Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1976 Daily Egyptian 1976 6-22-1976 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 22, 1976 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1976 Volume 57, Issue 164 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, June 22, 1976." (Jun 1976). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1976 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1976 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I . • Research continu.es. on STS ~ applications . By LeI CliudUt . ~ • that. must still be i'eview~ for e~?h being processed." One 0 .t&se is that He said the STS bill has been passed Daily Egyptian SUIf Writer apph~t. These are analysIS of stuilent the proportion qf ~plic8!lts eligible f(lr by ~ Illinois Legislature for funding ea~ amount of guar~nteed loans, STS state mafclling funds is much durIng the 19'11-77 academic year. " Assuming everything is processed redu~tJoo of ~ factors- .or those who greater than the number of students " . I . ' . on schedule, students should know the rec~lved spring STS grants and eUgible for only student contributions Whether ~tate ~atcbing money Wlll results of their summer Student-to- regIStration information. he said. ' .be made ava,llab.le 15 now,~pe~t on Student (STS) grant applications by He .said he expects to receive the Gov. Walker s s~ture , he said. July 15, " said Robert Eggertsen, registration informatioa Tuesday. "Hopefully, the students who will be EggeT~en estJ~ated that about counselor at student work and financial Funds available fe:- STS grants working as volunteers on the·STS Grant $255,~ m . matchmg funds . ~ld . be liss\Setasa·nc.' de' tha' t the office has about 700 include $33,706.50 from student Committee will consider an equitable JDade ~valla~le . fO.r particIpating . He contributions ~uring spring semester ~distribution of funding for students schools if the bill 15 SIgned ~Walker. _ applications to process and consider for and $13,133.05 10 a partial matching of under each category. The applicants He said students who did not. ~ly by funding. Award notices will not be . student contrib':ltions fro!"" .the Illinois will again be screened on the basis of April :I) cannot 'be considered for mailed until more information is made .State Scho~rs~p CommISSIOn. need, althoogh approvals or denials will summer STS grants. Applications for - a"\jailable. ~ Eggertsen said "some problems must be made in the numerical order in fall will not be available.JfutiJ after fall ~,.g_g_e_r_tse_n _c_i_ted__ f_ou _r_m_a_i_o_r _a_r_e_as__ be__ re_v_ie_w_ed __ W_hi_ ·I_e_t_he_S_T_S...:g:...rants are which students appli~" he said. semes~er be~ . cegyp(ianVaily Southern Illinois University T\eday. June 22. 1177t>--Vol. 57 . No. 164 .. Peaceful troops move to reopen Beirut airport BEIR UT. Lebanon (AP ) - Hundreds - A shipload of American and other of peacekeeping troops from Syria and evacuees who left Beirut" four days Libya-many holding red roses as after the assassinations was sailing to peace symbols - pulled into Beirut Athens. Greece. on a U.S. Navy ship. airport Monday as the vanguard of a and ex~ted to arrive there Tuesday. new pan-I\rab bid to stop the Lebanese - The State Department said a war. second evacuation of Americans may The 50 1ftI!c:Jcs had hite flags tied to be undertaken if the Lebanese situation the side ~rs . "" deteriorates, Only about a tenth of the The force had orders to reopen the AmericallS> in Beirut chose to go on the "­ airport after 15 days' of total paralysis ship that left Sunday. aDd separate Syrian intervention forces In Damascus, Libyan Premier from their Palestinian guerrilla Abdulsalan Jalloud said he regretted opponents at the mos t danerous that the Libyans in the Arab truce force flashpoinl numbered only" in the tens." But there In other developments: were conflicting reports from witnesses -'--Sec retary of State Henry A. in Lebanon who said they saw Kissinger met in Paris with President " hundreds of Libyans" as well as Valery Giscard d'Estaing on the Syrians in the convoy of Syrian army Lebanese war and said later: ." We trucks marked " Arab Security Force." favor any method that will bring about Damascus radio and Al Baath. the peace in Lebanon" including peace newspaper of the ruling Baath party in talks in Paris involving all factions. Syria. both reported that the vanguard - A Paris newspaper report charged of the peace force would b€ composed the No. 2 man in the Al Fatah guerrilla of one battalion of Syrians and one outfit. Salah Khalaf. planned the battalion of Libyan troops. assassination of two U.S. diplomats in The force was to include Libyans. Beirut last week. Algerians. Saud~s .. Sudanese, Syrians Stop 'n Sl10P In Washington. a State D,epartment and Palestinia.ns. according to a bicyclers stopped at the market decision of ANlh..