Burma / Myanmar Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner Bibliographic description CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C. Cabaud, Marie-Christine Grant , Colesworthey Glossaire multilingue du vocabulaire historique : Français- Birman, Birman-Français, Français-Cambodgien, Cambod- C., R. L. gien-Français, Français-Lao, Lao-Français, Français-Népali, Calogreedy , R. L. Népali-Français, Français-Siamois, Siamois-Français / sous la dir. de Marie-Christine Cabaud. – Paris: INALCO, 1998. C.B.I. 295 p. – (Langues-Inalco) United States / Armed Forces / China, Burma and In- ISBN 2-911053-42-7 dia F: Paris-CIUP C.B.M.S. Cabrera , Luciano Hernández Conference of British Missionary Societies Rapport de la mission en Birmanie Tisinger , Richard M. C.B.S Northern Illinois University < DeKalb, Illus. > / Center Caccia , Ivan for Burma Studies Birmanie une bibliographie : documentation disponible au Centre de documentation du Centre international des droits C.G.H. de la personne et du développement démocratique / préparée Civil General Hospital < Rangoon > par Ivana Caccia = Burma : a bibliography : material availa- ble at the Documentation Centre of the International Centre C.H.R.O. for Human Rights and Democratic Development / comp. by Chin Human Rights Organization Ivana Caccia. − Montréal, Québec : International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, 1995. 43 p. – C.J.L. Mai/May 1995 Among the lions : a story of mission work in Burmah / by C. Subject(s): International Centre for Human Rights and De- J. L. – [London :] London Gospel Tract Depot, [1901]. IV, mocratic Development : Bibliography 172 p., [8] l. of plates. Burma : Bibliography Subject(s): Judson , Adoniram <1788-1850> Judson , Ann Hasseltine <1789-1826> ditto. Microform. – Leiden: IDC, [2000]. 1 microfiche. – GB: BL(04412 de 7) (Human rights documents : General focus ; 4208, doc. 65) BL-APAC(T 42152)* US: CSdUu-Legal Res. Ctr. SG: RUBC(266.61092 CJL) US: CU(Kroch BV3271 J93A52) Cachari ... reader. – Shillong: Assam Secretariat Print. Off. YU(Divinity, Day Missions Room MU14 J921 XL1a) First reader. – 1904. 13 p. Second reader. – 1904. 173 p. C.N.C.E. GB: SOAS(Pam Indo-Chinese-Langs. B/38.768)* Centre National du Commerce Extérieur < Paris > Cady, John Frank <b. 1901> C.P.D.S.K. Contacts with Burma, 1935-1949 : a personal account / John Christian Participation in the Development of Shan, F. Cady. – Athens, Ohio: Ohio Univ., Center for Interna- Kayah and Karen State Communities tional Studies, Southeast Asia Program, 1983. IX, 117 p., bibliogr. p. 109-110. – (Papers in international studies : C.R.D.B. Southeast Asia series ; 61) Committee for Restoration of Democracy in Burma ISBN 0-89680-114-4 Herbert 306 Cabaton , Antoine <b. 1863> Subject(s): Cady, John Frank <b. 1901> : Biography Catalogue sommaire des manuscrits indiens, indo-chinois et Burma :Study and teaching ; malayo-polynésiens Biography – Historians, American Bibliothèque Nationale < Paris > / Departement des AU:ANU(Menzies large book DS528.43.C25.A32) Manuscrits D: B-SBB(4° Ser.13688-61 Potsdamer Str.) C 1 Burma Bibliographical Project Siegfried M. Schwertner M-BSB(4 Z 74.301-61/62) SOAS(GB 945/157.825) ULL(OHNQ Cad) PA-UB(00+55/RR 51977 C126) J: TYB(XII-25-E-34) HD-SAI(322 päd 86/49)* US: IaU *RR-BGD) F: BDIC(Q col 954/61) NIU(SEA DS485.B86 C2 1960) GB: BL(YA 1986 b 247) UCLA(YRL DS485 B86C11 1960) BL-APAC(W 7075) BL-DSS(6396.93 no.61) ditto. 