BABIi7 JUVn TEi VEMBER • 25* Special! BACKSTAGE WIFE CONTEST- j DOES YOUR 1 HUSBAND STILL LOVE YOU? Win Valuable Prizes- Rate Your Married Happiness! Also: Jack Smith Amos V Andy k One Man's Family Victor Lindlahr Mary Noble Heroine of Backstage Wife Capture the look of New Loveliness WITH YOUR First Cake of Camay! MRS. WILLIAM FIELD DE NEERGAARD the former Cicely Davenport of Chevy Chase, D. C. Bridal portrait by ^£^,ixV *Nt How thankful you feel— when Someone New wins your heart— if your skin's at its glorious best! And your skin will be softer —clearer, THE ROAD TO A ROMANCE too— with your first cake of Camay. Change to regular care— use Camay alone. Marvel at the difference your first cake of Camay makes! Camay — All That A Beauty Soap Should Be! A finer beauty soap than Camay does not exist! It's so mild — so quick with its creamy lather. And no other soap has ever quite captured Camay's flattering fragrance. When Camay's your complexion care, the first cake can bring new beauty! It led to a flying honeymoon! And Cicely brought home a It began with a blind date at a British sixpence for a charm. Syracuse sorority. But how But her special charm is her could Bill be blind to Cicely's complexion. Cicely says: complexion? It's so clear— so "Your first cake of Camay fresh-looking— soft as a camel- can bring a smoother skin. for lia petal. Cicely found there is See yourself!" complexion magic in Camay's creamy lather! TRY THE BIG, ECONOMICAL BATH-SIZE CAMAY Camay The Soap of Beautiful Women . ! Among the SECONDARY INVADERS are the fallowing: Pneumococcus Type III, Pneumococcus Type IV, Streptococcus viridans, Friedlander's bacillus. Streptococcus hemolyticus. Bacillus influenzae. Micrococcus catarrhalis. Staphylococcus aureus. When this happens . these germs may invade tissue . you start sneezing Wet feet, or cold feet, may so Here are some of the Secondary Invaders which many authorities think respon- That sneeze, or cough, or sniffle is usually a sign that you may be in lower body resistance that germs sible for most of a cold's misery. Anything that lowers body resistance makes for a cold . that you should throat called the easier for the tissue. Listerine Antiseptic often halts such an in the Secondary it them to invade start fighting it with Listerine Invaders can get the upper hand. Antiseptic. LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC-0WM.' The safe, direct way to attack colds and sore throat That Listerine Antiseptic gargle gets right to the seat of the trouble . the threaten- ing germs in the throat shown above. They can cause most of a cold's misery when they invade the tissue. Listerine Antiseptic kills them by millions on throat surfaces. So, if you gargle Listerine Antiseptic early, you may head off a cold entirely or lessen its severity, once started. The Listerine Antiseptic way is a safe- way, a direct way, with none of the undesirable side-effects of some so-called "miracle drugs". It has a wonderful rec- ord against colds and sore throat. Tests made during twelve years showed that those who gargled Listerine Antiseptic twice a day had fewer colds and sore throats — and generally milder ones— than those who did not gargle. So, if you feel a cold coming on, or your throat is scratchy, get busy with Listerine Antiseptic at once, no matter what else you do. Attack the infection before it attacks you. Lambert Pharmacal Co., St. Louis, Mo. RADIO NOVEMBER, 1950 TONI TWINS MIRROR-__-—- -—-^ m~^ .^~ AND TELEVISION Discover New VOL. 34, 1\0. 6 KEYSTONE Shampoo Magic PEOPLE ON THE AIR Best Answer to Ma Perkins' Problem (Names of the Writers of the Five Next-Best Letters) 11 101 Ranch Boys 26 How To Win Contests by Wilmer S. Shepherd, Jr. 29 Backstage Wife Asks: Does Your Husband Still Love You? 30 The Lindlahr Diet by Victor Lindlahr 32 A Woman To Remember— by Ida Zeitlin 38 One Man's Family 40 The Radio Mirror Awards Ballot for 1950-51 42 My Bosses, Amos 'n' Andy by Louise Summa 60 ." "Being A Local Boy Myself . by Helen Cambria Bolstad 62 IL'HI.HH.IM Information Booth. 4 Inside Radio 72 FOR BETTER LIVING Like Mother, Like Daughter by Dorry Ellis 12 Traveler Of The Month by Tommy Bartlett 14 Poetry 21 When A Girl Marries Contest Winners 22 Home Is Where You Make It by Pauline Swanson 44 Radio Mirror's Daytime Fashions For You 46 This Is My Life by Nora Drake 48 Best Of All— by Nancy Craig 50 Nonsense and Some-Sense by Art Linkletter 66 Soft Water Shampooing Smart Setting 76 TELEVISION Even in Hardest Water D Is For Dorothy and Dick Doan 52 Hollywood's Hamilton by Lester and Juliet Lewis 54 "Toni Creme Shampoo really Especially For Roberta 56 worked wonders the very first Zoo Parade 58 time we tried it," say beau- The Radio Mirror Awards For 1950-51—TV Stars Ballot 59 tiful twins Joan and Jean Break The Bank Quiz by Bert Parks 75 McMillan of Houston. "Our hair was so shining soft . YOUR LOCAL STATION as if we washed it in rain water. And that really marvelous softness made it WOR: Split Personality 6 much easier to manage, too." WBEN: Frank and the Facts 10 WFIL: Triple-Threat Tom 16 r of Soft Water Shampooing. ..that's W~S/ tT»l KDKA: King Brunch 24 the magic of "Toni Creme ^J.