-League oreign Jack casey selects fresh fruits official. speaking at a funeral for the and ~tables for his wife Jerri Saturday on their 3O-day trip diplomats. Ambassador Francis E. ministers who met in Caire last . eek. from Springfield to Yorktawn,va. About 500 soldiers from the 1.000- and their niece and nephew, Meloy and economic counselor Robert Terry and Mike Hughes, at the (Staff photo' by Daryl D . O. Waring, said their deaths strengthen strong Arab force were seen taking up Littlefield) . p()sitions in and around the war­ Farmer's Market behind the the U.S. committee to finding peace in carbondale Amtrak Station, TIle . Lebanon. battered airport terminal. AISG head cites financial crisis situation . problems at an AISG meeting "aturday . pending in the Illinois Legislature. The current lSU student president By Matt Coulter in the Student Center. Eleven of the presentations were within claims the AJSG owes the money to Daily Egyptian Staff Writer Mary Brady, executive director. said the last six weeks. Wheeler said. ISU . The ISU Student Senate voted to The Association of Illinois Student the AISG "overspent the budget by "AISG has been proven as a force to pay AISG membership dues of $126 for Governments ( AISG ). which receives $800. The problem was not receiving all deal with in Springfield. It guarantees 1976-77. but their nonnal members~p almost $5,000 per year from the SIU-{; the funds we expected to receive. but that congressmen will listen to our fee would be about $2,100, Wheeler saJd. Student Government, is approaching a we did much better in this respect than point of view-they may not agree. but "They cannot pay the full amount, and financial " crisis situation" according to in previous years." they'll listen." do not feel they are obligated to the group's executive director. The AISG is an organization which Wheeler said AISG operates on a because of the loan," Wheeler said. , The group discussed its financial attempts to educate legislc;tors on small budget. and does not " take The matter has been turned over to issues which effect college students. congressmen out to lunch" for lobbyi~ the AISG budget' committee, of which Brady said it will be "a few more purposes. Wheeler is a member. gus years before AJSG will be financially Wheeler said an AFL-{;IO promised He said" lSU could be expelled from . able to maintain an even keel grant of $1,000 to the organization, the association if they. fail to pay full 'Bode throughout the entire year." would clear the $800 deficit. membership! fees . Don W~eeler, Student Government Further budget problems arose at the The Univ~rsity of Illinois (U of 1), a ' e> vice-presIdent, is SIU-C' s voting meeting in a dispute over a $2,000 loan non-voting member of the AJSG, asked rep'resentative in AJSG . from Illinois Stare University (JSU) to for a reduced membership fee because •AJSG devotes most of its time trying AJSG , of special fmancial conditions. to persuade legislators to gi ..·:! careful Wheeler said the loan was made for The U of I representative at the consideration to items pending that . fISCal 1974. meeting said a mandato or have to do with college and university "The loan was to be repaid only if student government is not collected at students," Wheeler explained. AJSG was solvent at the end of the year. the University, and the student govern- Gus says the AISG has come of f!e sa!d the AISq has testified be~ore .Otherwise, it was to be a grant," he ment earns most of its $:?D,OOO budget ~it's operating in the red, leglslatlve commIttees on 15 bIlls said through refrigerator rentals. -Ar,ea center recycles ~ ~~ources, talents ".... tl}em at 4Ie ractory.·· By .--.. A.. 8IaapaII ) The cubes are sold primarily to Dally Egypdu 8talr wrtter Granite City Steel for up to $10 a cube. depending ' 00 whethef- they Resource Reclamation Inc., is an are pure aluminum or steel. all-volunteer non-profit organization Bottles are crushed by an electric which provides both retired and grinder which reduces them to a handicapped persons with a chance gravel-like substance. The pulverized gJass is then poured into lQA~:r~;e ~ ru,:uta~:~:e~: 55 gaUoo drums and shipped to the Obear-N!!Ster g~ ~lant in St ~~l=t!:s !jt~ s~~~~a:ffe~~ Louis. Each ~~~ is worth grades of paper. cans .,00 colored approximately $5.50. glass so they can be packed for High quality paper made from shipmmt to various plants where used products requires up to 60 Per tbey are broken down a nd cent less energy Ito manufacture reprocessed into new products.
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