3rd print. [With suppl.: The swing of the pendulum.] – SAS((591):327 ; (5-12):308 Box Ohio) Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell Univ. Pr., 1965. XIII, 682, 34 p., map, SOAS(L GB945.092/534.348)* gloss., index, bibliogr. p. 651-666. SG: ISEAS(DS503 O37 no.61) D: B-SBB(357133 Potsdamer Str.) KN-UB(gsn 764/c12) NUS(DS501 Op 61) GB: SOAS(GB 945/305.449 ; 339.821*) US: CU(Kroch DS501 O37 no.61+) NL: IK(IVf 46) NNC(Lehman DS503.4 .P3 no.61) US: LC(DS485.B86C2 1965) LC & NIU(SEA) & OAU(Alden SE Asia) & UCB(Main UCB(Main DS485 B86C23) & S-S/Easia) & UCI(Main) & UCR(Rivera ) & UCLA(YRL DS485.B86 C 11 1960) UCSC(McHenry) & WU(Memorial Lib.) & YU(SML +) UCSD(SSH DS485.B86 C2) : DS528.43.C25 A32 YU(CCL, Stacks DS485 B86 C33) UCD(Shields DS503.4 .P36 no.61) UCLA(YRL DS501 P197 no.61) ditto. 4th print. – ibd., 1969. XIII, 682, 34 p. UCSD(SSH DS501 .P3 v.61 Stacks) D: BI-UB(IQ170&GV00 C126(128)) UCSB(Main Lib DS503.4 .P36 no.61) US: UCR(Rivera DS485.B81 C3) Ref.: OCLC 8109848 ditto. 5th print. – ibd., 1978. XIII, 682, 34 p., index, bibliogr. The development of self-rule and independence in ISBN 0-8014-0059-7 Burma, Malaya and the Philippines D: H-NLB(90/118) TR-UB(BH/sn 26500(39)) A history of modern Burma / by John F. Cady. 1st publ. – F: Caen-BU Droit Lettres(191696) Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Univ. Pr., 1958. XIII, 682 p., map, US: ICNE(Stacks DS485B86 C21965) gloss., index, bibliogr. p. 651-666. WIU(Book Stacks DS485.B86 C2) Herbert 145 Subject(s): Burma : History The history of post-war Southeast Asia : independence prob- AU:ANU(Menzies DS485.B86C2 ; Hope Store Bliss ONV lems / John F. Cady. – Athens, Ohio: Ohio Univ. Pr., 1974. C126) XXII, 720 p., index, bibliogr. p. 700-707. NLA(959.1 CAD) ISBN 0-8214-0160-2 (cloth) ; 0-8214-0175-0 (pbk.) D: B-SBB(13 V 29 U.d.L. ; 56 038 Potsdamer Str.) p. 33-58: Independence problems in Burma, Indonesia KI-ZBW GÖ-SUB(58 A 3235) and Vietnam PA-UB(55/RR 51977 C126 (55)) p.194-234: Independent Burma, 1951-62 : governmental HD-SAI(320 his 62/762)* and economic problems GB: BL(09057 dd 43 ; 2091 bb) p. 470-510: Burma under military socialist rule BL-APAC(V 13865) Subject(s): Burma : History COL(DS 86) AU:ANU(Menzies DS518.1C23) CUL(632:2.c.95.21) GB: BL(X 809/43232) FOL(LD 965/27.033) US: CU(Kroch DS518.1 C12) SOAS(GB 945/119.430 ; 157.825 ; 305.449 ; 339.821) LC & UCD(Shields) & UCI(Langson) UCR(Rivera) & J: HRD HTK KKT KYB KYU MKK NSK UCSD(SSH) & UCSB & UCSC(McHenry) : DS518.1 OSK RKD TGD TNR TOB TOS TOT .C23 NL: KB KITLV(M rr 1538) UC(NRLF) & UCB & : DS518.1 .C231) SG: ISEAS(DS530.6 C12) NUS(DS530.6 Cad) TH: CU(CL 959.1 C126H) ditto. 