Table: Exhibit showing, at this time, the name, rank, pay, and rations, of each commissioned officer and midshipman belonging to the Navy of the United States, respectively. ots.] NAMES, &c. OF OFFICERS OF THIE NAVY AND MARINE CORPS. 255 bI Statenen of Bank Stock belonging to the Navy Pension F;und, standing in the name ofthe Commissioners, ~N.mna...l Am..o . I Nominal Amount.I Amount of Cost, I 476 complete shares Columbia Bank stock, $47,600 001 150 shor do. do. 6,000 00I *60,102 60 300 complete shares Washington Bank stock, - 6,000 200 short di). do. 2,000 8,200 00 300 complete shares Union Bank stock, 7,500 002 In Ilan An 200 short do. do. 3,000 oo00 Ou 78,993 10 --- -- NAVY DEPARTMENT, accountant'ss Office, December 31, 1811. THI. TURNER, accountant. 12th CONGRESS.] No. 90. [1 st SESSION. NAMES, RANK, PAY, AND RATIONS, OF THI, OFFICER1S OF THE NAVY ANI) MARINE CORPS. COMMUNICATED TO TlHE HOUSE OF REP1ESENTATIVEH, FEBRUARY 4, 1812. NAVY DEPARTMENT, February 3d, 1812. SIR: In obedience to the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 231d ultimo, I have the honor of trans- mitting to you herewith? to be li(l before the House, paper A, which is "a statement of the name, rank, pay, and rations, of eachi commissionedl officer anlt midIshipman belonging to the navy of the United States, respectively." Presuming that the House wished lull information upon the subject, I shall, I hope, be excused for the liberty I have taken in adding a list of the officers of the corps 01 marines anti of the warrant officers of the navy. I have the honor to be, &c. the Hon. the SPEAKER of thme House of Representatives. PAUL HAMILTON. A. Exhibit showing, at this time, the name, rank, pay, and rations, of each commissioned officer and midshipman belonging to the Navy qf the United States, respectively. _ A___ : Names and Rank. pay. Rations. Remarks. Captain. Alexander Murray, *100 per month, 8 rations per day. John Rodgers, do do James Barron - do do Suspended. William Bainbrid , (lo (lo Halt pay. Hugh G. Campbel, do do Stephen Decatur, do do Thomas Tingey, do do 8 rations per day addi- tional, by law. Charles Stewart, do do Half pay. Isaac Hull, - - do do Isaac Chauncey, do do John Shaw, do do John Smith, - - do do One vacant, do do Masters Commandant. John It. Dent, - *60 per month, 5 rations per day. David Porter, - do do John Cassin, - - do do Samuel Evans, - do do Charles Gordon, do do Joseph Tarbell, - - do do Jacob Jones, - do (to James Lawrence, do (lo Charles Ludlow, (to do Half pay. Lieutenants. Michael B. Carrul, *40 per month, 3 rations per day. Samuel Elbert, - do do Half pay. George W. Reed, do do Half pay. Arthur Sinclair, do do Christopher Gadsden, do do James '. Leonard, do do Half pay. Oliver H. Perry,- do do 9.869604064 460406968.9 256 NAVAL AFFAIRS. 11tsi. EXHIBIT-Continued. I Names and( ltnk. Pay. Rations. Remarks. _ Joseph Bainbridge, $4a40 per month. 3 rations per day. John M. Gardner, (10 do Half pay, William M. Crane, (lo do Ben.amnin F. Reed, (10 doo Daniel 'V. Patterson, do do Charles Morris, do do Robert Henley, - do do John 1). Ilenley, (lo (lo Charles L.. Itidgely, (10 Half pay. SfliaiLaIel Angus, - - do 'I'loUnls AMlDonough, do(10 (to Half pay. IeCvis WsVarrington, do do Octav ins A. Pluc, (10 do Johuistol Blnakefey, (1(1 do James Bidd(lle, - do do Halfpay. Stepheim Cassin, do (lo John S. Dexter, (lo (do Alcianctlhon T. Woolsey, (10 (do Jonathan Thorn, (10 do Half pay. William H. Allen, Ito do Robert 'T'. Spence, (lo do Edwvard Trenchard, (10 do John 0. Creighton, - (10 do James Renshaw,U (10 do Half pay. Bernar(l Hlenry, (do (lo David Deacon, - (10 do Louis Alexis, (10do do Johin Downes, do do Sidney Smith? (lo do William Lewis, do do Half pay. Hethcote J. Reed, do do Samuel S. Blodget, do do William S. Burrows, - (do do Half pay. Thomas Brown, (10 do H41f pay. George Parker, do do Nathaniel Haradan, do Walter Winter, do do George Merrel, dlo Samuel Woodhouse, do do Charles C. B. Thompson, do do James P. Wilner, dodo (10 Francis J. Mitchell, do Half payr. Robert M. Gamble, (lo do Half pay Jacqueline B. Harvey, - (10 do Joseph Nicholson, (1, do Alexander Wadsworth, do do John Petigrew do do Jesse D. lliott (10 do George W. uodgerS, - (lo do George C. Reed, do do Henry E. Ballard, (It)do do Thomas Gamble, (10do (10 Augustus C. Ludlow, do do Fitzheniy Babbit do (10 Half pay. William Carter, Jr. (lo (do yu rnv Walcot Chauncey, lo (10 John H. Elton, - (It)do do Edward P. Kennedy, (do do Jesse Wilkinson, do do Horace Walpole, (lo (10 Alexander James Dallas, (lo do Benjamin J. Neale, (lo do Half pay. Joseph J. Nicholson, - do Surgeons. James Wells, - - 850 per month, 2 rations per day. Edward Cutbush do do Peter St. Medari, do do nil paJ George Davis, - (It do Halt Day.