proceedings of the american mathematical society Volume 78, Number 3, March 1980 A PROVISIONAL SOLUTION TO THE NORMAL MOORE SPACE PROBLEM PETER J. NYIKOS Abstract. The Product Measure Extension Axiom (PMEA), whose consistency would follow from the existence of a strongly compact cardinal, implies that every normalized collection of sets in a space of character less than the continuum is well separated. Consistency of PMEA would thus solve many well-known problems of general topology, including that of whether every first countable normal space is collectionwise normal, as well as the normal Moore space problem. 1. Introduction. Ever since it was raised by F. Burton Jones in 1933 [14], the problem of whether every normal Moore space is metrizable (often referred to simply as "the normal Moore space problem") has been one of the most famous and intensively researched problems in general topology. A few of the milestones in the vast literature on this problem are: [14] Jones's own article, which includes the proof that the axiom 2H° < 2Hl [now known to be independent of the usual (Zermelo-Fraenkel with Choice) axioms of set theory] implies that every separable normal Moore space is metrizable; [3] R. H. Bing's 1951 paper, which includes a proof that every collectionwise normal Moore space is metrizable and the first example of a normal space which is not collectionwise normal; [1], [2] the papers of P. S. Alexandroff and A. V. Arhangel'skiï giving various characterizations of metacompact Moore spaces (see §2) and raising the question of whether the normal ones are metrizable; [12] R. W. Heath's proof that the existence of a separable nonmetrizable normal Moore space is equivalent to the existence of a ß-set of real numbers, from which also follows the existence of a metacompact nonmetrizable normal Moore space; [16], [22] the Silver-Rothberger proof that the existence of Q-sct is consistent with (and therefore independent of) the usual axioms of set theory; and [9], [10] W. Fleissner's proof that GödePs Axiom of Constructibility implies every normal Moore space-indeed, every normal space of character < c-is collectionwise Hausdorff. A more detailed survey of the history of the problem may be found in the articles of Mary Ellen Rudin [15], [16] and Franklin Tall [22]. Work on the normal Moore space problem has led to other questions which will probably be of greater interest to a general audience than the original problem. One is whether every first countable normal space is collectionwise normal. Since Moore spaces are first countable, an affirmative solution to this problem would Received by the editors October 25, 1978 and, in revised form, January 11, 1979. AMS (MOS) subjectclassifications (1970). Primary 54D15,54E35; Secondary02K35, 54E30, 54A25. Key words and phrases. Moore space, collectionwise normal, normalized, well separated, Product Measure Extension Axiom, metrizable, strongly compact. © 1980 American Mathematical Society 0002-9939/80/0000-0128/$02.75 429 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use 430 P. J. NYIKOS imply an affirmative solution to the normal Moore space problem, because of Bing's theorem. Of course, Silver's result gives us models of set theory where the solution to both problems is negative. More generally, there is the problem [21] of whether every normalized collection of sets in a first countable space is well separated. "Normalized" and "well separated" (see definitions below) are such rudimentary concepts that this problem belongs as much to set theory as it does to topology. In this paper, I will show that the Product Measure Extension Axiom (PMEA), defined below, gives an affirmative answer to all these problems, even if "of character < c" is substituted for "first countable." Thus, if PMEA is consistent, then the existence of a nonmetrizable normal Moore space, etc. is actually indepen- dent of the usual axioms of set theory. Unfortunately, the consistency of PMEA implies that consistency of there being a measurable cardinal. Therefore (cf. [7]) we cannot hope to prove the consistency of PMEA within the usual set theory (ZFC). It may even turn out that there are no measurable cardinals in any model of set theory. However, as Kunen has shown, the consistency of PMEA would follow from the existence of a strongly compact cardinal, whose consistency has been conjectured by many set theorists. So we may regard the normal Moore space problem as provisionally solved, always continuing the search for a more "secure" model of set theory in which these consequences of PMEA hold. One could also take the opposite approach, attempting to find a "real" example of a first countable normal space which is not coUectionwise normal. This would prove that there cannot be any strongly compact cardinals, and perhaps even that there are no measurable cardinals! A further discussion of the status of PMEA appears in §3, below. 