http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/c84q7wbw No online items Guide to the Demian Katz gamebook collection Mss 294 Finding aid prepared by Zachary Liebhaber, 2013. UC Santa Barbara Library, Department of Special Collections University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, California, 93106-9010 Phone: (805) 893-3062 Email: [email protected]; URL: http://www.library.ucsb.edu/special-collections 2013 July Guide to the Demian Katz gamebook Mss 294 1 collection Mss 294 Title: Demian Katz game book collection Identifier/Call Number: Mss 294 Contributing Institution: UC Santa Barbara Library, Department of Special Collections Language of Material: Multiple languages Physical Description: 57.0 linear feet(57 cartons) Date (inclusive): 1948-2013 Abstract: More than 2500 print game books (primarily paperback) along with smaller number of related works in other media, including magazines, comics, audio recordings, films, and software. Physical Location: The collection is located at the Southern Regional Library (SRLF). Inquire at Special Research Collections for access. Language of Material: Materials in this collection are in Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Emglish, French German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish. Creator: Katz, Demian Access Restrictions Collection open for research. Use Restrictions Copyright has not been assigned to the Department of Special Collections, UCSB. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Head of Special Collections. Permission for publication is given on behalf of the Department of Special Collections as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which also must be obtained. Preferred Citation [Identification of Item], Demian Katz game book collection, Mss 294. Department of Special Collections, UC Santa Barbara Library, University of California, Santa Barbara. Acquisition Information Gift of Demian Katz, 2012. Processing Information Processed by Parker Lanting, 2013. Scope and Content of Collection Over 2500 game books (primarily paperback) along with works in other media, including magazines, software, films, comics, and audio recordings. A large portion of the game books are in English, with many other languages represented in addition. The collection covers interactive books (branching-plot novels), solitaire role-playing with rule sets, and multi-player combat books. Arrangement Materials in this collection have been arranged by language and publisher series. In addition to publisher series, the English language game books have been arranged by level of complexity: simple, intermediate, advanced, and other. The physical arrangment of this collection does not necessarily match its intellectual arrangement in the finding guide. Multiple copies of the same title may be listed more than once if filed in different boxes. Subjects and Indexing Terms Plot-your-own stories Series I. Bulgarian Language of Material: Bulgarian Bitki Bezbroy [Битки безброй] Box-folder 38:8 Title: Zvezdoletat Skitnik [Звездолетът Скитник]. Translator: Malina Savova [Малина Савова]. Publisher: Selecta [Селекта], 1992. Publisher series no: 768. Book ID: 5133. 343 sections. Megaigra [Мегаигра] Guide to the Demian Katz gamebook Mss 294 2 collection Mss 294 Series I.Bulgarian Megaigra [Мегаигра] Box-folder 40:30 Title: Megaigra 8 [Мегаигра 8]. Publisher: Mega [Meгa], 1997. Publisher series no: 802. Book ID: 10023. 144 pages. Box-folder 40:32 Title: Megaigra 9 [Мегаигра 9]. Publisher: Mega [Meгa], 1997. Publisher series no: 802. Book ID: 5312. 144 pages. Box-folder 40:31 Title: Megaigra 10 [Мегаигра 10]. Publisher: Mega [Meгa], 1997. Publisher series no: 802. Book ID: 10024. 144 pages. Box-folder 40:33 Title: Megaigra 13 [Мегаигра 13]. Publisher: Mega [Meгa], 1998. Publisher series no: 802. Book ID: 10025. 112 pages. Miscellaneous Works by Adrian Wayne [Ейдриън Уейн] Box-folder 38:5 Title: Maystori na mecha [Майстори на меча]. Author: Adrian Wayne [Ейдриън Уейн] (Alexander Alexandrov [Александър Александров]). Publisher: Mega [Meгa], 1997. Publisher series no: 930. Book ID: 6353. 144 pages (343 sections). Miscellaneous Works by Collin Walumberry [Колин Уолъмбъри] Box-folder 37:65 Title: Spasete Titanic! [Спасете "Титаник"!]. Author: Collin Walumberry [Колин Уолъмбъри] (Lyubomir Nikolov [Любомир Николов]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1997. Publisher series no: 935. Book ID: 6378. 158 pages (293 sections). Box-folder 37:66 Title: Grobishteto na slonovete [Гробището на слоновете]. Author: Collin Walumberry [Колин Уолъмбъри] (Lyubomir Nikolov [Любомир Николов]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1997. Publisher series no: 935. Book ID: 6379. 160 pages (207 sections). Box-folder 37:64 Title: Konan i igrata na bogovete [Конан и играта на боговете]. Author: Collin Walumberry [Колин Уолъмбъри] (Lyubomir Nikolov [Любомир Николов]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1998. Publisher series no: 935. Book ID: 6383. 