RESPOND TANZANIA PROJECT Quarterly Report April 1, 2014 – June 30, 2014 SPOND TANZANIA PROJ Submitted to: United States Agency for International Development/ Tanzania Submitted by: The RESPOND Tanzania Project Under: AID-621-LA-13-0000 Reference LWA No GPO-A-00-08-00007-00 Submitted on: 31, July, 2014 RESPOND Tanzania Project Quarterly Report: April 1, 2014-June 30, 2014 Our Mission EngenderHealth works to improve the health and well-being of people in the poorest communities of the world. We do this by sharing our expertise in sexual and reproductive health and transforming the quality of health care. We promote gender equity, advocate for sound practices and policies, and inspire people to assert their rights to better, healthier lives. Working in partnership with local organizations, we adapt our work in response to local needs. This report of the RESPOND Tanzania Project is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of EngenderHealth and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. RESPOND Tanzania Project EngenderHealth/ Tanzania 1 RESPOND Tanzania Project Quarterly Report: April 1, 2014-June 30, 2014 The RESPOND Tanzania Project Associate Cooperative Agreement No. AID-621-LA-13-00001 Managing partner: EngenderHealth Associated partners: Meridian Group International, the Population Council Local partners: UMATI, Utu Mwanamke, WAMA Collaborating partners: NIMR, CCBRT ©2013 EngenderHealth. COPE®, Supply–Enabling Environment–Demand, and the SEED™ Model are trademarks of EngenderHealth. Photo credits: S. Lewis/ EngenderHealth, Staff/ EngenderHealth RESPOND Tanzania Project EngenderHealth/ Tanzania 2 RESPOND Tanzania Project Quarterly Report: April 1, 2014-June 30, 2014 Acknowledgements The RESPOND Tanzania Project continues to show good implementation results and did even better this quarter as compared to the last quarter. This achievement is a result of good cooperation received from many colleagues within the project, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) and the regions and districts that we supported. RTP is sincerely grateful to the MOHSW, especially the Reproductive and Child Health Section, (RCHS) whose continued collaboration and cooperation was optimum, as well as MOHSW collaborators at the zonal, regional, district and facility levels. RTP acknowledges with deep appreciation the generosity of the American People for their support through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). We are also grateful for the strong partnership that we have enjoyed with other FP, HIV, maternal and child health and GBV implementing partners. We express our sincere gratitude to Michael Mushi, Alisa Cameron, Raz Stevenson, Patrick Swai and Jennifer Erie for their support and guidance. We also thank Jennifer Norling for her support from the USAID Agreements Office. RTP is grateful for the technical support and inputs that we received from the colleagues at EngenderHealth in New York. We acknowledge and appreciate the valuable work of all the staff at RTP HQ, the Field Managers and staff at the Field Offices who worked tirelessly to ensure that we accomplish our objectives. RESPOND Tanzania Project EngenderHealth/ Tanzania 3 RESPOND Tanzania Project Quarterly Report: April 1, 2014-June 30, 2014 Acronyms and Abbreviations ANC Antenatal Clinic ART Antiretroviral Therapy ARV Antiretroviral CHAMPION Channeling Men’s Positive Involvement in the National HIV/AIDS Response COPE Client Oriented Provider Efficient CCBRT Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania CCHP Comprehensive Council Health Plan CHBC Community Home Based Care CHMT Council Health Management Team cPAC Comprehensive Post Abortion Care DBS Dried Blood Sample DMO District Medical Officer DQA Data Quality Assessment DRCHCO District Reproductive and Child Health Coordinator EID Early Infant Diagnosis FO Field Office FP Family Planning GBV Gender Based Violence HIV Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus IEC Information Education Materials IUCD Intra–Uterine Contraceptive Device JHU/CCP Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs JSI/DELIVER John Snow International/DELIVER LARC/PM Long Acting Reversible Contraception and Permanent Methods M & E Monitoring and Evaluation ML/LA Minilap (Minilaparotomy) under Local Anesthesia MNCH Maternal, Newborn and Child Health MOHSW Ministry of Health and Social Welfare MTUHA Kiswahili acronym for Health Management Information System MVA Manual Vacuum Aspiration