1908. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 5569 · Also, petition of Union Stationary Firemen of Ticonderoga, N. Y., favoring bills affecting labor, amendment to Sherman N. Y., against repeal of duty on wood pulp-to the Committee antitrust law, the Pearre bill, employers' liability bill, and the on Ways and Means. eight-hour bill-to the Committee on the .Judiciary. By 1\Ir. MANN: Petition of Union League Club and City Club, Also, petition of working people and their sympathizers of -of Chicago, favoring H. R. 10457, for forest reservations in Albany and Cohoes, N. Y., favoring bills affecting labor, amend­ White Mountains and Southern Appalachian Mountains-to the ment to Sherman antitrust law, the Pearre bill, employers' lia­ Committee on Agriculture. bility bill, and the eight-hour bill-to the Committee on the Also, petition of Credit Men's Association, fa,oring H. R. .Judiciary. 13286, amendment of bankruptcy law-to the Committee on the By Mr. SPIGHT: Paper to accompany bill for relief of heirs Judiciary. of .John Hughey-to the Committee on War Claims. AlEo, petition of Grand Army Hall and Memorial Association By Mr. SULZER: Petition of citizens of New York City, for of Illinois, against consolidation of pension agencies-to the exemption of labor unions from the operations of the Sherman Committee on Appropriations. antitrust law, for the Pearre bill regulating injunctions, for the Also, petition of Lake Seaman's Union, against H. R. 225, employers' liability act, and for the eight-hour law-to the amending section 4463, Revised Statutes-to the Committee on Committee on the .Judiciary. the .Judiciary. By Mr. TALBOTT: Paper to accompany bill for relief of By Mr. l\IAYNARD: Petition of working people and their Anna E. McDonald-to the Committee on War Claims. sympathizers in Virginia, for amendment to Sherman antitrust By Mr. WEEl\fS: Petition of Local Union No. 186, .Jefferson law, and for Pearre bill, employers' liability bill, and eight-hour Trades and Labor Association, of Steubenville, Ohio, praying for law-to the Committee on the .Judiciary. legislation and modification of the Sherman antitrust laW, for By Mr. NORRIS : Petition of working people and their sym­ employers' liability law, for limitation on injunction, and for pathizers, of Lincoln, Nebr., for the amendment to the Sherman the extension of the eight-hour law-to the Committee on the antitrust law known as the "Wilson bill" (H. R. 20584), for Judiciary. the Pearre bill (H. R. 94), the employers' liability bill, and the By Mr. WILSON of Pennsylvania: Petitions of Order of eight-hour bill-to the Committee on the .Judiciary. Railway Telegraphers, of Lock Haven; Brotherhood of Elec­ By :Mr. PETERS : Petition of workingmen of Boston, for trical Workers, F. B. Long, and .Joseph Winslow, of Williams­ amendment to Sherman antitrust law and for Pearre bill, em­ port, Pa., and 1\IidYale, Ohio, Local Union No. 2052, United ployers' liability bill, and eight-hour bill-to the Committee on Mine Workers of America, for amendment to Sherman anti­ the .Judiciary. trust law, the Pearre bill regulating injunctions, employers' By Mr. PORTER: Petition of Lockport Union of Carpenters, liability bill, and national eight-hour law-to the Committee No. 289, for amendment proposed by American Federation of on the .Judiciary. -Labor conference to the Sherman antitrust law, and for the Pearre bill, the employers' liability bill, and the national eight­ SENATE. hour law-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, petition of International Paper Makers' Union of Niag­ SATURDAY, May ~, 1908. ara Falls, protesting against the removal of the duty on paper and pulp--to the Committee on Ways and Means. The Chaplain, Rev. EDWARD E. HALE, offered the following Also, petition of working people and their sympathizers of prayer: North Tonawanda and Mount Morris, N. Y., for amendment to Paul, an apostle of Jesus Ohr·ist, to the faithful lJt·etht·en: Sherman antitrust law, and for Pearre bill, employers' liability We do not cease to pray tor vou, and to desi1·e that ye might bill, and eight-hour law-to the Committee on the .Judiciary. be filled 'With the spi1·it in all 1cisdom and understanding~· that By 1\Ir. PRINCE: Petition of working people and their sym­ ye might wallo 'Hi01'thily ot the Lo1·d, bearing fruit in eve1·y good pathizers of Quincy, Ill., for amendment to Sherman antitrust uo1·1v and. inc1·easing in the knowledge of Gael, strengthened law, for the Pearre bill regulating injunctions, employers' lia­ with all power acco1·ding to the might of His glory. bility bill, and national eight-hour law-to the Committee on the Let us pray. Judiciary. Here is our prayer, Father, that what the apostle asked By Mr. REYNOLDS : Petition of citizens of Conemaugh, Cam­ from Thee Thou wilt give to us to-day in this day's duty, in bria County; citizens of Defiance; Local Union No. 1837, to-day's pleasure, in work, in thought, alone