MAY 2014 DG MOVE Effective Reduction of Noise generated by Rail Freight Wagons in the European Union IMPACT ASSESSMENT SUPPORT STUDY UNDER THE FRAMEWORK CONTRACT FOR IMPACT ASSESSMENTS AND EVALUATIONS IN THE FIELD OF TRANSPORT - MOVE/A3/350-2010 FINAL REPORT - APPENDICES PROGTRANS ADDRESS COWI A/S Parallelvej 2 2800 Kongens Lyngby Denmark TEL +45 56 40 00 00 FAX +45 56 40 99 99 WWW cowi.com MAY 2014 DG MOVE Effective Reduction of Noise generated by Rail Freight Wagons in the European Union IMPACT ASSESSMENT SUPPORT STUDY UNDER THE FRAMEWORK CONTRACT FOR IMPACT ASSESSMENTS AND EVALUATIONS IN THE FIELD OF TRANSPORT - MOVE/A3/350-2010 FINAL REPORT - APPENDICES "THE STUDIES ARE SUBJECT TO A DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT. THE STUDIES HAVE BEEN CARRIED OUT FOR THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION AND EXPRESS THE OPINIONS OF THE ORGANISATIONS HAVING UNDERTAKEN THEM. THE VIEWS HAVE NOT BEEN ADOPTED OR IN ANY WAY APPROVED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS A STATEMENT OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION'S VIEWS. THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE STUDIES, NOR DOES IT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY USE MADE THEREOF. COPYRIGHT IN THESE STUDIES IS HELD BY THE EUROPEAN UNION. PERSONS WISHING TO USE THE CONTENTS OF THESE STUDIES (IN WHOLE OR IN PART) FOR PURPOSES OTHER THAN THEIR PERSONAL USE ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT A WRITTEN REQUEST TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: EUROPEAN COMMISSION - MOBILITY AND TRANSPORT DG - LIBRARY (DM28, 0/36) - B-1049 BRUSSELS OR BY ELECTRONIC FORM". PROJECT NO. A039060 DOCUMENT NO. 08 VERSION 04 DATE OF ISSUE 13 MAY 2014 PREPARED KORI, SVTJ, LRVI, JEJ, SRS, STHG, JACH, NVBE CHECKED KORI, SVTJ, KPGM APPROVED SVTJ PROGTRANS EFFECTIVE REDUCTION OF NOISE GENERATED BY RAIL FREGHT WAGONS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION 5 CONTENTS APPENDICES Appendix A Online Questionnaire 7 Appendix B Targeted stakeholder interview guide 31 Appendix C Case Studies 39 Appendix D The development of the wagon fleet 95 Appendix E Description of the methodology applied to the assessment of impacts 115 Appendix F Technical aspects of brakes and noise 127 Appendix G EU rail freight industry and transport 131 APPENDIX A - Online Questionnaire 6 PROGTRANS EFFECTIVE REDUCTION OF NOISE GENERATED BY RAIL FREGHT WAGONS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION 7 Appendix A Online Questionnaire Section 1: Information about respondent 1.1 In what capacity are you filling out this questionnaire? 1 As a citizen 2 Local or regional public authority 3 National public authority 4 Association 5 Non-Government Organization/Civil Society Organization 6 Company 7 Academia 8 Other 1.2 (for companies only) Please give the size of the company you work for 1 Micro enterprise (less than 10 employees) 2 Small and medium-sized enterprise-SME (10 to 249 employees) 3 Large enterprise (250 employees or more) 4 Do not know 1.3 (for associations/organisations/authorities) Could you specify what kind of organisation you represent? 1 Association of citizens 2 Association of trade unions 3 Association of industries 4 Association of freight forwarders 5 Association of rail operators 6 Association of wagon owners 7 Association of civil society organizations 8 Association of national authorities 9 Association of regional authorities 10 Other 1.4 (not for citizens) What is the name of the authority/association/company/organization you represent? (mandatory) APPENDIX A - Online Questionnaire 8 1.5 (associations/organisations) How many members does you association or organisation represent? 1.6 (for associations/organisations) Is your association/organization registered in the Transparency Register of the European Commission http://europa.eu/transparency-register/ ? 1 Yes 2 No 1.7 (in case of yes in question 1.6) Please indicate the identification number 1.8 Please specify your main country of operation or residence? 1.9 Please indicate your contact details (name, email and telephone). Please note that the questionnaire will be available for your full contribution only if your name and contact details are provided. You can still opt for your answers to remain anonymous when results are published. (mandatory) 1.10 Do you consent to the publication of your response by the European Commission? Contributions received may be published on the Internet, together with the identity of the contributor unless the contributor objects to publication of the personal data on the grounds that such publication would harm his or her legitimate interests. In this case the contribution could be published in anonymous form. 1 Yes 2 Yes, but anonymously 3 No Section 2: Data sources PROGTRANS EFFECTIVE REDUCTION OF NOISE GENERATED BY RAIL FREGHT WAGONS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION 9 If you know of any reports, studies, surveys, or data that are important for this impact assessment, please give a reference. If possible include a direct web link to the source. Section 3: Extent of the problem The Commission notes that freight wagons not conforming to the TSI-Noise limits are the most important sources of rail noise, and that existing measures are insufficient to reduce the level of rail noise quickly and effectively. In this section of the public consultation, the European Commission seeks to solicit your opinion regarding the depth and significance of the problem. 