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For further information about the books published by Arihant log on to www.arihantbooks.com or email to [email protected] Follow us on CONTENTS Current Affairs 5-32 HISTORY 1-27 Ancient India Pre-Historic Period (1), Indus Valley Civilisation (1), Vedic Period (3), Jainism and Buddhism (5), Dynasties of Ancient India (6) Medieval India Provincial Kingdoms (11), Mughal Empire (12), Later Mughals and Marathas (14) Modern India Advent of the Europeans (15), Governor-Generals of Bengal (15), Governor - Generals of India (16), Viceroys of India (17), The Revolt of 1857 (19), Chief National Activities (19) Art and Culture Classical Dancers of India (26), Musical Instruments and Instrumentalists (27) GEOGRAPHY 28-50 World Geography Universe (28), Solar System (28), Rocks (31), Land Forms (31), Atmosphere (32), Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming (33), Important Canals and Lakes of the World (34), Major Islands and Minerals of the World (35) Indian Geography India (37), Highest Peaks of India (37), Important Lakes and Rivers of India (39), Important River Projects and their Beneficiary States (40), Natural Vegetation of India (41), Soil in India (42), Forests of India (43), Climate (44), Agriculture (44), Mineral Resources (45), Transportation in India (46), Railways (46), Road Transport (46), Water Transport (47), Air Transport (47) Environment and Ecology Important Sanctuaries and National Parks (49), Biosphere Reserves of India (50) INDIAN POLITY 51-64 Framing of the Indian Constitution (51), Enactment of the Constitution (51), Preamble (51), Important Articles (52), Directive Principles of State Policy (54), Fundamental Duties (54), The President (54), The Vice-President (56), Council of Ministers (56), Prime Minister (56), Union Legislature (56), Supreme Court (58), Comptroller and Auditor General (58) The States The Governor (59), States Legislature (59), The Panchayats and the Municipalities (60), Committees to Study Panchayat System (61), Union Public Service Commission (61), Election and Planning Commission (62), National Development Council (63), Finance Commission (63), e-Governance and Its Impacts (63), Important Parliamentary Terms (64) Constitutional Amendments (64) INDIAN ECONOMY 65-74 Outline of Indian Economy (65), Broad Sectors of Indian Economy (65), Five Year Plans at a Glance (66), National Income of India (66), Indian Tax Structure (67), Inequality (67), Poverty (67), Employment (68), Industries (69), Major Industries in India (70), Banking and Finance (71), Insurance (72), Census 2011 (73), Economic Terms (74) GENERAL SCIENCE 75-102 Physics Newton’s Laws of Motion (75), Circular Motion (75), Gravitation (76), Satellites (76), General Properties of Matter (77), Archimedes’ Principle (77), Density (78), Heat and Thermodynamics (78), Waves (80), Light (80), Lens (81), Human Eye (82), Magnets (83), Atomic and Nuclear Physics (83), Laser Technology in India (85) Chemistry Physical and Chemical Changes (86), Corrosion (87), Acids, Bases and Salts (89), Soaps and Pesticides (90) Biology Living World (92), The Cell and Human Systems (92), Fat Soluble Vitamins (93), Blood (94), Central Nervous System (95), Some Human Diseases Caused by Viruses and Bacteria (96), Ecology (98), Biotechnology (98) Computer Components of Computer (101), Memory (101), Some Commonly Used Terms (102) GENERAL KNOWLEDGE 103-128 First in the World, (Male and Female) (103), Superlatives (104), Countries with Capitals and Currencies (105), Geographical Epithets (106), Major Newspapers of the World (109), Religions of the World (109), First in India (Male) (111), Female (111), Books and Authors (113), Important Dates and Days of the Year (114), Abbreviations (115), Awards and Honours (119), Indian Defence (122) Current Affairs NATIONAL G PM-KISANbeneficiariestobecovered undertheKCCscheme. G NABARDRe-financeSchemetobe Union Budget 2020-21 furtherexpanded. G UnionBudget2020-21waspresented G ` 69000croreallocatedforthe inParliamentonFebruary1,2020by healthcaresector.Outofthetotal theUnionMinisterforFinanceNirmala amount, ` 6400crorewillbe Sitharaman. sanctionedfor AyushmanBharat G This year’s Union Budget centres around Yojana. three