Contents page Annexes LIP6 . Annexes-LIP6-1 Annexe4 DEPARTEMENT CALSCI . CALSCI-1 Equipe PEQUAN . CALSCI-Annexe4-PEQUAN-1 Equipe POLSYS . CALSCI-Annexe4-POLSYS-1 Annexe4 DEPARTEMENT DAPA . DAPA-1 Equipe ACASA . DAPA-Annexe4-ACASA-1 EquipeBD ................................................................ DAPA-Annexe4-BD-1 Equipe LFI . DAPA-Annexe4-LFI-1 Equipe MLIA . DAPA-Annexe4-MLIA-1 Annexe4 DEPARTEMENT DESIR . DESIR-1 Equipe DECISION . DESIR-Annexe4-DECISION-1 Equipe MOCAH . DESIR-Annexe4-MOCAH-1 EquipeRO ................................................................ DESIR-Annexe4-RO-1 Equipe SMA . DESIR-Annexe4-SMA-1 Annexe4 DEPARTEMENT NETSYS . NETSYS-1 Equipe ALMASTY . NETSYS-Annexe4-ALMASTY-1 Equipe NPA . NETSYS-Annexe4-NPA-1 Equipe PHARE . NETSYS-Annexe4-PHARE-1 Equipe REGAL . NETSYS-Annexe4-REGAL-1 Equipe WHISPER . NETSYS-Annexe4-WHISPER-1 Annexe4 DEPARTEMENT SOC . SOC-1 Equipe ALSOC . SOC-Annexe4-ALSOC-1 Equipe CIAN . SOC-Annexe4-CIAN-1 EquipeQI ................................................................... SOC-Annexe4-QI-1 Equipe SYEL . SOC-Annexe4-SYEL-1 Annexe4 DEPARTEMENT SYSCOMP . SYSCOMP-1 Equipe APR . SYSCOMP-Annexe4-APR-1 Equipe Complex Networks . SYSCOMP-Annexe4-CN-1 Equipe MOVE . SYSCOMP-Annexe4-MOVE-1 Chapitre-2 HCERES AUTO-EVALUATION LIP6 Annexes LIP6 Vague D : campagne d’évaluation 2017 - 2018 Annexes-LIP6-1 HCERES AUTO-EVALUATION LIP6 Vague D : campagne d’évaluation 2017 - 2018 Annexes-LIP6-2 Annexe 2 : Équipements, plateformes LIP6 has its own IT infrastructure, managed by its own IT department. It is composed of 13 engineers, including 8 CNRS staff and 5 UPMC staff. Most of the equipment is gathered in a few specific technical rooms called "server rooms". They are equipped with a protected electrical infrastructure, itself also managed in- house. These premises represent a little more than 200m2, to which are added the distribution and/or printing rooms. The LIP6 offers its members common services, hosted on servers managed by computer engineers. These include e-mail servers, files, printers, backup robots. For servers and desktops, as well as document sharing (e.g., forge, cloud, nfs, git, svn,. ). It is also the IT department that manages the global network architecture, consisting of a 10 Gbytes wired network and a wireless infrastructure. In addition to these common services, the IT department manages test and calculation platforms, most of which are offered to free access. Some of them are intended for laboratory members, for instance lab rooms for electronic experiments, others are part of major and international projects, e.g., OneLab (European projet) and Equipex FIT recently labeled Research Infrastructure by the French government. Below is a non exhaustive list of platforms and facilities, some or all of which are managed by the LIP6. OneLab (https://onelab.eu/). • OneLab is an international federation of experimental platforms offering a unique, open and sustainable service. Initiated in 2014 by LIP6, OneLab combines various technologies of sensor networks, wireless networks, and distributed networks, offering a large scale heterogeneous set of devices and softwares that it is possible to experience in the same experiment. LIP6 hosts a part of the servers/nodes and has the control room of the entire platforms. Users are academics, SMEs, start-ups, and manufacturers. OneLab is linked with numerous European projects, e.g., F-Interop, ARMOR, and H2020 FED4FIRE+. FIT (https://fit-equipex.fr/). • FIT was initiated by LIP6 and started in 2013. FIT offers large-scale state-of-the-art wireless, sensing and mobility infrastructures for any builder of tomorrow’s systems and services, who wish to try out, test and validate his/her solution before implementing it in real-life. FIT gathers close to 3000 nodes grouped in various topologies. Platforms are spread across France. LIP6 hosts the control room, a wireless platform, and a Cloud platform. Two IT engineers (1 CNRS, 1 UPMC) are devoted to manage the whole infrastructure. Users are academics, SMEs, start-ups, and manufacturers. In December 2015, FIT has been labelled Research Infrastructure by the French government. PlanetLab Europe (https://www.planet-lab.org/). • PlanetLab Europe is the European portion of the publicly available PlanetLab testbed, a global facility for the deployment of new network services. Since 2008, hundreds researchers at top academic insti- tutions and industrial research labs have tested their experimental technologies on PlanetLab Europe, including: distributed storage, network mapping, peer-to-peer systems, distributed hash tables, and query processing. PlanetLab Europe currently consists of 343 nodes at 205 sites, LIP6 being one of them. The consortium operates under the direction of Timur Friedman of the LIP6 laboratory. Sofware Platform. The software platform