'OB~. .:l :::.':.! r "-. ... ~) .. , ih ' ... e )~~ .-L l~n".&:.1' _ ...... _0 ... ·····- .. h·;· .. ·7··· .. · All forms of Selection Of : I Insurance I . I '11 Used Cars , THE DAILY NE Water St. ~Dva Motors Ltd. Elizabeth Ave. ~~~~~:: __ ==~~=-____ ~:-~ST:~:J~O=H:N:'S~,:N~EW~FO~U:N:D~L~A:N:D~. __ F~R~I~D~Ay~,:M:A~Y:l:O~,1~9:63~ ____~~~1~6~P~A~G~ES~~ __~~~~~~S~EV~.E~NCENTS F~der~l Grand Jury Defence. W.U1 . Indicts Jimmy Hoffa Hold Priority OTT AWA CP-Prime Minister Pearson. r NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP1- A . Thomas Ewing Parks, :>lash· federal grand j II r y indicted villc, Campbell's uncle. leaves this morning for an intensive familiariz­ pOo Teamster president James R. Nicholas ,1. 'l'weel, HunJjng­ ation session with President Kennedy that will Hoffa and six others Thursday ton, W.Va., prcsident of Co'uti­ I'I!'. IOIQ on charges of conspiring and nental Tobacco Company of span 'the globe while bearing ,hardest on gel900d attempting to influence the ll1ry New York. multiple Canada-United States problems, IDak film In his trial here last winter. on Lawrencc W. Medlin, a Nash­ charges of accepting illegal ville merchant. 0 sct, no Mr. Pearson was leaving at 10:55 a.m. by 1 payments from a Detroit truck Hoffa was named a dcfendant j:k-and-White firm. In five counts and the Ci'.hers RCAF Comet jet for the president's summer home 1keeps You let were named in one count each. at Hyannis Port, Mass. There the two men will Igua,d, Holla, 49, was charged with The all - white grand jury "aiding, commanding and in­ made its report, on an inl'e:;ti· hold a working session today' starting at ducing" specific attempts to 1II. gatiom which began Jan. 17 to 1:30 p.m. and one tomorrow, They will dine !luenee two jurors and a pl"lS­ federal judgc ~'rank Gray' Jr. 'J together thrae times before the prime minister 9 pecUve juror to vote for his a~' G\'aY issued hench warrants ior J::I • quittal in exchange for money th e arrest of all sc\'cn mp.n. leaves about 3 p.m. Saturday for Ottawa. or favors. Govcnment lawyers said (hey The nine - wcek trial ~nded would recommend that SlO.OOO Dec. 23 in a mistrial, with the bail he set for each defendant. jury reporting it was hopcle3s1y The grand jllry probc was deadlocked. started on orders of district Also indicled Thursday were: Federal Judge William E. Mil­ Ewing King, presidenl of IcI', who prcsided· at the 110ffa Teamsters local 327 in NRsh­ ,James R. I10ffa trial last year. ville. At the time MilicI' dec1m'cd n Alten Dorfman. Chicago in· Mich., 11 business agent for 1mistrial. he announced that two surance broker who has han­ Tcamslcrs local 299 at Detroit.! jurors had heen dismissed he­ dled large amounts of insurt'llcc lluf(a is president of local 2!19'I cause of what he tcrmed at­ for the Teamsters Union. as weI! as o[ the international tempts hy close associates of Larry Campbell of Insktp.r, union. Hoffa to influence thcm. , !, , " I I RCMP C;racks Down ",; On Counterfeiters ,I ' MONTREAL (CP) - RCMl' the kind o[ equipment de-I home in possession o[ 1)"11US arrcsted two Incn, pickcd up cracf;ers 1V0uid lise. train passes and turned ol'~r to Prime Minister Pearson President Kennedy , i I ! several other persons [or qncs- He. said p.olicc arrc~tcd .J. I city police [or questioning. " .'. I ' , : ,. lioning and seized about $140,- Dozois at Ius East I\TO:1tl'eal, Anothcl' man-Tony Lasaroz' The ~an<ldlan ledder was ,ac .. \I cek. .. 000 in cOllntcrfeit {;'nited S·.ltes home, where about 1,000 C,111D- -was picked up in his IHdh ce~mpa!11ed by a small Jutl DEFE1IiCE HE.~DS LIST bills in a serics of raids Thurs- ,terfeil Clllladian National Ex- Montreal home where pl)lice hlgh.powcred. staff gro~lp. ~I~s. There are numerous matters day prcss money ordm's in ]enolO- found three fur coats descrij,c(\ ~eU1;;{)n. put~l11g the prime nnn- for ~he two ?o'lernment leaucrs I . il1alions of $10 to $100 were 11S "suspicillus." Istenal res I U e n c e to rights, to dls;uss. With defence hOldL~g I I , I The men a1Tcsled were Iden- found. slayed home. the highest priority. others ill- ; , tHied as Bonat Dowis dnd I Leo Ciaroni was found in Mr. Kenncdv's fir s t hip clude specific C a ri a d·i a:1 reo .. Marcel Dozois, hoth ch:m(cd BILLS BURNED possession of a loadcd Bl'lIwn- i abroad after his clection in 1960 quests involving the Great i' ... __ .. ,ll'i\O_ POSSCssioll.,..of . counterfeit lie ,-·.said ,ifI:rJ..r· police. JUie~rs ing revolver when- they raIded I was to Ottawa. 