•• •• • 1000 Club Honor Roll Jan'UClry 15, 1982 aCl lC Cl lZell (45¢ Postpaid) The National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens league rSSN: 003!H1579/ Whole No. 2.171/ VoL 94 No . 2 =20¢ Nisei woman wins Japanese themes popular Japan magazine mum in Pasadena Rose parade on Al'len resignatioll Rhodes Scholarship PASADENA, Ca.-The 93rd the entry by the City of GJen­ Tournament of Roses Parade dale, "Bridge of Friendship," TOKYO-While Japanese Oopower struggle" behind the CLAREMONT, Ca.-At only is now history but the memory depicting the teahouse in newspapers played up former scenes of the Allen matter, 18, Nina Morishige is an ac­ lingers on as a floral float en- Brand Park. It won the Grand U.S. National Security Advi- she felt that Allen himself was complished pianist and will try, "Beauty of the Orient," Marshal's Trophy. ser Richard Allen's Jan. 4 re- oO responsible for hIS re­ graduate from Johns Hopkins depicting a floral rendition of The entry of the American signation, the popular wo- signation· ·. University in Baltimore with the Grand Kabuki of Japan Honda Co., "Fun for Every­ man's magazine whose $1,000 Allen resigned from his post a combined bachelor's and won the Grand Prize to share one," winner of the Anniver­ .. thank you" payment caused and was replaced by Deputy master's degree in mathema­ the top awards of the pc:gean- sary Award was a magnifi­ his downfall made no Secretary of State William tics next spring. Last month try with the theme "Friends cent feat of engineering high­ corrunent. Clark, even though a White she added a Rhodes scholar­ and Neighbors. JJ lighting a complete roller "We have no intention ofre- House investigation report ship to her accomplishments, Avon sponsored the Grand coaster with a loop in the cen­ kindling the controversy at cleared him of any wrong­ and became the YOlmgest re­ Priie winner, the highest in ter of the float. this time," said a spokesper- doing in accepting ~i,OOOfrom cipient in the award's 78-year corrunercial category, on The Lions Club of Japan son for the magazine Shufu No the Japanese magazme and history. which 1981 Rose Queen Leslie won in its category, Service Tomo Jan. 5. The magazine's two watches from Japanese Morishige was among the 32 Kim Kawai was the featured Clubs, with its "People at managing director, Katsuro friends. young Americans to receive rider while dancers ofthe Mi- Peace" float, a huge bird in I Ishizuka, also declined to News that Allen accepted the coveted scholarship, tsusa Bando School of Dance flower with International Pre­ corrunent on the matter, not- the ··thank you" payment which entitles recipients to graced the float. sident Kaoru "Kay" Mura- ing that the magazine had al- from Shufu 1 '0 Torno for an spend two years of study at It was dealt an unfortunate kami from Japan riding in a ready explained develop- interview with ;VIrs. Reagan Nina Morishige Oxford University in England incident early in the parade period ceremonial cloak. ments to its readers. surfaced in mid-November, with a $6,000 per year stipend. another master's degree .in when the motor konked out The City of Portland float, However, Fuyuko Kami- and although Allen admitted Scholarship awardees were physics with her new scho­ and-a tow car carne to the res- "Sapporo-Portland's Neigh­ saka, the Japanese journalist receiving the money, he said announced recently by Ame­ larship. cue, causing a 15 minute delay bor in Winter," was also a who had been aided by Allen he meant to turn it over to the rican Rhodes secretary David Morishige, who at the age of in the parade. winner in the Expositions and while interview~g Nancy government but forgot. Alexander, president of Po­ 4 held an IQ of 171, is the Another beautiful float was fair class'. # Reagan for the magazine. Major Japanese newspa­ mona College. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. said Jan. 5 she believed the pers announced AlIen's resig­ A native of Edmond ' Ok., Teruo Morishige, immigrants former National Security Ad- . nation with such front page Morishige left Edmond High from Japan. Import auto quotas viser's resignation was headlines as "Presidential School as a junior to attend an She is the second J apane e ··fair··. Adviser Allen Resigns After (In Los Angeles the Rafu All : Takes Political and Mor­ accelerated program at American to recei ve a Rhode Oo Johns Hopkins. Upon her Scholarship. The first was had little effect Shimpo reported Kamisaka a1 Responsibilitles and " AI­ graduation from the univer­ Warren Iwasa of Hawaii, a WASHINGTON-The volun­ with Japan in 1981 may reach told one news service, " We len Resigns: Clark 1 'amed sity, she plans to work toward 1967 recipient. tary agreement limiting Ja­ $15 billion, with two-thirds of had a lot of trouble because Successor. 