Bryn Mawr College Student Handbook 2007-08 THE CONSTITUTION OF Subsection C: Plenary shall be held twice during each academic year (once each semester) in accor- THE SELF-GOVERNMENT dance with Article VI, Section X. Plenary quorum ASSOCIATION OF THE shall be one-third of the undergraduate student body. At Plenary, a simple majority of those pres- UNDERGRADUATE SCHOOL ent is required to pass all proposals, amendments OF BRYN MAWR COLLEGE to the Constitution, and resolutions. Subsection D: All Association members have the (As of Plenary 2006) right to submit resolutions for Plenary. ARTICLE I THE ASSOCIATION Subsection E: Plenary Resolutions may include, but are not limited to, efforts to amend the Con- Section I: Composition and Purpose stitution, make recommendations to the Admin- istration, ratify school policy, override decisions Subsection A: The name of this association shall made in Representative Council and create or be the Self-Government Association of the Under- amend campus-wide policies in accordance with graduate School of Bryn Mawr College, hereafter Article I, Section I, Subsection B. known as SGA. The purpose of this Association shall be the government of the undergraduate Subsection F: In addition to Plenary, any pro- student body. posed Amendment to the Constitution may be referred to the Association for a campus-wide Subsection B: The President and the Dean of vote. Each member of the Association shall be the College shall entrust to the SGA Assembly informed two times of the proposed Amend- through its Honor Code the exclusive manage- ment. Proposed Amendments to the Constitu- ment of all matters concerning the conduct of tion shall be adopted upon a two-thirds vote students in their college life which do not fall within two weeks of the first publication of said under the exclusive jurisdiction of the authorities Amendment(s), provided a minimum of two- of the College, the Faculty, the Area Directors, or thirds of the Association votes. the Hall Advisers of the halls of residence. Subsection C: Any candidate for a Bryn Mawr ARTICLE II THE ASSEMBLY A.B. degree and any undergraduate who resides on the Bryn Mawr campus shall be a member Section I: Composition and Purpose of the Association. Members of the Association Subsection A: The Association shall entrust its shall have voting rights in campus wide elections, governance to the elected members of Assembly, dorm elections and at Plenary. In order to be vot- which shall consist of the Executive Board, the ing members of the Association, all candidates Representative Council, and the Honor Board. for a Bryn Mawr A.B. degree shall pay tuition The Assembly shall represent the interest of the or the appropriate percentage determined by Association to the College. financial aid. Subsection B: The Executive Board shall consist Subsection D: Upon the recommendation of of: two current members of SGA and approval of the Assembly, honorary life membership may be President of SGA conferred upon any past member of SGA who Vice-President of SGA has rendered notable service to Bryn Mawr Col- Treasurer of SGA lege. Honorary members shall have none of the Secretary/Parliamentarian of SGA obligations but all of the privileges of member- Head of the Honor Board ship in SGA except those of making motions, vot- Subsection C: The Representative Council shall ing, and holding office. consist of: Section II: Authority • No more than six Members-At-Large Subsection A: All Association Members have the • Up to two Dorm Presidents from each Resi- right and responsibility to vote in all general and dence Hall dorm elections as outlined in Article VIII and Arti- • Haverford College Representative • Off-campus Representative cle VII, Section I. • McBride Representative Subsection B: All Association Members have the • Class Presidents right and responsibility to attend Plenary. • Head of the Elections Board • Head of Residence Council • Head of Curriculum Committee 85 • Traditions Mistress(es) 5) The President shall represent the Association • Representative to the Board of Trustees at the Board of Trustees meetings. • Representative to the Faculty Subsection C: The Vice-President of SGA • Head of Social Committee • Head of Committee on Public Safety 1) The office of the Vice-President may be held • Athletic Association Representative by only one person at any one time. • Office of Intercultural Affairs Representative • Civic Engagement Representative 2) The Vice-President shall chair the Appoint- ments Committee and shall be responsible for Subsection D: The above officers shall be elected that committee’s agenda. as specified in the Elections Bylaws and shall assume office immediately for a term of one year 3) Upon the request of the President, the Vice- and/or until her successor takes office. She shall President shall assist the President in any and all be a candidate for a Bryn Mawr A.B. degree. of her duties. Subsection E: Each assembly member is expected 