-y. Samuel It. Marshall, (lo do Larkin Griffin, - do do Lewis IHereman, do (1o Michael Graham, do do Joseph 'r. G. Hunt, do do Thomas Ewell - do do Jonathan Cowdery, (10 do ,Samuel D. He;tp, do do Nicholas Ilarwoio, (to do Half pay. Robert I. Thorn, do, do Samuel R. Trevett, do do William P. C. Barton,- do do Robert B. Stark, do do Joseph W. New. do do A1lt) NAMES, &c. OF OFFICERS OP THE NAVY AND MIARINE CORPS. 257 EXHIBIT-Continued. Names and Rank. Pay. Rations. Remarks. -. 4 Joseph S. Schoolfield, George L~o ant- *50 per month, 2 rations per day. Amos A. Ovens, do do Robert Morrell, - do 10 Robert S. Kearney, (to do Joint A. Brereton, do do fames Page, (o do lohn D.M'Reynolds, do (10 Surgeon's Mde8. T[ohn Harrison. - $30 Pei, nonh, 2 rations per' ddy, tichard C. Edgar, o do 3 tith Lewis, do do S;amuel Horsely, do do MrUStaVUs R. Hiown, (10 John A. Kearney, A. S. do(to (1o 'heodore Vanwyck, - do do Villiam B. Hatiel, - (10 do lanuel Phillips, do do Ii (to do Hnilf pay. Samuel Grlliland do do Villiam M. Clarke, do llius R. Shumate, (10 do H{alf pay. HeVilliam Caton, - (to Chaniel Hatfield, do do ailey Washington do do obert C. Randolp~l),- do do Villiain Barnwell, do do Joliseph, G. Roberts, do do Walter W. New, do do ChJIJJiarles Cotton, - do do 188 nrvy Huntt, - do do aries B. Hamilton, dlo do Richmond Johnson, do do 'illiam Belt, - - - do (10 Saimuel Vernon, do do Purser8. Jahlac Garretaon, $440 per month, 2 rations per dlay, Tinnothy Winn, - do do Half pay. Silais Butler do (o Pay cease. Clemeeit s; unt, - do do Gwi!inn Harris, do dlo John H. Carr, - do do n Greene, - do do Half pay. NailSillhaniel Lyde, do do JaMIies R. Wilson, do (1o Sam)uel Robertson, d1o do samliuel Hambleton, do do Johni R. Greene, do do ert C. Ludlow, do do Rlebert Pottinger, do do John B. Timberlake, - do do Thoamas J. Chew, - do do John Davis, do do Half pay. NTho mas Shrelds do do Richmard C. Ardier, do do Samuuel Maffit, - do Henrry Fry, - - do do Half Pay. Georl'ge S. Wise, - (dodo (lo Frankcis A. 'T'hornion, do do Rumliphrey Megrath, do do Edwiiin T. Satterwhite, - do (1o James M. Halsey, do do Half pay. Edwaflr Fitzgerald, - do do ander P. Ilarragh, - do do Edwilin W. Turner, do do Half pay. Roberrt Ormsby, do do Reuberrt H. Nicholls, do do Half pay. Andrew L. Moore, do do, Thomiipson Douglass, do do do Heper Dennison, (tos do do. Johni1R. Shaw, - do do (10. Georg,e Beale, do (d1 do. Ludlo,)w Dashwood, do do do. williaam Henley do do. C'haplains. Garrett Barry, - - *40 Fper month, 2 rations per day, C*20 per month & 3 rations Andreiw Hunter, (10 do per day in addition as DAvid.P. Adams, do do jathematician,the yard 'at this place.&C.' at Saig Masters. M Knight, - - $40 per month, ,2 rations per day, James Trant, - - do do 258 NAVAL AFFAIRS. [1612, EXHIBIT-Continued. - I Nones and Rank. Pay. Rations. Remarks. I _ David Phipps, - $40 per month, 2 rations per day. John Earle, (10 do Half pay. George Farragit, do do James S. Wiliamson, .(o do Bartram G. Hipkins, do do Joshua Herbert, do do Thomas N. Gautier, do do James E. Carr, - do do Half Pay. George S. Sontag, do do do. John Gallager, - (to do Samuel IL. Gerry, do do Half pay. Frederick A. Leonard, do do do. George R. Wright, do do do. Nehemiah Drew, do do John G. Cowell. do do William Harper, (10 do John Mooney, - do (10 John Brown, - do do Edward Jones, - do do Joseph P. Prince, do do Robert Cutchin, do do Lawrence W. Stith, (10 do Jabez Prentis, - (10 do Thomns Watts, - do do John Hurlburt, - do do Jacob Mull, - (10 do John R. Grayson, do do William Lewis, (10 do Pay cease. James P. Oellers, do do John Robertson, do do John S. Hutton, do do do. Edward Barry, do do do. Samuel Richardet, jun. do do Half pay. Robert V. Vanvoorhees, do do Pay cease. Jonathan D. Ferris, do do do. John Percival, do do Half pay. Lewis B. Page, do do Samuel G. Jerauld, do do (10. James Frazer, do do Salvador Catalano, do do George Ulrick, do do Augustus Ford, do do James Rodgers, do do do.
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