Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, March 23, 2006 OUR 116th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 12-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Town Council Agrees To Settle Newpointe Realty Lawsuit By MICHAEL J. POLLACK council concurred that Porto-Johns Newpointe and the town called for 42 Specially Written for The Westfield Leader should be out of the public right of residential units, 50 percent of which WESTFIELD – Before Tuesday’s way. The council again went into would be age-restricted with first floor regular council conference meeting, executive session to discuss the po- working and living units consisting the council conducted a special pub- lice department disciplinary hearing of residential and office space. Also, lic meeting on the Newpointe Realty of Police Officer Gregory Kasko, Newpointe has agreed to develop ei- litigation, which was filed against the which was held Monday. ther off-site or inclusionary afford- town and Ward & O’Donnell Prop- On Newpointe, the council en- able housing units consistent with the erty Development co., Inc. in State dorsed a plan for the town to “vacate town’s obligations under regulations Superior Court in Union County on New Street” for development near proscribed by the Council on Afford- January 25, 2005. the convergence of South and Central able Housing (COAH). Before finalizing and announcing Avenues near the old Westfield MRI Third Ward Councilman Mark their decision on Newpointe, the coun- building, and authorized Mayor Andy Ciarrocca voted against both resolu- cil retired to executive session. In the Skibitsky to sign a settlement agree- tions because of proposed lofts on the subsequent council conference meet- ment with Newpointe Realty. The top of the development. “I see them ing, the council agreed on requiring council voted 6-2 to endorse the new as nothing more than a third bed- all excavation sites to be enclosed Newpointe plan. room. For that very limited reason, I with six-foot chain link fence to be Town Administrator Jim Gildea can’t say I specifically endorse this secured at the end of the day. Also, the said the “compromise” between plan,” he said. Fourth Ward Councilman Jim Foerst, who also voted against the resolutions, said, “There are some Paul J. Peyton for The Westfield Leader changes I would like to see made to RAISING KEAN…Union County Republican Committee Chairman Phil Morin, left, introduces State Senator and U.S. Senate candidate, Tom Kean, Jr. of Westfield, right, as Rep. Mike Ferguson (R-7, New Providence), third from left, and Bill the plan, which are very particular in McClintock of Scotch Plains look on at Saturday’s GOP convention at Westfield High School. detail and too numerous to say in this particular meeting. For various rea- sons, I’m voting no.” Second Ward Councilwoman Jo GOP, Dems Select Candidates Ann Neylan said she respectfully dis- agreed with Councilman Foerst that, “it’s not our job to micromanage. I’m not an architect. The major points of For Senate, Congress, Freeholder the legal protection and the concept By PAUL J. PEYTON ballot this year with Sen. Kean. following month. She also raised the of a controlled-growth policy we are Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times “It is frustrating not to have part- issue of overtime costs, the deaths of advancing as a town are the major WESTFIELD – County Republi- ners on the other side of the capital three detainees at the county’s juve- points that have been met adequately cans and Democrats last week chose who are looking out for New Jersey in nile detention center and Runnells in my opinion.” their candidates for U.S. Senate, Con- the same way that we are on the house Specialized Hospital budget, which Fourth Ward Councilman Tom gress and county freeholder. side of the capital. And I can’t wait to she noted is “running in the red again.” Bigosinski said “my primary concern In an open process, Union County have a Republican…on the other side “Why does it seem that every piece is that from a practical standpoint, Republicans Saturday nominated of the capital fighting for New Jersey of open space that we (the county) FLOCKED…Over the past two months, a group of Westfield 8th-grade students this is a matter I’ve noticed on the State Senator Tom Kean, Jr. of in the U.S. Senate,” Rep. Ferguson acquire we have to build something and their families have been “flocking” the town as a fundraiser for a spring break agenda of the town council for closed Westfield for U.S. Senate and U.S. told convention delegates. on?” she questioned. trip to Greece. Last Sunday afternoon, one of their flocks was removed from the session for a number of years now Congressman Mike Ferguson of New He said the national economy is “As Republicans, we have the op- front yard of a house on Moss Avenue. Anyone who has any information on the and without any end in sight. We need Providence for re-election, represent- strong. He pointed to the stock portunity this year (to win freeholder whereabouts of the missing flock, should contact Tom Pickert at [email protected]. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 ing the seventh district. market’s six-year high and unemploy- seats),” she said. “However with op- Delegates named Mountainside ment under 5 percent. “It’s because of portunity comes responsibility. And Councilman Glenn Mortimer, the tax cuts that we passed in 2001 we have the responsibility to unite Westfield businesswoman Diane and 2003.” because where there is unity there is DWC Concerned About Vacancies Barabas and former Garwood Coun- Rep. Ferguson said he was among power.” cilwoman Patricia Quattrocchi to run Congress members who met at the Mr. Mortimer said he has been frus- for county freeholder. Republicans White House with President Bush trated by working to pass “tight” have not held a freeholder seat since last Wednesday. Rep. Ferguson said municipal budgets in Mountainside In Town; Brick Pavers Proposed 1997. President Bush “is committed to turn- “only to have a large county tax in- By GINA LEVINE-LEVY ing zone which will also be a “drop be composed of “Portland cement In a closed process, county Demo- ing this (the political landscape) crease levied on our residents.” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader off and pick up zone” at night. concrete of natural color to lines and crats announced in a press release around” for the fall congressional “Although we collect these taxes, WESTFIELD —Vacancies in In other news, the board discussed grades approved by the town engi- their support for Robert Menendez of elections. we have no control in where and how downtown Westfield are “higher than changing current language in the neer.” Hudson County for U.S. Senate and In terms of the freeholder race, Ms. they are raised,” he added. He said they’ve been in some time, especially municipal code to require property Board member and property owner State Assemblywoman Linda Stender Quattrocchi questioned the size of county spending is “uncontrolled.” on the retail side,” Sherry Cronin, owners to install brick pavers, instead Dominick Verdic, suggested that if of Fanwood for Congress in the sev- the county budget, $413 million, why As a realtor he said, “Simply put, Executive Director of the Downtown of cement, on their sidewalks. new language is added, it should enth district. the county tax levy has increased 10 higher property taxes have a negative Westfield Corporation (DWC), an- Section 24-27 of the current code, clearly spell out requirements for the The organization also supported percent per year over the past five effect on property values.” nounced at Monday’s DWC meeting. “standards and specifications; “style of pavers, how they’ll be in- the reelection of incumbent freehold- years, why the freeholders gave them- He said county government “needs At Monday night’s board meeting, grades,” requires that new sidewalks CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 ers Al Mirabella of Fanwood, the selves a 5.3 percent raise in Decem- its own version of pay-to-play re- Mrs. Cronin said the DWC economic current board chairman, Patricia ber “and than announced layoffs to form,” charging that county Demo- committee would put a plan in place Scanlon of Union and Chester Holmes lower level county employees” the CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 to help retain business, with the help Two Westfield Teenage of Rahway. of a consultant. At the GOP convention, held in the In other business, the DWC has auditorium at Westfield High School, UC Residents Displeased sprung into spring with several pro- Runaways Return Home the 255 delegates nominated State motions, according to Mrs. Cronin. By MICHAEL J. POLLACK “wild guess,” they made all payments Senator Kean to run for U.S. Senate. The “W Dollar” program allows Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and The Times on the trip in cash. Mr. Kean has served in the state leg- At Rerouting Air Traffic customers to earn one dollar for every WESTFIELD – After five days Upon their safe return, police con- islature for five years, including the By TED RITTER lays and manage anticipated growth $10 they spend at participating stores. missing, two Westfield teenage girls ducted face-to-face interviews with last three in the upper house. Mr. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader in air traffic. Customers can then use their accrued called home from New Orleans, La. the two girls on Friday and Saturday Kean’s 21st legislative district in- SPRINGFIELD —About 100 area The proposed changes would be “W Dollars” towards a purchase.
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