160 pages (132 sections). Miscellaneous Works by George Blekbak [Джордж Блекбък] Box-folder 38:6 Title: Futbol maniia '98 [Футбол мания '98]. Author: George Blekbak [Джордж Блекбък]. Publisher: Mega [Meгa], 1998. Publisher series no: 1556. Book ID: 10030. 160 pages (465 sections). Miscellaneous Works by George M. George [Джордж М. Джордж] Box-folder 37:63 Title: Chasut na veshticata [Часът на вещицата]. Author: George M. George [Джордж М. Джордж] (Georgi Mindizov [Георги Миндизов]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1997. Publisher series no: 976. Book ID: 6907. 128 pages (200 sections). Box-folder 37:61 Title: Valshebnata tetiva [Вълшебната тетива]. Author: George M. George [Джордж М. Джордж] (Georgi Mindizov [Георги Миндизов]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1998. Publisher series no: 976. Book ID: 6909. 160 pages (290 sections). Box-folder 37:62 Title: Putiat na Drakona [Пътят на Дракона]. Author: George M. George [Джордж М. Джордж] (Georgi Mindizov [Георги Миндизов]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1998. Publisher series no: 976. Book ID: 7003. 175 pages (210 sections). Miscellaneous Works by Kevin Slaighter [Кевин Слейтър] Box-folder 37:59 Title: Nadprevarata vuv Formula 1 [Надпреварата във Формула 1]. Author: Kevin Slaighter [Кевин Слейтър] (Kiril Slabov [Кирил Слабов]). Publisher: Khermes [Хермес], 1997. ISBN: 9544594191. Publisher series no: 978. Book ID: 9350. 136 pages (307 sections). Box-folder 37:60 Title: France '98 [Франция'98]. Author: Kevin Slaighter [Кевин Слейтър] (Kiril Slabov [Кирил Слабов]). Publisher: Khermes [Хермес], 1998. Publisher series no: 978. Book ID: 6911. 168 pages (650 sections). Miscellaneous Works by Michael Mindcrime [Mайкъл Майндкрайм] Guide to the Demian Katz gamebook Mss 294 3 collection Mss 294 Series I.Bulgarian Miscellaneous Works by Michael Mindcrime [Mайкъл Майндкрайм] Box-folder 37:70 Title: Krasavitsata i chengeto [Красавицата и ченгето]. Author: Michael Mindcrime [Майкъл Майндкрайм] (Dimitar Slaveykov [Димитър Стойковски Дафовски]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1998. ISBN: 9544594779. Publisher series no: 980. Book ID: 9351. 168 pages (215 sections). Box-folder 37:68 Title: Chernata maska [Черната маска]. Author: Michael Mindcrime [Майкъл Майндкрайм] (Dimitar Slaveykov [Димитър Стойковски Дафовски]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1997. ISBN: 9544594167. Publisher series no: 980. Book ID: 10026. 154 pages (439 sections). Box-folder 37:69 Title: Klopka za pobediteli [Клопка за победители]. Author: Michael Mindcrime [Майкъл Майндкрайм] (Dimitar Slaveykov [Димитър Стойковски Дафовски]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1997. ISBN: 9544594418. Publisher series no: 980. Book ID: 10027. 142 pages (262 sections). Box-folder 37:67 Title: Probiv v NBA [Пробив в NBA]. Author: Michael Mindcrime [Майкъл Майндкрайм] (Dimitar Slaveykov [Димитър Стойковски Дафовски]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1998. ISBN: 9544595538. Publisher series no: 980. Book ID: 7004. 261 pages (777 sections). Miscellaneous Works by Robert Blond [Робърт Блонд] Box-folder 37:58 Title: Tainata na Zorro [Тайната на Зоро]. Author: Robert Blond [Робърт Блонд] (Bogdan Russev [Богдан Русев]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1998. ISBN: 9544595422. Publisher series no: 985. Book ID: 7002. 140 pages (350 sections). Box-folder 41:9 Title: Sonora [Сонора]. Author: Robert Blond [Робърт Блонд] (Bogdan Russev [Богдан Русев]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1994. Publisher series no: 986. Book ID: 6958. 231 pages (425 sections). Box-folder 38:7 Title: Patrul za ada [Патрул за ада]. Author: Robert Blond [Робърт Блонд] (Bogdan Russev [Богдан Русев]). Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1997. Publisher series no: 986. Book ID: 6961. 128 pages (206 sections). Miscellaneous Works by Silvester Gold [Силвестър Голд] Box-folder 37:52 Title: Chasut na vampira [Часът на вампира]. Author: Silvester Gold [Силвестър Голд]. Publisher: Mega [Meгa], 1997. Publisher series no: 992. Book ID: 6985. 158 pages (270 sections). Miscellaneous Works by Sim Nikolov [Сим Николов] Box-folder 37:55 Title: Prokalnata zemya [Прокълната земя]. Author: Sim(eon) Nikolov [Сим(еон) Николов]. Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1994. Publisher series no: 993. Book ID: 6986. 160 pages (269 sections). Box-folder 37:54 Title: Jumrukut na Troshacha [Юмрукът на Трошача]. Author: Sim(eon) Nikolov [Сим(еон) Николов]. Publisher: Pleiada [Плеяда], 1994. ISBN: 9544591583. Publisher series no: 993. Book ID: 9352. 144 pages (274 sections). Miscellaneous Works by Timm Daniels [Тим Дениълс] Box-folder 41:5 Title: Gospodaryat
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