International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2002 September 9-12, 2002, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia Nuclear Society of Slovenia. GORA2002, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Foreword The conference "Nuclear Energy for New Europe" Table of Contents reflects both the changes in Europe and a more prominent role of nuclear energy. It evolved from annual conferences of Nuclear Society of Slovenia and was the Index of Authors 11th conference in the series which started in Bovec in 1992. The conference was attended by 127 participants Participants from 22 countries. The number of submitted abstracts was 105 and 85 were actually presented at the Sponsors conference. Organizer About the sign Pictures International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2002 September 9-12, 2002, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia Nuclear Society of Slovenia. GORA2002, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Home Index of Authors Participants Sponsors Organizer Pictures Foreword ABOUT THE SIGN Table of Contents Invited Lectures Innovative and Alternative Reactor Concepts Thermal Hydraulics, Computational Fluid Dynamics For the graphical symbol of this conference we have chosen the drawing Reactor and Neutron of a snag (in Slovenian viharnik). Snags are larch trees high in the Physics mountains, which are not growing green anymore, but are still continuing their life for many years. In some areas just above the Core and Fuel permanent forest elevation line they may have fascinating shapes, Management which can inspire your imagination. In any case they are an element of the enormous beauty of Julian Alps. Severe Accidents Policy Issues, Public Information Nuclear Power Plant Operation Probabilistic Safety Analysis NPP Accident Analysis & Support Tools Accident Analysis - Integrated Test Facilities, Research Reactors Radioactive Waste Management FOREWORD The conference "Nuclear Energy for New Europe" reflects both the changes in Europe and a more prominent role of nuclear energy. It evolved from annual conferences of Nuclear Society of Slovenia and was the 11th conference in the series which started in Bovec in 1992. This year the conference was attended by 127 participants from 22 countries. The technical part of the program was complemented by an afternoon trip over Vršič pass to Trenta Valley which lies in the heart of Julian Alps. This and other social activities stimulated the friendly and productive atmosphere at the conference. The editorial activities of these Proceedings started in the beginning of 2002 with Call for papers and 105 abstracts were submitted by May. A Program Committee meeting was held in June in Ljubljana where the program of the conference was outlined. In addition to more traditional topics, the meeting was focused around the revival of nuclear energy in different countries of the World. Invited lecturers gave an overview over the European situation: the prospects in European nuclear R&D and also specific developments in three different countries: Czech Republic, Finland and Slovenia as the host. Contributed papers also presented a variety of new scientific, technical and operational results. There were 85 presentations at the conference and they were divided into 12 sections. Around one-half of contributions were presented orally, other as posters. All papers were reviewed by 2 referees before being included in the Proceedings. Following the tradition of previous meetings, award was given for the best paper prepared by first author aged no more than 32 years. Six young authors participated in the contest and the Award for Young Authors was presented to: Luca Ammirabile for the paper LBLOCA Studies: Computational Analysis of Clad Ballooning and Thermohydraulics in a PWR (co-authored by Simon Walker) We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to our institution, i.e., the Jožef Stefan Institute, and to all other sponsors who contributed to the success of the meeting. We would also like to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of all members of the Organization Committee, in particular Mr. Marjan Tkavc for co-editing these Proceedings. Ms. Saša Bobič, Ms. Marija Zaviršek and Ms. Mateja Žnideršič gave us outstanding secretarial support before, at, and after the conference. Finally, we would like to thank to all colleagues, both domestic and foreign, for the help with the reviewing of the papers. Igor Jenčič Andrej Stritar Chairman of the Organizing Committee Chairman of the Program Committee Ljubljana, January 2003 International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2002 September 9-12, 2002, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia Nuclear Society of Slovenia. GORA2002, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Home Index of Authors Participants Sponsors Organizer