2nd print. – ibd., 1975. XXII, 720 p., index, bibliogr. p. US: CU(Kroch & Uris : DS485.B86 C12) 700-707. − ISBN 0-8214-0160-2 ; 0-8214-0175-0 (pbk.) LC & UCI(Langson) : DS485.B86 C2 D: HD-SAI(300 his 77/332)* NYPL(Research E-10 5839 ; *RR-BGD) UCD UCI(Langson DS485.B86 C2) ditto. 3rd print. – ibd., 1978. XXII, 720 p., index, bibliogr. p. UCSB(DS485.B81 C3) UCSC UCSD 700-707. YU(Bj35H 958C) ISBN 0-8214-0160-2 ; 0-8214-0175-4 (pbk.) ditto. 4th print. – ibd., 1980. XXII, 720 p., index, bibliogr. p. ditto . 2nd pr. [With suppl.: The swing of the pendulum.] – 700-707. – ISBN 0-8214-0160-2 ; 0-8214-0175-4 (pbk.) ibd., 1960. XIII, 682, 34 p., map, gloss., index, bibliogr. p. GB: SAS((59):091)* 651-666. D: HD-SAI(320 his 62/762a)* Japanese administration of Burma GB: Aberdeen(Queen Mother Libr x9(592) Cad) BL-DSS(X25/0911) CUL(632:2.c.95.21) Political institutions of old Burma / by John F. Cady. – LSE(BLPES DS530 C12) Ithaca, N.Y., 1954. 6 l. – (Data paper / Southeast Asia Pro- OUL(BOD L Floor 24624 d.12 503915082) gram, Dept. of Far Eastern Studies, Cornell Univ.; 12) – SAdS(ICS DS558 CAD) [Mimeogr.] SAS((591):091)* HRAF(AP 1-15) C 2 Bibliographical description C Subject(s): Burma : Constitutional history HU(Widener Ind 8319.66.5) AU:ANU(Menzies lge pamph JQ442.C3) LC & NIU(SEA) & UC(SRLF) & UCB(S-S/EAsia) & D: B-SBB(4° 27181 Potsdamer Str. NfLS) UCD(Shields) & UCI(Langson) & UCSB & HD-SAI(reg 60 D 104 Kp)* UCSD(SSH & WU(Memorial Lib.) : DS509.3 .C3 MY: BAI NNC(Offsite DS509.3 .C11) UC(NRLF) SG: ISEAS(JQ442 C12 ; Mfm 901) UCLA(YRL DS509.3 C115t) NUS(JQ442 Cad) UCR(Rivera DS509.3 .C34) US: CU(Kroch & Uris : DS485 B88C12+ ; Annex Film UCSC(McHenry DS511.C28) N486 ; Olin Ref. Microfiche 887) YU(SML & Kline , Anthropology : DS509.3 C33) LC(JQ442 1954.C3) Ref.: OCLC00411358 NIU(Main Stacks-FML JQ4421954 .C3) NYPL(Research M-10 1061,no.12) PU The United States and Burma / John F. Cady. – Cambridge, UC(NRLF JQ442 1954 .C3) Mass. ; London : Harvard Univ. Pr., 1976. VIII, 303 p., 5 UCLA(YRL DS503 .C81 mo.12) maps, index, gloss., bibliogr. p. [285]-295. – (The American UCSC(DS503.4 .C67D3 no.12) foreign policy library) YU(SML DS501 C6 12+) ISBN 0-674-92320-0 Subject(s): Burma : History ; Relations - United States The problem of law and order in Burma under British United States : Relations - Burma administration AU:ANU(Menzies DS528.5.C3 1976) D: B-SBB(365 804 Potsdamer Str.) Southeast Asia : its historical development / John F. Cady. – KN-UB(gsa 904/c12a) New York ; San Francisco ; Toronto ; London : McGraw- GÖ-SUB(77 A 8447) Hill, 1964. XIII, 657 p., maps, index, bibliogr. p. 617-630. PA-UB(55/RR 51983 C126) p. 111-130: Pagan Burma : development and decline F: BNF(8° G.15945(25)) p. 172-199: The sixteenth-century Portuguese intrusion, BDIC(O 183.459) Toungoo Burma and Siam GB: BL(WP 1022/37) BL-DSS(76/43800) p. 285-302: Burma’s Konbaung dynasty BL-APAC(V 20046) p.
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