ideas-AspirationalIndia,Economic G Governementwillstartstart Ind-Sat development,ACaring Society. Exam topromotestudyinIndiaand G TheFinanceMinisterSaidthattheUnion adegree-levelonlineeducation Budget2020-21aims programmeforthedeprived. G Toachieveseamlessdeliveryof G Governmentproposed ` 3000crore servicesthrough Digitalgovernance for SkillIndia toproviderelevantskill G To improve physical quality of life trainingtotheyouth through National Infrastructure G ` 27300croreallocatedfor2020-21 pipline fordevelopmentandpromotionof G Riskmitigationthroughdisaster IndustryandCommerce. resilience G InvestmentClearanceCell proposed G Socialsecuritythrough pensionand tobesetuptoprovide‘endtoend’ insurancepenetration facilitationandsupport. Focused Points G NationalTechnicalTextilesMission G Fiscaldeficittargetpeggedat3.8%of tobesetupwithfour-year GDPforFY20. implementationperiodfrom2020-21 G Over 6crorefarmers underPradhan to2023-24. MantriFasalBimaYojanahavebeen G Newscheme NIRVIK tobelaunched insured. toachievehigherexportcredit G PradhanMantriKisanUrjaSuraksha disbursement. andUtthanMahabhiyan (PMKUSUM) G 100moreairportstobedeveloped tobeexpanded,providing20lakh underUDAANby2025. farmersinsettingupstandalonesolar G Railwayswillsetup KisanRail pumps. throughPPPmodelsothat G One-ProductOne-District forbetter perishablegoodscanbetransported marketingandexportinthe quickly. Horticulturesector. G Fourstationre-developmentprojects G Agri-credittargetfortheyear2020-21 andoperationof150passenger hasbeensetat ` 15lakhcrore. trainsthroughPPP. 6 Current Affairs G ` 22000croreproposedforpower G Theplantoprovidepipedwateracross andrenewableenergysectorin Indianhouseholdsby2024with ` 3.6 2020-21 trillionoffunding. G Expansionofnationalgasgrid Economic Survey 2019-20 fromthepresent16200kmto G 27000kmproposed. India’s Economic Survey 2019-20 was tabled in the Parliament by The Chief G Anallocationof ` 6000crorewill Economic Advisor (CEA) Krishnamurthy V. beprovidedforBharatNet Subramanian followed by Finance Minister scheme. Nirmala Sitharaman on Jan., 31, 2020. G ` 28600crorewillbeallocatedin G The Economic Survey 2019-20 builds on FY21forwomen-linked India’s aspiration of 5 trillion Economy by programmes. 2024-25 with a theme of Wealth Creation. G Allocation for senior citizens and Divyang enhanced to ` 9500 crore. Highlights G G Allocationof ` 2500crore for GDP growth pegged at 6-6.5% in FY2020-21 2020-21for tourism promotion. as against 5.0% estimated for 2019-20. G G An IndianInstituteofHeritage SurveysuggestsrelaxingFiscalDeficit andConservation underMinistry targettorevivegrowthineconomy ofCultureproposed;withthe G ToachieveGDPof$5trillionby2025, statusofadeemedUniversity. Indianeedstospendabout$1.4trillion G ReformsaccomplishedinPSBs;10 oninfrastructure banksconsolidatedinto4and G UptickinGDPgrowthexpectedin ` 350000crorecapitalinfused. secondhalfof2019-20 G G Governmenttoamendthe ThemeofSurveyistoenablemarkets, companiesActtodecriminalise promotepro-businesspoliciesand civiloffences. strengtheningtrustintheeconomy. G G Insurancecoverforbank EthicalwealthcreationkeytoIndia depositorsraisedfrom ` 1lakhto becoming$5trillioneconomyby2025 ` 5lakh. G Gross GST monthly collection crossed the ` G Governmenttosellgovtstakein 1 lakh crore mark five times till Dec., 2019 IDBIBanktoprivateinvestors. G Indiaranksthirdinnumberofnewfirms created;1.24lakhfirmscreatedin2018 G Thegovernmenthasproposedto comparedto70000in2014 sellapartofitsholdingintheLIC, G India’s large economy needs an efficient throughaninitialpublicoffering banking sector to support growth; State of (IPO). the banking system needs urgent attention G JanAushadhiKendraScheme to G Surveysuggestsrationalisationof offer2000medicinesand300 governmentinterventioninboosting surgicalsinalldistrictsby2024 economicfreedomandwealthcreation G TB HaregaDeshJeetega G Access to helath services through Ayushman campaignlaunched-commitment Bharat and Mission Indradhanush across the toendTuberculosisby 2025. country has improved G ` 3.60lakhcroreapprovedforJal G ‘Thalinomics’: Affordabilityofvegetarian JeevanMission Thaliimproved29%andthatof G ` 12300croreallocationfor non-vegetarianThaliby18%from SwachhBharatMissionin2020-21
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