February 28, 1960 THE TORRANCE HERALD 19 Follow the Leader! Herald Paid Sunday Circulation Leads 3 to 1 in Torrance! Automotive Automotive » Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive 1 ' Automotive / utomative UtOMOBILES ~ •MITOMOniLES At TOMOBIU'.S \UTOMnHILKS UTOMOHII.KS .VlTOMONH.KS \TToMniui.rs For Sale 190 For Sale 190 For Sale 190 For Sale 190 For Sale 191) For Sale 190 For Sale 1!IU For Sale For 191) BRAND NEW NEW CAR TRADE INS You Saw It on TV '60 RAMBLERS FORCE Car Seen Befler Days? Now See It at NEWCASTLE $299 Down BIG SALE ' IT'S NO BUM STEER TO TRADE UP WHILE YOU NEW AUSTIN TAIL-GATER Or No Down STILL HAVE SOME EQUITY 57 CHKVKOLKT B«l Air Spnrt Coupe '57 CHKVIIOLET B. I Air I -Im.i In Styled by PININ FARINA On Appioved Credit V-8. PowiT-glUI... pi,wet- HtrcrhiK l»l>. P"w,.i(fll.li-, rinli... ) .,, Save - Save Save ami brok'.x. Ui-timi-. whlti'WHll whlli'ttnll tln-fl, ni-iiilniil in.-i.l, Ilii-s. K-Z OI.IK.I. Original nml lin- NEW RAMBLER linifillnte ......... .............$17!lfi 2-door Sedan................. 58 fllKVUOI.KT Iinpnln Cnnv?rtlli|i> V-S. AiltnmilMr tniN»llll»S|illl. |mwr-r '59 CADILLAC EXECUTIVE CARS. ALL li'i'i'liie nml lii-alii-ji. power wlml- NEW RAMBLER "W.i. hlai'k wllli whlli. (tip, wliltn- 1)2099 wull lliv... K-Z-I B|M.». Th» ilinrn- Station Wagon.............. MODELS. HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUN­ pcl mi In ii.wn ............WIBIS '5S PI.YMorTII B'.|VIM|. ! > llmlli.p OviTilriVH. radio mill IHHIIT. CIIUIIH. V-S. Aiitonmtlr tMiiHiniKHlnn. milln. lioatir. vhli'i.wnll Ilivs jisnr, •I'LUS STATK TAX AND UCKN'SK KO.H. KENOSMA ITY TO BUY A LIKE NEW (GUARAN­ li'«. llyilrxniai'li'. PHW.T .MiM'tlim, illo. hi-nt.'i-. A sti.at m ....... .$7(16 '68 PONTIAC Slur Chli-f cimlmn fiiln- llna c(inp... llyilraniiitlc. milln. hi'nl- TEED) CADILLAC AT TREMENDOUS fl CHEVKOT..ET V-S, slnndarrt trnim- i'r. i.xri'll.'iii whlti-wiill tliTs, in­ tone. nrlKlnal lonllier liKerlnr ,,$8fl5 SAVINGS DON'T DELAY!! FREE! CHOOSE FROM OVER 60 OK USED CARS TO BE GIVEN AWAY NEXT WEEK Me m* tmHn A*> It intnflr ditfmnf/ HK., it ton, t> the au tnry EXAMPLE: M>l» iadxl, budget-minded, American family hn been waiting for. Bril- prc.-.iion Irtl/i lamoui Pinln Farina it combined with BMC Fleetwood Sedan full power DMtitihil blend ol tool looki anil good ten*. Sc.Hi lour '59 Cadillac edWH cMnforUMr with h^gigc tpac* (o tpare . Sporttot performance including electric window locks, factory 40 mpc . FoM-flet raw wat lot outaU* toad. Picture Chevrolet and premium tires Brokaw air conditioning License Jf RGWO19. Reduced to ... $5399 Pacific Coast Hwy. at 30th t, Awtlit-Mealer.SaTHe Enabw aM 4-Sotcd Gejnxjx HERMOSA FR. 2-1154 A 3 Foot HouM-WkJe ooori * F«* U«ionNi Factorr Wearenlv, Revardlm ol Mlli>»g» '58 Cadillac Coupe DeVille. Full power Nationally Advertised ar $1795 P-O.E. plus radio, heater, etc. Has all leather To All Our New Customers Now at Newcastle Only $1595 interior (special order). This car is our KAZAN Port of Los Angeles Cadillac Special of the Week ..... $3599 RAMBLER •fa Onty $39 Per Month ft THANK YOU '58 Cadillac Convertible. All white with '57 Cadillac Newcastle Sports Car Centre red leather interior. Full power, show­ l.'l.'puv.mil 4-iliiur. fully M|\iip- Ltd. room condition. Convertible season is p..