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The Inspiration of Scripture: Problems and Westminster 1980 Proposals Achtemeier, Paul J., and The Old Testament Roots of Our Faith (Revised Hendrickson Elizabeth Achtemeier Edition) 1994 Achtemeier, Paul J., Joel Introducting the New Testament: Its Literature Eerdmans B. Green, and Marianne and Theology 2001 Meye Thompson Adam, A.K.M. A Grammar for New Testament Greek Abingdon 1999 Adam, A.K.M. What Is Postmodern Biblical Criticism? Fortress 1995 Adam, Peter The Message of Malachi: I Have Loved You, Inter-Varsity U.K. 2013 Says the Lord. The Bible Speaks Today. Adams, Carol J. Woman-Battering: Creative Pastoral Care and Fortress 1994 Counseling Adams, Jay Edward A Theology of Christian Counseling: More Than Zondervan 1986 Redemption Adams, Jay Edward Competent to Counsel Presbyterian and 1974 Reformed Adams, Jay Edward From Forgiven to Forgiving: Learning to Forgive Calvary 1994 One Another God's Way Adams, Jay Edward How to Help People Change: The Four-Step Zondervan 1986 Biblical Process Adams, Jay Edward Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Bible Zondervan 1980 Adams, Jay Edward Ready to Restore: The Layman's Guide to Presbyterian and 1981 Christian Counseling Reformed Adams, Jay Edward The Biblical View of Self-Esteem, Self-Love, Harvest House 1986 Self-Image Adams, Jay Edward The Christian Counselor's Manual Zondervan 1973 Adams, Jay Edward The Grand Demonstration: A Biblical Study of EastGate 1991 the So-Called Problem of Evil Adams, Jay Edward The Language of Counseling Presbyterian and 1981 Reformed Adams, Jay Edward The War Within: A Biblical Strategy for Spiritual Harvest House 1989 Warfare Adams, Marilyn McCord Horrendous Evils and the Goodness of God Cornell University 1999 Press Adams, Marilyn McCord The Problem of Evil Oxford University 1990 Press Adams, Steve Relativity: An Introduction to Space-Time Taylor & Francis 1997 Physics Adamson, James The New International Commentary on the New Eerdmans 1976 Testament, The Epistle of James Adeney, Bernard T. 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Counseling and AIDS Word Publishing 1990 Albert, David Difficult Scriptures: Coming to Grips With the Tyler House Law of Moses in the Worldwide Church of God 1997 Albertz, Rainer A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Westminster John 1992 Testament Period Knox Albrecht, Greg Bad News Religion World Publishing 2004 Albrecht, Greg Between Religious Rocks and Life's Hard Thomas Nelson 2006 Places Albrecht, Greg Rejecting Religion: Embracing Grace Plain Truth Ministries 2010 Albrecht, Greg Revelation Revolution World Publishing 2005 Albright, W.F. The Anchor Bible, Matthew Doubleday 1971 Alcantara, Jared E. Crossover Preaching: Intercultural- IVP Academic Improvisational Homiletics in Conversation With 2015 Gardner C. Taylor Alcorn, Randy Money, Possessions and Eternity Tyndale Publishers 1973 Alcorn, Randy Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments Multnomah 1992 Aldrich, Joseph C. Gentle Persuasion: Creative ways to introduce Multnomah 1988 your friends to Christ Aldrich, Joseph C. Life-Style Evangelism Multnomah 1981 Aleshire, Daniel O. Earthen Vessels: Hopeful Reflections on the Eerdmans 2008 Work and Future of Theological Schools Alexander, David and Pat Eerdmans Handbook to the Bible Eerdmans 1983 Alexander, Donald L., ed. Christian Spirituality InterVarsity 1988 Alexander, Donald L., ed. Christian Spirituality: Five Views of Sanctification InterVarsity 1988 The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Alexander, Michelle The New Press 2012 Age of Colorblindness Alexander, Pat, ed. Eerdmans Handbook to the World's Religions Eerdmans 1994 Alexander, Patrick, H., et The SBL Handbook of Style for Ancient Near Hendrickson al, editors Eastern, Biblical, and Early Christian Studies 1999 Alexander, T. Desmond, Dictionary of the Old Testament Pentateuch InterVarsity 2003 ed. Alexander, T. Desmond, New Dictionary of Biblical Theology InterVarsity 2000 ed. Ali, Abdullah Yusuf The Holy Qur'an, new revised edition Amana 1989 Ali, Ahmed Al-Qur'an: A Contemporary Translation Princeton University 1984 Press Alighieri, Dante The Divine Comedy Penguin Books 1984 Allen, David L., and Steve Whosoever Will: A Biblical-Theological Critique B&H 2010 W. Lemke of Five-Point Calvinism Allen, Diogenes Christian Belief in a Postmodern World Westminster John 1989 Knox Allen, Leslie E. The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah. Eerdmans New International Commentary on the Old 1976 Testament Allen, Leslie E. Word Biblical Commentary Volume 21 Psalms Word Books 1983 101-150 Allen, Leslie E. 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Don't give up on me-- I'm not finished yet! : a Huntington Beach, beginner's guide to self recovery (popular CA : [Fuller Seminary version of Self-Care Press], 1993, McCracken Press, 1994. Anderson, Ray S. Emergent Theology for Emerging Churches InterVarsity 2006 Anderson, Ray S. Everything That Makes Me Happy I Learned InterVarsity 1995 When I Grew Up Anderson, Ray S. God so loved ... : a theology for ministry Huntington Beach, formation CA : By the author, 1995. Anderson, Ray S. Historical transcendence and the reality of God : Eerdmans, G. 1975 A Christological critique Chapman Anderson, Ray S. Judas and Jesus Wipf & Stock 2005 Anderson, Ray S. Like Living Stones Free Church Press 1964 Anderson, Ray S.
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