*^ Shampoo. Even in the hard- p» »S* RADIO MIRROR READER BONUS est water, you get oceans of creamy lather that rinses If Radio's Own Life Story by Llewellyn Miller 8 away dandruff instantly. The Silent Challenge (A Portia Faces Life Story) 64 Never leaves a soapy film. That's why Daytime Diary 68 your hair sparkles with natural high- lights. And it's so easy to set and style. ON THE COVER: Claire Niesen—Mary Noble of Backstage Wife Color portrait by Geoffrey Morris TONI CREME SHAMPOO • Leaves your hair gloriously soft, easy Editorial Director Editor Art Director FRED R. SAMMIS DORIS McFERRAN JACK ZASORIN to manage Associate Editor Associate Art Director • Helps permanents "take" better, look JOSEPHINE PEARSON FRANCES MALY lovelier longer Editorial Assistants: JOAN POLLOCK, MARYANNE CROFTON, MARIE HALLEK • Rinses away dirt and dandruff in- Ass't to Editorial Director: NINA SITTLER stantly Television: FRANCES KISH Home Service Department: ESTHER FOLEY • Oceans of creamy-thick lather makes Chicago Office: Editor, HELEN CAMBRIA BOLSTAD Office: Editor, Managing Editor, hair sparkle with natural highlights. Hollywood LYLE ROOKS FRANCES MORRIN Assistant, BETTY MILLS Staff Photographers: HYMIE FINK, STERLING SMITH Assistant, BETTY JO RICE Enriched PUBLISHED MONTHLY by Macfadden Publications, Inc., New old as well as your new address. Write to Radio and Tele- York, N. Y., average net paid circulation 590,240 for 6 vision Mirror, 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. months ending June 30, 1949. MANUSCRIPTS, DRAWINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS should be EXECUTIVE, ADVERTISING, AND EDITORIAL OFFICES at accompanied by addressed envelope and return postage and 205 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Editorial Branch will be carefully considered, but publisher cannot oe re- Offices: 321 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills. Calif., and sponsible for loss or injury. 221 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111. O. J. Elder, Presi- Re-entered as Second Class Matter June 15, 1950, at the dent: Herbert G. Drake, Ernest V. Heyn, and James L. Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3. Mitchell, Vice Presidents; Meyer Dworkin, Secretary and 1879. Authorized as Second Class mail, P. O. Dept.. Ot awa. Treasurer. Advertising offices also in Boston, Chicago, San Ont., Canada. Copyright 1950 by Macfadden Publications, Inc. Francisco, and Los Angeles. All rights reserved under International Copyright Convention. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 one year, U. S. and Posses- All rights reserved under Pan-American Copyright Conven- sions, and Canada. $5.00 per year for all other countries. tion. Todos derechos reservados segun La Convention Pan- CHANGE OF ADDRESS: 6 weeks notice essential. When pos- Americana de Propiedad Literaria y Artistica. Title trademark sible, please furnish stencil-impression address from a recent registered in U. S. Patent Office. Printed in U.S.A. by Ail issue. Address changes can be made only if you send us your Color Printing Co. Member of The TRUE STORY Women's Group — ! HERE'S EXCITING NEWS! The first new kind of Girdle in 11 years/ Playtex FAB-LINED Girdle 1/ _ 8 FABRIC NEXT TO YOUR SKIN > -A With amazing Playtex figure-slimming power and freedom-of-action plus fabric next to your skin! You've never seen a girdle like this, never felt a girdle like this, never enjoyed such comfort in any girdle. It's a triumph of science— to fuse this new cloud-soft fabric lining to a pure latex sheath. It's a secret Playtex process, accomplished without a seam, stitch or bone—without losing any of the amaz- ing Playtex all-way stretch or power-control. Slimming you naturally, Next to your skin, you'll say it's smooth as a veil of smoothly, THE PLAYTEX powder, airy as a cloud, soft as the touch of an angel. FAB-LINED GIRDLE caresses Yet miracle latex goes right on trimming the inches you to new slenderness, away as only latex can do—combining wonderful fig- keeps you cooler, more comfortable ure-slimming power with complete freedom of action. It's years ahead of any other girdle in the world At all department stores and better specialty shops everywhere INTERNATIONAL LATEX CORP'N.
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