NGO Non-Governmental Organization NSV Non-Scalpel Vasectomy OJT On-the-Job Training OVC Orphans and Vulnerable Children PE Peer Educator PMTCT Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDS PMO-RALG Prime Minister’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government PO Program Officer PSI Population Services International QMT Quality Management Tool R Result RCH Reproductive and Child Health RH Reproductive Health R & R Report and Request Form RRCHCO Regional Reproductive and Child Health Coordinator SP Service Provider SBCC Social and Behavior Change Communication SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (analysis) RESPOND Tanzania Project EngenderHealth/ Tanzania 4 RESPOND Tanzania Project Quarterly Report: April 1, 2014-June 30, 2014 SWT Site Walk-through TOT Training of Trainers UMATI Uzazi na Malezi Bora Tanzania USAID United States Agency for International Development VAC Violence Against Children VCT Voluntary Counseling and Testing WAMA Wanawake na Maendaleo ZRCH Zonal Reproductive and Child Health ZRCHCO Zonal Reproductive and Child health Coordinator RESPOND Tanzania Project EngenderHealth/ Tanzania 5 RESPOND Tanzania Project Quarterly Report: April 1, 2014-June 30, 2014 Contents Our Mission ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................... 3 Project monitoring record ................................................................................................................. 7 Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... 4 Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................... 9 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Result 1: Access to quality FP-LARC/PM and RH Services (HIV and AIDS and GBV/VAC) increased ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Result 2: Quality FP-LARCs/PMs and RH integrated services demonstrated, evaluated and scaled up.......................................................................................................................................... 25 Result 3: Health systems management, monitoring and evaluation strengthened for integrated FP- LARC/PM and RH services. ........................................................................................................... 29 Result 4: Communities mobilized to increase use of FP-LARC/PMs and RH services ............... 35 ANNEX........................................................................................................................................... 38 List of Tables and Figures Table 1: Distribution of Modes of Service Delivery Events by Level of District, April to June, 2014 Table 2: RTP Performance January-March 2014 Table 3: LARC/PM Performance by Mode of Service Delivery, April – June 2014 Table 4: Training of service providers July 2013 to June 2014 Table 5: Clients served by UMATI disaggregated by Method Table 6: PMTCT performance, July 2013 to June 2014 Table 7: Individuals Offered Post GBV and VAC services, April - June 2014 Table 8: Number of clients served during Integration training Table 9: LARC/PM Client by Method, July 2013 –June 2014 Table 10: LARC/PM CYP by Method, July 2013 –June 2014 Table 11: Training by Type, July 2013 to June 2014 Table 12: cPAC Performance, July 2013 to June 2014 Table 13: GBV and VAC Performance by Type of Incidence, October 2013 –June 2014 Figure 1: LARC/PM Clients by Method, July 2013 to June 2014 Figure 2: Scale up of GBV and VAC facilities by month by district, October 2013 to June 2014 Figure 3: GBV and VAC Trend, October 2013 to June 2014 Figure 4: RTP Strategic Framework RESPOND Tanzania Project EngenderHealth/ Tanzania 6 RESPOND Tanzania Project Quarterly Report: April 1, 2014-June 30, 2014 Project monitoring record Project name: RESPOND Tanzania Project Life of activity: 60 Months Value: US$ 42,357,285 Project To advance the use of Family purpose: Planning and Reproductive Health (FP/RH) services, with a focus on Amount US$ 18,800,000 the informed and voluntary use of obligated: long –acting and permanent methods of contraception (LA/PM) Implementation EngenderHealth (prime), Meridian partners: International, Population Council; local partners include UMATI, Mortgage: US$ 23,557,285 WAMA and Utu Mwanamke, with NIMR and CCBRT as collaborating partners Award Associate Cooperative Agreement Accrued number: AID-621-LA-13-00001 expenditures: US$ 12,679,150 Period of 1st November 2012 – 31st October Pipeline:
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