||. 2 ,,f I!.,.,,,, y,,,,, n,,,kM> For Your Wonderful Welcome here. Don't hesitate! Thij week only $3699 $595 Down four SouWi Bay BMC Dealer 59 ..Rambler .... $1499 For those who missed out on our 700 Pocific Coost Hwy. Hermosa Beach RupiM' American 2-iloor Sedan, wllli '59 Chevrolet V-8 i.nllo mid hi'nter. A bcnnty! $299 down FR 6-3474 Transportation Specials 59 Metropolitan . $1399 $495 Down Grand Opening Sale Hampton Ilanllnp with 2-tnni , radio, hr-ali'i, whlti-wiill tin's, i'ti.'. '55 Oldsmobile "98" Holiday Sedan ... $ 899 59 MG Roadster I.Ik.' n,>w t],i,,ii K :i.,i]l $395 Down Is Extended to March 10th Imported Cars '54 Oldsmobile Super "88" Holiday Coupe. 57 Chevrolet . $1799 Full power $ 999 V-S llrl Air Spurt Ompi-. It'-nl Hcmi. '58 Thunderbirds (2) Exclusively serving 19 communities. Every Proudly announces their appointment with PowiM-Klldi!. pnwi-r lirnkM. ridlo. h.'iiiT, 2-tr,i-,i.. whlti.wiill tlivs, etc. sale backed by a guarantee of satisfaction. as the authorized dealer for the new '55 Renault Sedan, Economy Plus $ 599 $595 Down '55 Rambler . .". $899 Many likt new '59 Oldsmobiles, executive can. '57 Corvette i960 4-rtoor S)>d>n, with rirtlo heatiM, etc. R«flfct« host at car. AM models and at tremendous Savings. $395 Down Rootes Group EXCLUSIVE 1 YEAR FACTORY '56 Plymouth ... $ 749 '57 Ford V-8 WARRANTY Parts & labor on Singer-Gazelle 2-ili.Mi-. with [iiili.iy exlrm innii.'.iiiK Knnrhcrn. fully nqiilpptd. Ronald E. $295 Down all new cars without mileage lirp : ' 'ion. 4 DOOR SEDANS MANY MORE TO CONVERTIBLES '55 Chevrolet . $ 999 CHOOSE FROM Motor Corporation STATION WAGONS 4-dnnr S..,|HM. Oriu-lmil 2-ton» finish. T.ik* Product! of Briliih n. w. Dux I'owrcHil", rnillo and hc«t«r. MORAN ; World's 4rh Largeit Manufacturer HUGE TRADE '56 Ford V-8 ... $1099 CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE While They Last! Knlrlnno 4-ilnrir Si dan. with power sic, imp. Complete line of new 500 STAMPS Kiii-iliiinatk'. radio, heal or. etc. 25'Pacific Coast Highway 26 Ramblers and Metropoli­ With every new ear demon­ ALLOWANCES tans, at the best deals FREE stration duri"q grand opening available anywhere! '55 Ford '/2-Ton . $999 HERMOSA FR 4-3478 Gel up to 35,000 Stamps Blue Chips given on full price Price From $2145 I'l.hri, \ ;:l, |.<p--.l transmission. of every new or uted car purchaied. A iv:il , : !. KAZAN Hampton Imported Cars South Bay $25 Down RAMBLER IMPORTED CARS Ltd. 15019 S. WESTERN OXFORD SINGER Even if You Have No Credit AT COMP1ON BLVD. 15111 Hawthorne, Lawndalc OS 9-1138 SALES AND SERVICE Even if You ve Been Bankrupt GARDENA Pacific Rambler Even if You ve Been Turned Down Open 9 to 9 Daily and Sunday 841 W. Anaheim DA 4-4941 FA. 1 1327 15211 HAWTHORNE BLVD., LAWNDALE Even if You ve Had a Repossession Wilmington TE 5-8348 'A Mile South of Rosecrcms Avenue \ NO RED TAPE NO MONEY DOWN '58 Chevrolet V-8 _Open Eveninos and Sunclov til 9 P.M. OS 9-3361_ '55 PONTIAC Convertible 2-door Hardtop \' NO SIDE NOTE V8 --I'.iulli), hrnter. niitoiniuli: ARE YOUR V NO SALARY LOANS tup.' Knitlne Just ivplmllii BILL (REI6HION, Hermosa Beach V WE HANDLE OUR OWN CONTRACTS nrw $895 RIVIERA Payments $1 1 Week $1825 IMPORTED CARS PAYMENTS 2601 Pacific Coast Hwy. Week's Bargains Maynor Bros. Motors This Hermosa Bead), FR A-3488 WATCH SPORTS HISTORY MADE! 22782 Hawthorne Blvd. FULL PRICE '50 Studebaker Pickup 2 hlo.