California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Coyote Chronicle Special Collections & Archives 2-8-1995 February 8th 1995 CSUSB Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation CSUSB, "February 8th 1995" (1995). Coyote Chronicle. Paper 359. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections & Archives at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Coyote Chronicle by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Page 4 m Page 10 Page 14 Top 20 Albums of 1994; Letters to the Editor Reviews of "Pulp Fiction" and CSUSB celebrates "Higher Learning" History Mon^ t CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SAN BERNARDINO ^ X CSUSB on th© Ris©"! Homecoming and a new arena Homecoming Questions posed C s® V s® B celebration offers about securtiy at more than just \,..y ' the new arena when it opens for basketball with H G its various various events some time next planned special Graphics courtesy of CSUSB Student Life activites academic year By Sheryl Mathis eourtoey of Rick Morat, Student Life What is it? Chronicle Staff Homeoxning '95 plans are underway with CSUSB is expanding more andmoreeach this year's theme being "CSUSB ON THE year, and one building that is nearing comple­ RISE." Homecoming activities will span tion is the Arena. two days- Hiursday and Friday, February Now if a question appears over the heads 16lh and 17th. This is CSUSB's eighth of CSUSB students regarding what the Arena annual Homecmning. is or what exciting events will occur there, let Special events this year include a large me be the first to inform you. Pep Rally at 11:30 a.m., Hmrsday, in the There will be sporting events, dances, Student Union Courtyard. The rally will educational seminars, and other special feature a Ms. and Mr. CSUSB contest with events. the winners and their sponsoring organiza­ A question that was posed to this reporter tion each receiving a ca^ prize. A grocery was how will security be at the Arena? cart float competition will also feature a cash This reporter has found out the details prize. For information on how to enter, about current security and added security if students should contact the Student Union needed in certain events that will take place at Program Board located in the Student Union. the Arena. Thursday night the Coyote Women's bas­ According to Dr. David DeMauro, Vice ketball team plays CSU Dominguez Hills at President of Administration and Finance, the 7:30 p.m. in the Gym. Arena is patrolled by security throughout the On Friday at 3:30 p.m. there will be a day like the rest of the buildings on campus. panel discussion with CSUSB Alumni Au- DeMauro said that in the Spring, when ttiors in Pfau Library. The panel includes budgets ccHne up for review, they are hoping published writers of screenplays, novels, to receive additional monies to hire on extra poems and short stories. The featured au­ security guards for the Arena and other loca­ thors include Sondra Anderson-Heimark, tions on campus. Danny Bilson, PaulDeMeo, Michael Reaves, DeMauro wants the students to know that and Linda Stockman. any event that takes place on CSUSB campus Events culminate with Saturday's pre- is reviewed first, and if additional security is game Chili Dinner at 6:00 p.m. This annual needed, he has indicated that CSUSB hires event attracts over 200 alumni, students, fac­ outside assistance from private security firms. ulty and staff. Tickets for the Chili dinner are This quarter, the Arena's adjoining physi­ $10. Dinner is followed by the Coyote vs. cal education and health classroom complex photo by: Gail Ann Uchwat Grand Canyon University Basketball game opened for classes in these fields. Construc­ at 8:00 p.m. CSUSB students with IX). may "Rain Fountain''uiest of Student Union: rain tion on the Arena itself will be completed attend the basketball game for free. General soon, but it will probably not be availableto seats f(x the game are $2.00 failing Into the rapidly rising hot air from the host events until some lime in the next aca­ Fw more information on Homecoming heat uentiiation/air conditioning system demic school year. Events call the Alumni Affairs office atx5008. caused the mater to be sprayed skymard. Presented by CAMPUS ———— CALENDAR SniDEKT UNION Events From Wednesday, February 8,1995 to Wednesday, February 22,1995 formance at 8 M.D., Student Health Center, CSUSB. Two screenings: 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. p.m. General admission: 58, students, Monday, I ihni.iiv 1.* Student Union Events Center "A," 3 Wednesd.i), I i'brud»> faculty & staff 37. p.m. - 5 p.m. Free. CSUSB CLOTHESLINEPROJECT READER'S MARKET USED T-SHIRT MAKING WORKSHOP. OPEN AIR MARKET • Student HISPANIC WOMEN'S EMPOW­ BOOK SALE. Student Union Court­ INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE - See Women's Resource & Adult Re-Entry Union Courtyard (Inside if rainy.) 