11M THE NEW Z:mALAND GAZETTE Temp. Lieutenant J. B. Armstrong, from the Reserve of Officers, ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPLY BRANCH Supplementa»y List, to be Lieutenant, with seniority from 6th Appointment July, 1946. Dated 1st May, 1949. Special Duties Division- Lieutenant H. D. Orton, from the Reserve of Officers, Supple­ 71412 Flight Sergeant John Everitt SEAL is granted a permanent mentary List, to be Lieutenant, with seniority from 1st August, commission in the temporary rank of Flying Officer. Dated 15th 1946. Dated 1st May, 1949. April, 1949. Lieutenant D. C. Cox, from the Retired I.ist, to be Lieutenant, RESERVE OF Am FORCE OFFIOEBB with seniority from 28th December, 1947. Dated 1st May, 1949. Transfers 2nd Lieutenant (temp. Lieutenant) E. H: Thompson, from the 70112 Flight Lieutenant Leonard George MITCHELL is trans· Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List, to be Lieutenant, with ferred from the Active· List to the Reserve of Air Force Officers, seniority from 30th May, 1948. Dated 1st May; 1949. Class A, Section 1. Dated 18th April, 1949. Ueutenant G. Leighton-Jones, from the Reserve of Officers, 70131 Flight Lieutenant Vernon Hector Waggstaff GROVES is Supplementary List, to be I.ieutenant, with seniority from 26th transferred from the Active List to the Reserve 'Of Air Foroe July, 1948. Dated 1st May, 1949. Officers, Class B,Section 1. Dated 29th Maroh, 1949. Lieutenant J. Osmond, from the Reserve of Officers, Supple­ F. JONES, Minister of Defence. mentary List, to be Lieutenant, with seniority from 18th Augnst, 1948. Dated 1st May, 1949. Appointment of Honorary OJficers Lieutenant C. M. Opie, from the Retired List, to be Lieutenant" with seniority from 4th September, 1948. Dated 1st May, 1949. N pursuance and exercise of the power, and authority conferred 2nd Lieutenant W. E. Jones, from the Retired List, to be 2nd I , upon me by section 29 of the Statutes Amendment Aot, 1946, Lieutenant, with seniority from 23rd May, 1946. Dated 1st May; I, Frederick Hackett, Minister of 'Marine, do hereby appoint the 1949. persons named in the following Schedule to be Honorary Officers 2nd Lieutenant J. P. Luke, from the Reserve of Officers, Sup­ for the accl(matization. districts shown in such Schedule for the plementary List, to be 2nd Lieutenant, with seniority from 4th purposes of Part II of the Fisheries Act, 1908, such persons to April,1948. Dated 1st May, 1949. hold office until the 31st March, 1950. Dated at Wellington, this 16th day of May, 1949. 2nd Lieutenant D. R. Hazelwood, from the Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List, to be 2nd Lieutenant, with seniority from 8th SCHEDULE April, 1948. Dated 1st May, 1949. ' ROTORUA ACOLIMATIZATION DISTBICT 2nd Lieutenant J. T. Shaw, from the Reserve of Officers, Sup­ plementary List, to be 2nd Lieutenant, with seniority from 16th Thomas Peter Fisher. April, 1948. Dated 1st May, 1949. Alan Graham Hall. David George Logan. 2nd Lieutenant A. E. Welsh, from the Reserve of Officers, Archibald Reid McLeay. Supplementary List, to be 2nd Lieutenant, with seniority from Marshall Martin Small. 21st May, 1948. Dated 1st May, 1949. David Clinton Sorenson. Suppeementary Liat- Roland Trevor James Thomson. The Rev. J. W. MoKenzie, C.B.E., M.M., E.D., Chaplain, 2nd Class (temp. Chaplain, 1st Class), Presbyterian, is posted to the HAWKES BAY ACCLIMATIZATION DISTBICT Retired List with the rank of Chaplain, 1st Class, and retains the Alexander McLachlan appointment of Chaplain Commandant, The Royal N.Z. Chaplains F. HACKETT, Minister of Marine. Department. Dated 26th April, 1949. 