Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-28-1968 Arbiter, October 28 Students of Boise State College Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. "" .~ ISUBATTLES ISC IN HOMECOMING CLASH SEEPAGE 14 October 28,1968 .'SOck~If-TO'Em" -._ ..-,_.,".__........-._,_.._...~"'_. __.- .,"_.-'-"'''''--~.,-'''.-- ~- ... -. -+--~--~---~ • .. ThemeSpreacl'Afar 4:. I - U-~ 4-~'";.,~,,•.,~., "SOCK IT TO EM, leadership conference earlier this BRONCOS''', the theme of Boise month. Top.~- ----------------Snul, ---<-~~{~~' . Sta t e College's seven day Beginning Sunday, o«. 27l Homecoming celebration, IS Homecoming Weck "kicked orr being spread over the with the traditional "Toilet G.ttinl top billing in daiO, northwestern states on posters, Bowl" and "Powder Puff" hom.comlng CtltlntJon is dlI" news-releases, buttons and football games. Members of the live ~onc:ert with '.'SoInky :' Tvs hir'ts as,preparations are Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity and 0..... , one of thI finalized for the Oct. 27 through Intercollegiate Knights honorary mUliCiIOur grou" of thItoDUnitld.'" i Nov.2festivities_ fraternity did bauIC on the field StltlL Concert time is 8 p.m. in}' Dick Hamm, hornecom ing with winner receiving a the BSC..Iymnulum 01; hand-painted general chairman, said thea toilet bowf to WtdnacllY. (f~ 30. ' " week-long celebration wa. display until next year. Following Splnky, with h.r flmou, " deemed "The largest college the men. two groups of women. .I.ctric jug, wllhboard .... ::' homecomin,8 ever held in the representing the TEKEs and IKs. tambourine, Inc! her GlIIII,widt }' Northwest' by students from carried the pigskin in the such inltrum.ntl .. lul.t",_",; Washington. Oregon and Idaho. "Powder Puff' bowl. trombone. mouth ~, H!II'I •• wh 0 attended a student blnio and III tvPIIof~aioa,' will entertain-lor .... houri'; Queen Gets Crown Tonight wHh 'h,i, hllh mOl"i,• .I The BSC student body and c ont estant whu haslrown the faculty will crowd mt o the best looking bear withina Bronco Stadium at !l p.m. period of eight weeks); a pie ~ __ ~---..:-~1OCllq,~_-JM410JJ:lluldt.a:ay0f(w!l:..Jl:thLe--elpc:p.. __ -.tl! in...L5on test wit h,_sj,;u;Tr;f;pr;.;tse~ _ "rally, wtucn Will feature the pie·TIJlings;yell contest between -~----'------"--~ ann 0 u n c e men t u f the campus urganizatlons for the homecoming queen an d her honur of possession of the Semt c our t , The election was held Jug; and the burning of the 'B" Friday, Oct. 25. • on the side ofTablerock. All rally Other traditional activuies at activities are bcmg coordinated the rally will be the sele'tlonand by the Valkyries, a women', crowning of Kin~ Beard (malc service club. (Seepage II) First Night t Slated for. Plrldes come Ind JO but BSC', first niaht homecomlnJ pmde will pro6ably be remembered for many yeln. At 7 f)JII., Nov. IJ nOlt •• blndl, drW teams ana other concoctionl on wheels from all partl of the ... te will. plr.de thrOulh clowntown BollI, The Une ornoils will end UP. It the .tudent unJon parldn.lot for I street dance with mUlic:by Tbt Octe*r 28 1968 ~'~;paijiBe, -_.~-lJiI""nC8-l1. I HomerotDina day starts early - Reaction" wiD ~ the naaIic WIth. breakfast (rom 8 to 10:30 for the b~ dance at 9 ·mi.. 8illinl. •. m , in tbe Itudent union pm. in tbeSUB~ . ballroom. S~red ~ the TKE Special to the h~ fraternity. the breakfast is open week are bomccominJ bookletS, to the P-lbUc: with everything you Ipecial half·time actiVities with IIId h' •diffennt ,ound. from ~tor ~pation and lawn T .Ir rIP!!l.OlfI k to can eat for S I. U .lOUllu. to ffllrl'"..-roc A pep ~cIe of dec:oratedCUI ~Iin (r9llt of the women'l Lt::n pop sue .s"tb.lr and truCks will weave through rellcIeitceI. downtown Boile at noon. Boise Junior CoIl. and BSC mllllorHoIlIr .. 1tr."lIzy DaY", alumni will retum to their Alma '11ckttI1rt now on· ...... t 14 Saturday. Nov. 2, and end up at the Bronco· ~dium in time for Mater Tuesday of bomecominl penon for rIIIfVI _u and .week to attend "Nipt C1u6 3 p.r p.rl n g.n....1 at the the 1:30 P,f!I. football pmc between sse and Idaho State Nisht", which will bcPri with an JI0110wing I!f.ea: AItx.!1dt(1 alumni dinner at 7 pm. in the C.mpul ShOJl,on VIIt •• University. A receetion for the 'alumni and BSe Student UDion Ballroom Hollli.... s. KYMERadio. BtlI~1 followed by a dance at 9 p.m. Horn ~hop. In Caldwttl. MuSIC friends w1I1 follow the ~ and will be held at the ~ I ~ MUlic win be by "Today'l JlOxln.N~p •.