Pictures Invited Lectures Foreword Vision of the Global Nuclear Industry in the 21st Century Bertrand Barré Table of Contents Temelin NPP Commissioning Experiences Vaclav Hanus Invited Lectures Innovative and New Nuclear Power Plant Unit in Finland Accepted by the Finnish Parliament Alternative Reactor Martti Kätkä Concepts Thermal Hydraulics, Computational Fluid Innovative and Alternative Reactor Concepts Dynamics Transient Analysis of the IRIS Reactor Reactor and Neutron Tomislav Bajs, Luca Oriani, Marco Ricotti, Antonio Barroso Physics Three-dimensional Numerical Investigation of a Molten Salt Reactor Concept with Core and Fuel Management the Code CFX-5.5 Bogdan Yamaji, Gyula Csom, Attila Aszodi Severe Accidents Hybrid Combined Cycle Power Plant Karoly Veszely Policy Issues, Public Information Core Design Calculations of IRIS Reactor Using Modified CORD-2 Code Package Dubravko Pevec, Davor Grgiæ, Radomir Jeèmenica, Bojan Petroviæ Nuclear Power Plant Operation Thermal-hydraulic Analysis of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility Probabilistic Safety Fosco Bianchi, L. Burgazzi, P. Meloni, R. Ferri, G. Cattadori Analysis Pre-Sheath and Floating Potential in front of an Electron Emitting Collector in a Two- NPP Accident Analysis electron Temperature Plasma & Support Tools Tomaž Gyergyek, Milan Èerèek, David Eržen Accident Analysis - Integrated Test Facilities, Research Reactors Thermal Hydraulics, Computational Fluid Dynamics Subcooled Boiling Model to Simulate Upward Vertical Flow Boiling at Low Pressures Radioactive Waste Boštjan Konèar, Ivo Kljenak Management Water Hammer in Elastic Pipes Environmental Impact Janez Gale, Iztok Tiselj CFD Investigations of Natural Circulation Between the RPV and the Cooling Pond of VVER-440 Type Reactors in Incidental Conditions During Maintenance Performed with the Code CFX-4.3 Gábor Légrádi, Attila Aszodi Lessons Learned from Accuracy Assessment of IAEA-SPE-4 Experiment Predictions Andrej Prošek Influence of the Boundary Conditions on a Temperature Field in the Turbulent Flow Near the Heated Wall Robert Bergant, Iztok Tiselj Analysis of Natural Circulation Stability in a Low Pressure Thermohydraulic Test Loop Jalil Jafari, Francesco D'Auria, Hossein Kazeminejad, Hadi Davilu Analysis of Natural Circulation Performance of The Designed Thermohydraulic Test Loop Jalil Jafari, Francesco D'Auria, Hossein Kazeminejad, Hadi Davilu Hierarchic Modeling of Heat Exchanger Thermal Hydraulics Andrej Horvat, Boštjan Konèar Reactor and Neutron Physics The Fuel Situation of Research Reactors in Europe Helmuth Böck, Mario Villa Isothermal Temperature Reactivity Coefficient Measurement in TRIGA Reactor Tomaž Žagar, Matjaž Ravnik, Andrej Trkov Neutron Radiography and Tomography Investigations at the TRIGA MARK-II Reactor Menekse Bastürk, Helmuth Böck, Nikolay Kardjilov, Eberhard Lehmann, Mario Villa Experience in Neutron Flux Measurement Chains Verification at Slovak NPPs Richard Hašcík Parasitic Absorption in Beryllium Blocks of the Maria Reactor Teresa Kulikowska, Krzysztof Andrzejewski Calculation of Isotopic Composition During Continuous Irradiation and Subsequent Decay in Biological Shield of the TRIGA MARK II Reactor Matjaž Božiè, Tomaž Žagar, Matjaž Ravnik Progress in Nuclear Well Logging Modeling Using Deterministic Transport Codes Ivan Kodeli, Andrej Trkov, Marko Mauèec, Daniel Aldama Verification of Monte Carlo Calculations of the Neutron Flux in the Carousel Channels of the TRIGA Mark II Reactor, Ljubljana Radojko Jaæimoviæ, Marko Mauèec, Andrej Trkov Validation of the IAEA-WIMSD Library for the LOADF Code on Operation Transients at the Krško Power Plant Andrej Trkov, Bojan Kurinèiè WWER-440 Control Assembly Local Power Peaking Investigation on LR-0 Reactor Jan Mikuš Core and Fuel Management Criticality Safety Analysis of the NPP Krško Storage Racks Marjan Kromar, Bojan Kurinèiè Fuel Cycle Optimization Using the Nonlinear Reactivity Model Zeynep Yüksel, Yigit Çeçen, Mehmet Tombakoglu Analysis of ZR-6 Experiments Using the KARATE-440 Code System Upgraded by ENDF/B-VI Data György Hegyi, Andras Keresztúri, Csaba Maàaczy Solution of the AER6 Benchmark Problem by KIKO3D/ATHLET Code System György Hegyi, Andras Keresztúri, Istvan Trosztel Effect of Fuel Cycle Parameters on the Criticality Safety of the NPP Krško Storage Racks Marjan Kromar, Bojan Kurinèiè Severe Accidents ZRO2 and UO2 Dissolution by Molten Zircalloy Juri Stuckert, Alexei Miassoedov, P. J. Hayward, P. Hofmann, M. Veshchunov Corium Behaviour Research at CEA Cadarache: The PLINIUS protoypic corium experimental platform Christophe Journeau, Eric Boccaccio, Jean-Michel Bonnet, Pascal Fouquart, Jean-François Haquet, Claude Jegou, Daniel Magallon, Pascal Piluso Estimating Minimum Polycrystalline Aggregate Size for Macroscopic Material Homogeneity Marko Kovaè, Igor Simonovski,
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