INTRODUCTION TO MICROCOMPUTERS AND DATA PROCESSING Written By: Brett L. Schuchert Last Updated: December 26, 1992 Gopyright 1988, 89, 9@, 91, 92,93 Brett L. Schuchert TABLE OF CONTENTS TTIE COMPI.JTER 13 Chapter 0 -- INTRODUCTION Power Switch T3 Contrast Knob . t3 1 -- . Chapter Notatronal Conventions . J Brightness Knob . 13 PURPOSE J Disk Drives t3 SPECIAL NOTATIONS J Disk Eject Button I3 Alr- J Drive Access Light 13 Ctrl- J DISK CARE 15 Shifr- J COMMANDS AND PARAMETERS 15 0 3 DOS COMMANDS l6 u ) Logged Drive . t7 .) A: 17 a 4 B: 1'7 EXAMPLES 4 CLS.. 17 DATE 17 2 -- Chapter Lab Manual 5 TIME . 17 PL]RPOSE 5 COPY TI1- T}M PRINTER 5 DEL t7 LOADING PRINTER PAPER 5 REN 17 PAPER ALICNMENT 6 Directory/Disk Related DOS Commands 18 PzuNTER BUTTONS/LIGHTS 6 DIR.. 18 Power 6 FORMAT 18 Ready 6 Notes on Directories t9 Paper Out 6 INTERNAL & EXTERNAL DOS On line 6 COMMANDS . ... 20 On line 7 BOOTING TI{E SYSTEM 2l Form Feed(NLQ) 7 FORMATNNG A DATA DISK 22 Line Feed(Draft) . 7 ASSIGNMENTS.... 24 REMOVING PAPER FROM TT{E PzuNTER 8 THE KEYBOARD 8 Chapter 3 -- Word Processmg Concepts 25 TYPINGDEFIMTIONS... 8 TERWCONCEPT LIST 25 SPECIAL KEYS I BLOCK 25 Alt-(Altemare).... l1 BLOCK COMMANDS 25 Caps Lock 11 CENTEzuNG 26 Ctrl-(Controi).... 11 CHARACTER ATTzuBUTES 26 Cursor(arrow) 11 CHARACTER IIEIGI{T 26 delete . l1 DOCUMENT 26 ESC(Escape) 11 ENDNOTES 26 Home. l1 FONT 26 End.. 11 FOOTERS 26 function t1 FOOTNOTES .... 26 1') FORMATTING . .. 26 Num Lock 12 HARD RETURN 26 Page Up t2 HEADERS 27 Page Down t2 INDENT/OT]TDENT . 27 Print Screen t2 INSERT MODE 27 Shift L2 JUSNFICANON 27 LINE SPACING . 27 Table of Contents i 49 LPI(Lines Per lnch) 28 NORMAL FONT 49 OVERWRITETTYPEOVER MODE . 28 PAGE MARGINS PAGINATION . .. 28 PAGE NUMBEzuNG 50 PAGE MARGINS 28 PRINT 50 PAGE NLIMBERS 28 RETRIEVE 51 28 SAVE 51 PAGE STZE . {') PARAGRAPH 29 SPFTI CHECK ,)o 52 PITCH(CPD SUPPRESS ..... .. POINT 29 UNDERLINE 53 54 PzuNT QUALITY 29 WIDOWORPHAN . 55 PROPORTIONAL SPACING . 29 ASSIGNMENTS . REFORMATIING 29 ASSIGNMENT #1: 55 SEARCHiREPLACE 30 ASSIGNMENT#2:.. 57 SOFT RETT]RN JU SPFJI. CHECKING 30 Chapter 5 -- WordPerfect Tutonal 59 TABS JU TEXT 30 Chapter 6 -- WordPerfect Assignments . 67 TEXT WINDOW 30 ASSIGNMENT #1 67 TYPE FACE 30 ASSIGNMENT #2 68 WHITE SPACE 30 ASSIGNMENT #3 69 69 WIDOWORPHAN . 31 ASSIGNMENT#4... WORD """' 31 woRDwRAP .......31 Chapter 7 -- Advanced WordPerfect Features . 7l FINAL NOTES 31 INTRODUCTION .. 1l ASSIGNMENTS.... 33 OUTLINING 72 Outline Definittons 72 1) Chapter 4 -- WordPerfect Basics 35 LEVEL BASE FONT 35 OUTLINE STYLE 13 BLOCK 36 PARAGRAPH 73 BLOCKPROTECT ....... 36 PAIL{GRAPH NUMBER 74 BOLD 37 SECTION 74 CENTER 3'7 Creating an Outline 74 CENTER PAGE 38 <Tab>, <IndenD and Level Shifting 75 Deletrng Entnes 16 CHARACTER DELETION . 38 Adding or Outline CODES 39 Moving Paragraphs 77 '78 CLIRSOR CONTROL 40 Changing the Outline Type . 80 E)(IT . 40 MERGING ENDNOTE 41 Merge Definitions 80 FLUSH RIGHT 42 FIELD 80 FONT 42 MERGING 80 FONTAPPEARANCE... 42 PRIMARY FILE . 81 81 FONT SIZE . 43 RECORDS FOOTNOTE 44 SECONDARY FILE 81 81 I{ELP . 44 Merge Codes . 45 81 INDENT LEFT . ^R... INDENT LEFI & RIGF{T 46 AF 82 ruSTIFICATION 46 AFnA 82 83 LINE MARGINS . 47 Steps to Merging 84 LINE SPACING . 47 Conclusions LIST FILES 48 TUTOzuAL SECION -- Advanced NEW PAGE NUMBER 49 WordPerfect Featues 86 ii Table of Contents TUTORIAL - Creatrng an Outline. 