3.1 How do you rate the problem of rail noise in your area of residence or operation? 1 There is no issue of rail noise in my area of residence or operation 2 Not important 3 Of little importance 4 Somewhat important 5 Important 6 Very important 7 Don't know/no view 3.1 In your opinion and in general, what are the negative impacts of rail noise? 3.3 Please rank the following noise sources according to their contribution to noise levels in your area of residence or operation? 1 Freight trains 2 Passenger trains 3 Passenger cars 4 Trucks 5 Airplanes 6 Other 3.4 How would you rate your level of knowledge about issues regarding rail noise or leading to rail noise? 1 Very low 2 Low APPENDIX A - Online Questionnaire 10 3 Medium 4 High 5 Very high 3.5 (only if level of knowledge (3.4) is higher than low) To what extent do you think the below mentioned aspects contribute to the problem of rail noise? Tick not relevant, or from 1 to 5 if appropriate 1 (Very little) 2 3 4 5(very much) 6 (don't know / no view) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quality of wheels Quality of rails Speed of trains Amount of traffic 3.6 Are there any other aspects contributing to the problem of rail noise? 3.7 (for companies and associations only) Please describe how the rail noise issues affect your business, or the business of those your organisation represents? 3.8 (for citizens only) During which period are you most affected by rail noise? 1. I am not affected by rail noise 2. During the day 3. At night 4. Both at night and during the day 3.8.1 (For citizens only) Please describe how exposure to rail noise affects you? 3.9 (for citizens only) Would you consider it more acceptable to live close to train routes if rail noise was reduced noticeably? 1. Yes PROGTRANS EFFECTIVE REDUCTION OF NOISE GENERATED BY RAIL FREGHT WAGONS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION 11 2. No 3. I am indifferent 3.10 (for companies only) Would you consider it more attractive to establish or relocate a business close to a rail line if noise was reduced noticeably? 1. Yes 2. No 3. I am indifferent / No opinion Section 4: Assessment of existing measures to reduce or limit rail freight noise (Skip section if knowledge is (question 3.4) not higher than low) 4.1 What measures have already been considered/implemented to tackle the problem of rail freight noise in your area/country/region of residence/operation? Please tick relevant measures 1 Noise barriers 2 Insulated windows 3 Measures on the track (dampers, stiff pads, bi-bloc sleepers, rail grinding) 4 Speed reduction 5 Financial incentives for the retrofitting of freight wagons with quieter brakes 6 Noise-differentiated track access charges (i.e. measures for adjusting charges dependent on noise emission) 7 Legal noise emission ceiling 8 Programmes to manage rail roughness/track upgrading/new design 9 Regulation for track condition and design 10 Public funding for noise abatement programmes 11 EU funding for research and development 12 Local funding for tackling specific noise problem 13 Information to stakeholders 14 Voluntary commitment 15 Other; please specify: 16 None 17 I don't know 4.1.1 If possible, please describe the most important measures already taken. Please indicate whether certain combinations of measures have been used effectively. APPENDIX A - Online Questionnaire 12 4.2 (only if 4.1 is not answered with option 16 and 17) How effective were the measures taken so far in reducing rail noise? 1 Effective 2 Effective to a certain extent 3 Ineffective 4 I don't know/no view 4.2.1 Please provide further comments on your answer about the effectiveness of measures so far. 4.3 (not for citizens) Do the measures implemented at the national/local level restrict mobility of people and/or goods? 1 Yes 2 No 3 I don't know 4.3.1 (Only if 4.3 is answered 'Yes') In which manner? 4.4 How quickly is the retrofitting of quieter brakes for existing rail freight wagons implemented in your region of residence/operation? 1 There is a substantial progress 2 There is a progress 3 There is very little progress 4 There is no progress 5 I don't know/no view PROGTRANS EFFECTIVE REDUCTION OF NOISE GENERATED BY RAIL FREGHT WAGONS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION 13 4.5 To what extent do you think the following objectives are important to be achieved in the future? Not Of little Somewhat Important Very No important importance important important view/ Don't know Business as usual Reducing noise from rail freight traffic Maintaining competitiveness of the rail freight sector Maintaining interoperability of the rail network, i.e.
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