niimniiim,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, „„„,„„„„ „„„„„„„„,„„„ "OLD GOOSE Acadia Liberals HUNTERS NEVER DIE!" 10c PER COPY present and ex-goose hunt- r» ought to be encourag- Choose Three W by an incident in the THE HANNA HERALD ienna district on opening Authorized as Second Class Matter by the Post Office Department, •J>y of the hunting season. Hills Farmer Ottawa, And for Payment of Postage in Cash y least the story prove* Walter Hourihan "And East Central Alberta News" »t one shouldn't give up Nominated at Meet VOLUME 53 Anting geese just because In Stettler Monday NUMBER 49 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1965 1 of advancing years. Perhaps a better 'moral to the story' Walter Hourihan, a Three is that 'old goose hunters Hills farmer, has been chosen ItlllllllirillllllllMtlllllllllHIIINIIIIIIItlllMllllillllllHIIIIItlllllMlllltll 1965 FASTBALL CHAMPS never die . they just keep Liberal candidate for the Ac­ CATTLE SALE Voting For banging away! Jim D'Arcy, adia riding. DATE SET BACK age 83 years is the princip­ Liberals previously had nomi­ al in the story. Jimmy was nated Crawford Ferguson of Due to the backward fall staying the night with Jack Trochu as their candidate but weather, the date for the Councillors Nottell, when Jack's town ie withdrew. first cattle sale of the sea­ hunting partner, Earl Lam­ Besides Mr. Hourihan, two son at the Hanna Round son called at about 4 a.m. ither persons — garageman Up Grounds has been set Wed.r October 13 opening day. Arousing the lordon Burton Smith of Trochu back from Saturday, Octob­ D. McCallum, Ed. Nill two from their sJumbfr.-, ind A. E. Prudhomme, a Lou- er 2 to Saturday, October And M. Etheridge Earl learned that "Lean >anna merchant — were nomi­ 16. Many of the regular John'' was unable to go a- nated at the Stettler meeting consigners who usually con­ Contest 2 Seats long, but that "young Jim" jut withdrew their names in tribute to the early sales ei­ Civic election day, Wednesday, wouldn't mind and he need­ favor of Mr. Hourihan. ther have their cattle on October 13 will see three local ed no prodding to "hit the Candidate already nominated the range and wish to util­ men aspiring to the two vacan­ deck" and get into his hunt­ in Acadia are incumbent Con ize the stubble before send­ cies of Town Council. Seeking ing clothes. With the enthu­ •servative MP Jack Horner of ing them to market, or have re- election are Councillors Don siasm of a youngster Jim­ Pollockville and Social Credit found the side roads too McCallum and Ed. Nill, while my grabbed his trusty dou­ candidate Art Wiebe, an insur muddy to plan a delivery the third candidate is Mike ble barrel, jumped into the ince representative. for this week end. The Han­ na sales will open "with a Etheridge, who is "throwing his Lamson station wagon and Mr. Hourihan previously was hat in the ring" in local govern­ was away to the stubble Liberal candidate in the riding bang" on Saturday, Octob­ er 16 at 1 p.m. ment circles for the first time. field. Daylight found him in 1962 and 1963. He received This will be the only town ad­ crouched in his pit as he 2,150 votes in 1962 to Mr. Hor­ ministration department in eagerly waited for the first ner's 8,400 and a year later, which an election will be held flock to arrive. The initial polled 1,995 to Mr. Horner's 10,- Band Practices as School Board members Thos. salvo from Jim's gun drop­ 600. Scott and Jack Beeston were re­ ped a nice fat gander, and Guest speaker at the nominat­ Start At Oyen turned by acclamation. the day for him was "made" ing meeting was Calgary lawyer Mike Etheridge is well known j . and howl He waited out Edward McCormick. Also pres­ Following several weeks of in Hanna, having been in the Ne entire shoot, and help- ent was Cameron Milliken, party organization, the first practice employ of the PFRA for sever­ "d fill in the pits and get organizer for the Calgary area. of the Oyen and district band al years, and expresses a keen /ready for the return home. will be held in the Oyen public interest in civic affairs. His parting shot when he The Hanna G-A Girl Guides school gym on October 1. Mr. Voting will take place in the bid farewell to his hunting will meet on Monday evenings Art Dee, bandmaster from Cal­ Memorial Hall this year instead partner was: "Next time at 7.30 p.m. in the Anglican gary will be present for the of the Town Office, due to a you're after geese, give me Parish Hall. All girls between first practice and will also be change in regulations govern­ a call, I'll be ready . and the ages of 11 and 17 years are available for information on ing civic elections. It is now you won't have to prod me cordially invited to join the membership and other details. necessary to set up six polling outta the hay!" Company. The Leader is (Capt.) The session commences at 4 p.m booths and there is insufficient The Hanna Kinsmen Club after a hard tustle with the Hudson Bay Oilers captured the championship of theHanna- Mrs. Muriel Legge. and will continue until 6 o'clock. space in the Town Office for Bullpound Fastball League and are thus holders of the Seymour Hotel trophy for the ensuing year. The •fjold and this purpose. Town secretary S. blue champs are top row, left to right, Frank Berke, John Mueller, Walt Smigg, Herb Nill, Clitf Pilkey, J. Kaster, F. Wright will act as returning Ralph Smale and Dick Tatarniuk; front row left to right, Jerry Beach, Ted Morris, Fred Ambruster, Craig Berke (bat officer, and with assistants will boy), Wayne Finnerty, Norm Slemp and Bliss Campbell. preside over the poll from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Weather Clobbers Land Levelled Bridge Crew For New Ice Replacing Old First Annual Fall Hunters & Farmers Arena at Cereal Expect Actual Harvesting equipment is again dormant this week, C.N.R. Structure Construction To Special Areas And ol lowing a snow storm last Saturday and Sunday which Start In 2 Weeks Fair November 6 •tumped from four to five inches of the "white stuff" over High School Dept. Highways On wide area centering on Hanna. Friday Sept. 24 saw Nearby Program A covered arena in Cereal The Hanna and District Agricultural Society announ- I McFall, A. Spencer, A. John- tony farmers resuming combining, but towards evening this winter, came a step closer ces their First Annual Fall Fair to be held November 6th son, A. J. Rasmussen, C. Bd- A bridge crew from the De­ P K y J n s 1 to reality when land was levell­ from 1 - 7 p.m. at the Legion Hall in Hanna. Convenor |*^'_ T f"^- jJj f 1| 'n !- he favorable weather changed suddenly and an abrupt Sports Assembly partment of Highways is now at ed recently and the site, west of Gordon, J. MacDonald, J. P. Bu­ {alt resulted of the Fair is W. L Storch who will be assisted by Messrs. work replacing the old bridge the community prepared for K. Gordon, W. McFalls, Mesdames E. Rust, N. Alspach, shell, C. Viste and B. Hutchison. The tenth annual Sports Ass­ over the CNR dam south of Interest is at a high level. A _.s result of the snow and rain general construction. R. Rehill, W. Storch, convenors of the various sections. It embly of the Hanna High School town. While the work is going .Depending on weather con good show is promised. Every­ filled the auditorium on Friday on, traffic has been barred from <_ttions, actual work on the ar- is expected 104 classes in the above sections will be en­ one should enjoy the display J a re 4M*II afternoon last. J. C. Charyk, No. 9 highway leading north and ena will start in about two tered. Cash prizes will be paid in the open sections. The Which is open to the public _d wit¥' turn to better and Others will be recognized by ribbons of merit. inner weather the first ol this high school principal, opened also south from town. The new weeks time. The project which without charge, fi the program by saying that a bridge will be of the latest pre­ is part of a community centre Agricultural Fairs usually em-1 essary personal attention to gde n.zoornt .lr'Fa hJ$etr a •eek, farmers are hopeful that cast concrete design, and at the i return of favorable condition: o Head student who excels in sports al­ is under the auspices of the Cer­ brace many more classes than | what they may have on exhibi- so excels in academic work. rate of progress should be in eal and District Athletic Assoc­ will be shown this year, howev tion and at the close of the fair will ensue, and that operation, place soon. may be completed before freeze- Mr. Charyk said a student iation, with funds coming from er unavoidable delays prevent­ take charge of same. The Fair up. Band Executive should have a healthy body, a The Special Areas is also re­ grants, private donations and ed a show when the flowers Committee will endeavor to pre­ Legion Meeting healthy mind and spiritual val­ building the road south to Num­ various schemes designed by and similar classes were avail­ vent loss or damage to all exhib­ Hunters Rapped Too Salvation Army ber 9 Highway, and has includ­ Group To Give ues.
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