9 ERMENT GROUP - Regular meet­ yard. All Day. Feb. 8 listing Center, 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. a.m. - 5 p.m. ing. Women's Resource & Adult Re- Entry Center, 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.. DELTA SIGMA PHI FRATERNITY AFRICAN-AMERICAN MEN'S SOCIETY OF PHYSICS STU­ AFRICAN-AMERICAN MEN'S - Weekly chapter meeting. Eucalyptus SUPPORT GROUP - Regular meet­ DENTS - Regular meeting. Physical SUPPORT GROUP - Regular meet­ SPANISH PLACEMENT EXAMI­ Room, Lower Commons, 8 p.m. ing. See Feb. 8 listing Sciences. Room 202, 4 p.m. ing. Student Union Multicultural Cen­ NATION - University Hall, Room 042, ter, 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. 2 p.m. For SPANISH PLACEMENT EXAMI­ GAY, LESBIAN & BISEXUAL Saturday,! fhtuctrv I?*, information, contact Foreign Languages NATION • University Hall, Room042, UNION - See Feb. 8 listing INCOMETAX ASSISTANCE - Pro­ Dept., UH-314, or call (909)880-5847. 8 a.m. For BASEBALL: CSUSB v. CAL BAP­ vided by volunteers from CSUSB Ac­ information, contact Foreign Languages WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT TIST. Fiscalini Field (Highland and counting Assn. Bring W-2 forms, last Dept., UH-314, or call (909)880-5847. GROUP-Regular meeting. See Feb. 8 Harrison, next to Penis Hill Park). 7 year's return and IRS forms mailed to listing p.m. you. Jack Brown Hall, Room 141. 3 Tuesdaj, l«t.bni;ir\ p.m. - 6 p.m. Free. BASEBALLiCSUSB v. CSU FRENCH TABLE CLUB - Regular STANISLAUS. Fiscalini Field (High­ meeting. See Feb. 8 listing Sunday, I obtLiriry GAY, LESBIAN & BISEXUAL land and Harrison, next to Ferris Hill READER'S MARKET USED UNION - Regular meeting. Pine Room, Park), 2 p.m. BOOK SALE. Student Union Court­ INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS MUSIC RECITAL: Tamara Harsh, Lower Commons. 6 p. m. yard. All Day. ASSN. - Regular meeting. University soprano. Creative Arts Recital Hall, 4 SPANISH PLACEMENT EXAMI­ Hall, Room 249, 4 p.m. p.m. General Admission. 36; CSUSB WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT NATION - University Hall, Room042. PANEL DISCUSSION: Aid to Fami­ students, faculty, staff and senior citi­ 12 Noon. For information, contact For­ lies with Dependent Children (AFDC). — zens, 34. GROUP- Regularmeeting. Women's Thursdd\. 16 Resource& Adult Re-Entry Center, 11 eign Languages Dept., UH-314, orcall Student Union Events Center "A," 12 a.m. -12 Noon. (909)880-5847. Noon - 1:30 p.m. ALPHA DELTA PI SORORITY • WOMEN'S BASKETBALL: Regular meeting. Eucalyptus Room, m HOMECOMING-CSUSB v. CAL FRENCH TABLE CLUB • Regular VIDEO PRESENTATION:"How to Lower Commons, 7 p.m. Saturdav/11 STATE, DOMINGUEZ HILLS. meeting. Pine Room, LowerCommons, Get a Jcdi After College. "Parti screens at4p.m.Partnscreensat5p.m. Career Gymnasium, 7:30 p.m. 12 Noon. WOMEN'S BASKETBALL:CSUSB SIGMA CHI - Chapter meeting. Tem­ Development Center. Free to students porary Classroom TC 007, 4 p.m. v. CAL POLY, POMONA. Gymna­ MEN'S BASKETBALL: HOME­ INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS sium, 7:30 p.m. and CSUSB Alumni Assn. members. COMING-CSUSB V.GRAND CAN­ ASSN. - Regular meeting. University SIGMA GAMMA PHI FRATER­ FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL: "Sugar YON UNIV. Gymnasium, 8:05 p.m. Hall, Room 249, 4 p.m. BASEBALL (DOUBLE NITY - Weekly meeting. Temporary Cane Alley." Student Union Events Classroom TC -16, 7 p.m. HEADER):CSUSB v. CSU WORKSHOP: Interviewing Skills 4 SPANISH PLACEMENT EXAMI­ Center. Two screenings: 3 p.m. and 7 STANISLAUS. Fiscalini Field (High­ Styles, with Pam Webster of Enter­ NATION - University Hall. Room042, p.m. SIGMA PHI EPSILON FRATER­ land and Harrison, next to Penis Hill prise Rent-a-Car, Career Development 4 p.m. For NITY - Chapter meeting. Eucalyptus Park), 11 p.m. Center, 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Free to students information, contact Foreign Lan­ BASEBALL:CSUSB v. UC SAN DI­ Room, Lower EGO. Fiscalini Field (Highland and and CSUSB Alumni Assn. members. Commons, 5 p.m. guages Dept., UH-314, or call Sunday, Ichruatv I- (909)880-5847. Harrison, next to Penis Hill Park), 11 a.m. FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL: ZETA TAU ALPHA SORORITY - BASEBALL:CSUSB v. UC DAVIS. "Baxter" at 3 p.m."CamiUe Claudel" Regular meeting. Temporary Class­ Fiscalini Field (Highland and Harrison, GOLF: COLLEGE TOURNA­ at7p.m. Student Union Events Center. room TC - 006, next to Penis Hill Paric), 11 a.m. MENT (Shotgun). El Rancho Verde 5:30 p.m. LECTURErA/rtcon Americans and Country Club, All Day. THE BROWN BAG LUNCH LEC­ AIDS with Naomi Norman, Office of MEDITATION SEMINAR - Kirpal TURE SERIES: "Women's Self-Es- Alcohol & Drug Program., Student Light Satsang, Inc., a not-for-profit ADULT RE-ENTRY SUPPORT teem," with Dr. MarthaKazio, Union Events Center "A," 12 Noon - organization, presents seminar, fol­ GROUP • Regularmeeting.
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