gSES® THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC, THURSD\Y, NOVEMBER 1, 1894. IRISH NEWS. lymore, and the minister to Japan is KlllTAIIOllAt, union feeling greatly strengthened. His Church Affiliation. ArohbUbop Croke has just made his Hon. Power H. Lee, Poer Trench, un- CARDINAL TASCHEREAU- James Monroe made two extensive Tbe following story is told by an ex- CATHOLIC MUSIC. tnt vtatt to Liverpool. He received a cle to the present earl of Clam-arty. presidential tours with an ulterior Who Recently Resigned the See change, of a minister of the Episcopal j Academy of Our Lady of Mea i welcome The Dundalk and Newry Steampack- political purpose, so successfully in- of Quebec—Canada's First Church travelling South, who met a MASSES, HKTH AVKM'K. OAKLAND, et Company's half yearly report, just Alfred Webb, M. P., from West deed, that he was elected by tbe vote Cardinal. citizen who claimed that he was also ! VESPERS. issued, states: The gross earnings of PITTSBURGH, PA. Waterford bu declared his decision to of every State for his second term. an Episcopalian: ly under the m••»«cemen t the company are £.25,351 5s. 5d. The Cardinal Taschereau it commonly REQUIEMS. o{ Mwign hie aeat at the general election Henry Clay's journeys to and from called the first Canadian prelate to en- | "To what parish do you belong?" "'„ "trr*. till °P?n ««Pteabe, Inalterable amount actually expended was £18,- Washington almost invariably took 056 16s. 2d., showing a balance of joy membership in the Sacred College; I "Don't know nuthin' about any pa- loth with increased facilities tor tbe Nationalists in North Meath district the form of a political stumping but as a matter of fact, there was a rish." Hon of you us twites and kindergarten for fe*ve considerably increased their vot- £7,25)4 9s. 3d. From this amouut campaign, not that he wished it so, children, (little boys and girl« ) from itmu £4,286 16s. 9d. has been transferred Canadian Bishop—though he never ex- ! "Well, to what diocese do you be- j THF. „«•veu years "I »*e Music and «tudlo—whk ing. Parliamentary revision sessions but because under the circumstances erased his functions in Canada—who I long?" I inquired. »uf*-rlor advantage* Weekly board en ,T have been held recently. to renewal account, in accordance with he could not help it. Traveling was I, ER G reived. Kor particulars address TbeDired the customary arrangement of allocat- was created a Cardinal more than half "Thare aint nuthin' of that sort in res« Academy of Our Lady of Mercy, pS We chronicle with regret the death a slow proccss in those days and was avenue. Oakland Pittsburgh. Pa . • ™ ing the sum of £6,000 each half year a century before Mgr. Taschereau ob i this part of the country that I ever j of one of the most esteemed curates of rarely performed after nightfall, and for renewals and repairs, thus leaving tamed bis red hat. That dignitary was heard of," he replied. the Archdiocese of Armagh, Rev. wherever he stopped tbe people were Thomas Cardinal Weld tbe eldest son j "But who confirmed you?" said 1. £3,009 12s. t>d. net gain on the work- always wild to hear the. silver tongued HOLY GHOST COLLEGE James Mooney, Moneymore. ing of the half year. of Mr. Thomas Weld of Lueworth j "Nobody," he said. - PITTSBURGH, PA. the nuns of the Mercy Convent, Harry of the West. On some occasions Castle, (in the chapel of which Arch- i "But didn't you tell me yju were an I FOB his entire journey was a continued BaHina, appointed matron and teacher THE BLEEDING HEART. bishop Carroll, tae proto-American ! Kpiscopalian? 1 • asked in astonish- j FULL BOARDERS AND DAY in the Bellmullet workhonse, have I ovation. On his way back to Lexing |prelat e was consecrated), and of Mary j ment BY HBNKY M. CAL.UEK, 3. J. MELLOH MUSIC COMPNAY, how entered upon their duties. ton, after Jackson's first inaugurationStanley, I , tbe daughter of an old Kng- I ' Oh, yes, said the olci man I'll SCHOLARS. Tbe fadeless starblooms of the night I he was received everywhere by crowds j 77 FIFTH AVENUE. Thorough courses in Commercial brandies, To mark the services of Mr. Plun- Were wreathed around her royal head, lish Catholic family now extiuct. Car- I tell you how it is List spring I went I Actual Business practice Glassies -Viaoea kett to the town of Enniskiilen, it is And, like perfumes, their lain bent light j of enthusiastic admirers. Suppers, dinal Weld at the time he was made a down to New Orleans visitiu', and : Mathematics. Modern languages, Ratioej On Syria's golden hills was shed. dinners and balls were arranged for him Philosophy No extra charge* required. Bi- proposed