edict Making Dry Court-Martialed Colonel Gets were two-gun men, wearing a Loses Oregon G .0. P. Nom­ Police went to the Smith home when neighbors told of A truck driven by William Ta- pistol on each hip. The other hearing the child cry. They found him alone In the house, celll climbed tho curbstone and ten per cent he says, carried from In Conflict With Bill of killed Ruth. Agents of Local Officers Off With 4 Number Cut; one to six guns. ination lo Steiwar, Dry tied with a heavy rope to a staple driven In the wall. Nearby, One deputy, Alvarez says, car­ police said, was a plate containing scraps of food. Rights— Test in Supreme Attacked as Illegal, De­ Prosecutor Likely to Quit ried two .45's tw,o .32’s, and two War Vet, on the Face of When the parents arrived home they were arrested. They .25's. admitted. Investigators said, that they had kept the child tied BANDITS SHOT BY fended as Legal. Marines. Incomplete Returns. up 12 hours every working day since the winter of 1925. Smith Court Likely. Is the child’s step-father. Portland, Ore., May 22.— Robert At the station, Mrs. Smith clasped the child to her and W'ashlngton, May 22.— A verit­ Indianapolis, Ind., May 22.— For MICHIGAN POSSE Washington, May 22.— Col. Al­ BIG GERMAN GUN N. Stanfield, Junior senator from sobbed: "We love him. We didn’t do It to harm him. Wo able cyclone of controversy raged the first time since it became oper­ exander S. Williams emerged Oregon. i-.pi'Ciicntly has been de- both have to work and he was tied up for fear he would go Into ative nearly a year ago, the Wright throughout the capitol today over from the famous "cocktail court- fi;ated f">r rerioniination on the Re- the street and be killed/' ARRIVES IN TOWN bone-dry law, conceded to be the President Coolidge’s executive or­ martial” as something of a hero publicai ticket on the strength of Two Will Probably Die After severest prohibition statute in any der, authorizing federal prohibition among the marines. returns compiled here today fol­ <$>- - 4 > state in the Union, came under a badges for every city policeman, The action of Secretary of the lowing the primary elections Fri­ Navy Wilbur In allowing the gen­ court's censure today. Robbing Bank, While deputy sheriff and country consta­ War Trophy Now at Armory; day. eral court-martial penalty of loss Holding that the search warrant ble throughout the country who of only four numbers in the pro­ Hcrinfleld the rc.gular, appears to HINT JOYCE BATH ROPE OR LIFE FOR provisions of the Wright bone-dry Third Man Is Caught. will accept them. motion list to stand, was received Not Known Yet Where It have been beaten by the ultra-reg­ law conflict with the bill of rights No single move toward more ef­ with undisguised joy by many ma­ ular, Frederick Stelwer, war veter­ in the Indiana constitution, Muni­ fective enforcement of the dry law rine officers. an, of Pendleton. cipal Judge Fred McCallister, in a Romulus, Mich., May 22.— Two in the six years it has been on the Embarrassing to Butler Will Be Placed. The count early today, based on LACKED REAL KICK ‘ KID’ WHIHEMORE written opinion in a case in which statute books has raised such a Although Brig. Gen. Sme^dley D. incomplete returns from 677 pre­ one Grace Foster was charged with bandits were perhaps fatally wound­ rumpus as this action of making a Butler, who caused Col. Williams’ cincts out of 1,847 in the stare, the possession of liquor, held that ed, and, with the third member of arrest and tourt-martlal on a federal enforcement officer of every Dllworth-Cornell Post of the with 428 of these in Multnomah section o/ Indiana’s prohibition their party, were captured after town marshal in the country. charge of Intoxication, may feel county, gives Steiwer 15,736 and statute unconstitutional. vindicated by the conviction, re­ American Legion today received a Carroll Defense Likely to Be Baltimore Murderer Found holding up the Romulus state bank Wets and drys alike denounced Stanfield 10,135. Under the Wright law, officers the order as “ unconstitutional and ports here Indicate that the case 105 millimeter Howitzer gun, Deem Steiwer Sure. can obtain a search warrant on today and fleeing with several thou­ may cause him much embarrass­ Newspapers today regard the illegal,” and it was regarded as which was captured by the Ameri­ That Wine Was Non-Al­ Guilty in First Degree of hearsay evidence and use liquor sand dollars In currency. certain today that the President’s ment In the future. cans from the Germans in the nomination of Steiwer as certain thus secured in raids as evidence in The bandits drove up in a car Both officers and enlisted men and are playing up the close race power to issue such an order will World War, to serve as a memori­ the trial of a defendant. shortly after the bank opened. Two receive a thorough testing in the at the Marine Base In San Diego for the Democratic nominatio.n that coholic Champagne. Holtman Killing. Judge McCallister held that, un­ are reported to have felt the pros­ al. It is not known as yet w'here entered the bank, the third remain­ courts. lias developed between Bert H. der the Indiana const 1- ing in the car. The two who en­ ecution of Col. Williams keenly, the war trophy will be placed, al­ Haney and Elton E. Watkins Lawyers Divided. believing it was unjustified in view New York, May 22.— Miss Joyce Baltimore, Md., May 22.— Fate tution, a complete hearing before a tered forced J. R. Taylor, cashier, The constitutional authorities of though it is probable that the Cen­ Haney, former member of Iho judge or magistrate must be held and his assistant, Leo Roe, into of his distinguished record. Gen. ITnited States Shipping Board, wlio Hawley, the girl who splashed her­ has played a trick on Richard i Congress are sharply divided on the Butler is reported to he aware of ter Park will be the site. This, and the search warrant Issped only the vault, and then proceeded to legality of the order. defied President Coolidge last sum­ self out of the ranks of the chorus Whlttemore, theif and murderer. or valid evidence that would be rifle the cash drawers and the vault the situation and there have been however, will depend on the atti­ mer when the latter asked him to "Why, that’s illegal: it’s uncon­ tude of the Board of Selectmen and to stardom in Earl Carroll’s now Six weeks ago, when New York permjssable in a court. itself. stitutional,” said Senator Goff, (R., rumors floating in from the Pacif­ resign following difference.s over ' famous bathtub, is expected to be ic coasts that his resignation from the Park Commissioners. and Maryland were contesting for Leading attorneys- here were Driver Flees. W. Va.), sponsor of the new Goff marine policy of tire admini.stra- I the principal government witness planning today to get a ruling In working no the cash drawers, the Marine "jrps at some future The Howitzer gun came to Man­ tion, finally resigned in his own the right to try him for first degree bill to put "teeth” in the Volstead date would cause no great sur­ chester from the army ordinance { Monday when the trial of the theat- from the state Supreme Court on they accidentally set off an alarm law, and a pronounced dry. Until good time and came home m Feb­ ! rical producer for perjury is re- prise. arsenal in Raritan, New Jer.sey. It murder, and New York state won, this phase of the Wright law. on the exterior of the bank, fright­ his election to the Senate, Goff was ruary to make his race for ilm Sen- i sumed in federal court.
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