COMMISSION 27 OF THE I.A.U. INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS Nos. 1501 - 1600 1978 November - 1979 May EDITOR: B. SZEIDL, KONKOLY OBSERVATORY 1525 BUDAPEST, Box 67, HUNGARY C O N T E N T S 1978 ------------------------- No Page 1501 P. ROVITHIS and H. ROVITHIS-LIVANIOU: Observations of 44i Boo With the New 48 Inch reflector of the National Observatory of Athens at Kryonerion, Greece .... 1-2 1502 CH.P. STEPHAN: Minima of Eclipsing Binary Stars ... 1-2 1503 D. R. FAULKNER and B.B. BOOKMYER: An Increase in the Period of SW Lacertae ? ....... 1-2 1504 D. ARABELOS, G. KAREKLIDIS and L.N. MAVRIDIS: Photoelectric Observations of the Flare Star UV Cet in 1973 ........... 1-7 1505 D. ARABELOS, G. KAREKLIDIS, L.N. MAVRIDIS and D.C. STAVRIDIS Photoelectric Observations of the Flare Star EV Lac in 1973 ..... 1-8 1506 W. WENZEL: Photometric History of 24.1939 Aur = CSV 458 ................ 1-2 1507 R.H. Van GENT, J.R.W. HEINTZE and P. PROVOOST: Photoelectric Minima of U CrB, u Her and U Oph ............................ 1 1508 M. JERZYKIEWICZ, T. JARZEBOWSKI, B. MUSIELOK and J.M. LE CONTEL: 16 Lacertae: A beta Cephei Variable in an Eclipsing System ...... 1-5 1509 D.G. TURNER and J.D. FERNIE: Is the Cepheid Zeta Geminorum a Visual Binary ? ...,.... 1-2 1510 TH. J. MOFFETT and TH. G. BARNES: BVRI Observations of Semiregular Variables ............. 1-2 1511 Z. ASLAN: Photoelectric Times of Minima and the Period of UV Psc ........... 1-4 1512 L.M.ORLOV and T.S. POLUSHINA: Times of Minima of Some Eclipsing Variables ............ 1 1513 O.P. PYL'SKAJA, P.E. ZAKHAROVA and T.S. POLUSHINA: V-R Colours of Red Variable Stars ....1-10 1514 D.S. EVANS, F.C. FEKEL and R. RADICK: Possible Eclipses of beta Capricorni .......... 1-2 1515 Z. TUNCA: Maximum Times of BW Vulpeculae .... 1 1516 A. DI PAOLANTONIO and R. PATRIARCA: Photoelectric Observations of Nova Vul 1976(NQ Vul) .. 1-2 1517 O.J. EGGEN: Intermediate Band and H_beta Photometry of Ultrashort Period Cepheids ......... 1-12 1518 TH. G. BARNES III and TH. J. MOFFETT: BVRI Observations of Red Irregular Variables ..... 1-2 1519 J.K. deROUX: UBVRI Observations of Nova Cygni 1978 1 1520 L.N. MAVRIDIS: Programme of Cooperative Flare Star Observations for 1979 ............... 1 1521 TH. BERTHOLD: Notes on Four Variable Stars ...... 1-2 1522 K. PANOV: The HD 133029- Is It a "Bona Fide" Irregular Magnetic Variable ? ......... 1-4 1523 P. MAYER, N. GRUBIC and M. MUMINOVIC: Period of the Eclipsing Variable NY Cep ........... 1-3 1524 G. GIURICIN, F. MARDIROSSIAN, M. MEZZETTI, M. PUCILLO P. SANTIN and G. SEDMAK: Nova Cygni 1978, 1-2 1525 L. HRIC, D. CHOCHOL and J. GRYGAR: The Evidence for the Binary Nature of the Symbiotic Object V 1329 Cygni (= HBV 475) 1-3 1526 G. GUERRERO, L. MANTEGAZZA and M. SCARDIA: HR 5492: a Non-Radial Pulsating Delta Scuti Star ? 1-2 1527 MARTHA H. LILLER: An Eclipsing Binary in the Field of omega Cen ......................... 1-2 1528 L. ROSINO and G. SZECSENYI-NAGY: Flare Stars and Flare-Ups in the Pleiades Region ..... 1-2 1529 D.R. SKILLMANN and D.S. HALL: sigma^2 CrB: A New Variable Star, Showing Possible RS CVn-Type and delta Sct-Type Variability ........... 