86 ABSOLUTE CELL REFERENCES r25 The Next Tutonal 92 ABSOLUTE CELL ADDRESS . ., . 126 The Final Tutonal on Outlines 96 ABSOLUTE CELL REFERENCE t26 TUTORIAL - Firsr Merge 100 RELATIVE CELL REFERENCE r26 Merge Tutonai #2 . 106 RELATIVE CELL ADDRESS t26 Advanced WordPerfect Featues Assignments 111 CLOSING NOTES 127 ASSIGNMENT #1 . 111 ASSIGNMENTS . .. 128 ASSIGNMENT #2 1t2 Assignment #3 tt2 Chapter 10 -- SuperCalc Command Reference . 129 SuperCalcCOMMANDS... t29 -- Chapter 8 Spreadsheet Concepts 115 Blank . 129 SPREADSIIEET . CONCEPTS . 116 copy . t29 BORDER(SPREADSTIEET B ORDER) 116 Delete 129 CELL. 116 Edir . r29 COLLIMN n6 Format 129 CONTEXT SENSITIVE HELP . 116 Global r29 CURRENT CELL . t16 Insert 129 CURRENT CETI. STATUS LINE 1t7 Load 129 CURSOR MOVEMENT TT7 Move 130 ENTRY 117 Output 130 ENTRY LINE . t17 Quit . 130 FORMI-]LAS r17 Save 130 GLOBAL STATUS LINE 117 zap.. 130 coro ..... 117 ?(<F1>) 130 MENU LINE 1t7 COMMAND SYNTAX 130 NUMERICAL DATA 117 BLANK 130 RANGE r18 COPY 131 ROW . 118 DELETE t32 (/) SLASH COMMANDS . r18 FORMAT t32 SPREADS}MET CURSOR 118 USER-DEFINED FORMATS 134 TEXTUAL DATA 118 Additional Format Examples r36 TEXT WINDOW 118 GLOBAL 137 INSERT r37 Chapter 9 -- Spreadsheet Formuias t2l LOAD .......138 Symbols I2I MOVE .......i38 t2t OLIPLTT .. .. 139 0 I2l * QirIT .......139 121 SAVE r40 r2l ZAP.. r40 + t2l FORCEDTEXT. ..140 t21 REPEATINGTEXT ......140 % t2l ASSIGNMENTS.... .....141 sum .. t21 ASSIGNMENT#I ... ..141 average 121 count . 121 Chapter 11 -- SuperCalcTutonal ., .... 143 r21 t2I Chapter 12 -- SuperCalc Assignments r59 pmt t2l ASSIGNMENT#1 ... 159 antenn 121 ASSIGNMENT #2 . 160 Iookup r22 ASSIGNMENT#3... 161 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE 124 ASSIGNMENT #4 t63 Table of Contents iii 192 Chapter 13 -- DataBaseConcepts . .'. 165 MODIFY STRUCTURE DATA BASE CONCEPTS . T67 MODIFY SCREEN r93 ACTTVE(CURRENT) RECORD . t67 PACK 193 CHARACTER ..,..,.167 QInT . 193 DATABASE ..168 RECALL RECORD i93 DATABASEFILE. ...168 REPLACE 194 FIELD .......168 REPORT FORM t94 FIELDNAME .......168 SORT i95 FIELDSZE. ..168 usE.. ....195 FTELDTypE. .......i68 ThingsToWatchOutFor. .. .. .. fq: NUMERICDATA .....168 ASSIGNMENTS . .196 RECORD/ENTITY/OBJECT .. i68 STRUCTURE . i69 chapter 15 -- dBase Tutonal 197 TEXTUALDATA .....169 ASSIGNMENTS . .I7O Chapter 16--dBaseAssignments .. ... .2ll ASSIGNMENT#I . .......211 Chapter 14 -- dBase Command Reference t7t ASSIGNMENT #2 . .214 . .214 COMMAND LIST . l,7l ASSIGNMENT 3 CREATE t72 MODIFY 176 Chapter 17 -- Computer Termrnology . 215 APPEND r76 DISPLAY/LIST, . 176 COMPARISON/LOGIC SYMBOLS 180 180 GOTO 180 REPORT/LABEL FORM 181 DELETE 181 PACK t82 RECALL t82 INSERT r82 EDIT. .......r82 soRT .......182 usE.. .......184 ASSIGNMENTS. ..185 Chapter 14a -- dBase Command Reference t87 APPEND 187 CREATE . .187 CREATEREPORT ....... 188 DELETERECORD ....... 188 MODIFYREPORT .......I88 EDITRECORD ...189 INDEX ....189 INSERTRECORD ....... 189 Lrsr. ....190 iv Table of Contents TABLE OF FIGURES Figure1.... 8 Figure48 EnteraRecord ......173 Figure 2 A Keyboard r0 Figure 49 CreateaReportFormat . 174 Figure 3 An IBM PSZ Model 25 t4 Figure5O GroupSub-Menu ....174 Figure 4 t9 Figure 5l Column Sub-Menu . 175 Figure 5 - A Simple Directory Example 19 Figure52 ExitSub-menu ......175 Figure 6 Reveal Codes lnformation from Figure53 .....178 WordPerfect Manuai. 39 Figures4... ..178 FigureT HelponM . 