4) The Vice-President shall be a member of the to attend their respective meetings. Executive Board. Subsection F: No person shall concurrently hold 5) The Vice-President shall assume the role of more than one SGA office specified in Article II of the President in the event that the President is this Constitution and Bylaws except as provided unable to perform her duties. If the President for in Article VIII Section V, Subsections D and E. resigns or is impeached, the Vice-President shall assume the role of the President for the duration Section II: Authority of the former President’s term of office. Subsection A: Constitutional Authority 6) In the event that the Vice-President assumes The authority of the Constitution and Bylaws the role of President, a new Vice-President shall shall bind all matters connected with the Assem- be elected from among the members of the bly. All matters not prescribed by the articles of Representative Council by the Representative this Constitution shall be subject to parliamen- Council. tary authority, unless such authority is inconsis- Subsection D: The Treasurer of SGA tent with this Constitution. 1) The Office of Treasurer may be held by only Subsection B: Parliamentary Authority one person at any one time. The Assembly may adopt as its Parliamentary 2) The Treasurer shall administer the funds of Authority the current edition of Robert’s Rules the Association and shall serve as its adviser in of Order, Newly Revised. financial matters. ARTICLE III THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 3) The Treasurer shall oversee the collection of SGA Common Treasury Dues. Section I: Composition and Purpose 4) The Treasurer shall call and preside over meet- Subsection A: The Executive Board shall meet ings of the Student Finance Committee, and shall regularly to discuss concerns, share information, represent them when called to do so. and review progress of the Assembly. Each mem- 5) The Treasurer shall be a member of the Execu- ber of the Executive Board shall attend meetings tive Board. of the Representative Council. 6) The Treasurer shall oversee any concession Subsection B: The President of SGA managed by SGA. 1) The office of the President may be held by only one person at any one time. 7) The Treasurer shall resume the responsibility of insuring that SGA funded events are free to 2) The President may call and preside at meetings Association members. of the Association and the Assembly. 8) The Treasurer shall have the right to inspect 3) The President shall preside over meetings the books of every club or committee, which is of the Executive Board and the Representative receiving SGA Common Treasury Funds, and may Council. audit the books at the close of every year. 4) The President shall act as a liaison between 9) The Treasurer may call a meeting of the Faculty and Administration and Students, and financial officers of any and all campus organi- shall represent the undergraduate body when- zations. ever called upon to do so. 86 10) The Treasurer may, at her discretion, appoint reached and shall be released no less than one one or more assistants. semester and no more than two years following the hearing. 11) The Treasurer shall have the authority to make any necessary expenditures over the 7) The Head of the Honor Board is a member of summer vacation in consultation with the SGA the Executive Board. President and another member of the Executive Board. All expenditures shall be reported at the first Representative Council meeting in Septem- 8) The Head of the Honor Board may request ber. that the President of SGA call a meeting of the Representative Council. Subsection E: The Secretary/Parliamentarian 9) No member of the Honor Board other than 1) The Office of Secretary may be held by only the Head of the Honor Board shall serve on the one person at any one time. Executive Board 2) The Secretary shall be responsible for the fol- Section II: Authority lowing: giving notice of all the Association and open Assembly meetings, keeping minutes and Presidential Authority attendance, keeping the necessary records of The President shall have the authority to inter- the Representative Council, correspondence as pret the Constitution when necessary in consul- directed by the President, and keeping a current tation with the Head of the Honor Board and list of Assembly members. another member of the Executive Board. 3) The Secretary shall set the Agenda of the Rep- resentative Council meeting and distribute Rep- ARTICLE IV THE REPRESENTATIVE resentative Council minutes. COUNCIL 4) The Secretary shall uphold the Attendance Section I: Composition and Purpose Policy. Subsection A: The Representative Council shall 5) The Secretary shall be a member of the Execu- act as the Voting Body of the Assembly and the tive Board. Association. 6) The Secretary may, at her discretion, appoint Subsection B: Dorm President(s) an assistant.
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