THE S EVE NTI ETHAN N UA L REPO RT O F T HE ’ Hawa na n Mi ssi o n Oh d rens Soc i ety 19 2 2 l i o W I T H T HE CHART ER A N D BY - L AWS A N D T HE NAM ES A N D ADDRESSES O F ACT IV E M EMB ERS HO N O U L U T H L . HO N O L U L U S T A R -B U L L E T I N P R I N T 19 2 2 HAWAIIAN MIS S IO N CHI L DR E N ’S S O CI E T Y R R - 1 O FFI CE S FO 1922 923 . Mi E h M ss t el. Damon President “ - George R . Carter Vice President ec reta r Mrs R . n S . dr w s W . A e y L l D c k T s y e A . i ey rea urer E L m n d tor Ernest . y a Au i E R c Miss Agnes . Judd e order B r o a d o f Ma na gers. r M T n C M s. a l ox C mb rl c . Arthur Alexander y . Wi W W . h a e ai Mi s P i nn Dr m l D l s . e o Mary W . E i y C. e b n W . L D l h m s or s . o rt r r o J F e Mrs Emma . y e A u W . E e Mr r s. Margaret Hughes Albert Wate house Fi na nc e Co mmi ee tt . nk th n r C. rto G or R C rt r Coo . H k F a A e e ge a e C. e Bui ld i n s a nd Gro u n o mmi d s C ttee g . P G . h Wilder C arles S . Judd Mi ss Ma y Damon emeter o e C y C mmi tt e. i l r P h i E a i n i M s. S d M . ss C stl H Co k C. o l p p g Beatrice a e . e L i bra ry C o mmi ttee . r R L r . H D G o . ew e s r W V O . e ge Carter . ye P ubli ca ti o n Co mmi ttee . a nd o i ' th e ex off c o : Recorder Secretary Society , i i Mrs. n H Flore c e . Macintyre Continues f o r o ne year r Arthur C. Alexander Continues f o tw o y ears Ma T i lc o x r r f Mrs . y . W Appointed o three yea s T HE HAWAIIA MISSIO CHIL D ’ S SO CI Y N N REN ET . T h e S eventi eth A nnua lMe ti n e g . Since the whooping cough descendeth alike upon the just and th e n i unjust , eve the desclendants of misslonaries are not immune ; and because of the preva ence of that ma ady in Honolulu , the roll ll’ la a t ca l of the seventieth annua Cousins meeting cked the large tendance that previous ones have had , and much of the zest of the famous rivalry . ’ i For instance, the ratio of this year s d splay of Cookes to that i ll of form er occas ons was similar to the ratio of Rainbow Fa s during a drought to Rainbow Falls after a cloudburst . - i However, tholse who were present had the true lroll call sp rit , and the youthfu Cookes who represent three fami ies jumped to i . l their feet each t me as good naturedly as ever When having a lrleady done duty as Judds and as Cookes , they responded to the ca for i : !” but R ces , someone wlas heard lto mutter Same crowd again the voice striking y resemb ed that of the retiring president , who n being a Cooke himself , is privileged to comme t . l dd The Ju ranks too were somewhat depleted , but the fami y r i made a good showing, as did many others that are less p etent ous r nume ically . T hat we are as proud as ever of our Gulicks , was evidenced by o . the applause that greeted them as they st od Bent with yearls , yes but what years they have been ! With what unfathomab e genero sity have these Cousins given to the world around them of i t l! i the r days , the r streng h , their talents , and their ove D lu n l Judge ole too won app a se , standi g as the so e representa ' — i u i lfinelo n lra c o s. ld e t tive of his fam y as y regal as of ; and as g y g - lt Despite its whooping cough handicap , the roll ca l was the mosl li n o u r u a l comp ete one history for tho gh not present in person , lu i or nearly all the iving Co s ns were accounted for , the number of livi ng descend ants being read after the name of each missionary w a s father . It interesting to note the percentages present , the Fo rbeses and Chamberlains ranking high in this respect . T i nn l- l h l e suggest on made at the last a ual meeting, of a ro l ca llff by mai , of absent Cousins , has been carried out with di igent e ort , n r by Mrs . A drews , aided by the cou tesy of distant members in s forw arding information , and the new records thu gained are a valu able addition to o u r data . i m i e i Mr R Dur ng the eeting a tr but was pa d to . George . Carter r l for the priceless gift of his enti e Hawaiian historica library . Since the society is prepared to preserve boolks where moth and silver fi r u a l sh i l cannot co r pt , it is hoped that who can , w l add to this lnd l a library by donations of books , journa s etters pertaining to the i to . m ssion , and the early history of the Islands 3 T h e ro a m p gr was of unusual interest , consisting largely of ’ r m . ra l reminiscences Mrs O e Gulick s pa per on her memories of s rea li the missionary mothers , portrayed each character with uch sm that it seemed as if the lovable women came and went among u s as she read . ro n i fi i n Mrs . Ellen Armst g Weaver related that ty p c a t o of the attitude of a cold and suspicious world to the missionary , the story ’ ’ of Brother Richards black satin trousers— made fro m his wif e s old o f c skirt , to bridge a situation dire ne essity , but arousing wide spread condemnation as an evidence of reckless extravagance a nd missionary luxury . l le Then in her inimitab way , Mrs Weaver to d of some of her childish pranks ; while the realization came to her audienc e that the same audacious vivacity of thought that prompted little Ellen ’ Armstrong to shoot an arrow into Father Emerson s admonishing ll- hand , is today the we spring of the breezy talks we so enjoy hearing . ° l’ Judge Do e s reminiscences also tended to prove that the inter ests of that select juvenile band were no t exclusively centered upon catechism and astronomy . His description of a monkey coming to prayer meeting bore a vividness that only tremendous enjoyment of the incident at the time of its occurrence could make possible . ’ He rra m el also told of the wedding of the O Gulicks at Cousins meeting ; a nd mentioned the number of marriages that occurred between the presidents and vice—presidents of th e society in its early days . a n Mrs Helen Chamberlain Ives , who is visiting Honolulu after r absence of twenty yea s , was called upon for a greeting . She U n ln commented pon the appearance of modern Ho o ulu , sayi g that it eclipses in beauty the old Honolulu , that her memory had trea sured as the most beautiful spot she knew . f ’ . o Mrs Ives spoke reading her grandfather s old letters , and discovering therein evidences of his warmly aff ectiona te nature that as a little child she had not discerned under the rather stern exterior . It was found that several of the Cousins who attended the ’ seventieth annual meeting had graced the fi rst Cousins meeting with their presence , though one of them at least was carried there . : as a babe in arms They were Miss Julia Gulick , Dr . John Gulick , M m r . rra elr O M s. Mr n Mr Gulick , Weaver , . Joseph Emerso and . R W . Castle . l The anniversary exercises terminated with the usua closing ’ ” t dd hymn , From Greenland s Icy Mountains , wi h Mother Ju at the piano . It may not be amiss to mention here that the writer knows of one Cousin , _ when the necessity arose to intersperse who “ r o o — o o - broken ph ases of the last stanza with ooo , resolved to make a careful study of her hymn book sometime before next May .
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