provides LIP6 projects with project management tools includ- • ing an open source automation server (jenkins), a version management server (Git and SVN), a Cloud, and virtual machines for deployment (QEMU). Computation and Manycore Platforms. LIP6 provides several clusters dedicated to various experi- • ments, reachable from front-end servers offering reservation tools such as oar and kadeploy. The main set of platforms includes: – A GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) cluster made of 8 cards TESLA M2090, 2 processors Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5690 @ 3.47GHz, and 192 GB of RAM; – Two HPC clusters, one with 29 nodes (112 cores, mainly processors Intel Xeon and some AMD Opteron Shangai) and a total of 752 GB, the other with 50 nodes (DELL PowerEdge); – Several multicore servers, including 3 servers based on Intel Core i7-3820 processors, a server 80 cores based on Intel Xeon Processor E7-8870, 3 servers ADM 48 cores, etc. Annexes-LIP6-3 HCERES AUTO-EVALUATION LIP6 Embedded Systems CAD. LIP6 has a long experience in designing and maintaining Linux (CAD) tools • for the design of digital integrated circuits. These tools (Alliance, Coriolis, Oceane, TAS/YAGLE, Ca- dence, Synopsys, Mentor Graphics) are hosted on Linux servers and are used by academic researchers and manufacturers from various countries (Japon, Brazil, Egypt,...). They are also used for training. They allows FPGA designing, VHDL simulation an debug, synthesis, placement and routing, temporal analysis of VLSI, etc. Electronics Labs. LIP6 maintains two rooms dedicated to electronic experiments. The former is dedi- • cated to instrumentation and design in analog and digital electronics. It offers measuring devices (oscil- loscopes, power supplies, multimeters, network analyzers, clock generators, etc.) and stations with CAD tools. The latter is dedicated for experiments using optical sources, requiring airtight container, away from the sunlight. LIP6 hosts numerous other platforms/servers, mainly related to research projects (ANR, FUI,. ). Due to their impact with respect to the above list, they are omitted here but appear in each Appendix 4 of the concerned teams. Vague D : campagne d’évaluation 2017 - 2018 Annexes-LIP6-4 HCERES AUTO-EVALUATION LIP6 Annexe 3 : Organigramme fonctionnel UMR 7606 - ORGANIGRAMME Services généraux Directeur : Jean-Claude Bajard UPMC Directeur Adjoint : Franck Petit UPMC Administrateur : Aurore Marcos UPMC Service administratif et financier Service communication Service informatique Aurore Marcos Responsable Graphisme, Photographie, Loïc Baron CNRS Mise en page, Web-design, Thùy Dodo UPMC Correspondant Communication Christophe Bouder CNRS Noura El Habchi CNRS Manuel Bouyer UPMC Frédéric Delvalle CNRS Trang Hoang CNRS Jean-Paul Chaput UPMC Eugène Kamdem UPMC Vincent Cuzin CNRS Irphane Khan UPMC Benoît Gayat CNRS European and Industrial Project Manager Shahin - L. Mahmoodian UPMC Konstantin Kabassanov CNRS Belaïd Naït Sidnas CNRS Emilie Graziani UPMC Radomir Jan Klacza UPMC Nadine Taniou UPMC Pierre-Emmanuel Le Roux CNRS Sabrina Vacheresse UPMC Cyriaque M’Baka CNRS Sabine Voets UPMC Jean-Luc Mounier UPMC Amine Rhouni CNRS Marc Victor UPMC Correspondante formation : Aurore Marcos Assistante de prévention : Claude Dutheillet Conseil de Laboratoire Effectifs du laboratoire 20 personnes Efectifs au 30 Juin 2017. Organe statutaire Chercheurs (CNRS - INRIA... ) : 31 Enseignants-Chercheurs : 149 Conseil Scientifique ITA-BIATSS : 23 Doctorants : 167 25 personnes Stagiaires : 107 Organe consultatif Posts-docs, CDD, ATER : 53 Bénévoles, Émérites : 7 Conseil de direction Associés, Invités : 14 9 personnes Total : 551 Organe consultatif Université Pierre et Marie Curie 4, Place Jussieu 75252 PARIS Cedex 5 Vague D : campagne d’évaluation 2017 - 2018 Annexes-LIP6-5 HCERES AUTO-EVALUATION LIP6 Départements et équipes de recherche Dpt : CalSci Calcul Scientifique Mohab SAFEY EL DIN PEQUAN : PErformance et QUalité des Algorithmes Numériques Stef GRAILLAT PolSys : Polynomial Systems Jean-Charles FAUGÈRE Dpt : DESIR Decision making, Intelligent Systems and Operations Research Patrice PERNY RO : Recherche Opérationnelle Christoph DÜRR DECISION : Décision Patrice PERNY SMA : Systèmes Multi-Agents Amal EL FALLAH SEGHROUCHNI MOCAH : Modèles et Outils en ingénierie des Connaissances pour l’Apprentissage Humain Vanda LUENGO Dpt : DAPA Données et APprentissage Artificiel Bernd AMANN LFI : Learning, Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems Christophe MARSALA MLIA : Machine Learning and Information Access Patrick GALLINARI BD : Bases de Données Bernd AMANN ACASA : Agents Cognitifs et Apprentissage Symbolique Automatique Jean-Gabriel GANASCIA Dpt : NetSys Networks Systems Sébastien TIXEUIL REGAL : Répartition et
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