to erect on the Fort Ilill a member of the Sacred College, was while 1 was there I went ter church, j eellent accommodations for boarders. En- along the line, and he bad free passage Plunkett memorial which will cost Thickly on every shrub that swung the coadjutor of Bishop MacDonell, the and it happened ter be an Episcopalian trance examinations for new students. Sent altogether there M. Reopening of classes for all students, £400. Its bell-like blos-soniB in tbe breeze, everywhere. Taverns stood wiele open, jfirst prelate of Upper Canada, and al- one, and am^ng otln r things 1 heard The sllver-parkling de>v-drops hung, I states were free and no toll-Kate i i stove equal to tl i Sept 5th Apply for catalogue and particoL MuUlngar town commissioners have i As brightest pearls of India's was. * i though he never crossed the Atlantic, 'em say that they'd left undone them i larsto REV JOHN T MURPHY, C. ¡Tito lev WJ tue I,,,., . , .. stopped him. His course was buat resided at Hammersmith, in Lon- |thing s they'd »lighter dune, and done applied for a loan of moneyJ to the President, .. I Tbe broad palms in Uelhsemane don, h" was, neve rtheless a member of 1 theiu things they hadn't oughter done; local government board, to enable I Wave haughtily their graceful plumes, triumphal march. Thus early did he j them to erect artisans' dwellings in the While proudly 'neath each bowering tree commence his presidential campaign the Canadian literalchy when Pius and I said to myself, 'That's jest my ST. MARYS ACADEMY, town. Bed roses lift their radiant blooms. for 1832, During the next two or VIII. created him a Cardinal in the fix too;' and since then I've always eon-RELIABLE GAS RANGE FOR YOUNG LADIES. Tbe Ute Gapt. Gibbons of Dungar Lo! suddenly a cloud o'erspreads three years he made long an 1 ex- | cot-sistory that was held May 25ih, i sidered myself an Episcopalian." Chatham Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Tbe starry splendor of the sky: ' UNIIIK TH» CiKiorm Hiirsu or liner van bequested £1,700 for the purpose Tbe tall palms bend their stately beads tensive journeys south and norih and I 1830. "Well,* said I, as I shook the old Manufacture. ' of improving the bathing places and And seem with bitter grief to sigli I addressed vast crowds, but it was tbe Mgr. Taschereau was created a Car- | man's band, "if your ideas of an Co., Clevela: O., and Re-opens September 3dr. Mm«, Painting, China-Decorating, Type- occupation of months, not of a few- dinal at tbe same time witu Cardinal j Episcopal! in are correct, we are the providing a park for the inhabitants of Their carolinga tbe bulbuls hush; Writing, Stenography, &c., &c. The dew-drops turn to tears of woe; days. [ largest denomination in tbe world." Dungarvin. Gibbons—June 7, 1886. Notwith- • For terms, apply to The flowers lose their roseate blush Douglas, in I860, occupied nearly Michael Davitts speech in Clandalk- And boW their pallid faces low. standing his resignation of the Quebec Awarded Diploma of Honor, Worid'»Coln». two months in his presidential cam- Eaiptror William never rides any in, Dublin, is said to have been the See, Mgr. Taschereau retains his Car- 1 blan Kx|Mwition, for Cla&)-work, Needle-work. For Jesus. S led with anguish, knelt paign, making many speeches north and I but his own hone*, which are trained Campbell Burner Co,, Limited best heard from him in years, and its In these dim ¿Olitndes alone. dinalitial rank. He is now in his 75th I and Drawing. call to action seemed to strike the true And breathed a prayer whose power might south, and though he had the railroads, year, being born in 1820. He is of an I specially to be guided by preseure of popular chord. melt he could not have tbe comfort and old French Canadiau family. I tbe knees on either side. This is nec- 'NO.6 NINTH ST., Pittsburgh. DIRECTRESS, Our bard, ungrateful hearts of stone. ••• Residents in the district of Bridge- convenience of modern travel. That His father the Hon Thomas Tasch- | essary to his majesty, for when his I CONVENT or MERCY, town have requested the government While from his brow tbe crimson sweat campaign cost him bis life. ereau, was an ardent supporter of the ; sword arm is occupied, the left arm be- Webstei An. Of precious blood rilled on tbe sod, A generation has passed since ; ing weak, is quite incapable of eon- The water heater attached to to establish a telegraph office in the Until tbe garden's grass was wet patriotic movement which Papineau, in town Bannow and Ballycullane peo- With those mysterious tears of God.
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