45 Figure55... ..178 Figure 8 Help on Shift-<F8> 46 Figure 56 . .. .179 Figure 9 <Enter> Assignment 56 Figue5T ... ..179 Figure lO - Codes from hell. 57 Figure58... ..180 Figure 11 Cover lctter . 59 Figure59 AStructureDisplayed ..... 181 Figure 12 WordPerfect Assignment #1 67 Figure60 FirstSorting .......183 Figure 13 WordPerfect Assignment #2 68 Figure6l SecondSorting .....183 Figure 14 WordPerfect Assignment #3 69 Figure62 ThirdSorting .......184 Figure 15 Resume Assignment 70 Figure 63 Initial dBase Screen . 198 Figure 16 Ini tial outline for this chapter. 72 Figure 64 Create Structure Revisited . 199 Figure 17 Different outlining Styles 73 Figure65 Guido'sData.. .....200 Figure 18 A Secondary File 80 Figure66 CreateReport,Step I . 202 Figure 19 Example Primary File 80 Figure 67 Define Report With Column Sub-Menu. 203 Figure 20 Secondary File #2 82 Figure 68 Column I Defined . .204 Figure 21 Potential Merge Froblem 84 Figure 69 Column 2 Defined . .205 Figure 22 Intial outline for this chapter. 86 Figure 70 Column 3 Defined . .206 Figure 23 Extended Outline 92 Figure 71 Column 4 Defined . .206 Figure 24 First Merge l€tter . 100 Figure 72 Column 5 Defined . .207 Figure 25 Final Primary File . r06 Figure 73 Column 6 Defined . .208 Figure 26 A Third Secondary File r06 FigureT4 InventoryData.. ....2I3 Figure 27 Assignment I 111 Figure 75 Analog Sine Wave . 216 Figure 28 Assignment 2 fi2 Figure 76 ASCII Code Table . 217 Figure 29 Secondary File for Assignment 3 . 113 Figurel7Pucal ......221 Figure 30 Primary File t14 FigureT8 BASIC ......221 Figure 31 Spreadsheet . 116 FigureT9C ...221 Figure 32 Lookup Exampie r22 Figure80 Platterlayout ......222 Figure 33 Example Spreadsheet t23 Figure 81 Digital Sine Wave . .224 Figure 34 Absolute Cell Reference Example 125 FigureS2 -- ADisk.. .......225 Figure 35 Assignment 2 128 Figure 83 Dot Matnx . .226 Figure 36 Another Lookup Table . r28 Figure 37 I-IDF Screen 135 Figure 38 -- Spreadsheet I r43 Figure 39 -- Spreadsheet 2 r43 Figure 40 155 Figure 4l SuperCalc Assignment#l . ., . 159 Figure 42 SuperCalc Assignment #2 . .. 160 Figure 43 SuperCalc Assignment #4 . .. 163 Figure 44 BowlingSpreadsheet ....... 169 Figure 45 Data for Music Data Base . 170 Figure 46 Creating a Structure . 111 Figure 47 StructureEntered ....172 Table of Figures v Chapter 0 Chapter 0 -- INTRODUCTION The purpose of this book is to give the student an introduction to using the following programs: SuperOalc 51, dBASE lll+2 and WordPerfect 5.13 SuperCalc is a spreadsheet program. dBASE is a data base program and WordPerfect is a word processing program. (And is the program used throughout the entire process of writing this book.) The book will begin with an explanation of the notational conventions used throughout the manual. Hopefully, Chapter 1 will eliminate many of the ambiguities that can arise in a book of this nature. Chapter 2 is the lab manual. lt will describe important beginning concepts like how to turn on the computer. The remainder of the book will discuss the use of the programs and related terminology. For each program (SuperCalc, dBase and WordPerfect) there will be an introductory chapter that describes the uses of a particular program and important concepts that relate to each program. These introductory chapters will be mostly program independent. The second chapter for each program is a command reference.
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