00 panese auto imports to the that attributable to auto and Mr. Allen. brok~ his promise Possibly because of the con­ U.S. really hasn't worked out auto parts' imports alone. on our . mtervlew arrange- troversy, Shufu I 0 Torno's New alien law eliminates too well, admited the Missouri men~ wI~h .Mrs: Reagan, and circulation tripled in Janu­ senator who pushed for quota. Danforth, who eight months I behe~e It ~ farr t~at Mr. AI- ary, according LO the ma- annual address reporting "Our trade imbalance has ago pushed for an agreement len reslgn his post. I gazine. WASIDNGTON-President Reagan signed into law Dec. 29 continued, our auto industry under which Japan would li­ Allen had promised Kami­ amendments to the Immigration and Nationality Act eliminat­ continues to be in ~ slide," mit its U.S. exports in 1981 and saka that the $1,000 honora­ AADAP to sponsor 1982, said the limit appears to riwn would go to charity and ing the requirement for aliens to report their names and ad­ said Sen. John C. Danforth famIly worKsnops dresses each year, announced the Justice Department. (R-Mo.) at a hearing Dec. 15 have been technically met. that he would send a receipt­ However, aliens are still required to notify the Immigration on the state of the American But he said other agreements which was never delivered. LO NGELES-The ASlan and Naturalization Service of a change of address, in writing auto industry. " It now ap­ calling for increased Japa­ Kamisaka sa.id she and Chi­ AmerIcan Drug Abuse Pro­ and within ten days. pears clear that two years (of nese use of U.S.-made parts zuko Takase, a longtime gram will pon or a eries of The enactment of the new law, "Immigration and Naturali­ import restrictions) is not go­ and more joint investment friend of Allen's were obUged our \ orkshop on the Japa­ zation Efficiency Bill" (PL97-116), abolishes the previous re­ ing to be sufficient," he said. have been all but ignored. to stay in a Washington holel nes AmerIcan amil. for the quirement for aliens to report their addresses each January. Reagan administration wit­ The auto trade problem is a for fi e days while waiting for South Ba} and Long Beach nesses told Danforth's Senate symptom of deeper problems Allen to inform them of the ar­ areas. The serie will run for Taiwan Gains Separate Quota of20,OOO fmance subcommittee on In­ in the trade relatonship be­ rangements to meet ir . four weeks on Thursday eve­ ~ewise, effective Jan. 1, Congress has alloted an annual ternational Trade that the tween the two nations, said Reagan. An inter iew "as ning dan. 21, 28. Feb . .1. II I inunigration quota of 20,000 to persons who were born in Tai­ United States trade deficit Ouinwl ClDPaee 3 then et up for Jan. 21. 1981, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Del Amo wan-distinct from the annual quota of 20,000 from mamJ.anO the day after the Pre ident" Ho pi tal , 3250 W. Lomita China. Heretofore, Taiwan and mainland China had shared the inauguration. Blvd., Room # 102. Torrance. same per-country quota. Sen. Hayakawa faces uphill Kamisaka noted that while Intent of the amendment, which was a rider on a House there wer some reports of a Join the JACL foreign aid appropriations bill, was to "extend to Taiwan the battle for re-election this fall eligibility up to 20,000 that was taken away inadvertantly when SACRAMENTO, Ca.-Sen. Hayakawa a knowledged Hawaii poll rates police, normalization of relations with China occurred (in 1979)", ac­ S.I. Hayakawa (R~a.) may that members of his Senate cording to a House Foreign Affairs Committee spokesman. face some difficulties in his office staff held arranged the While a separate quota for Taiwan appears to be contradic­ bid for re-election, indicated Sacramento speech, which he Inouye, high; courts low tory ro the official U .S. on~ policy, it was a welcome act by the number of members on de cribed as a "campaign ap­ HONOLULU-A poll conduct­ and will ease up the backlog, East West was told by Bill Hing, his campaign staff: one (1), pearance". Two members of assistant professor of law at San Francisco's Golden Gate ed last month by The Honolulu namely his son, Alan, previ­ his taff attended the speech. Ad ertiser showed high ap:­ University and member of the Pacific/ Asian Immigration ously with the Portland Ore­ Asked if he believed it was Task Force, which is campaigning for retention of the rtfth proval rating for the 10 al p0- gonian as an editorial staff proper for government em­ lice, Rep.
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