1111'. Pearson: in Lakes -labor dispute and a t2- I ·fl1oney, . f.o 11 n d. counterfeit Amcrican his nOI·theast apllrtment. IOffice less Ulan three weeks. mil~ offshore fishing limit 011 I .- bill:! . belllg burned when they In othcr raids, RCMP (,l1Im1 pledged quick visits to London foreign vessels. i : .A, high'I'lInking ROIl' officer d I Ur!'lVC . I .' , said, 3:; raids carricd out in 1·1I10ther rcvolvcr and 100 co un- and Washington d uri n g the D fen e' , Monfreal followed a lengthy 0 t woman-;-lIlrs· Raymo11l1c Iterfeit unemployment insurance I tc.ampaigln hfor the, APBri!t c:cc-: said earlier !his ~he k l ~ t M~. ;c~l'son investigation into n counterfeit mme -was piC ee up at hcr cards. I IOn ane e was m rJ alO LUS week that undoubtedly t!. e ;! ' moriey racket.. meeti~gs will deal with how j 51U P ....... k S . Canadian nuclear commitments '''-P'''I>'' businessman Grevllle Wynne (top) stands before a Soviet mlJllnry court .l\lay t lie said thcre may he h "are to be effectively dis- m~re! t Ice s .; :-i /UUt)' to espionage against tbe Soviet Union. 1IIs alleged Russian accomplice OIeg raids and arrests Illt~I" . I l . Z' 00 charged both in regard to con- (bollom) hatl also pleaded guilty to cbarges against him in a lengthy indictment The bogus U.S. lulls, ~1I1 111 tinentat and Atlantic (NATO) the 111'0 men of funneling Soviet secrets to an Anglo.Ameriean espionage ring dur- d ., dcfence." , I 1962, Tht nrllon plcadcd guilty to the charges, but with some elceptlons.-(UPI 'j .. ' ot .; , j b' oir: \1l th: Hirr:;:ily !l'ours-as Ig ~~%e ~1!~~~~n.sr;;~::~~:i~ A t Ca n a' d n Sh '.p, negotiationm~~~:~C~;'as but rather for p~~~"an .~'.. In the raids police also found l a exchange of I'iews and an • : I. • I L d 200· bogus CNR passes, a Ilum- exchange of views might indeed . I (" • bel' . of U.S. Social Security . lead to the beginning of neri0- , i Ra C I ea , er S cards. some firearms and 8m- CLEVELAND (AP) _ ~hots ier in the day. ' Shilts were fired at the ,a me 'tiations when we get back." a . munition, d y n ami t e, :md a were fired Thursday at the "It is clear thaL lhe s' freightcr tast yell I' in Toledo. Tariffs: C:I-I SellfaJ'~1 ---M---A-R-T number of fur coats, nadian ore vessel James J. ,,01'- International Union is resuming I Uppcr Lakes has been in- Canada welcomes. U.S. I:lsist· i ris when it was moored to a I its campaign of violcnce agamst valved in a power struggle be-I enee that agriculture be in­ I The apartment was empty, dO!:k on which two pickels of L'ppcr Lakes Shipping' Limited I tween the independent SIU "lid eluded in forthcoming Geneva , ',_ but the owner said it had bcen the Seafarers International un- ships and personnel," i\Jr. 1 the fledgling CMU, bacli~d by ·rtalks about international acro.s- k F0 Ag 1 r d' b ee en t : 'ren!ed by a man named M. t II' L tl b d t 'ff d t' r r m IOn lVere pa ro mg. I'Lcitch Said. the Can a Ian a or Congress. Ie· oar af! re uc Ions. hecials Disoko for a United Stolesu 1'he harbor patrol said one of I ----.---------- B ut Mr. Pearson has :ndl- Ala. '.\PI_ mands were for dismissal of "This Is 'really the· last time, woman who was to occupy it, the bullets, fired by a snipcr, S e cated he views with caution the j agreement on :;C.:l1'O charges against some 2,400 Ne- If it doesn't work out we will police said. struck the vessel's bridge, but I y'rIa .R,·ote -p~ broad U.S. approach as it I"r desegregation in groes who have been jailed for have to demonstrate," FOUND NEGATIVES . no one was hurt. I , t:J affects tariffs on manufac:uring has been rcached demonstrating and for the for. Abernathy said 1,000 Negro In addition' to the bills, police 1'he patrol said seven I'Ine -a formula aimed at the six· committec Dr. mation of an official committee, youths are ready to go buck found two numbering' machines cartridge cases were found' on nation Common Market snd -DER King anno~'I~ed composed of Negroes and white into the streets to press for and negatives to be used in the a nearby jetty.
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