1-4 1979 ------------ 1530 J.R. PERCY: The Light Variations of HR 9070 1-4 1531 K. HAMADA, N. OWAKI, K. TAMURA, M. MIZUNO, S. NITOU, S. INAGOYA and M. SIMODA: On the Variability of Upsilon Aurigae . ... ..... 1-3 1532 L.KOHOUTEK: A New Eclipsing Binary in Vela ..... .. 1-4 1533 TH.J. MOFFETT and TH.G. BARNES III: BVRI Observations of Two Irregular Variables ..... 1-2 1534 R. RUSSEV and TATIANA RUSSEVA: Red Variable Star L973 in M13 ............ .............. 1-3 1535 Y. KONDO, G.E. McCLUSKEY, F.F. FRANCISCO and S.B. PARSONS: The Ultraviolet Spectrum of beta Lyrae Observed with the IUE ...... 1-2 1536 SH.M. JAKATE: On the Photometric Variability of o Vel and of the He-Weak Star HR 3448.. 1-4 1537 V.G. KARETNIKOV and YU. A. MEDVEDEV: EH Lib - Star with Blazhko Effect .................. 1-2 1538 R.H. KAITCHUCK: Photoelectric Photometry of UZ Leonis ....................... 1-2 1539 D. TARGAN: Photometry of WZ Sagittae During Its 1978 Outburst ....................... 1-4 1540 M.J. STIFT: HD 61429, a Possible New W UMa Eclipsing Binary System ....................... 1-2 1541 M.J. STIFT: Light Variations of the Be Star HD 63462 ............................ 1-2 1542 M.J. STIFT: 5-Hour Light Variations of HD 65953 (28 Mon) ? .......................... 1-2 1543 H. LINDGREN: UBV Observations of Nova Cygni 1978.. 1 K. PANOV: Correction to IBVS No.1522 .......... 2 1544 O.J. EGGEN: HR 733: a New USPC in the Hyades Group 1-2 1545 M. MEZZETTI, B. CESTER, G.GUIRICIN and F.MARDIROSSIAN: Photoelectric Observations of 53 Cam .. 1-3 1546 N.D. MELIKIAN, N.N. KILJACHKOV, O.I. STALBOVSKY, G.P. SIGAL, V.E. SLUTZKY and A.I. JELEZNJAKOVA: Synchronous U, B,V Flare Observations on UV Ceti ........ 1-2 1547 O. TUMER and M. KURUTAC: The Photoelectric Minima and the Light Curve of the Eclipsing Binary HU Tauri (BV 312) ............. 1-5 1548 TS. TSVETKOV: Some Peculiarities of the Pulsating Star Delta Scuti..................... 1-2 1549 KEIICHI UJI-IYE: The Spectral Type of BQ Serpentis 1-2 1550 U. HOPP and U. SURAWSKI: Observations of Bright T Tau Stars in NGC 2264 ... ... ... 1 1551 TH.G. BARNES III and TH.J. MOFFETT: BVRI Observations of Two Suspected Variables ..... ... 1-2 1552 M. JERZYKIEWICZ: Note on 16 Lacertae, An Eclipsing System with a beta Cephei Primary ..... 1-4 1553 U. HOPP: B V Observations of Six Red Variable Stars 1-2 1554 M. CASTELAZ: Photoelectric UBV Light Curves and Period Determination of BX Andromedae 1-3 1555 P.HARMANEC, J. HORN, P. KOUBSKY, F. ZDARSKY, S. KRIZ and K.PAVLOVSKI : Photometric Behaviour of Be Stars in the Light of Recent Activity of EW Lac ... ..... ... .... .... .. .. 1-4 1556 A.W. HARRIS: A Bright, Short Period Eclipsing Variable in Taurus . 1-2 1557 W. SCHONEICH and D. LANGE: UBV Observations of RR Lyr ... ... .. ..... .. .... ... 1-2 1558 P. ROVITHIS: Small Variations in Brightness of Nova Cygni 1975 ....... 1-4 1559 A.M. HEISER and G.W. HENRY: Recent Photometry of WZ Sge .. ........ .. ... 1-4 1560 AKIRA OKAZAKI: Photoelectric Observations of SZ Piscium .. 1-3 1561 M. LOVAS: Supernova in Anonymous Galaxy ....... 1 1562 E.W. ELST: Short Periodic Variation of One Northern and Five Southern Bright Early B-Type Stars .... ... .. .......... ..... .... 