2. The main results. For the definition of a Moore space, cf. [8], [15], or [20]. We will not need it in this paper, only Bing's result that coUectionwise normal Moore spaces are metrizable. Definition 1. A coUection of (disjoint) subsets {Cy\y E T) of a topological space X is well separated if there is a coUection of disjoint open subsets { U \y G T) of X such that Cy c Uy for all y. It is normalized if for every subset A of T there are disjoint open subsets U and V containing U {Cy\y G A} and U {Cy|y £ A} respectively. It is discrete if each point of X has a neighborhood meeting at most one of the sets Cy. It is easy to see that every weU separated coUection is normalized, as is every discrete coUection of sets in a normal space. (In fact, this characterizes normal spaces.) Definition 2. A space is coUectionwise normal if every discrete coUection of closed sets is weU separated. [One gets an equivalent definition by dropping "closed."] Definition 3. A space is first countable if every point has a countable base of neighborhoods. If k is a cardinal number, a space is of character < k if every point has a base of cardinal < k for its neighborhoods. The PMEA axiom has to do with the usual measure on the product of two-point License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use THE NORMAL MOORE SPACE PROBLEM 431 sets. If one take the sets to be groups with the discrete topology, it is the usual Haar measure [11]. An easy description is by way of basic closed-and-open sets. Let the product be the set of all functions from a fixed set A into (0, 1}. Every basic open set U is the set of all functions which take on a specified value at each element of a specified finite subset F of A. The measure of U is then 1/2" where n = \F\. Definition 4. Let c be the cardinality of the continuum. A measure fi on a set X is c-additive if whenever & is a collection of fewer than c disjoint subsets of X, u(U &) = 2^eS/iL4). IQ particular, all but countably many members of 6Bare of measure 0. The Product Measure Extension Axiom (PMEA) is that the usual product measure on 2X (where X is any cardinal number) can be extended to a c-additive measure p defined on all subsets of 2X. The proof of the first and most important theorem uses the huge variety of pairs of disjoint open sets which "normalized" gives us. The underlying idea is to pick a neighborhood of each point which is contained in some member of "enough" (in the sense of measure) pairs, and hence disjoint from the other member. The measure makes it possible to insure that if p G Ca, q E Cß, a ^ ß, then the neighborhoods we choose for p and q will have an associated pair in common such that the neighborhood of p is in one member of the pair, that of q is in the other. Theorem 1 [PMEA]. Let X be a space of character < c. Every normalized collection of subsets of X is well separated. Proof. Let A be a space of character < c and let {Ca\a < X) be a normalized family of subsets of X. Thus for each A cX, there exist disjoint open subsets UA and VAof A"containing U [Ca\a E A) and U {Cja g A) respectively. Let jit be a c-additive measure, extending the usual product measure on 2\ such that p(&) exists for all 6£ c 2\ We identify X with the set of all ordinals whose cardinal is < X. For each a E X, let ©„ = {/ G 2x|/(o) =1}. Note that p(2x) = 1 and p(<3>a- ®/s) = l/4 f°r ¡Ma, ß EX, a =£ß. Each / G 2X is the characteristic function of some subset Aj of X: A¡ = {a E X\f(a) = 1}. For a given a and a given p E Ca, let { Uy(p)\y < k^,}be a base of open sets for the neighborhoods of p, with Kp< c. Let tt[p, y] = {/ G 2x\Uy(p) c UA or Uy(p) C VA). For a fixed p, U {@-[p,y]\y < Kp}= 2\ This is because, for any given / G 2 , either UA or VA is an open set containing C„, hence there is a y such that Uy(p) is contained in the one which contains Ca. Because p is c-additive and {&[p, v]|y < i^,} is a collection of fewer than c subsets that fill up 2X, the transfinite sequence {p(Uy<s&[p, y])|0 < S < i^} converges monotonically to 1.
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