• nd tash' Reaction". ani rmltlOn ttl In the I; "l from 4:30 to 9 pm. "Today I stu~t union oyer and .t the door. • Carnival, Costume Dance Set An old·fashion carnival and muqueradc dance will be held -- ----~~~~1~u:n7~-='~~:T-:~;;'2;;~~~~;-:---- p.m .• the Val.kyries and . Intercollegiate KnisJatJ will hOlt the if traditional cami\'alwith Parade Friday Warlocks and a bonfire in the lot or the Broi1coStadium. Wood for the bonfire will be provided by club. who will collect the wOod all week lona In comletltion for the "Smoky Bear .ward. DicIt Hamm. wh~ will present· the award. wouldn t tell what the prize will be but said "How .bOut • 300 pound. ltuft.d GriUley Bear?" I • .--------., ..-;... fromWARNERB~ /~:_-..s£-VENARISP'.tij~OO , . c,:'·':;":.f "Othello," slarring La <'''If. Olivier in the Warner Bros. Aru TedutiCo1ormotionp .... presentation of the most • .' ac c la ime dPlOductlo#L ,.. Sha!\espeare's drama·1n . times. will be shown for tWO only at tho Ada Theatre" November 13 and 14n-2 . p.m. W III-II ~Sh akespe . ADMIRING THEIR "PEACH-FUZZ" are KinR' Beard Contestants, Idaho's Highti' Education' from left. Bob Reynolds, Fred Baker. Bruce Wfay, and Ken Shelton. "Othello" is deemed by - ·Charter FJiabt The four were seen conjugating in Tony Aldape's SUB barber shop one authorities to be nOI only afternoon trying aU types of assorted hair growers. The crownmg of FBIAgent Bard's finestlrasedy. but aJsci KB is tonight at 8 p.m, most perfectly structured pJay Shakespeare freely adapted EUROPE To Speak J plot of "The Trlgedy of Olbello' -1'969- The Moor of Venice." flOlll: A furmer F U I undercover French translation of an ••. Round Trip-Jet Flight Dental Head Gets Appointment operuuve Willspeak un the BOIse ta le , The slory came ori ".,~ Leavin&.Early June- Slale College campus today rn the fro m the "Hccatommilhi"ci~ -RetuminiEariy August Liberal Arls burldmg, room 106, GiOvanni Battisla.Gulldi wrillell::J at.t pm Ul 1565.' Under its orip,naltitJe "For a period 01 rune yean, "The Moor o( Venice. 'thcpla)'i:jtb $350 Julia Brown worked within the was fust pel formed at Court at';: WriteOl'CIll/: Mrs. Jean Macinnis, instructor Also, as a delegate ttum ldaho, Comrnurnst party as an . II Wh' ehaD . Dan EtuJain in charge of the Dental Assisting sh e 1St u a uend a c o mbrncd undercover operanve. The Banqueting owe, II l'1 Dean of Men program. has been rtotifiedofher meeting of the Board and the appearance of Julia Brown on london on Nov, I. 16OoJ.;., NorthwestNazareneCoUege a po~n~me.nt to the National Ame r ic an De n t a] As si s t an ts campus makes I~ro~st(~~l:o lea.r.n The filming of OtheIJo is the.! r:__• 1•..••. 1 first t irn e a British Silt":.:.; ....L~_--f.-=-=i\~,P;M~;sai65~~-t~~:-!;~~~~~~~~:-~~~~ogr.c .~Tu Nov. ~ m -llllL __.uauu.c., mUIlHU-l-1 --'--'-''-T-;-,-:,,=c=r-:=:-=..:;=~:-::r..-~ -467-8663 A merican Dental Assistants Miami Beach, Fla. lechnillues of. mtiltrallun and production hu been transplilliCV.cl Associalion. During the meeting. Mrs. perverslun wltllln the ciVil righb to a motion picture studio and:' Macinnis and the four uther movernenl." Dr R. E. Bullington, shot without any slructuraJ", members uf the buard Willdraft U5 Vice ~resjdent. said. dungts. The C4i1 is enell)' theJ -- --- -- -.-, standards and define pullcles < same, and film dir~tor BufIC bas' relating to the accredllatlOn SEIJVICE CI.UBS remained f.ithful to Sillit 1 procedures of the AssulcatlOn. director John Dater's o~;,· Boise State College has the Semce and class clubs, National Theatre production: "'; 1 only Dental ASSistantsprugramm relIgIOn and speCIal mteresls 1 Idaho. It is taught through the orgamLJtlOos. hvmg gruups and Olivier, who..JsDUeclor of the •.., Vocational·Techlllcal DivlSlun. publicatIons are.- operated on National Theatfe and one of iU 1 Twen ty ·one gills arc currenlly the BOIseState Colrege campus leading performers, dCiCribesthe under going tramlng in ·the one fur the students and by lhe filmed "Othello" thus: . ". 1 year program. sludents. Theil conlllbutiullS "It is noLa pholographed st. to the campus' ar" performance. It is the f;lm of. 1 unmeasurable. performance shot against not film selS. not stlge sets. but backs.rounds to the sitU3Ii~, I1,...-------------_--. offering as Iiitie visual distractiO!' •.• 1 as poss ible from Shakespearu c inlentions or our interprelation . 1 BUCK MACGILLIVRAY of them. V,el. the selS do' represent, in simplified form the '.
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