1-2 1563 B.N. FIRMANYUK: On the Relation lg E pi / lg P For Stars of Different Types of Variability ........ 1-2 1564 P. ROVITHIS and HELEN ROVITHIS-LIVANIOU: Photoelectric Observations of DR Vul . .. 1 1565 M. NAKAGIRI and R. HIRATA: UBV Observations of 88 Her .. .. .. .... ...... .. ..... 1-4 1566 S. GAPOSHKIN: Is the New, Very Red Variable, the Companion in the South-South-West Direction to the Suspected Variable BD+51d762 a Most Remarkable Star ? .............. 1 1567 A. BRUCH: Photoelectric Observations of Nova Cygni 1978 ....................... 1-2 1568 D. BAADE, H.W. DUERBECK and M.T. KARIMIE: Periods and Light Curves of the Eclipsing Binaries BV Eridani and BW Eridani. 1-3 1569 W.C. MADDOX and B.B. BOOKMYER: Improved Ephemeris, V502 Ophiuchi .................... 1-2 1570 A. BIANCHINI: Photometric Observations of the Old Nova T Aurigae ................... 1 1571 J.B. SRIVASTAVA: The System CC Cassiopeiae ...... 1-4 1572 B.B. SANWAL: Photoelectric Observations of AD Leo 1-5 1573 U. HOPP, M. KIEHL, S. WITZIGMANN and H.W. DUERBECK: Photographic Observations of Old Novae 1 1574 M. HURUHATA: A New Eclipsing Variable in Canis Minor 1-2 1575 R. HIRATA and T. KOGURE: Asymmetric Profiles of EW Lac .................. 1-5 1576 P.G. NIARCHOS: Photoelectric Minima of Eclipsing Variables ............................ 1 1577 S. EVREN, Z. TUNCA and O. TUMER: A New Light Curve of the Eclipsing Variable W UMa ...... 1-2 1578 SH. M.JAKATE: New Variable HD 219018, the Comparison Star of SZ Psc ................... 1-2 1579 R. KOCH, M.J. SIAH and M.N. FANELLI: The IUE Ultraviolet Spectrum of V1073 Cygni 1-4 1580 R.H. KOCH: Two IUE Spectra of RY Scuti ..... 1-4 1581 P.N. KHOLOPOV, N.P. KUKARKINA and N.B. PEROVA: 84^th Name-List of Variable Stars ....... 1-8 1582 TH.J. SCHNEEBERGER, S.P. WORDEN and J.L. AFRICANO: Short Time Scale Brightness Fluctuations in BP Tauri ........................... 1-2 1583 EWA BOHUSZ and A. UDALSKI: Photometry of the Recurrent Nova WZ Sagittae at Outburst .. 1-5 1584 V. COSTA, R. GARRIDO and M. SAEZ: HR 5343 a New Delta Scuti Type Variable ............ 1-3 1585 A.H. JARRETT and J. VAN ROOYEN: Some Intense Flares of UV Ceti ........................... 1-2 1586 M. STIFT: Light Variations of HD 54475 ....... 1-2 1587 A.H. JARRETT and J. VAN ROOYEN: Observations of V645 Centauri and YZ Canis Minoris . 1-2 1588 A.H. JARRETT and J. VAN ROOYEN: Flare Observations of UV Ceti During November 1975 ..... 1-4 1589 C. CRISTESCU, G. OPRESCU and M.D. SURAN: Photoelectric Minima of Eclipsing Variables . 1 1590 P. HARMANEC, P. KOUBSKY, J. KRPATA and F. ZDARSKY: Algenib is a Spectroscopic Binary ... 1-4 1591 C.R. CHAMBLISS and P.J. DETTERLINE: Photoelectric Photometry of V711 Tauri During 1979 1-2 1592 G. KOVACS and B. VETO: Observations of Two Low- Amplitude Delta Scuti Stars: HD 23156 and HD 73763 ........................... 1-5 1593 G. GUERRERO, L. MANTEGAZZA and M. SCARDIA: Photoelectric Photometry of the Delta Scuti Star HD 4818 ......................... 1-2 1594 M.T. KARIMIE: On the Variable Light Curve and Period of EM Cephei .................
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