2nd Lieutenant W. A. Murdooh relinquishes his commission on appointment, to the N.Z. Regular Force in the rauks. Dated Appointments to the Staff of Hi8Excellerwy the GCYI!ernor·General 21st Maroh, 1949. Government House, RETIRED LIST Auokland,.21st April, 1949. Lieutenant G. H. Scull resigns his commission on appointment IS Excellency the Governor·General has been pleased to make to the N.Z. Regular Foroe in the ranks. Dated 14th April, 1949. H the following appointments to his Staff :- F. JONES, Minister of Defence. To be Military Secretary and OQ'fn]JtrOUer of the H01J,8ehold­ Squadron.Leader Peter Roderio Clapham, D.F.C., Royal Air Force Res,erve, vice Major the Honourable George Neville A ppoinflment and Reli'fUJ:lJ,isMnent of an Offioor of the Royal New Clive Wigram, M.C., Grenadier Guards. Zealand Air Foroe To be Air1e.r1e.Oamp- Flight.Lieutenant David Roberts, D.F.C., A.F.C., R.A.F., vice Air Department, Flight.Lieutenant Michael James Burke Cole. D.F.C., Wellington, 5th May, 1949. R.A.F. B' IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to By Command, approve the following appointment, and relinquishment of D. E. FOUHY, Official Secretary. an officer of the Royal New Zealand Air Force:- TERRITORIAL AIR FORCE Appointment8 in the Public. Service GENERAL DuTIES BBAlTCH Appoin6ment Office of the Public Service Commission, As Pilot- Wellington, 16th May, 1949. 130102 Cliford Grainger ANDREWS, D.F.C., on relinquishing his T HE Publio Servioe Commission has made the following appoint. oommission in the Reserve of Air Force Officers, is granted a com· ments in the Public Service :- mission for a period of three years in the temporary rank of Flight Arthur Grant Harper Lieutenant with seniority as from 1st April, 1942. Dated 1st to be Under.Secretary for Internal Affairs, on and from the lst December, 1948. day of October, 1948. RESl1lRVE OF AIR FORCE OFFICERS Erio Molyneux MOBley Relinqui8hment to be Deputy Sheriff for the District of Auokland and Deputy Registrar at Auokland of the Supreme Court of New Zeala,nd for 1277 Squadron Leader Cliford Grainger ANDREWS, D.F.C., the purposes of the Judicature Aot, 1908, on and from the 10th relinquishes his oommission. Dated 1st December, 1948. day of January, 1949. F. JONES, Minister of Defence. Geoffrey Stafford N orthcote to be an Inspeotor at Nelson, for the· purposes of the Orchard and Garden Diseases Aot, 1928, on and from the bt day of April, Appoin6mentB and Transfers of Ojfieers of the Royal New Zealand 1949. " _ Air Force ' John Joseph King to be Deputy Registrar of the Land Valuation Court at Nelson for Air Department, the purposes of the Land Valuation Court Act, 1948,on and from Wellington, 11th May, 1949. the 1st day of April, 1949. IS Exoellency th~ Governor.Gener,al has been pleased to Edward Keith Hunt; H approve the following appointments and transfers of officers Walter Oswald Hawke of the Royal New Zealand Air Foroe :- to be Maintenance Officers at the Magistrates' Court at Wanganui REGULAR AIR FORCE and New Plymouth respectively for the purposes of the Destitute Persons Amendment Aot, 1926, on and from the 1st day of April, GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH 1949. Appointment George Robertson Mackintosh As Pilot- to be Registrar of Brands for the Waikato and Taupo branding 70744 Douglas Owen HOLLOWAY, A.F.C., is granted an districts for the purposes of the Stock Act, 1908, on and from the extended.servioe commission for a period of three years in the 4th day of May, 1949.. temporary rank of Flying Officer. Dated 1st April, 1949. V. W. THOMAS, Secretary. .
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