or together, that United Mine Workers of America, of Defiance; citizens of the Lord God will be with us to teach us, Father, Thy will; Spangler, Cambria County; Local Union No. 830, United Mine that we may walk worthy of this Christian Yocation to which Workers of America, of Dunlo; and citizens of Dunlo and we are called; that it may not be in yain that Thou hast lifted Spring Hill, all in the State of Pennsyl\ania, favoring bills af­ this nation where it is, to be the messenger of Thy glad tidings fecting labor, amendment to Sherman antitrust law, the Pearre to all men. bill, employers' liability bill, and the eight-hour bill-to the To-day, Father, we go back into the past to recall memories Committee on the .Judiciary. of the lives of those who have served in this Chamber, and to · By Mr. RHINOCK: Petition of trades and labor unions of look forward for the good of this people. May e\ery lesson of Covington, Ky., and citizens of Ludlow, Ky., for amendment to the past be translated for us into duties for to-day, to-morrow, Sherman antitrust law and for Pearre bill, employers' liability and every day. 0 God, make this nation that happy people bilJ, and eight-hour bill-to the Committee on the .Judiciary. whose God is the Lord. We ask it, in Christ .Jesus. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Also, petition of Cincinnati Clearing-House Assocation, kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is done in against sections 8 and 11 of the Aldrich currency bill-to the heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our Committee on Banking and Currency. trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And By Mr. RICHARDSON: Paper to accompany bill for relief lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from eyil for Thine of Elisha Stogsdill-to the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. RIORDAN: Petition of Chamber of Commerce of is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, fore,~r. Ame!l. New York, against H. R. 19245, relative to obsh·uctive and THE JOURNAL. injurious deposits within the harbor of New York and adjacent The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's waters-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. proceedings, when, on request of Mr. TALIAFERRO, and by unani­ Also, petition of Chamber of Commerce of New York, favor­ mous consent, the further reading was dispensed with. ing increase of salaries of United States circuit judges-to the The VICE-PRESIDENT. '!he Journal stands approved. Committee on the .Judiciary. By Mr. SABATH: Petition of. citizens of Illinois for amend­ LIST OE' VOLUNTEER OFFICERS. ment to Sherman antitrust law, Pearre bill, employers' liability The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ bill, and eight-hour law-to the Committee on the .Judiciary. tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in further re­ By Ur. SCOTr: Petition of McCook Post, Grand Army of the sponse _to the resolution of March 21, 1908, a list of officers of Republic, of lola, Kans:, expressing the thanks of the post to the the Umted States Volunteers organized under the act of l\farch President and the Congress for the passage of the widows' pen­ 2, 1899, for service in the Philippiiies, showing the difference sion bill-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. between the amount paid each officer under the act of 1\lay 2G By 1\fr. SHERMAN: Petition of various citizens of Utica, 1900, as travel pay, etc., and the amount each would haYe re: N. Y., for amendment to Sherman antitrust law, and for the ceived under section 1289 of the Revised Statutes in force at Pea_rre bil! regulating injunctions, employers' liability bill, and the time of the muster into service, which with the RCCOlll­ national eight-hour law-to the Committee on the Judiciary. panying papers, was referred to the Committee on Claims and By l\Ir. SOUTHWICK: Petition of citizens of Schenectady, ordered to be printed. XLII-349 • 5570 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE.. IMPROVE~!EKT OF BOCK CREEK VALLEY. lt!:r. HOPKINS presented the memorial of John E. Garvey, The VIOE-PllE.SIDE... ;T in.id before the Senate a communica­ of East St. Louis, ill., remonstrating against the I'.U.tifieation of tion from the Commissioners of the District of Columbia trans­ the treaty of arbitration between the United States and ·Great mitting~ pursuant to law, a report upon th-e improve~ent of Britain, which was or~red to lie on the table. the >alley of Rock Creek from Massachusetts a venue to the He also _presented petitions of sundry citizens and labor or­ mouth ·of the creek, W:hich, with the accompanying papers, was _ganizations of Bloomington, Galesburg, Danville Kewanee refen.ed to the Committee on the District of Columbia and or­ Peoria, and Belleville, all in the State of Illinois, 'praying to; deretl to be printed.
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