-li.* HiMilh of Ri'inx MANHATTAN '48 CMC Panel ___ __FH K-4217 TOO HIGH? 55 Plymouth "...... .$695 MOTORS, INC. NO MONEY DOWN '50 Buick 2 door Hcudlop 2.1111 S' 58 PlVMOUIH '47 Chevrolet Pickup KR i-'mi' Stqtion WnnoM We will give you a transportation car '48 Chevrolet Pickup for your equity in your late model car. '43 Studebaker Champion Sedan '49 Oldsmobile Convertible RIVIERA '49 Chevrolet Convertible I MB. $:ir>ll OLYMPICS IMPORTED CARS Maynor Bros Motors '52 Dodge Sedan i''UK H»luT Hwy. 22782 Hawthorne Blvd. WILLIAMS CAR CO. Sponsomlby RENAULT '49 Buick 2 door. Stick 2601 Pacific Coast •2 liliirk* Soulli of Si-am '52 De Soto 4 door Hermosa Beach, FR 6-3488 17811 BELLFL'OWER BLVD. Official Car Bel If lower TOrrey 6-0766 7960 Winttr Olympics CAVIN Loan Cars (34th yr.) No. $ Down. Only $25 Down Bank Americard & International Cards 2120 W. Pacific Coast Highway 12,000-Mile Guaranteed BUY NOW! OLYMPIC SALE TE 4-8191 HE 6-5580 And Your Good Credit BIG RENAULT SALES CONTEST . Meant Gnater.SAV- $$$$$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$ rUI.L DOWN MONTHLY INGS for YOU ... Big Shipments Arriving Daily . PRICE PAYMENT PAYM'TS REBUILTMOTOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY All Models and All Color* . $69 "Built in our own shops" ACT NOW . America's Best Selling Imported Car. Dodge Dart i Oldsmobile '88' Convertible Extra rnto .... ...$1295 $25 Automatic Transmission THE 1960 55 Oldsmobile '88' Hardtop Sedan ...................... 1> 1195 $25 $62 ^ Low Cost Name Brand Parts DRIVE 6 MILES SAVE $ '55 Chevrolet '8' Bel Air 2-dopr ............................... $1095 $25 $59 $47 RENAIWJ LOW OVERHEAD 56 Pontiac Hardtop Coupe ......................................$ 895 $25 LIBERAL FINANCING '55 Pontlac 2-door Sedan ............................................$ 795 $25 $42 ACTION it 41 Mllei Per *allen •k Rear ln«lne IHIileMy IOP ALLOWANCE ; AMERICAN & FOREIGN CAR SERVICE it 4-Deor, 4-Po»en9er it Pqrlt Styling '55 Ford V-8 Fairlane '500' Sedan ... ................. $ 795 $25 $42 A 36,000-Mllt ftuorantt* if Sparti Car Pirfermanct 24200 Hawthorn* Blvd., Torrance FR 8-5271 '55 Chevrolet '8' Sedan--Stkk Shift . .. t 745 $W $39 Verdes" Chef Rodqers Motors "At th« Foot of Polos DRIVE AWAY PRICE '59 BMW '600' Sedan 1, 695 $25 $37 467 So. Market, Inglewood__ OR 8-4844 Corner of 17th and Pacific Avenue SAN PtDRO Prlte Inclu4ei Healer, Turn Maneli. lalanced Wh«tt«, ere. '55 Plymouth '8' 4-door Sedan ....... .......... $695 $2b $37 59 Sprit* ................$1795 Ask for TErminal 2-4561 Auitln llealoy. CLOSED SUNDAYS PIUS I AX AND LICENSE RIVIERA A Herald BILL CREIGHTON AS LONG AS 24 MONTHS TO PAY FR.
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